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FCC is about to overturn net neutrality. Good or bad?

Insanely Creepy Den
who cares
Crimson Stage Mad-dog Skullcap
Terrible. There is zero chance that these companies don't us...
titillating library
wrong. there is no monopoly. show me a city with an ISP mono...
fantasy-prone faggot firefighter base
Bad, they refuse to let this go, just keep brute forcing it ...
translucent mental disorder church
vivacious fear-inspiring trailer park sound barrier
you think you know more than network engineers you dumb idio...
fantasy-prone faggot firefighter base
drab ratface wrinkle
Net neutrality is fine theoretically but reclassifying ISPs ...
Sepia judgmental macaca
the internet should be shut down immediately
bateful duck-like corn cake travel guidebook
Sepia judgmental macaca
Contagious garrison shitlib
Bonkers Azn Persian
Contagious garrison shitlib
Brother, suppose two pathetic twink bois went to Pounders an...
Tripping cuckoldry
Sepia judgmental macaca
I hate this fucking guy. Everything he does results in aver...
supple sadistic legend station
(MAF TV producer who is angry he can't freeload off ISPs to ...
Tripping cuckoldry
and yet, xoxo existed for 10 years before NN laws. explain.
fantasy-prone faggot firefighter base
why do you care about this so much you weird kike
Stimulating love of her life
because libs literally want government to control the intern...
fantasy-prone faggot firefighter base
What's good for GC is good for America.
twinkling haunted graveyard
Gold Trip Field
"Trump's America"
twinkling haunted graveyard
libs can't define net neutrality. let's start with this
fantasy-prone faggot firefighter base
Jfc... how are homeless nigs going to get their free 1gbps i...
Bonkers Azn Persian
I'm guessing since Google and Facebook support Net Neutralit...
razzle-dazzle mildly autistic range pisswyrm
uhh, google and facebook dont support title ii, which is exa...
fantasy-prone faggot firefighter base
well shit
razzle-dazzle mildly autistic range pisswyrm
if this were the end of the internet, don't you think google...
fantasy-prone faggot firefighter base

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: November 17th, 2017 3:49 PM
Author: Insanely Creepy Den


FCC plans to vote to overturn U.S. net neutrality rules in December: sources

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The head of the Federal Communications Commission is set to unveil plans next week for a final vote to reverse a landmark 2015 net neutrality order barring the blocking or slowing of web content, two people briefed on the plans said.

Ajit Pai, Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, testifies before a Senate Appropriations Financial Services and General Government Subcommittee on Capitol Hill in Washington, U.S., June 20, 2017. REUTERS/Aaron P. Bernstein

In May, the FCC voted 2-1 to advance Republican FCC Chairman Ajit Pai’s plan to withdraw the former Obama administration’s order reclassifying internet service providers as if they were utilities. Pai now plans to hold a final vote on the proposal at the FCC’s Dec. 14 meeting, the people said, and roll out details of the plans next week.

Pai asked in May for public comment on whether the FCC has authority or should keep any regulations limiting internet providers’ ability to block, throttle or offer “fast lanes” to some websites, known as “paid prioritization.” Several industry officials told Reuters they expect Pai to drop those specific legal requirements but retain some transparency requirements under the order.

An FCC spokesman declined to comment.

Internet providers including AT&T Inc, Comcast Corp and Verizon Communications Inc say ending the rules could spark billions in additional broadband investment and eliminate the possibility a future administration could regulate internet pricing.

Critics say the move could harm consumers, small businesses and access to the internet.

In July, a group representing major technology firms including Alphabet Inc and Facebook Inc urged Pai to drop plans to rescind the rules.

Advocacy group Free Press said Wednesday “we’ll learn the gory details in the next few days, but we know that Pai intends to dismantle the basic protections that have fueled the internet’s growth.”

Pai, who argues the Obama order was unnecessary and harms jobs and investment, has not committed to retaining any rules, but said he favors an “open internet.” The proposal to reverse the Obama rules reclassifying internet service has drawn more than 22 million comments.

Pai is mounting an aggressive deregulatory agenda since being named by President Donald Trump to head the FCC.

On Thursday the FCC will vote on Pai’s proposal to eliminate the 42-year-old ban on cross-ownership of a newspaper and TV station in a major market. The proposal would make it easier for media companies to buy additional TV stations in the same market.

Pai is also expected to call for an initial vote in December to rescind rules that say one company may not own stations serving more than 39 percent of U.S. television households, two people briefed on the matter said.


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Date: November 17th, 2017 8:58 PM
Author: Crimson Stage Mad-dog Skullcap

who cares


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Date: November 17th, 2017 8:58 PM
Author: titillating library

Terrible. There is zero chance that these companies don't use this to commit bad acts and further their monopolies.


