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Mueller will subpoena Trump, ask abt every convo he's had abt Russia sanctions &

Learn just how much Russian oligarchs paid to buy this compr...
razzle theater stage
Your life is so sad WLMAS. Go hang out with some friends or...
charismatic milk lodge
US sanctions matter greatly because of America’s global fina...
razzle theater stage
passionate confused brunch
Targeted, personal sanctions aimed at oligarchs create a gen...
razzle theater stage
They create bigger problem for you since if you take Soviet ...
soul-stirring massive market
Not only would Russia’s wealthiest come under unprecedented ...
razzle theater stage
Is cute you think the Europeans who depend on Russia to not ...
soul-stirring massive market
you’re still running this collusion schtick?
Free-loading Corner Immigrant
I don’t know what “collusion” means. It’s not a crime and do...
razzle theater stage
The literal objective of the special counsel is to investiga...
Exciting Locale Therapy
"dis ah finarry gon stop a Tlump!"
vibrant chapel clown
razzle theater stage
razzle theater stage
razzle theater stage
razzle theater stage
razzle theater stage
Odious elite prole
WASHINGTON POST... you are linking that here? faggot. go ...
Mind-boggling Shivering Mother Library
Garnet abode
are lawyers allowed to issue subpoenas from a federal holdin...
magenta spot love of her life
I like how their anonymous "source" says Trump was...
Razzmatazz azure school cafeteria
What kind of details were you looking for
razzle theater stage
razzle theater stage
razzle theater stage
he'll just lie
big-titted center
Is that legal advice
razzle theater stage
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Disgusting Provocative Voyeur
Titillating liquid oxygen
balding hominid circlehead

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Date: January 15th, 2018 9:37 AM
Author: razzle theater stage

Learn just how much Russian oligarchs paid to buy this compromised, disgusting traitor


Trump at times seemed not to understand how his actions and behavior intensified congressional concern. After he emerged from a meeting in Hamburg with Putin, Trump said he and the Russian leader had agreed upon the outlines of a cooperative cybersecurity plan.

Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.) described the proposed pact as “pretty close” to “the dumbest idea I’ve ever heard” and introduced additional provisions to the sanctions bill that would strip Trump of much of his power to undo them — a remarkable slap at presidential prerogative.

Then, in late July, new information surfaced about the extent of Trump’s interactions with Putin in Hamburg that sent another wave of anxiety across Capitol Hill.

At the end of a lavish banquet for world leaders, Trump wandered away from his assigned seat for a private conversation with the Russian leader — without a single U.S. witness, only a Kremlin interpreter.

A Trump administration official described the reaction to the encounter as overblown, saying that Trump had merely left his seat to join the first lady, Melania Trump, who had been seated for the dinner next to Putin. Whatever the reason, little over a week later both chambers of Congress passed the sanctions measure with overwhelming margins that would withstand any Trump veto.

Trump’s frustration had been building as the measure approached a final vote. He saw the bill as validation of the case that Russia had interfered, as an encroachment on his executive authority and as a potentially fatal blow to his aspirations for friendship with Putin, according to his advisers.

In the final days before passage, Trump watched MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” program and stewed as hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski declared that the bill would be a slap in the face to the president.

“He was raging,” one adviser said. “He was raging mad.”

After final passage, Trump was “apoplectic,” the adviser recalled. It took four days for aides to persuade him to sign the bill, arguing that if he vetoed it and Congress overturned that veto, his standing would be permanently weakened.

“Hey, here are the votes,” aides told the president, according to a second Trump adviser. “If you veto it, they’ll override you and then you’re f---ed and you look like you’re weak.”

Trump signed but made his displeasure known. His signing statement asserted that the measure included “clearly unconstitutional provisions.” Trump had routinely made a show of bill signings, but in this case no media was allowed to attend.

The reaction from Russia was withering. Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev taunted the president in a Facebook post that echoed Trump’s style, saying that the president had shown “complete impotence, in the most humiliating manner, transferring executive power to Congress.”


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Date: January 15th, 2018 9:40 AM
Author: charismatic milk lodge

Your life is so sad WLMAS. Go hang out with some friends or something


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Date: January 15th, 2018 9:46 AM
Author: razzle theater stage

US sanctions matter greatly because of America’s global financial clout. But Vladimir Putin wants European sanctions relaxed just as badly as he wants those imposed by the US out of the way. US and European sanctions have generally been decided in a coordinated manner. Russian money is all over Europe. In a recent book, Russia and the Western Far Right, the researcher Anton Shekhovtsov draws a connection between the Kremlin’s support for populist movements across Europe and their leaders’ systematic denunciation of sanctions on Russia.

The issue is simmering now but it could well boil over by February, when a piece of US legislation including new, wide-ranging sanctions is likely to be passed. Donald Trump reluctantly signed the bill in August after it was nearly unanimously voted through by Congress – who wanted to prevent Trump from being able to unwind sanctions single-handedly, in the aftermath of US intelligence reports on Russian meddling in the election. The bill is emphatically called The Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions bill. Deep inside it, section 241 is the closest thing to a bombshell for Putin’s pyramidal power structure. Indeed, it stipulates that by February 2018, the US administration must submit a detailed report to Congress containing “the identification of the most significant oligarchs” in Russia, their relationship to Putin, evidence of any corruption, estimated net worth and sources of income. Anyone fitting the criteria could be subjected to personal sanctions, such as asset freezes and travel bans.


