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John Gray bends Stephen Pinker over like a twig ITT (link)

The message of Pinker’s book is that the Enlightenment produ...
Bistre bbw
Bistre bbw
uve been poasting as a shitlib and took a 120 turn did yo...
Flatulent Insecure Church Building Genital Piercing
soul-stirring gold shrine stain
holy shit
exhilarant crystalline nursing home hissy fit
between 'enlightened despotism' and 'full retard Democracy' ...
aqua gaping theatre
Yes very 'simple'
Bistre bbw
Easy peasy
soul-stirring gold shrine stain
exhilarant crystalline nursing home hissy fit
that man had a worldview!
Stirring khaki forum
stopped reading here. nigs in prison --> world isn't gett...
Grizzly fanboi
Flatulent Insecure Church Building Genital Piercing
Stopped reading at Are the millions incarcerated in the v...
soul-stirring gold shrine stain
a level of autistic libertarianism that's so autistic it isn...
avocado meetinghouse mood
Flatulent Insecure Church Building Genital Piercing
He's not saying that they should be freed, he's just disputi...
Bistre bbw
U should at least be somewhat responsive when poasting in yo...
Flatulent Insecure Church Building Genital Piercing
Bistre bbw
Flatulent Insecure Church Building Genital Piercing
Gray is confronting Pinker's claim that human freedom is inc...
Bistre bbw
john gray serving up his own reheated leftovers from 20 year...
peach irradiated principal's office legend
Repetitiveness in philosophy isn't a flaw, especially when y...
Bistre bbw
Link to his best work?
exhilarant crystalline nursing home hissy fit
Bistre bbw
i can't remember the name of it but the book he wrote predic...
Curious Bossy Library Party Of The First Part
i love john gray
Curious Bossy Library Party Of The First Part

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: February 25th, 2018 11:17 AM
Author: Bistre bbw

The message of Pinker’s book is that the Enlightenment produced all of the progress of the modern era and none of its crimes. This is why he tries to explain 20th-century megadeaths by reference to Nietzsche’s supposedly anti-Enlightenment philosophy. Here he has shifted his ground. In The Better Angels of Our Nature (2011), Pinker represented the Hemoclysm – a term referring to the early 20th-century spasm of mass killing, which he uses to lump together the two world wars, the Soviet Gulag and the Holocaust – as not much more than a statistical fluke. What explains this change of view? Pinker cites no change in the historical evidence that is available on the subject.

Instead, there has been a shift in the mood of liberals. Less than a decade ago, they were confident that progress was ongoing. No doubt there would be periods of regression; we might be in one of those periods at the present time. Yet over the long haul of history, there could be no doubt that the forces of reason would continue to advance. Today, liberals have lost that always rather incredible faith. Faced with the political reversals of the past few years and the onward march of authoritarianism, they find their view of the world crumbling away. What they need at the present time, more than anything else, is some kind of intellectual anodyne that can soothe their nerves, still their doubts and stave off panic.

This is where Pinker comes in. Enlightenment Now is a rationalist sermon delivered to a congregation of wavering souls. To think of the book as any kind of scholarly exercise is a category mistake. Much of its more than 500 pages consists of figures aiming to show the progress that has been made under the aegis of Enlightenment ideals. Of course, these figures settle nothing. Like Pinker’s celebrated assertion that the world is becoming ever more peaceful – the statistical basis of which has been demolished by Nassim Nicholas Taleb – everything depends on what is included in them and how they are interpreted.

Are the millions incarcerated in the vast American prison system and the millions more who live under parole included in the calculus that says human freedom is increasing? If we are to congratulate ourselves on being less cruel to animals, how much weight should be given to the uncounted numbers that suffer in factory farming and hideous medical experiments – neither of which were practised on any comparable scale in the past?

It would be idle to pursue such questions. The purpose of Pinker’s laborious graphs and figures is to reassure his audience that they are on “the right side of history”. For many, no doubt, the exercise will be successful. But nagging questions will surely return. If an Enlightenment project survives, what reason is there for thinking it will be embodied in liberal democracy? What if the Enlightenment’s future is not in the liberal West, now almost ungovernable as a result of the culture wars in which it is mired, but Xi Jinping’s China, where an altogether tougher breed of rationalist is in charge? It is a prospect that Voltaire, Jeremy Bentham and other exponents of enlightened despotism would have heartily welcomed.

Judged as a contribution to thought, Enlightenment Now is embarrassingly feeble. With its primitive scientism and manga-style history of ideas, the book is a parody of Enlightenment thinking at its crudest. A more intellectually inquiring author would have conveyed something of the Enlightenment’s richness and diversity. Yet even if Pinker was capable of providing it, intellectual inquiry is not what his anxious flock demands. Only an anodyne, mythical Enlightenment can give them what they crave, which is relief from painful doubt.

