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White American Men

Are seriously retarded. They changed the focus of social ...
titillating swollen useless brakes university
Your mental illness is on full display, bro. If only they ha...
Cyan supple liquid oxygen
hey man I'm looking for the most 180 headphone set up you ca...
Cocky charismatic patrolman wrinkle
Oppos. HTH.
Cyan supple liquid oxygen
the ear buds you rec'd & I bought never came & went ...
Cocky charismatic patrolman wrinkle
Marantz HD-DAC1 unless money is no object in which case I wo...
Cyan supple liquid oxygen
doesn't source matter just as much as cans. why buy expensiv...
pungent point
about to cop dat tidal, so ya
Cocky charismatic patrolman wrinkle
Oppo is Chicom to the core but the best deals in hifi now ar...
Cyan supple liquid oxygen
HiFiMAN is a Chinese company. https://en.wikipedia.org/wi...
Doobsian Irradiated Range
pungent point
I was going to say Russian men are doing it right. Putin reg...
titillating swollen useless brakes university
He spends absurd amounts of money on his mistresses (at leas...
Doobsian Irradiated Range
The only thing marketed to men are cars, watches and maybe c...
titillating swollen useless brakes university
What about audio equipment or sports or beer
orchid meetinghouse
If you've bought any of that crap after the age of 25 you're...
avocado police squad
Aphrodisiac business firm sound barrier
mind-boggling step-uncle's house goyim
Doobsian Irradiated Range
pungent point
And even women are trying to take away sports by pushing shi...
titillating swollen useless brakes university
Glittery geriatric dilemma azn
Cars? LJL. Have you NOT heard of Lexus' "December to Re...
Yellow mexican sanctuary
"Dear Cuck Hubby, let me tell you what HER wants for Xm...
titillating swollen useless brakes university
talented house-broken spot new version
Yea, basically...
Buck-toothed church fanboi
To be fair 99% of BIGCOCK poasters here only fuck trannies o...
Comical dark ceo rehab
Forgetting about genetic women and focusing solely on passab...
Buck-toothed church fanboi
we've had a number of threads here about this and robopussy ...
Comical dark ceo rehab
Don't you ever call the twinks "men"!
Primrose well-lubricated house
I honestly don't understand why men bend over backwards to m...
Buck-toothed church fanboi
Because lack of social classes and boundaries. Some fuckwit ...
titillating swollen useless brakes university
Wouldn't it make more sense to just pay a hooker if all you'...
Buck-toothed church fanboi
Well behaved cucks know that prostitution is NOT ok. Wome...
titillating swollen useless brakes university
Well, whatever....I don't see a problem with a guy heading t...
Buck-toothed church fanboi
And whats wrong with a guy using a girl for sex? Likewis...
titillating swollen useless brakes university
I'm okay with using women for sex.
Buck-toothed church fanboi
“But I feel used and degraded!” “Respect me as a person!”
titillating swollen useless brakes university
Oh please, there's a ton of prostitution around and lol @ pr...
Doobsian Irradiated Range
But WAMs won't openly admit to women that they use such serv...
titillating swollen useless brakes university
These were never conversations for "mixed company."...
Doobsian Irradiated Range
In most of the world it was common for men to have multiple ...
titillating swollen useless brakes university
Wives? Not so much anymore. Mistresses/fucking whores - ...
Doobsian Irradiated Range
Edited to add: A major reason why marriage as a legal ins...
titillating swollen useless brakes university
Not committing adultery is also a commandment tho
Poppy Bat Shit Crazy Chapel Dopamine
The meaning of adultery has also been co-opted by women. Now...
titillating swollen useless brakes university
"A major reason why marriage as a legal institution as ...
Doobsian Irradiated Range
If you’re going to be an obnoxious twat at least educate you...
titillating swollen useless brakes university
Multiple mistresses and prostitution is the norm now for muc...
Doobsian Irradiated Range
Yes and not a single mention of romance or dating or being m...
titillating swollen useless brakes university
We need legalized prostitution to break the power of women
aromatic ticket booth
The convergence of the alt right and Euro style social dems ...
Histrionic purple location
You've got my vote.
amethyst exciting therapy
Marvelous turquoise mood
Glittery geriatric dilemma azn
Beady-eyed coldplay fan
Vivacious hairy legs
mind-boggling step-uncle's house goyim
I support all this as goals to aspire to but I strongly susp...
Violent station
I support the op.
Red razzle incel roast beef
scarlet know-it-all codepig factory reset button
Buck-toothed church fanboi
Marvelous turquoise mood
Giving women "rights" was the greatest mistake in ...
avocado police squad
This was known since a woman screwed up the whole garden of ...
Red razzle incel roast beef
awkward quadroon piazza
hyperactive chest-beating area
Seriously. I cant stand men who care about their appearan...
titillating swollen useless brakes university
why though? it's a small price to pay to be in the 99 percen...
pungent point
You missed my point. There are norms of acceptability develo...
titillating swollen useless brakes university
i agree with you for the most part, but white women certainl...
pungent point
Well yeah these rules don't apply to Chads. But women don't ...
titillating swollen useless brakes university
Politicians respond to incentives. Women can vote, ergo poli...
Yellow mexican sanctuary
Ironically, the countries that are most patriarchal and give...
titillating swollen useless brakes university
sooooo cr
orchid meetinghouse
cr, i've been saying this for a while. american white men ar...
snowy menage
Black men never used to compare cock sizes, it was an invent...
titillating swollen useless brakes university
You will never hear women degrading each other over “tightes...
titillating swollen useless brakes university
"You will never hear women degrading each other over “t...
Lascivious cheese-eating stain giraffe
misleading unless we know the percentage break down for COCK...
violent hall
You are missing my point. Women do degrade each other and...
titillating swollen useless brakes university
op is an genius
Arrogant People Who Are Hurt
he's korean btw and a poster who i know IRL. it takes someon...
Ultramarine mewling lettuce
guy who lives in a patriarchal first world country here, sup
Ultramarine mewling lettuce
brother i've seen many reports on reddit about feminazism gr...
orchid meetinghouse
concupiscible theater
Buck-toothed church fanboi
My wife has made me hate all women. If (when) we get a divor...
Glittery geriatric dilemma azn
the concept of being married TWICE is so foreign and insane ...
Stirring heaven
At this point I will likely be dating divorcees with kids. W...
Glittery geriatric dilemma azn
There is hope in women who were raised in a traditional, pat...
titillating swollen useless brakes university
My wife was basically raised as a single child with a fucked...
Glittery geriatric dilemma azn
you have no one to blame but yourself bro. my wife makes ...
pungent point
Good for you. My wife basically turned into a different pers...
Glittery geriatric dilemma azn
Um, you're leaving out the part where she had a diagnosed me...
Doobsian Irradiated Range
She never had a diagnosed mental illness and I didn't know s...
Glittery geriatric dilemma azn
jfc you didn't think the 4x divorced mom was a bad sign
Stirring heaven
Her mom was married to a guy for 25 years and my wife said h...
Glittery geriatric dilemma azn
Oh no, what happened?
Doobsian Irradiated Range
Glittery geriatric dilemma azn
You DNA tested this kid, right?
Doobsian Irradiated Range
The baby looks like me and I was cumming inside her all the ...
Glittery geriatric dilemma azn
Yeah, still get it tested. That phrasing makes me wonder...
Doobsian Irradiated Range
Jade Chad Love Of Her Life
black guy here. i support the OP
pungent point
Yes, because black men are the go to when it comes to what w...
bull headed preventive strike nursing home
Black men treat their women like shit and their women still ...
titillating swollen useless brakes university
LOL. Yeah, they stick around... You Asians are the doorm...
bull headed preventive strike nursing home
titillating swollen useless brakes university
(photo of British people)
Vivacious hairy legs
You serious? You really want me to post pictures of American...
titillating swollen useless brakes university
Just thought it was a funny one to choose
Vivacious hairy legs
It's a funny picture. Did you not see: 1) the girl from w...
titillating swollen useless brakes university
guess you'd rather your wife respond to you this way cuck ...
pungent point
OP seems unfair. The overwhelming majority of white males v...
Doobsian Irradiated Range
Plenty of All-American bros in the midwest, south, etc. ...
titillating swollen useless brakes university
Doobsian Irradiated Range
bullshit ... when high-value, masculine military guys have f...
fighting cuckold place of business
Also, this has been true for at least my entire life.
Doobsian Irradiated Range
Or because they have no other options. I spent quite a bit o...
titillating swollen useless brakes university
you're clueless bro, doesn't matter what part of the country...
pungent point
Because men do stupid shit when in love. Same reason Elon M...
Doobsian Irradiated Range
You need to consider what it means to be "in love."...
titillating swollen useless brakes university
Men have been doing stupid shit due to being in love since t...
Doobsian Irradiated Range
Fighting over (and killing or dying) the right to fuck a bit...
titillating swollen useless brakes university
Dying young in a duel for some woman you barely care about (...
Doobsian Irradiated Range
And objectively alpha as fuck. Having the balls to go toe-to...
titillating swollen useless brakes university
And he still died and someone else got all his money. The o...
Doobsian Irradiated Range
Well sure the outcome is 120, but in the end we all die anyw...
titillating swollen useless brakes university
He could have lived a happy long life getting laid and enjoy...
Doobsian Irradiated Range
i agree. LJL at fighting over bitches. If not's impacting yo...
pungent point
tcr. I at least understand if it is YOUR wife or something,...
Doobsian Irradiated Range
I don't even know what we are arguing about. My position is ...
titillating swollen useless brakes university
I was just noting that applauding that sort of tomfoolery wa...
Doobsian Irradiated Range
Well yeah, like I said earlier ARE country is still filled w...
titillating swollen useless brakes university
I agree with this. W. Europe is a good vision of where this...
Doobsian Irradiated Range
you don't have to vote for hillary or pelosi, to constantly ...
pungent point
I'm definitely not cucked, you claim not to be cucked. Ther...
Doobsian Irradiated Range
Glittery geriatric dilemma azn
This is very mentally ill.
Flirting brunch headpube
I am glad to be considered mentally ill in a society where t...
titillating swollen useless brakes university
Is that an anti-semitic t-shirt?
Vivacious hairy legs
Jade Chad Love Of Her Life
That front one looks like she may have some incredibly smell...
Buck-toothed church fanboi
pungent point
I agree that American men are BOTH some of the dumbest and s...
Buck-toothed church fanboi

