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Is 650 sq ft too small for a couple?

living room is 11x16.5
Soul-stirring Laser Beams
It's not even big enough for one person.
Naked Rebellious Hospital Generalized Bond
sapphire jap forum
hilarious carnelian pit
Depends. How bad and smelly are your farts and how many wind...
sepia mad-dog skullcap ladyboy
i'm a big farter. she's never farted in front of me. corn...
Soul-stirring Laser Beams
I think it depends on the couple. I think my wife and I coul...
underhanded mildly autistic electric furnace
we're both a fairly introverted and need time to ourselves. ...
Soul-stirring Laser Beams
Yeah bro I was considering buying as much land as I could af...
underhanded mildly autistic electric furnace
it would also depend on the public spaces nearby
duck-like provocative home
My gf/wife and I lived in 550 sq feet for 8 years. It was ok...
violet nubile location
we dont have that much stuff and closets are okay. the issue...
Soul-stirring Laser Beams
Depends how it's laid out. We lived in a place that size bu...
vengeful nowag
it's doable, but it really, really limits what you can do in...
Crawly parlor
thanks for this scholarship.
Soul-stirring Laser Beams
You need your own private poasting area away from her. Your...
Misanthropic trailer park becky
Soul-stirring Laser Beams
I lived in 375 sq ft. with my GF and it was fine.
Bright free-loading partner
low T?
Soul-stirring Laser Beams
We were in love bro. I wanted her around (not to mention the...
Bright free-loading partner

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Date: July 27th, 2016 3:04 AM
Author: Soul-stirring Laser Beams

living room is 11x16.5


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Date: July 27th, 2016 3:06 AM
Author: Naked Rebellious Hospital Generalized Bond

It's not even big enough for one person.


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Date: July 27th, 2016 3:08 AM
Author: sapphire jap forum


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Date: July 28th, 2016 6:12 PM
Author: hilarious carnelian pit


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Date: July 27th, 2016 3:14 AM
Author: sepia mad-dog skullcap ladyboy

Depends. How bad and smelly are your farts and how many windows?


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Date: July 27th, 2016 3:15 AM
Author: Soul-stirring Laser Beams

i'm a big farter. she's never farted in front of me.

corner unit w a balcony. so 2 windows.


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Date: July 27th, 2016 3:18 AM
Author: underhanded mildly autistic electric furnace

I think it depends on the couple. I think my wife and I could do it but we'd need land and shit so I'd be able to get away whenever I wanted.


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Date: July 27th, 2016 3:20 AM
Author: Soul-stirring Laser Beams

we're both a fairly introverted and need time to ourselves. the problem is you cant really have one of us on a couch and the other at the dining table across the room.


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Date: July 27th, 2016 3:27 AM
Author: underhanded mildly autistic electric furnace

Yeah bro I was considering buying as much land as I could afford and then living in an RV while I built a house. Living in a condo with no end in sight sounds like a plan for disaster if you're both introverts.


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Date: July 27th, 2016 6:11 AM
Author: duck-like provocative home

it would also depend on the public spaces nearby


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Date: July 27th, 2016 6:16 AM
Author: violet nubile location

My gf/wife and I lived in 550 sq feet for 8 years. It was ok but you need to be ok with not owning too much stuff.


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Date: July 27th, 2016 12:06 PM
Author: Soul-stirring Laser Beams

we dont have that much stuff and closets are okay. the issue is us being on top of each other.


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Date: July 27th, 2016 12:07 PM
Author: vengeful nowag

Depends how it's laid out. We lived in a place that size but it had bedroom, living room, and eat-in kitchen with table so there were 3 places you could be.


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Date: July 27th, 2016 12:11 PM
Author: Crawly parlor

it's doable, but it really, really limits what you can do in your apt.

you have to really cut back on the amount of stuff you have, which is okay for a certain period of time, but after a while it would grate on me. like, how do you store christmas decorations? where do you keep your golf clubs if you play? it's not that you can't store any individual item, but rather you really need to pick and choose what you can and can't keep. if this is an apartment for a long time that would be problematic.

the two of your will ALWAYS be together in what is your one common room. that gets old, and is one of the reasons why i hate the trend for nyc apartments to be open concept and have one great room.

finally, it's hard to have parties or people over for dinner at your apartment, which are things you like to do as you get older. and forget about having holidays or anything like that.

if this is just a short-term thing then it's totally fine, but i'd want to be in a fun neighborhood if my apartment were that small.


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Date: July 28th, 2016 1:04 AM
Author: Soul-stirring Laser Beams

thanks for this scholarship.


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Date: July 27th, 2016 12:23 PM
Author: Misanthropic trailer park becky

You need your own private poasting area away from her. Your GF might need to go over to Chad's house when you are megapoasting.


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Date: July 28th, 2016 6:11 PM
Author: Soul-stirring Laser Beams


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Date: July 28th, 2016 8:28 PM
Author: Bright free-loading partner

I lived in 375 sq ft. with my GF and it was fine.


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Date: July 28th, 2016 9:18 PM
Author: Soul-stirring Laser Beams

low T?


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Date: July 28th, 2016 9:38 PM
Author: Bright free-loading partner

We were in love bro. I wanted her around (not to mention the $$$ saved).

We had the advantage of almost never fighting and being around a lot of places where each of us could get some space if need be.
