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can someone post a pic of Jill H. from NYU?

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jesus, what a walking cliche.
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Dood, you know her?
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Jill Filipovic [add to friends] Member Since: April 5, 20...
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Wants to learn about girl, but is social outcast, so have to...
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Exhilarant cruel-hearted gas station love of her life
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That's what I'm wondering.
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Wow, it's been a while since I've been exposed to the stupid...
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then what was D going on about?
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She's not bad looking. But some people here were making it ...
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That is what pro-choice looks like? Geez, I've now been pus...
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No way dood. Why do you claim she's over 200 pounds?
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Doodness, you know her?
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How were you able to access her facebook profile?
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she's pretty cute, actually. Especially for a feminist.
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Poast new message in this thread

Date: January 2nd, 2006 4:04 PM
Author: Exhilarant cruel-hearted gas station love of her life



Date: January 2nd, 2006 4:10 PM
Author: onyx autistic site personal credit line


Date: January 2nd, 2006 4:35 PM
Author: Domesticated Legal Warrant Chapel

jesus, what a walking cliche.


Date: January 2nd, 2006 4:57 PM
Author: diverse bawdyhouse circlehead

Dood, you know her?


Date: January 2nd, 2006 7:17 PM
Author: diverse bawdyhouse circlehead

Jill Filipovic [add to friends]

Member Since: April 5, 2004

Last Update: December 29, 2005

Basic Info

Geography: New York, NY

School: NYU '08

Status: Grad Student

Sex: Female

Concentration: Grad: School of Law

Birthday: 08/03/1983

Home Town: seattle, WA

High School: Shorewood High School '01

Contact Info

School Email:

AIM Screenname: JillNic83

Websites: http://feministe.us/blog


Personal Info

Interested In: Men

Relationship Status: Single

Political Views: Liberal

Interests: feminism, reproductive rights, politics, fiction, my dog, spooning, spicy food, writing, patriarchy-blaming, hating on the new york times but reading it every day, traveling, civil liberties, social justice, sleepovers, grande sugar-free vanilla extra-hot no-water chai, blogging obsessively, the new yorker, sunsets and oceans, italy (but not people who think it's ok to say firenze), frivolous lingerie, red wine, sushi

Favorite Music: bob dylan, elvis costello, ani difranco, van morrison, tom petty, rolling stones, mos def, talib kweli, john legend, maxwell, michael, janet, tribe, ben harper, beth orton, elliot smith, portishead, ray lamontagne, tracy chapman

Favorite TV Shows: law & order SVU, the west wing, golden girls, c-span

Favorite Movies: The Siege at Ruby Ridge, Little Girls in Pretty Boxes, Death of a Cheerleader (all aired on Lifetime). Closer, Love Actually, Stepmom, L.I.E., La Vita 'e Bella, Ronin, Pane e Tulipani

Favorite Books: skinny legs and all (and all tom robbins books), AHWOSG (but only when i'm feeling cliche), dorothy parker short stories, the bell jar, zami: a new spelling of my name, anything by david sedaris, backlash, interpretor of the maladies, a confederacy of dunces, the joys of motherhood, black lamb and grey falcon, midnight's children, the namesake, everything is illuminated, white noise, the new york trilogy

Favorite Quote: "Was she simply too shallow to suffer indefinitely, or was she too wise to become attached to her suffering, too feisty to permit it to rule her life? She voted for wise and feisty, and walked on, kicking leaves."

-Tom Robbins

"I have had something to prove

As long as I know something

That needs improvement

And you know that everytime I move

I make a woman's movement."

-Ani Difranco

About Me: tax-hiking, government-expanding, latte-drinking, sushi-eating, Volvo-driving, New York Times-reading, Hollywood-loving, left-wing freak show.

Like my shirt? Check out other designs by Kate Goldwater: http://homepages.nyu.edu/~kgc217/


Jill has 5 Albums.

