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CNN reporter on being a victim of Morgan Freeman saying I wish I was there

bateful faggotry
Victimhood is our greatest virtue. Can’t blame people for as...
up-to-no-good space
She should demand 6 months of paid disability leave, and spe...
bateful faggotry

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Date: May 26th, 2018 5:42 PM
Author: bateful faggotry


Shitlib here, but do these victims know what the word victim means?

She had been sent to cover a publicity event last year for “Going in Style,” a film starring Mr. Freeman, Michael Caine and Alan Arkin. Ms. Melas, who was pregnant at the time with her son Leo, said that Mr. Freeman looked her up and down and made several remarks along the lines of “I wish I was there,” one of which was captured on video. She reported the incident to CNN, which then informed Warner Bros., the studio behind the film. Warner Bros., which like CNN is a division of Time Warner, responded later that it could not corroborate the account because only the one comment was recorded and other Warner Bros. employees said they had not seen anything.


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Date: May 26th, 2018 5:46 PM
Author: up-to-no-good space

Victimhood is our greatest virtue. Can’t blame people for aspiring to it.


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Date: May 26th, 2018 5:52 PM
Author: bateful faggotry

She should demand 6 months of paid disability leave, and spend it “traveling” to help “process” what she went thru. And shame the fukk out of CNN to MSNBC if they deny her request.
