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Muni / Small Claims Court - Attorneys Fees?/ Evidence?

bros I got what appears to be an open and shut contract case...
bistre weed whacker
bistre weed whacker

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Date: October 29th, 2014 5:44 PM
Author: bistre weed whacker

bros I got what appears to be an open and shut contract case - assuming that emails are admissible(?). $5k contract, dude didn't due what he was suppose to, and took escrow money for himself. If my guy wins, can the other guy be responsible for attorney fees?

I was going to charge my guy $500 cause I did something for him for and this would be my first small claims case, but can I draw the fee agreement up for $750 if the judge allows for fees? thx bros


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Date: October 29th, 2014 9:24 PM
Author: bistre weed whacker
