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Ocazia-Cortez is an hispanic identitarian, not a 'socialist'

see: her excited victory tweets blabbering about being in th...
hairraiser sweet tailpipe
good hispanics will kill bantus and preserve some semblance...
buff selfie address
Maybe this is civilized by chechen standards http://shoeb...
talented bistre foreskin marketing idea
the statistics don't lie, D'Quan
buff selfie address
Take your statistics and pedophile antics back to Chechnya, ...
talented bistre foreskin marketing idea
Fishy Fat Ankles Whorehouse
i get the impression she don't speak spanish. she is one of...
boyish abode
In the long run making Hispanics forget Spanish is the only ...
Exciting parlor goyim
that is a different matter altogether. the try hards who mo...
boyish abode
Go on more about this archetype, it sounds hilarious.
Exciting parlor goyim
the ivies are FULL of them and they form the majority of the...
boyish abode
180, also I was just ranting to my friend about DC soccer fa...
Exciting parlor goyim
Vivacious market double fault
bateful sexy faggotry
Sorry you can't rate the pace and quality on the pitch, mate...
cordovan kitchen volcanic crater
This is rich coming from some guy who is probably bitter abo...
razzmatazz jade field laser beams
You come off like a bitter retard here fyi
talented bistre foreskin marketing idea
razzmatazz jade field laser beams
You think maybe religious ritual isn’t comparable to sports ...
talented bistre foreskin marketing idea
If it walks like a duck...
Vivacious market double fault
U r a bort treasure and provide more accurate insight on rac...
Vivacious market double fault
talented bistre foreskin marketing idea
clear sickened sanctuary
bateful sexy faggotry
maniacal institution
I was JUST having a convo with a friend about this. Blacks h...
Slate den pozpig
clear sickened sanctuary
very credited poast. i don't know enough about AOC beyond...
boyish abode
it's all very strange. i remember being (and still very m...
boyish abode
This is why nobody really gives a shit about BLM, Anti-Fa, O...
clear sickened sanctuary
Why group Occupy with BLM and antifa? It was nothing like th...
Slate den pozpig
i think they share a similar "privileged members" ...
boyish abode
"i would say occupy had the MOST privileged members.&qu...
Slate den pozpig
but they live somewhere on someone's dime. it's not like hom...
boyish abode
Well yea, everyone has some form of privilege. White Trump v...
Slate den pozpig
“ODing on fentanyl “ Subtle BS shade?
talented bistre foreskin marketing idea
oh, sure. i don't think that BLM or Occupy DONT have any le...
boyish abode
The people who founded BLM are a bunch of black yuppie lesbi...
Slate den pozpig
lol true. it's interesting. like yes they created the h...
boyish abode
Blacks, as a whole, are way way too trusting of organization...
Slate den pozpig
i view this as a double edged sword. IF the org is organic ...
boyish abode
Scarlet Dilemma
Link to her anti identity statements? I kind of like her exc...
primrose laughsome messiness stage
and somehow you guys never called Obama out for this shit
nubile casino
Glittery Box Office Voyeur
bateful sexy faggotry
Please write a book on sick Amerikkkan society.
maniacal institution
180. I wonder how many of the UMC black students just don't ...
Adventurous At-the-ready Church
so they are upper middle class jewish women from gated subur...
Racy clown
talented bistre foreskin marketing idea
elaborate? i'm a little confused.
boyish abode
Socially and politically Jewish
talented bistre foreskin marketing idea
if by jewish we mean "wholesale accepting of postmodern...
boyish abode
"if where we were was so awesome, why the fuck are we h...
Aqua soul-stirring stage
This is scholarship and it happens with model minorities as ...
Sable resort liquid oxygen
Brindle anal preventive strike
If she spoke 5 words of Espanol, we'd have seen it by now, r...
Adventurous At-the-ready Church
She looks like the type of woman who would obsessively stalk...
salmon native filthpig
bateful sexy faggotry
agreed. i really do hope it all works out for her. she's i...
boyish abode
Being a congresswoman from an 80% district isn't that hard. ...
Sable resort liquid oxygen
She’s got insane crazy eyes and an uncomfortable stare
salmon native filthpig
bateful sexy faggotry
I've seen some shit, mang
Racy clown
bateful sexy faggotry
the last year and a half of her life must be completely insa...
boyish abode
Should XO reach out to halp her?
Aqua soul-stirring stage
Her campaign manager was one of the founders of Justice Demo...
Awkward Main People Cuckoldry
Conservaturds come up with an excuse for every type of liber...
razzmatazz jade field laser beams
Needs Work: https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/Alexandria_Oca...
Aqua soul-stirring stage
Shes a moron but spoiled brat minority millennials who want ...
Ocher forum digit ratio
So blasting hispanic music at a victory rally and chatting i...
hideous stag film toilet seat
Does this shtick ever grow boring for you?
Vivacious market double fault