Poast new message in this thread

Reply Favorite

Date: December 17th, 2017 6:43 AM
Author: titillating swollen useless brakes university

Are seriously retarded.

They changed the focus of social norms to HER pleasure and HER experiences.

The dining out and dating culture is all about pandering to women.

The "big cock" paradigm is all about HER pleasure.

Shopping and holiday gifting is all about HER happiness.

While the scales have tipped decisively in HER favor, what have men received in exchange? Nothing.

Men have engaged in a race to the bottom to prove they can provide HER with the best meals, best sex and best comfort. This has resulted in diseased, overweight, drunk landbeasts who STILL have their choice of BBC via tinder.

In fact, what women offer now is far less than their value proposition from the 40s or 50s. You no longer have classically thin, loyal, dedicated, family oriented women of yore. Women now are increasingly status driven and at the first sign of trouble will bail on you with the kids, and demand half.

Opening up the dating pool to low class men, and mixing of races and social classes has resulted in disaster even for the top elite men.

Men like Julius Ceasar or William the Conqueror never cared about dick size or whether their women felt pleasure. As long as they got off that was all that mattered. Romance? Dating? Lol you think Ceasar asked women out on a date for some fine dining? He just fucked and told the women to fuck off so he could go conquer some other puny tribal band.

Women dont give a fuck about your feelings or your pleasure. They only care that you orgasm because it makes HER feel sexy and desired. She only cares about your happiness because it makes HER feel safe and secure.

Wake up and stop being a fucking cuck.


Reply Favorite

Date: December 17th, 2017 6:46 AM
Author: Cyan supple liquid oxygen

Your mental illness is on full display, bro. If only they had like a deodorant to mask the crazy....


Reply Favorite

Date: December 17th, 2017 6:47 AM
Author: Cocky charismatic patrolman wrinkle

hey man I'm looking for the most 180 headphone set up you can put together

what do you rec


edit: also oh yeah this thread is fucked but glad I found you here so I didnt have to poa a summon thread


Reply Favorite

Date: December 17th, 2017 6:48 AM
Author: Cyan supple liquid oxygen

Oppos. HTH.


Reply Favorite

Date: December 17th, 2017 6:49 AM
Author: Cocky charismatic patrolman wrinkle

the ear buds you rec'd & I bought never came & went out of stock on amazon

gonna try these

amp ?

edit: didnt realize Oppo just got in the can game in 2k14


Reply Favorite

Date: December 17th, 2017 6:57 AM
Author: Cyan supple liquid oxygen

Marantz HD-DAC1 unless money is no object in which case I would move up to a Mytek Brooklyn DAC. I would avoid the Chord headphone amps honestly. I have a 2Qute and am not that happy with it. It just isn't a neutral DAC. Too many fancy filtering effects going on. The Hugo and Mojo should have the same problem.


