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Observations re White Ppl on Plane to Asia Today

Startled locale
sup uvt?
Obsidian adventurous idea he suggested national security agency
No, not uvt ...
Startled locale
1800000000 plz come back tommy!
crimson startling field selfie

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Date: November 25th, 2017 4:38 AM
Author: Startled locale


This was a flight to Vietnam and I was actually surprised there were so many white ppl on the flight. Most white trash go to Thaialnd, Philippines etc.

First observation was a enormous fat American guy who literally could not walk down the aisle properly cause he was so huge. He had the arrogance to ask the cute Vietnamese fligth attendant if he could just sit in the empty economy premium cabin. Thankfully she had self respect and said he had to sit in his assigned seat. He still had the arrogance to hit on her even though it was painfully obvious she was just being nice cause that was her job and he was a fat white loser who no one would want.

Later there were two hideous looking white Canadians in front of me. The girl was so vulgar that when I saw her face I had to turn away, somehow her white BF was able to tolerate this. Anyway, the entire flight they would whine abt shit, they want their bag from overhead, they want this drink etc. The self hating flight attendants would obey them and actually thanked them at end when they deplaned. If it was the other way around, an Asian person in the US acting like that? LOL

Final shit was an old white American looking guy who was MAD as fuk that his precious restroom was occupied. When the Asian woman got out he literally said, "Thanks for taking your time". Now I am so sick of this shit behavior in Asia that if he said that to me I'd straight out say, "Go back to America you white racist shithead ignorant moron" but no one said anything. His wife was nearby and heard it and just smirked like its NBD.

In conclusion. literally 95% of white ppl who come to Asia have no fucking interest in the culture, countries, people, food, or anything. They are either here cause they are sex tourist or white supremacists. They literally get off feeling superior to others even when they go to places like China, Japan, or Taiwan which are nowadays way more advanced than the US. There is absolutely no purpose for this subhuman shit.

Once I watched a YT video of Lee Kuan Yew essentially saying that any Nigerian in SE Asia is dealing drugs and worthless. How is it different for any white in SE Asia or Asia as a whole? Is anyone here cause they truly give a fuck? Or are they just here to rape Asian women and avail of one of the last areas of the Earth where white supremacy is still respected.

Deport all these mother fuckers. Jail the sexpats. Imprison the visa over stayers. Execute the ones who murder Asian women in depraved sex. Don't tolerate this shit. Whites are evil and they do not need to be in Asia.


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Date: November 25th, 2017 4:40 AM
Author: Obsidian adventurous idea he suggested national security agency

sup uvt?


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Date: November 25th, 2017 4:42 AM
Author: Startled locale

No, not uvt ...


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Date: November 25th, 2017 4:52 AM
Author: crimson startling field selfie

1800000000 plz come back tommy!