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: July 15th, 2018 11:48 AM
Author: hairraiser sweet tailpipe

see: her excited victory tweets blabbering about being in the BODEGA buying beaner food, chatting in SPANISH and blasting OYE COME VA!!

this is about race and identity, not MUH SOCIALISM.


Reply Favorite

Date: July 15th, 2018 11:58 AM
Author: buff selfie address


hispanics will kill bantus and preserve some semblance of humanity


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Date: July 15th, 2018 12:00 PM
Author: talented bistre foreskin marketing idea

Maybe this is civilized by chechen standards



Reply Favorite

Date: July 15th, 2018 12:02 PM
Author: buff selfie address

the statistics don't lie, D'Quan


Reply Favorite

Date: July 15th, 2018 12:16 PM
Author: talented bistre foreskin marketing idea

Take your statistics and pedophile antics back to Chechnya, Muhammad. You all have to go back.


Reply Favorite

Date: July 15th, 2018 1:44 PM
Author: Fishy Fat Ankles Whorehouse


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Date: July 15th, 2018 12:16 PM
Author: boyish abode

i get the impression she don't speak spanish. she is one of THOSE.


Reply Favorite

Date: July 15th, 2018 12:41 PM
Author: Exciting parlor goyim

In the long run making Hispanics forget Spanish is the only way to save America.


Reply Favorite

Date: July 15th, 2018 12:48 PM
Author: boyish abode

that is a different matter altogether. the try hards who move to the suburbs and try tooth and nail to keep urban identity and latino roots are an archetype. little things pop out to show me exactly what "box" she fits in.

she's the girl from the burbs who wants to be viewed as real. this is all one long cosplay that's now out of her control.

this ends poorly. i wish her the best, but all signs point to antidepressants and misery. i hope i'm wrong.


Reply Favorite

Date: July 15th, 2018 12:55 PM
Author: Exciting parlor goyim

Go on more about this archetype, it sounds hilarious.


Reply Favorite

Date: July 15th, 2018 1:09 PM
Author: boyish abode

the ivies are FULL of them and they form the majority of the people of color. you already know them.

they--for various reasons--don't have what can be called an authentic experience. so they struggle and claw to be "down" and it comes across as contrived. not any different than white american soccer nerds who say "pitch" and talk about "pace". they have a form of survival guilt. their parents made it to the next stage of american life to give their kids the american experience. but, the kids rebel because they've been indoctrinated in the idea that their parents didn't earn it, or any of the various -isms they've been victimized by.

it's annoying. the puerto rican girl from the burbs on and on and on about puerto rican shit and you have to check her "listen, my whole family is there. we don't talk even a quarter as much about puerto rican history/culture/identity as you guys do. and for all this energy you expend on it, you havent bothered to learn spanish. please stfu and eat your sancocho in peace." i had to tame my wife on this because she was one of those. ultimately the killshot to this is "if where we were was so awesome, why the fuck are we here?"


Reply Favorite

Date: July 15th, 2018 1:15 PM
Author: Exciting parlor goyim

180, also I was just ranting to my friend about DC soccer fans who insist on using Euro lingo. It’s terrible.


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Date: July 15th, 2018 1:17 PM
Author: Vivacious market double fault


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Date: July 15th, 2018 1:47 PM
Author: bateful sexy faggotry


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Date: July 15th, 2018 3:25 PM
Author: cordovan kitchen volcanic crater

Sorry you can't rate the pace and quality on the pitch, mate. Stick to gridiron.


