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will going in-house solve my woes?

mid-level at backend v100 firm doing m&a in secondary ci...
nighttime zombie-like national security agency
fantasy-prone charcoal step-uncle's house
care to elaborate? could make partner but that seems even mo...
nighttime zombie-like national security agency
corp counsel positions are low-level do nothing jobs where y...
Thriller rambunctious french chef abode
And biglol isnt soul sucking?
Know-it-all olive shrine
of course it is, but OP is asking whether the grass is green...
Thriller rambunctious french chef abode
Depends on his other life priorities, eg family, kids, hobbi...
Know-it-all olive shrine
I think I would handle more m&a and vc matters, but def ...
nighttime zombie-like national security agency
that would be an AGC/GC-track type role which corporate/lega...
Thriller rambunctious french chef abode
How does everyone happily get these chill easy jobs while I'...
exhilarant massive candlestick maker sanctuary
we went to good law schools and firms first
Thriller rambunctious french chef abode
You must just b very goood at wat you do
sticky out-of-control corner
what is the hierarchy at the tech company legal dept? How mu...
Misunderstood jew
I would be under the AGC with a few others. Tons of funding ...
nighttime zombie-like national security agency
GC and then one AGC managing the counsel? Does the company h...
Misunderstood jew
a lot of licensing attorneys, maybe 5-10 corporate attorneys...
nighttime zombie-like national security agency
looking for a better lifestyle. is this my ticket?
nighttime zombie-like national security agency
In house is soul sucking in it's own more corporate way but ...
Godawful glassy factory reset button hissy fit
What would anyone do without learning about clause 9.2 and t...
cerebral circlehead famous landscape painting
Do you have a link to that video? I was trying to find it th...
arrogant institution filthpig
IN. THE. ZONE. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C0XWSBAe-1...
charismatic vengeful indian lodge degenerate
arrogant institution filthpig
My experience is I’ve forgotten various rules but have learn...
unhinged dark love of her life antidepressant drug
Thriller rambunctious french chef abode
Depends on how much you'd be making. Likely a better lifesty...
arrogant institution filthpig
Is that the future for in house bros, jumping from one in ho...
Godawful glassy factory reset button hissy fit
In house does tend to be jumping from one to the next for la...
arrogant institution filthpig
Are you a corporate bro? What kind of solo work generally if...
Godawful glassy factory reset button hissy fit
it's a specialized industry that lends itself to going solo ...
arrogant institution filthpig
Good for you. I got sucked into a too general role which I a...
Godawful glassy factory reset button hissy fit
I went in-house for some sanity and am now bored as fuck fig...
arrogant institution filthpig
What kind of corporate Inhouse gigs can you find in London? ...
sticky out-of-control corner
They are very hard to come by b/c they have to sponsor your ...
arrogant institution filthpig
Do you have a throwaway
sticky out-of-control corner
arrogant institution filthpig
Got a call back. Second round of interviews next week.
arrogant institution filthpig
fantasy-prone charcoal step-uncle's house
Yea you're right it could be a lot worse. No moves in my fut...
Godawful glassy factory reset button hissy fit
yes. GTFO
razzle coral newt
If work are only issues, yes.
unhinged dark love of her life antidepressant drug
It's a dead end job and you'll never make more than $300k ev...
Lavender Curious Plaza
Whats the alternatives?
Know-it-all olive shrine
You need put yourself in a position where you have intrinsic...
Lavender Curious Plaza
Well-lubricated organic girlfriend
Cr, lots of pho
Lavender Curious Plaza
pls go over the applications to law at the partner/senior as...
nighttime zombie-like national security agency
Not all of us can just drift into oil and gas exec gigs. But...
Godawful glassy factory reset button hissy fit
Lol, do you even remember what your son looks like? Didn’t y...
unhinged dark love of her life antidepressant drug
Depends on the company, how big the legal dept is, and the c...
duck-like white business firm
Haven't worked at either, but from what I hear both Amazon a...
arrogant institution filthpig
It also has resume value. I don’t agree with posters above ...
duck-like white business firm
Also the comparison is skewed because (i) a good fraction of...
Concupiscible flatulent orchestra pit son of senegal
Glittery gunner
Billion+ valuation, but nothing like Netflix/Amazon. More ge...
nighttime zombie-like national security agency
I can only speak from my own experience, but being at a smal...
duck-like white business firm
Work at a mega corp. There's a lot of variety in terms of am...
vivacious ruby black woman selfie
avocado motley chapel mad cow disease
Glittery gunner
making $300k is ez if you have a law degree
Flesh Slap-happy Theater Stage Crotch
Ok, passed the first round interview. Legal group seems to b...
nighttime zombie-like national security agency
Congrats on advancing. What I will say is that if you don't...
avocado motley chapel mad cow disease
Have you heard anyone actually getting another inhouse posit...
Know-it-all olive shrine
Absolutely. Both independent and in-house recruiters (you ...
avocado motley chapel mad cow disease
Yes. All the time. We always prefer to hire people with exis...
Glittery gunner
Been inhouse just over a year and in the last 3 months recru...
arrogant institution filthpig