Given this overriding emotional imperative, presenting them with the actual, conflict-ridden, often illiberal Enlightenment would be – by definition, one might say – unreasonable. Judged as a therapeutic manual for rattled rationalists, Enlightenment Now is a highly topical and much-needed book. In the end, after all, reason is only the slave of the passions.

Full review: https://www.newstatesman.com/culture/books/2018/02/unenlightened-thinking-steven-pinker-s-embarrassing-new-book-feeble-sermon


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Date: February 25th, 2018 1:56 PM
Author: Bistre bbw


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Date: February 25th, 2018 11:55 PM
Author: Flatulent Insecure Church Building Genital Piercing

uve been poasting as a shitlib and took a 120 turn

did you take this account over?


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Date: February 25th, 2018 11:59 PM
Author: soul-stirring gold shrine stain



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Date: February 25th, 2018 2:17 PM
Author: exhilarant crystalline nursing home hissy fit

holy shit


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Date: February 25th, 2018 2:25 PM
Author: aqua gaping theatre

between 'enlightened despotism' and 'full retard Democracy' there is the simple solution of reverting back to what originally worked: restricting the franchise, power/influence, to white males, and keeping western countries ethnically european.


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Date: February 25th, 2018 3:25 PM
Author: Bistre bbw

Yes very 'simple'


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Date: February 26th, 2018 12:00 AM
Author: soul-stirring gold shrine stain

Easy peasy


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Date: February 25th, 2018 11:48 PM
Author: exhilarant crystalline nursing home hissy fit


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Date: February 25th, 2018 11:52 PM
Author: Stirring khaki forum

that man had a worldview!


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Date: February 25th, 2018 11:55 PM
Author: Grizzly fanboi

stopped reading here. nigs in prison --> world isn't getting better? seems liek the opposite. also the prison population is dropping even in america

>Are the millions incarcerated in the vast American prison system and the millions more who live under parole included in the calculus that says human freedom is increasing? If we are to congratulate ourselves on being less cruel to animals, how much weight should be given to the uncounted numbers that suffer in factory farming and hideous medical experiments – neither of which were practised on any comparable scale in the past?


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Date: February 25th, 2018 11:55 PM
Author: Flatulent Insecure Church Building Genital Piercing


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Date: February 25th, 2018 11:59 PM
Author: soul-stirring gold shrine stain

Stopped reading at

Are the millions incarcerated in the vast American prison system and the millions more who live under parole included in the calculus that says human freedom is increasing?

Lol at this moron


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Date: February 26th, 2018 12:05 AM
Author: avocado meetinghouse mood

a level of autistic libertarianism that's so autistic it isn't even libertarianism anymore, simply breathtaking


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Date: February 26th, 2018 12:06 AM
Author: Flatulent Insecure Church Building Genital Piercing


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Date: February 26th, 2018 8:14 AM
Author: Bistre bbw

He's not saying that they should be freed, he's just disputing the claim that general freedom has increased with rationalist policies.


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Date: February 26th, 2018 8:15 AM
Author: Flatulent Insecure Church Building Genital Piercing

U should at least be somewhat responsive when poasting in your own thread


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Date: February 26th, 2018 8:16 AM
Author: Bistre bbw



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Date: February 26th, 2018 8:17 AM
Author: Flatulent Insecure Church Building Genital Piercing



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Date: February 26th, 2018 8:20 AM
Author: Bistre bbw

Gray is confronting Pinker's claim that human freedom is increasing by bringing up statistical data of incarceration. He is not arguing that the freedom of imprisoned convicts is desirable or even that freedom itself is attainable. Gray is a classical liberal pessimist, Pinker is a progressive shitlib.


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Date: February 26th, 2018 9:05 AM
Author: peach irradiated principal's office legend

john gray serving up his own reheated leftovers from 20 years ago. he is extremely dumb and repetitive


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Date: February 26th, 2018 9:17 AM
Author: Bistre bbw

Repetitiveness in philosophy isn't a flaw, especially when you're arguing that history is cyclical, not progressive.


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Date: February 26th, 2018 12:42 PM
Author: exhilarant crystalline nursing home hissy fit

Link to his best work?


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Date: February 26th, 2018 1:41 PM
Author: Bistre bbw



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Date: March 6th, 2018 12:48 PM
Author: Curious Bossy Library Party Of The First Part

i can't remember the name of it but the book he wrote predicting that russia would not become a liberal democratic economic powerhouse like everyone else was predicting was a nice non-aphoristic distillation of his thought


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Date: March 6th, 2018 12:46 PM
Author: Curious Bossy Library Party Of The First Part

i love john gray
