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What's going on at Quinn Emanuel?!!!

completely anecdotal, but just did a run through linkedin pr...
Lavender mind-boggling immigrant school cafeteria
sounds like there is an in-demand job market for experienced...
Azure police squad boltzmann
and claim chart monkeys
Purple bawdyhouse filthpig
Claim chart monkeys Excel monkeys Monkey this, monkey that...
marvelous old irish cottage location
Apple/Samsung is over and Rockstar/Google settled.
Purple bawdyhouse filthpig
They are here to stay. Great place to work, full of sterling...
cocky generalized bond
lol, they aren't on the NALP directory anymore
Lavender mind-boggling immigrant school cafeteria
just quinn bein' quinn
translucent national

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Date: July 25th, 2015 11:54 PM
Author: Lavender mind-boggling immigrant school cafeteria

completely anecdotal, but just did a run through linkedin profiles...counted at least 7-8 associates + 2 partners who left Quinn SF/SV offices since late 2014 and who were doing patent lit at Quinn (a few junior associates have non-tech backgrounds and are now doing general lit or corp at their new firms)...my firm just hired one of them


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Date: July 25th, 2015 11:54 PM
Author: Azure police squad boltzmann

sounds like there is an in-demand job market for experienced trial lawyers


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Date: July 25th, 2015 11:55 PM
Author: Purple bawdyhouse filthpig

and claim chart monkeys


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Date: July 27th, 2015 10:15 PM
Author: marvelous old irish cottage location

Claim chart monkeys

Excel monkeys

Monkey this, monkey that...

SERIOUS QUESTION: What modern-era desk job does NOT involve being a glorified monkey? ALL JOBS SUCK NOW, BRO.


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Date: July 25th, 2015 11:55 PM
Author: Purple bawdyhouse filthpig

Apple/Samsung is over and Rockstar/Google settled.


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Date: July 25th, 2015 11:55 PM
Author: cocky generalized bond

They are here to stay. Great place to work, full of sterling associates and powerhouse partners who combine rainmaking personalities with acute legal acumen.


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Date: July 25th, 2015 11:58 PM
Author: Lavender mind-boggling immigrant school cafeteria

lol, they aren't on the NALP directory anymore


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Date: July 25th, 2015 11:59 PM
Author: translucent national

just quinn bein' quinn