Reply Favorite

Date: December 19th, 2017 11:11 AM
Author: pungent point

doesn't source matter just as much as cans. why buy expensive cans if you are using a non digital source like itunes. you really need to cop dat tidal hifi subscription to take advantage of the fidelity. you can't shine shit and amplifying a shitty source will only make louder not better


Reply Favorite

Date: December 19th, 2017 11:29 AM
Author: Cocky charismatic patrolman wrinkle

about to cop dat tidal, so ya


Reply Favorite

Date: December 17th, 2017 7:00 AM
Author: Cyan supple liquid oxygen

Oppo is Chicom to the core but the best deals in hifi now are from small Chicom newbie players and weird companies from places like Denmark and Poland no one had ever heard of. The established US, British and Japanese players rob you like crazy. Oppos aren't cheap but if the same cans were made buy Sennheiser or Hifiman they would be double the price.


Reply Favorite

Date: December 19th, 2017 12:32 PM
Author: Doobsian Irradiated Range

HiFiMAN is a Chinese company.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HiFiMAN_Electronics ("In 2010, he started two small factories in China and moved the headquarters to Tianjin, China in 2011")


Reply Favorite

Date: March 16th, 2018 2:05 PM
Author: pungent point


Reply Favorite

Date: December 17th, 2017 6:49 AM
Author: titillating swollen useless brakes university

I was going to say Russian men are doing it right. Putin regardless of his cock size would never treat women the way American men do.


Reply Favorite

Date: December 19th, 2017 2:35 PM
Author: Doobsian Irradiated Range

He spends absurd amounts of money on his mistresses (at least, if the rumors are accurate). Becoming his mistress is basically like winning the lottery.


Reply Favorite

Date: December 17th, 2017 6:48 AM
Author: titillating swollen useless brakes university

The only thing marketed to men are cars, watches and maybe clothes. Everything else is marketed towards women, including travel and food and luxury goods. Yet men pay for the vast majority of all shopping and dining. Lol at equal rights - men pay for almost all the bills at michelin restaurants.

Marketing fags realize this and continue to create demand for stupid shit that cucks will continue to pay for in the hopes of squirting their load into some obese slime hole.


Reply Favorite

Date: December 17th, 2017 7:17 AM
Author: orchid meetinghouse

What about audio equipment or sports or beer


Reply Favorite

Date: December 17th, 2017 8:06 AM
Author: avocado police squad

If you've bought any of that crap after the age of 25 you're a cuck


Reply Favorite

Date: December 17th, 2017 10:38 PM
Author: Aphrodisiac business firm sound barrier



Reply Favorite

Date: December 19th, 2017 12:52 PM
Author: mind-boggling step-uncle's house goyim


Reply Favorite

Date: December 19th, 2017 12:54 PM
Author: Doobsian Irradiated Range



Reply Favorite

Date: January 23rd, 2018 3:36 PM
Author: pungent point


Reply Favorite

Date: December 17th, 2017 10:44 PM
Author: titillating swollen useless brakes university

And even women are trying to take away sports by pushing shit like womens volleyball or curling. Look at the disgust with which an increasing number of women view traditional sports like boxing or football.

Football is a funny one. Women will concede your weekl "boys time" to watch a fucking game at home but will completely hold it against you with some insane shit like "she how nice and understanding I am for giving you 3 hours to watch tv rather than cleaning the mess I made? Now spend $300 and 6 hours of your life to wine and dine me. Oh, if you dont make me feel happy I will suck Darnells dick."


Reply Favorite

Date: December 19th, 2017 11:08 AM
Author: Glittery geriatric dilemma azn


Reply Favorite

Date: December 17th, 2017 12:32 PM
Author: Yellow mexican sanctuary

Cars? LJL. Have you NOT heard of Lexus' "December to Remember Sales Event?"


Reply Favorite

Date: December 17th, 2017 10:35 PM
Author: titillating swollen useless brakes university

"Dear Cuck Hubby, let me tell you what HER wants for Xmas."

It started with a simple corsage for homecoming. Followed by a dinner and movie. Followed by Tiffany's silver. Followed by the Cartier ring. Maybe HER developed a taste for watches, especially ones that glitter in pink and diamond. Now enters automobiles, just for HER. Of course this doesnt even count the countless steaks and lobsters and vacations all funded by you, Mr. Cuckosaurus Rex.

Once SHE turns 40 she will continue to deny her age and spend your money on weekly pedicures in the vain hope of covering up her bunions she developed over years of wearing 5" heels for Darnell. She will spend your money on beauty products to make HER feel 20 and attractive to every man but you. She will laugh and giggle as she makes you listen to the glory of our bowel movements, and tell you to appreicate HOW RAW and BEAUTIFUL her sounds and smells are.


Reply Favorite

Date: December 18th, 2017 6:47 AM
Author: talented house-broken spot new version


Reply Favorite

Date: December 17th, 2017 6:57 AM
Author: Buck-toothed church fanboi

Yea, basically...


Reply Favorite

Date: December 17th, 2017 7:12 AM
Author: Comical dark ceo rehab

To be fair 99% of BIGCOCK poasters here only fuck trannies or twinks/men


Reply Favorite

Date: December 17th, 2017 7:39 AM
Author: Buck-toothed church fanboi

Forgetting about genetic women and focusing solely on passable trannies is the credited strategy for straight men in America. All of the benefits without any of the issues that come with dealing with the modern genetic American female.

Folks laugh when I say that, but it's pretty true.


Reply Favorite

Date: December 17th, 2017 8:02 AM
Author: Comical dark ceo rehab

we've had a number of threads here about this and robopussy completely displacing American women in the sexual marketplace, it's clearly the 100% CR strategy.

we just need more liberal tranny propaganda IRL to turn public opinion - this is why the ugly ones like jenner or that nig from the lesbian prison show should be executed for the public good and Bailey Jay should have her own reality show.


Reply Favorite

Date: December 18th, 2017 5:26 AM
Author: Primrose well-lubricated house

Don't you ever call the twinks "men"!


Reply Favorite

Date: December 17th, 2017 7:34 AM
Author: Buck-toothed church fanboi

I honestly don't understand why men bend over backwards to make women happy. Just so they can fire off a few nuts? Totally doesn't make sense to me.


