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1 out of 6 Russian business owners is facing criminal prosecution

“In Russia, the Corporate Raiders Are Often Cops,” James Mar...
aromatic peach lettuce
1 in 6 business owners is a criminal. Our Soviet police forc...
fiercely-loyal razzle regret office
aromatic peach lettuce
unfortunately not much better in ukraine, though they are ch...
Pearly Haunting Gunner Mood

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Date: August 13th, 2018 11:13 PM
Author: aromatic peach lettuce

“In Russia, the Corporate Raiders Are Often Cops,” James Marson and Thomas Grove, Wall Street Journal, 08.07.18: The authors, correspondents reporting from Rostov-on-Don, write that “Russian companies routinely face harassment from law-enforcement officials seeking to extort money or expropriate businesses, according to business owners, lawyers and activists. One in six Russian business owners is facing criminal prosecution, according to Aleksandr Khurudzhi, who works for an agency the Kremlin set up in 2012 to help entrepreneurs. ‘It's a cancer for the economy,’ said Mr. Khurudzhi, who was detained in 2015 for nine months on fraud charges related to his firm before being released and later acquitted in court. If President Vladimir Putin doesn't tackle the problem, he said, ‘Russia can't develop further.’ … Mr. Putin's authoritarian rule relies on security officials and political heavyweights who use their authority not only to squash political opponents but also to squeeze companies for payoffs, seize them on behalf of rivals or take them over for themselves, critics say. That makes changes to the justice system potentially perilous. … As a result, people who should be building Russia's economy are losing their businesses and their freedom. Russian courts found 99.8% of defendants guilty, according to court data, and are ripe for hijacking using fabricated cases, lawyers and activists say. Business owners often prefer to cut a deal rather than end up in court.”


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Date: August 14th, 2018 8:21 AM
Author: fiercely-loyal razzle regret office

1 in 6 business owners is a criminal. Our Soviet police forces are just 99.8% efficient.


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Date: August 17th, 2018 5:34 PM
Author: aromatic peach lettuce


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Date: August 14th, 2018 8:30 AM
Author: Pearly Haunting Gunner Mood

unfortunately not much better in ukraine, though they are changing a lot of the rules to keep the security forces out of business

the kgb here has been outright banned from interfering with business, but they find loopholes like accusing owners of "laundering money to fund terrorism" in order to extract bribes