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: August 14th, 2018 1:35 PM
Author: nighttime zombie-like national security agency

mid-level at backend v100 firm doing m&a in secondary city. Not great pay and work too hard but like the group. think I have a good shot at a corp counsel position at a solid tech company. should I jump ship?


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Date: August 14th, 2018 1:35 PM
Author: fantasy-prone charcoal step-uncle's house



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Date: August 14th, 2018 1:37 PM
Author: nighttime zombie-like national security agency

care to elaborate? could make partner but that seems even more intense/stressful


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Date: August 14th, 2018 1:37 PM
Author: Thriller rambunctious french chef abode

corp counsel positions are low-level do nothing jobs where you have autonomy to negotiate and finalize vendor and tech transaction type agreements that nobody really cares about. it becomes soul sucking after awhile if you have any ambition whatsoever especially given the little variety day-to-day and/or live anywhere where there's traffic and you're expected to be in the office during business hours/commute during rush hour.


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Date: August 14th, 2018 1:37 PM
Author: Know-it-all olive shrine

And biglol isnt soul sucking?


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Date: August 14th, 2018 1:38 PM
Author: Thriller rambunctious french chef abode

of course it is, but OP is asking whether the grass is greener


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Date: August 14th, 2018 1:42 PM
Author: Know-it-all olive shrine

Depends on his other life priorities, eg family, kids, hobbies, etc


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Date: August 14th, 2018 1:38 PM
Author: nighttime zombie-like national security agency

I think I would handle more m&a and vc matters, but def an important consideration, will have more info tom


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Date: August 14th, 2018 1:39 PM
Author: Thriller rambunctious french chef abode

that would be an AGC/GC-track type role which corporate/legal/contracts/specialist counsel roles are not, especially in a biggish tech company.


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Date: August 14th, 2018 1:39 PM
Author: exhilarant massive candlestick maker sanctuary

How does everyone happily get these chill easy jobs while I'm stuck with a shitton of stress and responsibility? Let's fucking switch.


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Date: August 14th, 2018 1:40 PM
Author: Thriller rambunctious french chef abode

we went to good law schools and firms first


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Date: August 14th, 2018 1:40 PM
Author: sticky out-of-control corner

You must just b very goood at wat you do


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Date: August 14th, 2018 1:41 PM
Author: Misunderstood jew

what is the hierarchy at the tech company legal dept? How much revenue and how many in house lawyers?


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Date: August 14th, 2018 1:44 PM
Author: nighttime zombie-like national security agency

I would be under the AGC with a few others. Tons of funding and top investors but not public yet


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Date: August 14th, 2018 1:47 PM
Author: Misunderstood jew

GC and then one AGC managing the counsel? Does the company have distinct operating divisions? I ask because that is usually a good setup for another AGC position opening up.

How much revenue and how many total in house lawyers?


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Date: August 14th, 2018 1:53 PM
Author: nighttime zombie-like national security agency

a lot of licensing attorneys, maybe 5-10 corporate attorneys and prob 1-2 other AGCs, but good questions to figure out


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Date: August 14th, 2018 3:11 PM
Author: nighttime zombie-like national security agency

looking for a better lifestyle. is this my ticket?


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Date: August 14th, 2018 3:13 PM
Author: Godawful glassy factory reset button hissy fit

In house is soul sucking in it's own more corporate way but you will most likely work less. You'll also most likely stop learning anything.


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Date: August 14th, 2018 3:32 PM
Author: cerebral circlehead famous landscape painting

What would anyone do without learning about clause 9.2 and the way it works with 7.6


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Date: August 14th, 2018 3:35 PM
Author: arrogant institution filthpig

Do you have a link to that video? I was trying to find it the other day but came up empty :(


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Date: August 15th, 2018 9:29 AM
Author: charismatic vengeful indian lodge degenerate




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Date: August 15th, 2018 9:34 AM
Author: arrogant institution filthpig



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Date: August 14th, 2018 3:58 PM
Author: unhinged dark love of her life antidepressant drug

My experience is I’ve forgotten various rules but have learned a million more fact patterns. You handle $4000 matters.