Reply Favorite

Date: December 17th, 2017 10:37 PM
Author: titillating swollen useless brakes university

Because lack of social classes and boundaries. Some fuckwit in the 90s told all men to be confident and aggressive and play the fucking numbers game. This has created a massive pool of men willing to do anything just to cum. This has ruined women who feel they can do whatever they want despite being increasingly diseased and fat and old. This has killed the game for true alpha bros, as they too must cucm just to compete.


Reply Favorite

Date: December 18th, 2017 12:51 AM
Author: Buck-toothed church fanboi

Wouldn't it make more sense to just pay a hooker if all you're looking for is a quick nut?


Reply Favorite

Date: December 18th, 2017 1:19 AM
Author: titillating swollen useless brakes university

Well behaved cucks know that prostitution is NOT ok.

Women have succcessfully shamed most men into foregoing prostitutes, and have emasculated men so much that they are now more like women than men (basically they are pussies), and so men are now emotionally dependent on women.

Previously, women were more emotionally dependent on men. Now, women will move on, divorce and remarry in a matter of months, trading men just like boys used to do with trading cards.


Reply Favorite

Date: December 18th, 2017 3:43 AM
Author: Buck-toothed church fanboi

Well, whatever....I don't see a problem with a guy heading to the whorehouse or whatever so he can get his rocks off instead of wasting time with a bunch of chicks he couldn't care less about (and only wants to have sex with). It gets him exactly what he wants while saving time that can be put toward more important things like building a business, studying, traveling, working out, etc.


Reply Favorite

Date: December 18th, 2017 4:58 AM
Author: titillating swollen useless brakes university

And whats wrong with a guy using a girl for sex?

Likewise, isnt’t it wrong for a girl to expect “more” just because a guy stuck his pee pee in her stinky hold?


Reply Favorite

Date: December 18th, 2017 6:41 AM
Author: Buck-toothed church fanboi

I'm okay with using women for sex.


Reply Favorite

Date: December 18th, 2017 7:36 AM
Author: titillating swollen useless brakes university

“But I feel used and degraded!”

“Respect me as a person!”


Reply Favorite

Date: December 19th, 2017 12:45 PM
Author: Doobsian Irradiated Range

Oh please, there's a ton of prostitution around and lol @ pretending that somehow it has gone away or even down recently. XO has like weekly threads at this point.


Reply Favorite

Date: December 19th, 2017 12:55 PM
Author: titillating swollen useless brakes university

But WAMs won't openly admit to women that they use such services. If they were to do so,they would be met with cries that they are sponsoring human trafficking and SHE would spread rumors to all of her friends.


Reply Favorite

Date: December 19th, 2017 12:59 PM
Author: Doobsian Irradiated Range

These were never conversations for "mixed company." There were always topics that groups of men would talk about including whores and mistresses, etc. That is still true today. When do you imagine in history that you would talk to females about fucking whores and they would just be like "oh cool!"?

Even in Russia, where men are about as uncucked as they get, you don't see men talking to women about fucking whores. Mostly because it is just in bad taste.


Reply Favorite

Date: December 19th, 2017 1:12 PM
Author: titillating swollen useless brakes university

In most of the world it was common for men to have multiple wives and mistresses.

A major reason why marriage as a legal institution as we know it came into being a few centuries ago was because European nobles were having so many children (bastards) out of wedlock that it was becoming difficult to keep track of inheritances and successions.


Reply Favorite

Date: December 19th, 2017 1:14 PM
Author: Doobsian Irradiated Range

Wives? Not so much anymore.

Mistresses/fucking whores - sure, but you still wouldn't talk about that with women.


Reply Favorite

Date: December 19th, 2017 1:17 PM
Author: titillating swollen useless brakes university

Edited to add:

A major reason why marriage as a legal institution as we know it came into being a few centuries ago was because European nobles were having so many children (bastards) out of wedlock that it was becoming difficult to keep track of inheritances and successions.

Marriage for most of human history was nothing more than a means of forming strategic alliances or a means to form children for labor. The concept of "love" and "romance" being the primary reasons for marriage is a modern invention. Men sought pleasure elsewhere and this was the social norm. Now, men seeking pleasure elsewhere are branded as adulterous bastards.

Even the Ten Commandments states "thou shall not covet another man's wife." This is often miscontrued as a prohibition against adultery. No. It just means don't mess with another man's wife.


Reply Favorite

Date: December 19th, 2017 1:23 PM
Author: Poppy Bat Shit Crazy Chapel Dopamine

Not committing adultery is also a commandment tho


Reply Favorite

Date: December 19th, 2017 1:28 PM
Author: titillating swollen useless brakes university

The meaning of adultery has also been co-opted by women. Now it somehow loosely means "don't cheat" or in extreme cases, "don't have sex without the intent of making baby" whereas previously, it meant don't have sex with another man's wife (redundant to "not covet another man's wife".


"Since men were permitted to have multiple wives, adultery was interpreted to consist of sexual relations between a man and a married or betrothed woman who was not his wife."

"The Mitzvoh against adultery is interpreted to refer to sexual relations between a man and a married woman. Sexual relations outside of marriage are also prohibited based on Deuteronomy 23:18. The mitzvah are as follows:

Not to have intercourse with another man's wife.

There shall be no intercourse with a woman, without previous marriage with a deed of marriage and formal declaration of marriage"


Reply Favorite

Date: December 19th, 2017 2:17 PM
Author: Doobsian Irradiated Range

"A major reason why marriage as a legal institution as we know it came into being a few centuries ago"

Don't be daft. Marriage goes back to pre-history. Yes, the law has changed dramatically but the concept is truly ancient.


Reply Favorite

Date: December 19th, 2017 2:32 PM
Author: titillating swollen useless brakes university

If you’re going to be an obnoxious twat at least educate yourself.

Marriage until colonial times was a purely religious custom and was used for strategic/labor purposes. Most cultures did not even have what we would recognize as a “marriage” today. There was no concept of romance or dating. Marriage was done purely out of necessity.

As I said, marriage as a legal institution only came into being when all the Spanish/Portuguese/Dutch etc colonists started having mutiple bastards and started dying overseas without a will. This made division of estates very complicated.

Even then, mutiple mistresses and prostitution was widespread and the norm.

Marriage as we know it probably has its roots somewhere around the Puritan movement, which was coopted by women to cuck men into not sleeping around so much, but even then the whole “romance” thing didnt get started until much later.


Reply Favorite

Date: December 19th, 2017 2:34 PM
Author: Doobsian Irradiated Range

Multiple mistresses and prostitution is the norm now for much of the world.

You see marriage all the time in the OT of the Bible which goes thousands of years back.