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Date: January 15th, 2018 9:50 AM
Author: passionate confused brunch


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Date: January 15th, 2018 9:52 AM
Author: razzle theater stage

Targeted, personal sanctions aimed at oligarchs create a genuine problem for Putin’s hold on power. Russia is an authoritarian kleptocracy. The elite’s loyalty to the president hinges greatly on the protection he can guarantee them. Putin is readying himself for re-election next March, aged 65, but he wants to be sure the ruling system he’s built remains iron-clad. Oligarchs dislike sanctions, especially those that make it harder for them to enjoy the wealth they’ve amassed and placed abroad, whether in luxury properties in London, New York and the Riviera, or in a wide network of offshore accounts, as the Panama Papers revealed.


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Date: March 16th, 2018 6:50 AM
Author: soul-stirring massive market

They create bigger problem for you since if you take Soviet money Soviets nuke you. Last laugh belong to Soviets after you are radioactive ash.


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Date: January 15th, 2018 9:50 AM
Author: razzle theater stage

Not only would Russia’s wealthiest come under unprecedented American scrutiny but the same would happen to their family members, and anyone doing business with them in the west. As such, the scope of the bill goes much further than anything undertaken to date against members of Putin’s entourage. As sanctions go, and depending on the bill’s implementation, this has the potential to destabilise the regime, not just create unpleasantness for a few Putin insiders.

As a result, there’s been a whiff of panic among Russian oligarchs. Dan Fried, a former Obama administration sanctions coordinator now working at the Atlantic Council thinktank, recently told me he’s never seen anything like it. Russian oligarchs have been flooding Washington with lobbyists and lawyers to try to fathom what may be coming at them. “They want to know whether a blacklist of names will be drawn up,” says Fried, who’s been contacted by some of these emissaries and smells “desperation”. Reporting from Russia, the Moscow Times adds that Russia’s wealthiest are at a loss as to how to circumvent the coming blow. Some law firms have reportedly advised oligarchs to divorce their wives and register all their assets in the names of their former spouses as a way of keeping them safe.


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Date: March 16th, 2018 6:52 AM
Author: soul-stirring massive market

Is cute you think the Europeans who depend on Russia to not freeze or starve to death would let this ever happen.


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Date: January 15th, 2018 9:48 AM
Author: Free-loading Corner Immigrant

you’re still running this collusion schtick?


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Date: January 15th, 2018 9:52 AM
Author: razzle theater stage

I don’t know what “collusion” means. It’s not a crime and doesn’t appear anywhere in the letter giving Mueller his charge


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Date: January 24th, 2018 1:48 PM
Author: Exciting Locale Therapy

The literal objective of the special counsel is to investigate 'coordination'. There would be no investigation without the DNC email hacking, period.



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Date: January 15th, 2018 9:49 AM
Author: vibrant chapel clown

"dis ah finarry gon stop a Tlump!"


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Date: January 15th, 2018 10:05 AM
Author: razzle theater stage



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Date: January 15th, 2018 11:16 AM
Author: razzle theater stage


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Date: January 20th, 2018 11:28 AM
Author: razzle theater stage



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Date: January 23rd, 2018 7:09 AM
Author: razzle theater stage


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Date: January 24th, 2018 1:37 PM
Author: razzle theater stage


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Date: May 17th, 2020 1:25 PM
Author: Odious elite prole


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Date: January 24th, 2018 1:38 PM
Author: Mind-boggling Shivering Mother Library


you are linking that here? faggot. go home.


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Date: January 24th, 2018 1:43 PM
Author: Garnet abode


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Date: January 24th, 2018 1:55 PM
Author: magenta spot love of her life

are lawyers allowed to issue subpoenas from a federal holding cell?


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Date: January 24th, 2018 2:05 PM
Author: Razzmatazz azure school cafeteria

I like how their anonymous "source" says Trump was in a rage and apoplectic, but for some reason doesn't give any sort of description of same.

Doesn't sound made up at all.


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Date: February 17th, 2018 2:30 PM
Author: razzle theater stage

What kind of details were you looking for


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Date: February 17th, 2018 1:05 PM
Author: razzle theater stage


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Date: March 16th, 2018 12:19 AM
Author: razzle theater stage


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Date: March 16th, 2018 12:21 AM
Author: big-titted center

he'll just lie


Reply Favorite

Date: March 16th, 2018 9:37 AM
Author: razzle theater stage

Is that legal advice


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Date: March 25th, 2019 10:42 PM
Author: Tan Location Wrinkle


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Date: May 13th, 2020 11:31 AM
Author: Disgusting Provocative Voyeur


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Date: May 17th, 2020 1:27 PM
Author: Titillating liquid oxygen



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Date: June 13th, 2020 3:01 PM
Author: balding hominid circlehead
