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Milwaukee police chief destroys race-baiting libs in pithy scree

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7MAO7McNKE http://fox6now...
Racy Pungent Friendly Grandma
thriller garrison toaster

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Date: November 27th, 2014 7:27 PM
Author: Racy Pungent Friendly Grandma



"80 percent of my homicide victims every year are African-American. They know all about the last three people who have been killed by the Milwaukee Police Department over the last several years, but the there’s not one of them who can name one of the last three homicide victims we’ve had in this city," Chief Flynn said.


Flynn said most Milwaukee residents are interested in working with police to combat violence. He suggested its typically out-of-towners and "hipsters" who fail to heed requests from the victim's family and from police to keep protests peaceful and respectful.


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Date: November 27th, 2014 7:28 PM
Author: thriller garrison toaster