Reply Favorite

Date: December 19th, 2017 2:41 PM
Author: titillating swollen useless brakes university

Yes and not a single mention of romance or dating or being may in love with each other. Most marriages were arranged among people of similar social standing and background. This whole concept was of courtship is a late European invention created as another layer of court protocol. Ever wonder why it is called “courtship?”

Of course proles being proles want to emulate the rulers so they invented some BS called dating, when in reality courtship was always about protocol and etiquette rather than true love. Nobles commissioned works of art and poetry for their wives purely as a show of respect and etiquette. “You are the most beautiful lady” etc etc while they are both having multiple lovers.

Ever wonder why there is virtually no ancient record of a man and woman holdings hands and kissing? Why we do see many depictions of sexual acts, but depictions of romance are non existent until the Renaissance?

Shit if you want to get into it, even the meaning of the word Love has been coopted by women and GC. Love was never about romance and always about duty and responsibility.

Every single thing about the relationship between man and woman has been coopted by GC and women in their favor, to the detriment of men and family units. Feck even peasants in ancient times could trace their family history. We in the modern age with paper and computers can barely identify who or what our ancestors only 4 generations removed were.


Reply Favorite

Date: December 17th, 2017 7:40 AM
Author: aromatic ticket booth

We need legalized prostitution to break the power of women


Reply Favorite

Date: December 18th, 2017 1:31 AM
Author: Histrionic purple location

The convergence of the alt right and Euro style social dems is fascinating. Like if we all agree on:

1) legal prostitution and a Manhattan project for sex robots,

2) legal weed,

3) a real social safety net with legit health care and good free public education through university for all 110+ IQ people,

4) a clear path for any 110+ IQ person to get a productive STEM job or other white collar job with a high salary that's relatively stable and protected,

5) a livable universal basic income for all dumb poors, AND

6) strict immigration policies where there's no birthright citizenship, no extended family chains of citizenship, we select for merit and balance against the effect on citizens who would compete for jobs.

And obviously also high taxes on the top 5% and especially on the top 1%.

That list and kicking out, let's say, 4 million Mexicans plus abortions and birth control for poors on demand, I think we'd actually be able to turn this slow motion collapse of a society around.


Reply Favorite

Date: December 18th, 2017 1:50 AM
Author: amethyst exciting therapy

You've got my vote.


Reply Favorite

Date: December 18th, 2017 1:51 AM
Author: Marvelous turquoise mood



Reply Favorite

Date: December 19th, 2017 11:09 AM
Author: Glittery geriatric dilemma azn


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Date: December 19th, 2017 11:27 AM
Author: Beady-eyed coldplay fan



Reply Favorite

Date: December 19th, 2017 12:36 PM
Author: Vivacious hairy legs


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Date: December 19th, 2017 12:53 PM
Author: mind-boggling step-uncle's house goyim



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Date: December 19th, 2017 1:25 PM
Author: Violent station

I support all this as goals to aspire to but I strongly suspect they are unrealistic given our current resources.


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Date: December 17th, 2017 7:45 AM
Author: Red razzle incel roast beef

I support the op.


Reply Favorite

Date: December 17th, 2017 10:55 PM
Author: scarlet know-it-all codepig factory reset button


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Date: December 18th, 2017 12:50 AM
Author: Buck-toothed church fanboi


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Date: December 18th, 2017 1:14 AM
Author: Marvelous turquoise mood


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Date: December 17th, 2017 8:10 AM
Author: avocado police squad

Giving women "rights" was the greatest mistake in history. Now men pander to all of women whims and obsess about their own physical appearance and status instead of just being men


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Date: December 17th, 2017 8:13 AM
Author: Red razzle incel roast beef

This was known since a woman screwed up the whole garden of eden thing.


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Date: December 17th, 2017 10:39 PM
Author: awkward quadroon piazza


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Date: December 17th, 2017 11:00 PM
Author: hyperactive chest-beating area


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Date: December 18th, 2017 1:02 AM
Author: titillating swollen useless brakes university


I cant stand men who care about their appearance, beyond looking presentable according to norms of traditional mens style (ie, norms established by men).

Waxing, facial treatments, excessive hair products s, lol. All that is nothing more than a cuck symbol, showing women you are 100% ready to play by HER rules and be a good GC cuck who will be a good provider of GC products and experiences for HER.


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Date: December 19th, 2017 11:21 AM
Author: pungent point

why though? it's a small price to pay to be in the 99 percentile of desirable men. by doing the contrary you are self cucking yourself. further, being well groomed is a sign of health and success.


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Date: December 19th, 2017 11:31 AM
Author: titillating swollen useless brakes university

You missed my point. There are norms of acceptability developed by OTHER MEN, such as Lord Byron etc. Being well dressed in fitting clothes, well groomed, etc., have traditionally been standards of gentlemanly conduct for centuries. Typically such clothe were made of high quality material that you only had to purchase once every few years and had a lasting nature about them. Abiding by these rules is manly and acceptable.

What I am deriding is "fast fashion" shit being rammed down our throats by GC in rags like "GQ" or other shit. Basically trendy overpriced crap made of shit materials that will only last you a year before you have to cuck-up and buy all over again.

BTW, white American women don't give a fuck what Chad wears. So by cucking, yeah she may date or even marry you because you have proven to be a good well-behaved cuck who will follow HER rules. But her pussy-hold will be forever quivering at the sight of Chad or Darnell.


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Date: December 19th, 2017 12:12 PM
Author: pungent point

i agree with you for the most part, but white women certainly give a fuck about how a guy dresses. a chad in an oversized tee shirt, ugly running shoes and fucked up jeans is self cucking himself. this chad will only get objective 7's that will try to change him. the world is an oyster for a well dressed chad because he has health and success presumably vs a pool boy chad coming over to schtupp a milf when the husband isn't home.


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Date: December 19th, 2017 12:13 PM
Author: titillating swollen useless brakes university

Well yeah these rules don't apply to Chads. But women don't marry Chads. They marry the cucks who will be a good provider. They cheat on the cucks with the Chads.


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Date: December 17th, 2017 12:36 PM
Author: Yellow mexican sanctuary

Politicians respond to incentives. Women can vote, ergo politicians pander to them. Giving women the right to vote was a YUGE blunder that will ultimately lead to the downfall of the West. As it should. I hate to say it but Mussies have it right when it comes to how to structure life. Yes, the current batch of Mussies is saddled with low iqs and therefore trash. But you take the iq of white America and add a sprinkle of traditional Islamic values (Christianity is now LJL) and we could have a 180 culture and lifestyle. Red pilled men just need to accept that Islam is not the enemy. It is the (only) way out.