Voices for Choice

Updated November 21NYC Fall '05

Updated November 18[ see all ]Groups

College Democrats • Hayden `01-`02 • Voices For Choice • Non-NYU Dude: "Have you chilled with Derrida yet?!" YOU: "FUCK NO!" • Students For the Secession of the Northeast and West Coast • Seattle, what what? • Feminists Alive and Kicking Ass • Nyu Bloggers • Future Winos of America • NYU Paul Auster fans • Washington State - It*s How We Do. [p.s. I Miss Mt. Rainier] • Ipods Blow and Fuck the Da Vinci Code • I Always Fall for the Wrong Guy. (Sigh). Why? • Les Belles Dames Sans Regrets • Gay Marriage Killed the Dinosaurs (nyu Chapter) • Wait...when Did anderson Cooper Get So Fuckable? • The Roosevelt Institution • Naked Pics of Jeff Kanter! ...streaking Down ave. a! • Kolby Loft is the Biggest ASSHOLE I´ve Ever Met in My Entire Life

[ see all ]


Date: January 2nd, 2006 4:53 PM
Author: provocative ruddy range persian

Wants to learn about girl, but is social outcast, so have to stalk her on internet.


Date: January 2nd, 2006 4:08 PM
Author: Exhilarant cruel-hearted gas station love of her life



Date: January 2nd, 2006 4:10 PM
Author: onyx autistic site personal credit line


Date: January 2nd, 2006 4:12 PM
Author: Exhilarant cruel-hearted gas station love of her life

that's her? what's the big deal?


Date: January 2nd, 2006 4:12 PM
Author: onyx autistic site personal credit line



Date: January 2nd, 2006 4:24 PM
Author: Rose Glittery Abode Headpube

That's what I'm wondering.


Date: January 2nd, 2006 4:28 PM
Author: mildly autistic narrow-minded depressive

it's cause she blogged about us


edit: scratch that, it was jill f, not jill h


Date: January 2nd, 2006 4:31 PM
Author: white very tactful stag film puppy

"it can be a big conflict for feminists like me who believe in the ideals, but who still use make-up and wear high heels and go on stupid diets and otherwise conform to various facets of the beauty myth."

It's closer to the beauty fact. When preferences persist across culture and time and they can be shown to have biological roots, it's not much of a myth any longer.


Date: January 2nd, 2006 4:35 PM
Author: metal plaza fat ankles

Wow, it's been a while since I've been exposed to the stupidity of feminism. I thought evolution had run its course and eliminated them for lack of ability to reproduce. Are bitches like her common at NYU?


Date: January 2nd, 2006 4:10 PM
Author: onyx autistic site personal credit line



Date: May 1st, 2007 11:25 AM
Author: Fragrant mediation haunted graveyard



Date: January 2nd, 2006 4:12 PM
Author: onyx autistic site personal credit line


Date: January 2nd, 2006 4:13 PM
Author: Exhilarant cruel-hearted gas station love of her life

then what was D going on about?


Date: January 2nd, 2006 4:15 PM
Author: onyx autistic site personal credit line


Date: January 2nd, 2006 4:32 PM
Author: white very tactful stag film puppy

She's not bad looking. But some people here were making it sound as though a super model got lost on the way to a fashion shoot and decided to enroll in law school instead.


Date: January 2nd, 2006 4:48 PM
Author: onyx autistic site personal credit line

dood she weighs more than me


Date: January 2nd, 2006 5:00 PM
Author: Exciting home dopamine

Wow, you're an asshole.


Date: January 2nd, 2006 4:12 PM
Author: onyx autistic site personal credit line


Date: January 2nd, 2006 4:15 PM
Author: Curious canary school cafeteria

the more I see, the less I like


Date: January 2nd, 2006 4:16 PM
Author: Yellow Mind-boggling Locale

That is what pro-choice looks like? Geez, I've now been pushed from undecided to pro-life.


Date: January 2nd, 2006 4:56 PM
Author: spectacular tanning salon athletic conference



Date: January 2nd, 2006 7:19 PM
Author: diverse bawdyhouse circlehead

No way dood. Why do you claim she's over 200 pounds?


Date: January 2nd, 2006 4:58 PM
Author: diverse bawdyhouse circlehead

Doodness, you know her?


Date: January 2nd, 2006 5:01 PM
Author: onyx autistic site personal credit line

what do you mean?


Date: January 2nd, 2006 7:18 PM
Author: diverse bawdyhouse circlehead

How were you able to access her facebook profile?


Date: January 2nd, 2006 7:01 PM
Author: kink-friendly mental disorder cruise ship

God. All these people are douches. NYU really is a vile toilet. FLUSH.


Date: April 27th, 2007 11:50 AM
Author: offensive black woman


























Date: April 27th, 2007 4:57 PM
Author: bonkers arousing garrison


Date: May 1st, 2007 11:30 AM
Author: Wine Slimy Business Firm

she's pretty cute, actually. Especially for a feminist.