Reply Favorite

Date: July 15th, 2018 3:28 PM
Author: razzmatazz jade field laser beams

This is rich coming from some guy who is probably bitter about the modern Catholic Church not sticking to some arcane 500 year old rules


Reply Favorite

Date: July 15th, 2018 3:29 PM
Author: talented bistre foreskin marketing idea

You come off like a bitter retard here fyi


Reply Favorite

Date: July 15th, 2018 3:36 PM
Author: razzmatazz jade field laser beams



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Date: July 16th, 2018 11:33 AM
Author: talented bistre foreskin marketing idea

You think maybe religious ritual isn’t comparable to sports lingo? Are you jewish?


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Date: July 16th, 2018 11:39 AM
Author: Vivacious market double fault

If it walks like a duck...


Reply Favorite

Date: July 15th, 2018 1:17 PM
Author: Vivacious market double fault

U r a bort treasure and provide more accurate insight on race in America than any of our shitlibs


Reply Favorite

Date: July 15th, 2018 1:32 PM
Author: talented bistre foreskin marketing idea


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Date: July 15th, 2018 1:34 PM
Author: clear sickened sanctuary



Reply Favorite

Date: July 15th, 2018 1:47 PM
Author: bateful sexy faggotry


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Date: July 15th, 2018 2:06 PM
Author: maniacal institution


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Date: July 15th, 2018 1:27 PM
Author: Slate den pozpig

I was JUST having a convo with a friend about this. Blacks have this same archetype. Case in point:


This girl went to a LAC and got a bullshit interpretive dance/theater degree and has never lived in a black neighborhood in her entire life. She even has a white GF. Yet every other post on SM is about her lived experience as a woman of color. It's almost a cartoon at this point.

It's important to note people like this don't actually care about their ethnicity. It's just a tool with which to accrue status and wealth.

With that said, I don't think AOC falls into this category. She's made some anti-identity politics statements before.


Reply Favorite

Date: July 15th, 2018 1:35 PM
Author: clear sickened sanctuary



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Date: July 15th, 2018 1:44 PM
Author: boyish abode

very credited poast.

i don't know enough about AOC beyond what i see poasted here. so i am getting a very mediated and very biased portrayal so you may have better vision of what she's about. but i feel you. especially the part about it not REALLY being about the cause, but more about the status this confers in our current moment.


Reply Favorite

Date: July 15th, 2018 1:53 PM
Author: boyish abode

it's all very strange.

i remember being (and still very much am) a working class kid aspiring to joining the middle class and seeing these middle class "shooting down" and wondering why they would muck about in rabble by choice. don't they get that we're trying to be who their parents are? it's like 2 glass elevators and i'm trying to go to the penthouse and the kids in the penthouse are rushing to get the basement to live in the super's apartment. i just don't get it.


Reply Favorite

Date: July 15th, 2018 1:54 PM
Author: clear sickened sanctuary

This is why nobody really gives a shit about BLM, Anti-Fa, Occupy... We know 90% of their "members" lead privileged lives.


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Date: July 15th, 2018 2:06 PM
Author: Slate den pozpig

Why group Occupy with BLM and antifa? It was nothing like the latter two.


Reply Favorite

Date: July 15th, 2018 2:10 PM
Author: boyish abode

i think they share a similar "privileged members" argument.

i would say occupy had the MOST privileged members. if you can afford to not work for months and live in a tent by choice, someone is paying those bills in williamsburg.

i would say BLM is the more outlier. those people rioting in MO were, in the main, broke ass people.


Reply Favorite

Date: July 15th, 2018 2:16 PM
Author: Slate den pozpig

"i would say occupy had the MOST privileged members."

Lol there are a lot of unemployed students in NYC.


Reply Favorite

Date: July 15th, 2018 2:21 PM
Author: boyish abode

but they live somewhere on someone's dime. it's not like homeless students were in zuccati park. these were people who set up a community with wifi, a printing press and actual rapes.

i am dealing with someone who wants to do a lecture on the literature of Occupy because a "plethora" of work came out of occupy that was written there. some guy wrote a novel while he was there. i've had calls with the guy. he can't be broke.

i'm not saying that what ur saying isn't true. sure. but they do live on someone's dime. they weren't homeless before occupy. and if you can live on someone's dime, even in the projects, as an adult, that is some privilege even if it's degrading and destroying your self esteem.