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Date: December 18th, 2017 1:03 AM
Author: titillating swollen useless brakes university

Ironically, the countries that are most patriarchal and give women the least number of freedoms also happen to have the thinnest, pleasant, feminine and most attractive women.

In “empowered” places like the US, women go buckwild at both the buffet and the Tinder buffet for BBC. HER obesity. HER bunions. HER wrinkles. HER orgasms (which MUST be provided by ONLY Darnell and Treyshaun).

And don’t forget, 40s are the new 20s! Heehee!

Fucking idiot American men.


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Date: December 18th, 2017 5:23 AM
Author: orchid meetinghouse

sooooo cr


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Date: December 18th, 2017 1:10 AM
Author: snowy menage

cr, i've been saying this for a while. american white men are unbelievably cucked and they have spawned the most monstrous lineage of women this earth has ever seen, producing a trend that has infectiously gone viral and threatens to doom all mankind and thereby the human race. there is no abatement in sight, only a self-perpetuation and collapse.

as pathetic as nowags are, for example, the inherent evil and harm that white men have brought about for themselves, while at the same time engaging in denial and dressing it up as something they *wanted* all along, is just sickening and beyond the pale.


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Date: December 18th, 2017 1:25 AM
Author: titillating swollen useless brakes university

Black men never used to compare cock sizes, it was an invention created by American white males. Fucking idiots.

Who gives a fuck whether a woman enjoys a larger cock, as shes going to take Darnells over yours anyway. Use women for pleasure or to spawn your seed, just lol at caring about HER satisfaction.

A man’s job is to provide food, shelter, security and some degree of love for his family. Nowehere in the job description is “being source of pleasure and entertainment and dining out” because I tell you, it certainly is not in HER job description and she most certainly will go batshit crazy if you even suggest that it is her duty to pleasure and entertain you.


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Date: December 18th, 2017 1:28 AM
Author: titillating swollen useless brakes university

You will never hear women degrading each other over “tightest pussy” or who can make a man cum faster or give the best blowjobs or how many times she can make him cum. At the same time she will degrade the man if he cums too soon or has a small cock (hint, if your name is not Darnell in her mind you have a small cock).

Yet American males love to brag about their ability to pleasure women. “I give the best oral!” Lol at these beta cucks.


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Date: December 19th, 2017 12:03 PM
Author: Lascivious cheese-eating stain giraffe

"You will never hear women degrading each other over “tightest pussy” or who can make a man cum faster or give the best blowjobs or how many times she can make him cum."

They do degrade and attack each other incessantly. Just not about that shit. There was a great study that looked at google searches relating to sex. It had breakdowns by age and sex. There was some ridiculous stat that like 99% of "penis size" searches were by men. There's a lot of insecurity and projection in your posting.


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Date: December 19th, 2017 12:10 PM
Author: violent hall

misleading unless we know the percentage break down for COCK size searches.


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Date: December 19th, 2017 12:15 PM
Author: titillating swollen useless brakes university

You are missing my point.

Women do degrade each other and attack each other, but it is always for THEIR self-benefit. Basically when women degrade each other for looks or status or behavior, it is their means of social order and determining their status vis-a-vis each other, so they have accesss to the best males. THEY NEVER fight over their ability to make their man cum or orgasm. "Oh bitch my pussy is 2x tighter than yours and I can make my man cum 3 minutes faaster than you!"

Men on the otherhand are fighting each other AGAINST their self-interest. Who can please women the best. WTF kind of cuckery is that! Social ordering among men for access to women is fine and is natural. But infighting over cock size (or similarly who give the best oral) is utter stupidity.


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Date: December 18th, 2017 2:46 AM
Author: Arrogant People Who Are Hurt

op is an genius


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Date: December 18th, 2017 2:53 AM
Author: Ultramarine mewling lettuce

he's korean btw and a poster who i know IRL. it takes someone who has lived in a sane world to know if he's escaped it


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Date: December 18th, 2017 2:48 AM
Author: Ultramarine mewling lettuce

guy who lives in a patriarchal first world country here, sup


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Date: December 18th, 2017 5:27 AM
Author: orchid meetinghouse

brother i've seen many reports on reddit about feminazism growing in south korea: https://www.reddit.com/r/MensRights/comments/6642jj/feminism_in_south_korea_is_getting_wild_help_us/


I think Eastern Europe is the only safe place. for now


Reply Favorite

Date: December 18th, 2017 9:05 AM
Author: concupiscible theater



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Date: December 19th, 2017 11:06 AM
Author: Buck-toothed church fanboi


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Date: December 19th, 2017 11:11 AM
Author: Glittery geriatric dilemma azn

My wife has made me hate all women. If (when) we get a divorce I will likely never marry again and can't even imagine wanting to date for a long time. Modern women's expectations are absurd.


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Date: December 19th, 2017 11:14 AM
Author: Stirring heaven

the concept of being married TWICE is so foreign and insane to me that I literally cannot wrap my mind around it. It's one thing to deal with the problems and friction of someone you've been with your whole life, grown up with, vowed to stay with etc etc. But taking on some literal stranger's problems, midstream, all these bizarre quirks and habits that she's accumulated for decades when you didn't even know her? Sounds like hell


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Date: December 19th, 2017 11:18 AM
Author: Glittery geriatric dilemma azn

At this point I will likely be dating divorcees with kids. Why do I want to pay for some stranger's kid to go to college? Or deal with all of the bullshit that living with a woman entails? I am supposed to treat some 30+ year old divorcee like some prize?


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Date: December 19th, 2017 11:17 AM
Author: titillating swollen useless brakes university

There is hope in women who were raised in a traditional, patriarchal environment.

Basically a rational goldigger whose only expectation of you is to provide food, shelter and comfort, and will willingly please you in exchange. In her mind that is the bargain, and she will hold up her end of the deal as long as you do.

The moment feminist/GC bullshit like "romance" or "true love" or "feelings" or "respect" come into play, you're either going to have to become 100% cuck or end in divorce. It is literally "conform or give me half" when you are dealing with American women.


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Date: December 19th, 2017 11:22 AM
Author: Glittery geriatric dilemma azn

My wife was basically raised as a single child with a fucked up mother who got married four times. I am paying for this dysfunction, which has led her to have a serious personality disorder. She is constantly treating me like garbage while I pay 100% of the bills and blaming me for not caring about her feelings or respecting her enough to basically be bossed around my entire life. She can hold it together for brief periods, but nuts out and blames me for it eventually.


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Date: December 19th, 2017 11:24 AM
Author: pungent point

you have no one to blame but yourself bro.

my wife makes almost 4x's my income as a doc with a specialty and is extremely reasonable for the most part in addition to being attractive.