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Date: November 18th, 2017 9:32 AM
Author: fantasy-prone faggot firefighter base

wrong. there is no monopoly. show me a city with an ISP monopoly


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Date: November 18th, 2017 7:29 AM
Author: translucent mental disorder church

Bad, they refuse to let this go, just keep brute forcing it until people get too lazy to fight it

"we could make so much money if we gated this free thing behind paywalls & subscription fees to do exactly the same thing -- and if you dont agree you're stopping investment!"

even if Pai actually believes the investment bullshit, its myopic as fuck, the internet is one of the few good outcomes of this tech hell we're in, and they want to literally throttle the bandwidth & breathing room people have for services, businesses, enterprise, and learning for a quick buck


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Date: November 18th, 2017 7:51 AM
Author: vivacious fear-inspiring trailer park sound barrier


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Date: November 18th, 2017 9:34 AM
Author: fantasy-prone faggot firefighter base

you think you know more than network engineers you dumb idiot?


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Date: November 18th, 2017 10:08 AM
Author: drab ratface wrinkle


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Date: November 18th, 2017 7:49 AM
Author: Sepia judgmental macaca

Net neutrality is fine theoretically but reclassifying ISPs under Title II in order to accomplish it is bad policy.


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Date: November 18th, 2017 8:17 AM
Author: bateful duck-like corn cake travel guidebook

the internet should be shut down immediately


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Date: November 18th, 2017 8:17 AM
Author: Sepia judgmental macaca


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Date: November 18th, 2017 8:19 AM
Author: Contagious garrison shitlib


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Date: November 18th, 2017 10:03 AM
Author: Bonkers Azn Persian


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Date: November 18th, 2017 8:18 AM
Author: Contagious garrison shitlib



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Date: November 18th, 2017 8:20 AM
Author: Tripping cuckoldry

Brother, suppose two pathetic twink bois went to Pounders and they both sucked off American IFNB star Matt Boyer. But one of them sucked his BIG HOSE for just 30 minutes, and the other sucked Boyer's FUCKTUBE for 90 minutes and drank a voracious amount of HOT CUM. Shouldn't the second twink owe the gym more in fees?


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Date: November 18th, 2017 8:20 AM
Author: Sepia judgmental macaca


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Date: November 18th, 2017 8:23 AM
Author: supple sadistic legend station

I hate this fucking guy. Everything he does results in average Americans getting fucked over, while GC wins.


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Date: November 18th, 2017 8:25 AM
Author: Tripping cuckoldry

(MAF TV producer who is angry he can't freeload off ISPs to spread immoral filth)


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Date: November 18th, 2017 9:34 AM
Author: fantasy-prone faggot firefighter base

and yet, xoxo existed for 10 years before NN laws. explain.


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Date: November 18th, 2017 10:12 AM
Author: Stimulating love of her life

why do you care about this so much you weird kike


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Date: November 18th, 2017 10:14 AM
Author: fantasy-prone faggot firefighter base

because libs literally want government to control the internet.


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Date: November 18th, 2017 9:25 AM
Author: twinkling haunted graveyard

What's good for GC is good for America.


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Date: November 18th, 2017 9:25 AM
Author: Gold Trip Field



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Date: November 18th, 2017 9:29 AM
Author: twinkling haunted graveyard

"Trump's America"


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Date: November 18th, 2017 9:31 AM
Author: fantasy-prone faggot firefighter base

libs can't define net neutrality. let's start with this


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Date: November 18th, 2017 10:04 AM
Author: Bonkers Azn Persian

Jfc... how are homeless nigs going to get their free 1gbps internet now?


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Date: November 18th, 2017 10:07 AM
Author: razzle-dazzle mildly autistic range pisswyrm

I'm guessing since Google and Facebook support Net Neutrality rabidly that it is a good thing it will be overturned or limited.

It is my guess that the Trump administration is trying to low key regulate and hamstring overly powerful tech companies.

You see the new tax bill taxing stock options, FCC ownership rules being altered for media and now this.


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Date: November 18th, 2017 10:08 AM
Author: fantasy-prone faggot firefighter base

uhh, google and facebook dont support title ii, which is exactly what pai is pwning.


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Date: November 18th, 2017 10:09 AM
Author: razzle-dazzle mildly autistic range pisswyrm

well shit


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Date: November 18th, 2017 10:12 AM
Author: fantasy-prone faggot firefighter base

if this were the end of the internet, don't you think google and facebook would make a bigger deal about this? they would blast NN stuff on their front page and every other page. they would send a thousand lobbyists to harass every senator and house rep. the fact is, they're virtually dead silent on this issue. only histrionic limp wristed libs care about this "issue".