Reply Favorite

Date: July 15th, 2018 2:25 PM
Author: Slate den pozpig

Well yea, everyone has some form of privilege. White Trump voters in WV ODing on fentanyl have privilege too. Doesn't mean they don't have legitimate grievances.


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Date: July 15th, 2018 2:27 PM
Author: talented bistre foreskin marketing idea

“ODing on fentanyl “

Subtle BS shade?


Reply Favorite

Date: July 15th, 2018 2:29 PM
Author: boyish abode

oh, sure. i don't think that BLM or Occupy DONT have any legitimate grievances. it's mostly an issue of how to pursue those ends. antifa, imho, have NO legit grievances at all.

i think the question was about what do the 3 share in common and i think it's "privileged kids acting out" where I think blm was an outlier in that i don't think that's the case.


Reply Favorite

Date: July 15th, 2018 2:31 PM
Author: Slate den pozpig

The people who founded BLM are a bunch of black yuppie lesbians.


Reply Favorite

Date: July 15th, 2018 2:33 PM
Author: boyish abode


true. it's interesting. like yes they created the hashtag and etc., but when i think BLM i don't identify it with them. maybe it's because i'm sympathetic to the grievances (like you are), but i view it as full of dissaffected black dudes with the yuppies doing a lot of the yapping.


Reply Favorite

Date: July 15th, 2018 2:37 PM
Author: Slate den pozpig

Blacks, as a whole, are way way too trusting of organizations they view as sympathetic to their plight. All one has to do is utter a few platitudes and you'll have black church ladies ready to march in the streets for you.


Reply Favorite

Date: July 15th, 2018 2:39 PM
Author: boyish abode

i view this as a double edged sword. IF the org is organic and represents the interests of blacks, then that's a great trait. but it's that people hijack it for adverse interests.

farrahkan gets ALL OF THIS SHIT right btw.


Reply Favorite

Date: July 15th, 2018 2:00 PM
Author: Scarlet Dilemma


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Date: July 15th, 2018 2:28 PM
Author: primrose laughsome messiness stage

Link to her anti identity statements? I kind of like her except her abolish ICE schitck. Would take her over a decrepit GC boomer any day


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Date: July 16th, 2018 11:28 AM
Author: nubile casino

and somehow you guys never called Obama out for this shit


Reply Favorite

Date: July 15th, 2018 1:40 PM
Author: Glittery Box Office Voyeur


Reply Favorite

Date: July 15th, 2018 1:46 PM
Author: bateful sexy faggotry


Reply Favorite

Date: July 15th, 2018 2:06 PM
Author: maniacal institution

Please write a book on sick Amerikkkan society.


Reply Favorite

Date: July 15th, 2018 2:10 PM
Author: Adventurous At-the-ready Church

180. I wonder how many of the UMC black students just don't realize how many inner city "youths" really did have it coming to them? Do they think the thugs are really just like the ones that made it out, but just have a bad hand dealt?


Reply Favorite

Date: July 15th, 2018 2:21 PM
Author: Racy clown

so they are upper middle class jewish women from gated suburban communities who happen to be black or hispanic


Reply Favorite

Date: July 15th, 2018 2:23 PM
Author: talented bistre foreskin marketing idea


Reply Favorite

Date: July 15th, 2018 2:27 PM
Author: boyish abode

elaborate? i'm a little confused.


Reply Favorite

Date: July 15th, 2018 2:28 PM
Author: talented bistre foreskin marketing idea

Socially and politically Jewish


Reply Favorite

Date: July 15th, 2018 2:30 PM
Author: boyish abode

if by jewish we mean "wholesale accepting of postmodern lies" then yes.


Reply Favorite

Date: July 15th, 2018 3:29 PM
Author: Aqua soul-stirring stage

"if where we were was so awesome, why the fuck are we here?"


tweeted to @realDonaldTrump


Reply Favorite

Date: July 16th, 2018 12:05 PM
Author: Sable resort liquid oxygen

This is scholarship and it happens with model minorities as well but at a lesser rate, presumably because model minorities have all been filtered for IQ and some amount of the resiliency you need to survive as a white collar worker (e.g. navigating complicated paperwork and managing deadlines, etc.). This is why libs need to risk attacking UMC URMs to enable the pivot to class. AA is for these people and wealthy/UMC white women. It's a huge waste of the nation's productive capacity.