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Date: December 19th, 2017 11:30 AM
Author: Glittery geriatric dilemma azn

Good for you. My wife basically turned into a different person starting with the last couple months of pregnancy. She went from being a fun and happy person that was a little emotionally volatile to a totally emotionally dis-regulated bitch.


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Date: December 19th, 2017 11:45 AM
Author: Doobsian Irradiated Range

Um, you're leaving out the part where she had a diagnosed mental illness and was taking meds and stopped.


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Date: December 19th, 2017 11:54 AM
Author: Glittery geriatric dilemma azn

She never had a diagnosed mental illness and I didn't know she was on meds. She didn't get it diagnosed because if she did she would be considered an impaired physician. I knew she was on anti-depressants and found out about the mood stabilizers and likely bipolar/borderline personality disorder after she was already pregnant.


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Date: December 19th, 2017 11:30 AM
Author: Stirring heaven

jfc you didn't think the 4x divorced mom was a bad sign


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Date: December 19th, 2017 11:34 AM
Author: Glittery geriatric dilemma azn

Her mom was married to a guy for 25 years and my wife said he was abusive and he cheated on her and gave her an STD. Then she was a single mom raising kids on a teacher's salary and got into bad marriages because she didn't have any other options. I later found out it wasn't the whole story. Of course it was a bad sign, but my wife framed it in the least damaging way she could.


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Date: December 19th, 2017 11:18 AM
Author: Doobsian Irradiated Range

Oh no, what happened?


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Date: December 19th, 2017 11:26 AM
Author: Glittery geriatric dilemma azn


We have been sleeping in separate bedrooms so only one of us has to get up at night to take care of our baby and we can get sleep. The baby is sleeping through the night more and more, so it is less necessary now. Last night, we fell asleep watching TV and I woke up at 3 in the morning. I went downstairs to get my phone (which is my alarm clock) and fell back asleep down there. I was woken up by my wife screaming and throwing my belongings into a box and telling me to get the fuck out of the house. She was upset that I was trying to "escape" from her. She also told me she hates me and I will never have a relationship with "her" daughter.


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Date: December 19th, 2017 11:29 AM
Author: Doobsian Irradiated Range

You DNA tested this kid, right?


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Date: December 19th, 2017 11:31 AM
Author: Glittery geriatric dilemma azn

The baby looks like me and I was cumming inside her all the time when she got pregnant and basically spent all my time with her.


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Date: December 19th, 2017 11:44 AM
Author: Doobsian Irradiated Range

Yeah, still get it tested. That phrasing makes me wonder...


Reply Favorite

Date: December 19th, 2017 1:04 PM
Author: Jade Chad Love Of Her Life


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Date: December 19th, 2017 11:22 AM
Author: pungent point

black guy here. i support the OP


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Date: December 19th, 2017 11:33 AM
Author: bull headed preventive strike nursing home

Yes, because black men are the go to when it comes to what we should strive for in relationships.

How many kids by how many baby mommas are you up to?


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Date: December 19th, 2017 11:35 AM
Author: titillating swollen useless brakes university

Black men treat their women like shit and their women still stick around. They also fuck your wives.

I think they have the right idea.


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Date: December 19th, 2017 11:50 AM
Author: bull headed preventive strike nursing home

LOL. Yeah, they stick around...

You Asians are the doormats. Don't get it twisted.


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Date: December 19th, 2017 11:55 AM
Author: titillating swollen useless brakes university


White Americans made this bed.


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Date: December 19th, 2017 12:42 PM
Author: Vivacious hairy legs

(photo of British people)


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Date: December 19th, 2017 12:44 PM
Author: titillating swollen useless brakes university

You serious? You really want me to post pictures of American women and cucked men here?


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Date: December 19th, 2017 12:45 PM
Author: Vivacious hairy legs

Just thought it was a funny one to choose


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Date: December 19th, 2017 12:53 PM
Author: titillating swollen useless brakes university

It's a funny picture. Did you not see:

1) the girl from way back trying to grab the black dude's cock

2) the hand from nowhere feeling the black dude's chest

3) the girl clinging onto the black dude

4) the hordes of white cucks cheering on the cucking display


Reply Favorite

Date: December 19th, 2017 11:56 AM
Author: pungent point

guess you'd rather your wife respond to you this way cuck



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Date: December 19th, 2017 11:46 AM
Author: Doobsian Irradiated Range

OP seems unfair. The overwhelming majority of white males voted for Trump and don't engage in this BS. You're focusing on a small subset of males living in a few urban areas probably because that's who YOU are surrounded by.


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Date: December 19th, 2017 11:57 AM
Author: titillating swollen useless brakes university

Plenty of All-American bros in the midwest, south, etc.

Problem is the coastal cucks have ruined women's expectations around the country. So you will often see Alpha Chad Navy SEAL or Green Beret types with some fat woman, because frankly the vast majority of women now are fat with crazy expectations perpetuated by MSM and GC.


Reply Favorite

Date: December 19th, 2017 12:02 PM
Author: Doobsian Irradiated Range



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Date: December 19th, 2017 12:46 PM
Author: fighting cuckold place of business

bullshit ... when high-value, masculine military guys have fat wives, it's because they're from a background where they grew up surrounded by, and don't mind, fat women


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Date: December 19th, 2017 12:54 PM
Author: Doobsian Irradiated Range

Also, this has been true for at least my entire life.


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Date: December 19th, 2017 12:57 PM
Author: titillating swollen useless brakes university

Or because they have no other options. I spent quite a bit of time at the southern Army bases (Benning and Bragg) and pickings there are slim. Army bros deploy a lot and the pay isn't that great so a lot of them just go for what they can, which is not saying much in places like Fayeteville.

The Navy guys have it considerably better since their bases tend to be near coastal cities.


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Date: December 19th, 2017 11:58 AM
Author: pungent point

you're clueless bro, doesn't matter what part of the country you're in. whether your rich or poor, shitlib or trumptard; women are running this shit.

don't believe me, then why did treasury secretary steve mnunchin remarry a scottish gold digger


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Date: December 19th, 2017 12:01 PM
Author: Doobsian Irradiated Range

Because men do stupid shit when in love. Same reason Elon Musk remarried a gold digger that already robbed him once. Rich/powerful/smart men aren't immune from this.

That doesn't mean white men are all running around voting FOR HER, Pelosi, etc. while supporting #metoo crying about women in tech and lack of leaning in.


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Date: December 19th, 2017 12:08 PM
Author: titillating swollen useless brakes university

You need to consider what it means to be "in love."

In the 1950s, it meant you found a girl physically attractive and she seemed like she would be a good wife based on her feminine qualities.