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Date: August 14th, 2018 4:06 PM
Author: Thriller rambunctious french chef abode



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Date: August 14th, 2018 3:15 PM
Author: arrogant institution filthpig

Depends on how much you'd be making. Likely a better lifestyle, but in-house has been soul crushing for me due to corporate bureaucracy bullshit. Hours are better though, and even if I don't really feel like it, my wife says I'm seem much happier. I'm looking at jumping to another company to get away from this new exec team that came in and fucked our structure up.


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Date: August 14th, 2018 3:17 PM
Author: Godawful glassy factory reset button hissy fit

Is that the future for in house bros, jumping from one in house job to the next? It's much harder to get these jobs and they feel so much more terminal (because they are)

Do you worry you aren't learning anything?


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Date: August 14th, 2018 3:27 PM
Author: arrogant institution filthpig

In house does tend to be jumping from one to the next for larger raises/title bumps. A recruiter at a large corp reached out to me on LinkedIn to discuss leading a new division for them out of the blue...hopefully that pans out as I would be able to hire my own team and make it my own.

I have still learned a lot in my current in-house gig and learned more about management etc than I would have otherwise. It completely depends on your role and industry.

All of that said, as soon as I am able I am going to go solo and will pursue other business interests on the side. Timeline is about 2 years from now for that.


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Date: August 14th, 2018 3:28 PM
Author: Godawful glassy factory reset button hissy fit

Are you a corporate bro? What kind of solo work generally if you dont mind?


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Date: August 14th, 2018 3:33 PM
Author: arrogant institution filthpig

it's a specialized industry that lends itself to going solo and/or jumping from in-house to firms and back again. For other practice groups it's likely not as easy.


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Date: August 14th, 2018 3:35 PM
Author: Godawful glassy factory reset button hissy fit

Good for you. I got sucked into a too general role which I am bored with and not sure what to do next.


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Date: August 14th, 2018 3:40 PM
Author: arrogant institution filthpig

I went in-house for some sanity and am now bored as fuck fighting corporate bureaucracy. It's a good job though, all things being equal, and my life is much more my own now. General is good for in-house. For specialized stuff you'll just farm it out to outside counsel anyway. If you play the game right, it can be 180 though.

If its a good company with good perks and work/life then why not give it a go if you are hamstringed or miserable at your current spot.

Let me know if you'd consider moving to London lol.


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Date: August 14th, 2018 3:43 PM
Author: sticky out-of-control corner

What kind of corporate Inhouse gigs can you find in London? Don’t wanna say my practice area


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Date: August 14th, 2018 4:28 PM
Author: arrogant institution filthpig

They are very hard to come by b/c they have to sponsor your visa. The jobs I have seen considering US attys out here are mainly R.E., cross border M&A, P.E. & cap markets. If that job above pans out and.I get to hire my own team I will definitely see if I can get a fellow poaster a job out here. The company would be a life changer for anyone so let me know and maybe it can work out when the time comes.


Reply Favorite

Date: August 14th, 2018 4:30 PM
Author: sticky out-of-control corner

Do you have a throwaway


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Date: August 14th, 2018 4:33 PM
Author: arrogant institution filthpig



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Date: August 19th, 2018 5:54 AM
Author: arrogant institution filthpig

Got a call back. Second round of interviews next week.


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Date: August 14th, 2018 4:52 PM
Author: fantasy-prone charcoal step-uncle's house



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Date: August 14th, 2018 3:46 PM
Author: Godawful glassy factory reset button hissy fit

Yea you're right it could be a lot worse. No moves in my future but sounds like you're in a pretty good spot.


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Date: August 14th, 2018 3:24 PM
Author: razzle coral newt

yes. GTFO


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Date: August 14th, 2018 3:16 PM
Author: unhinged dark love of her life antidepressant drug

If work are only issues, yes.


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Date: August 14th, 2018 3:42 PM
Author: Lavender Curious Plaza

It's a dead end job and you'll never make more than $300k ever again in your life unless the dollar inflates an insane amount. If you are okay wagecucking for meager sums with no responsibility or agency over your life for the rest of your days, this is a great move.


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Date: August 14th, 2018 3:47 PM
Author: Know-it-all olive shrine

Whats the alternatives?


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Date: August 15th, 2018 6:34 AM
Author: Lavender Curious Plaza

You need put yourself in a position where you have intrinsic value to businesses as a potential revenue generator, an expert and a manager. Then you will actually have alternatives - lots - rather than a single fungible cog opportunity. Do you need me to go through the applications to law at the partner/senior associate/GC/AGC levels or do you get it.