I will say, though, that the URMs in the burbs doing this are more sympathetic to me because they're mourning the loss of a sense of community. Model minorities of course miss their country of origin, but seem to have more infrastructure for establishing new communities, and that makes sense for a full-on immigrants. You committed to change your life in this way to give your family opportunity and your old life isn't a 30 minute drive away. Model minorities just have some number of kids who can't cut it in college or as wage cucks. Black and brown people in the burbs have a bigger struggle with expending effort toward assimilation (and dealing with the resulting emotions) v. expending effort toward developing a community that reflects their values and upbringing that they want to pass down to their kids. This is why, if I was a URM UMC, I'd be gunning hard to start a business and get out of wagecucking. There's risk in being an entrepreneur that wagecucking avoids but there's way more psychic benefit. The problem is that it's hard to control costs and give yourself the best platform to stop wagecucking without going way out in the burbs and living in even whiter areas that increase the challenge of building out a community.


Reply Favorite

Date: July 16th, 2018 12:09 PM
Author: Brindle anal preventive strike


Reply Favorite

Date: July 15th, 2018 5:17 PM
Author: Adventurous At-the-ready Church

If she spoke 5 words of Espanol, we'd have seen it by now, right?


Reply Favorite

Date: July 15th, 2018 12:19 PM
Author: salmon native filthpig

She looks like the type of woman who would obsessively stalk you and cut your dick off if you dumped her Jodi arias style


Reply Favorite

Date: July 15th, 2018 1:52 PM
Author: bateful sexy faggotry


Reply Favorite

Date: July 15th, 2018 1:54 PM
Author: boyish abode

agreed. i really do hope it all works out for her. she's in a weird place. 29 and is about to take some serious reigns of power. it would be cool if everything clicked at one time and she would become awesome. better a self aware millennial then a slovenly POS boomer.


Reply Favorite

Date: July 16th, 2018 12:08 PM
Author: Sable resort liquid oxygen

Being a congresswoman from an 80% district isn't that hard. There are a bunch of guys who do that, cheatmo their asses off and continue running a company that employs a shitload of people. The problem for her is that she has the national spotlight now and seems to enjoy it, so there will be more expectations and scrutiny from the media.


Reply Favorite

Date: July 15th, 2018 2:31 PM
Author: salmon native filthpig

She’s got insane crazy eyes and an uncomfortable stare


Reply Favorite

Date: July 15th, 2018 2:49 PM
Author: bateful sexy faggotry


Reply Favorite

Date: July 15th, 2018 2:50 PM
Author: Racy clown

I've seen some shit, mang


Reply Favorite

Date: July 15th, 2018 2:53 PM
Author: bateful sexy faggotry


Reply Favorite

Date: July 15th, 2018 2:56 PM
Author: boyish abode

the last year and a half of her life must be completely insane for her to process.

i actually feel bad for her.


Reply Favorite

Date: July 16th, 2018 12:24 PM
Author: Aqua soul-stirring stage

Should XO reach out to halp her?


Reply Favorite

Date: July 15th, 2018 2:24 PM
Author: Awkward Main People Cuckoldry

Her campaign manager was one of the founders of Justice Democrats. She's far less an identitarian than Rubio who literally goes around saying "vote for me, I'm electable because I'm cuban".


Reply Favorite

Date: July 15th, 2018 3:24 PM
Author: razzmatazz jade field laser beams

Conservaturds come up with an excuse for every type of liberal


Reply Favorite

Date: July 15th, 2018 3:27 PM
Author: Aqua soul-stirring stage

Needs Work:



Reply Favorite

Date: July 16th, 2018 12:11 PM
Author: Ocher forum digit ratio

Shes a moron but spoiled brat minority millennials who want to overcompensate for growing up rich will become very dangerous if empowered


Reply Favorite

Date: July 16th, 2018 12:17 PM
Author: hideous stag film toilet seat

So blasting hispanic music at a victory rally and chatting in Spanish in a district that is mostly Hispanic means we can disregard her positions on a whole host of issues, including those that most voters rate as the most important (healthcare, taxes, economy etc.)? And no, I'm not defending her or her positions.


Reply Favorite

Date: July 16th, 2018 12:26 PM
Author: Vivacious market double fault

Does this shtick ever grow boring for you?