These days, the concept of "love" has been hijacked by women. Ever hear a girl tell you "you should be more in tune with your feelings?" I guarantee every goddman cuck on this board has heard that exact line or something very similar multiple times by the time they were 25 years old. LOLOLOLOLOL. DO YOU REALIZE what that is? That is women's attempt to brainwash you into conceiving of relationships and "love" the way they conceptualize it. In other words, they are training you to THINK LIKE A FEMALE, i.e., be a fucking cuck ass bitch.

The moment you buy into that nonsense, it is game over for you. For thousands of years, men have NEVER felt the need to, nor have they evolved to, be "in tune with their feelings." It was simply about BEING a man, and doing manly things like supporting family and providing protection and shelter.

You think those GIs landing on Omaha Beach or jumping into Normandy were thinking about their precious little feelings? Hell no. They were focused on being a man and doing their duty for their country.


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Date: December 19th, 2017 12:10 PM
Author: Doobsian Irradiated Range

Men have been doing stupid shit due to being in love since the beginning of time. Adam and fucking Eve. Macbeth. Pushkin died in a duel over some bitch. LJL @ you acting like this is a new thing that was invented in the last few years.


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Date: December 19th, 2017 12:13 PM
Author: titillating swollen useless brakes university

Fighting over (and killing or dying) the right to fuck a bitch is the most manly and natural thing a man can do. Keyword here being "fighting."

Now dressing yourself up in skinny jeans and getting facials and manicures and obediently licking HER vagina is a modern phenomena and is most certainly not natural or manly.


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Date: December 19th, 2017 12:18 PM
Author: Doobsian Irradiated Range

Dying young in a duel for some woman you barely care about (in the case of Pushkin, probably married to another man) is an objectively stupid thing to do.


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Date: December 19th, 2017 12:19 PM
Author: titillating swollen useless brakes university

And objectively alpha as fuck. Having the balls to go toe-to-toe in a fight to the death requires real courage and a sense of honor that is sorely lacking in modern man.


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Date: December 19th, 2017 12:21 PM
Author: Doobsian Irradiated Range

And he still died and someone else got all his money. The other dude then fucked the chick. Seems pretty 120 to me.


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Date: December 19th, 2017 12:23 PM
Author: titillating swollen useless brakes university

Well sure the outcome is 120, but in the end we all die anyways.

At least he died young and with his cock blazing and you know his name. We on the otherhand will have a longer life of being abused by batshit crazy women and the moment we die she will open an Eharmony account seeking comfort from Darnell. Nobody will ever know the name of Jayden Cuck-Stein.


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Date: December 19th, 2017 12:26 PM
Author: Doobsian Irradiated Range

He could have lived a happy long life getting laid and enjoying his wealth. Instead, he acted like a jackass and got a predictable outcome. Absolutely nothing laudable about his actions/lifestyle.

As to your situation, nothing in modern society makes this a requirement. Yes, a lot of women are shit. A lot of women have always been shit. Find someone that makes you happy or enjoy being single. Either way, no reason to become Al Bundy or wear skinny jeans or whatever.


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Date: December 19th, 2017 12:29 PM
Author: pungent point

i agree. LJL at fighting over bitches. If not's impacting your money health or offspring fuck it


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Date: December 19th, 2017 12:33 PM
Author: Doobsian Irradiated Range

tcr. I at least understand if it is YOUR wife or something, but some random ho you're banging? That's just dumb.


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Date: December 19th, 2017 12:29 PM
Author: titillating swollen useless brakes university

I don't even know what we are arguing about. My position is that women now are far worse than they were in the past, and that men are far more cowardly than ever before.


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Date: December 19th, 2017 12:36 PM
Author: Doobsian Irradiated Range

I was just noting that applauding that sort of tomfoolery was just silly.

And while I generally agree, I think that you're reading a lot out of the situation in a few, large, shitlib cities + what you see in the media (and yes, corporate America) that is outright pushing this. Overall, many men are doing just fine and have their head screwed on straight.


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Date: December 19th, 2017 12:46 PM
Author: titillating swollen useless brakes university

Well yeah, like I said earlier ARE country is still filled with solid All American bros.

But the shitlib tumor is slowly spreading and must be surgically removed before it kills the host.


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Date: December 19th, 2017 12:52 PM
Author: Doobsian Irradiated Range

I agree with this. W. Europe is a good vision of where this is all heading.


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Date: December 19th, 2017 12:08 PM
Author: pungent point

you don't have to vote for hillary or pelosi, to constantly recite the mantra "happy life, happy wife"

men all over america of various socioeconomic levels are cucked to all hell. being cucked isn't about being shitlib or conturd like i said, it's about giving into your wife's every whim. it's about you paying all the bills yet she makes 95% of the decisions. it's about being scared of getting in verbal arguments with her because you don't want to "upset" her. only chads and tyrones like me transcend this and even I'm not perfect and im one of the most alpha guys on this fucking site for christ sakes (6'3 225, 150k a year at a super chill job, over 150 lays, wife is rad onc bringing in over 500k, she's in good shape post baby, she relatively submissive given her career...etc)


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Date: December 19th, 2017 12:13 PM
Author: Doobsian Irradiated Range

I'm definitely not cucked, you claim not to be cucked. There are people like you describe in every culture and have been since the beginning of time. And this isn't new either. Anyone remember watching Married with Children when they were kids?


Reply Favorite

Date: December 19th, 2017 12:08 PM
Author: Glittery geriatric dilemma azn


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Date: December 19th, 2017 12:08 PM
Author: Flirting brunch headpube

This is very mentally ill.


Reply Favorite

Date: December 19th, 2017 12:11 PM
Author: titillating swollen useless brakes university

I am glad to be considered mentally ill in a society where this is viewed as acceptable:



Reply Favorite

Date: December 19th, 2017 12:44 PM
Author: Vivacious hairy legs

Is that an anti-semitic t-shirt?


Reply Favorite

Date: December 19th, 2017 1:09 PM
Author: Jade Chad Love Of Her Life


Reply Favorite

Date: December 19th, 2017 1:21 PM
Author: Buck-toothed church fanboi

That front one looks like she may have some incredibly smelly gas.


Reply Favorite

Date: December 30th, 2017 3:35 PM
Author: pungent point


Reply Favorite

Date: January 23rd, 2018 3:37 PM
Author: Buck-toothed church fanboi

I agree that American men are BOTH some of the dumbest and some of the smartest men on the planet. For such a powerful group of men to let women basically control things is absolutely ridiculous. It's like letting the inmates run the prison.