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Date: August 15th, 2018 9:35 AM
Author: Well-lubricated organic girlfriend



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Date: August 15th, 2018 1:02 PM
Author: Lavender Curious Plaza

Cr, lots of pho


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Date: August 30th, 2018 12:08 PM
Author: nighttime zombie-like national security agency

pls go over the applications to law at the partner/senior associate/GC/AGC levels


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Date: August 14th, 2018 3:47 PM
Author: Godawful glassy factory reset button hissy fit

Not all of us can just drift into oil and gas exec gigs. But the terminal nature of it is tough


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Date: August 14th, 2018 3:56 PM
Author: unhinged dark love of her life antidepressant drug

Lol, do you even remember what your son looks like? Didn’t you cop a top 1 percent outcome in-house biz side at a fund?


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Date: August 14th, 2018 4:24 PM
Author: duck-like white business firm

Depends on the company, how big the legal dept is, and the comp. your hours unless you’re going to an amazon or Netflix or whatever will be better though. If you’re a midlevel, this is the time to jump ship.


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Date: August 14th, 2018 4:29 PM
Author: arrogant institution filthpig

Haven't worked at either, but from what I hear both Amazon and Netflix are shittttt to work for in the legal department. Pay is great though.


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Date: August 14th, 2018 4:34 PM
Author: duck-like white business firm

It also has resume value. I don’t agree with posters above that say in house is where ambition goes to die and your brain rots away at a terminal job. You can always jump around for better jobs and promotions until you find the right one. Getting your foot in the door initially is the hard part.


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Date: August 15th, 2018 7:18 AM
Author: Concupiscible flatulent orchestra pit son of senegal

Also the comparison is skewed because (i) a good fraction of lawyers who go in-house are unable to hack it at a firm vs. all lawyers who stay at firms being unable to do so and (ii) there are plenty of boring and bureaucracy-intensive in-house jobs for mediocre attorneys. Just observing the careers of people I perceive to be equally talented who both remained in private practice and went in house, the in-house lawyers rose within their organization, manage a lot of people, etc. The ones who stayed in private practice make more money, find their work marginally more interesting, and come across as less happy overall due to the hours/pressure differences.


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Date: August 19th, 2018 4:12 AM
Author: Glittery gunner



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Date: August 15th, 2018 12:09 PM
Author: nighttime zombie-like national security agency

Billion+ valuation, but nothing like Netflix/Amazon. More general in-house corporate work, with some M&A on my plate. Comp lower but hours significantly lower. Seems like a better life


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Date: August 15th, 2018 12:29 PM
Author: duck-like white business firm

I can only speak from my own experience, but being at a smaller company or part of the legal dept earlier on is advantageous to advancement internally than going to a megacorp with low chances of advancement and you are forced to jump ship to get promotions.

I also think being a generalist is good in that you’re never going to be pigeonholed as a “privacy lawyer” or “trademark lawyer” and can sell yourself as GC material later on.


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Date: August 15th, 2018 9:34 AM
Author: vivacious ruby black woman selfie

Work at a mega corp. There's a lot of variety in terms of ambitious people in an in-house dept at a mega corp. You have some people happy to make low 100s with 9-5 predictable hours and no ambition to climb the ladder. You have some that that are looking to take on more innovative projects. You have some that simply want to be a manager of attorneys and will probably only do actual legal work every now and then.

With that being said, if you're ambitious and have the right supporter, you'll have opportunities. Some may suck but others may be beneficial/interesting. It's a different kind of rat race than in Biglaw where everyone is eating each other.


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Date: August 15th, 2018 11:35 AM
Author: avocado motley chapel mad cow disease


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Date: August 19th, 2018 4:13 AM
Author: Glittery gunner


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Date: August 15th, 2018 9:34 AM
Author: Flesh Slap-happy Theater Stage Crotch

making $300k is ez if you have a law degree


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Date: August 15th, 2018 11:56 AM
Author: nighttime zombie-like national security agency

Ok, passed the first round interview. Legal group seems to be 10-15, but most handle licensing. I'd step in as mid-level doing general corp in-house, meaning everything from managing local counsel in Germany to handling M&A. Cash comp is prob competitive for area, but a step down from current levels. Have a friend in the finance dept and he says the legal team is very busy but not taking work home. Also, I don't give a shit about the restrictions on an indemnifying party's ability to defend a third party claim


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Date: August 15th, 2018 3:56 PM
Author: avocado motley chapel mad cow disease

Congrats on advancing. What I will say is that if you don't like it, once you're in-house for a while you'll get a bunch of recruiter calls for other in-house positions.


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Date: August 15th, 2018 4:06 PM
Author: Know-it-all olive shrine

Have you heard anyone actually getting another inhouse position through a recruiter?


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Date: August 15th, 2018 4:14 PM
Author: avocado motley chapel mad cow disease

Absolutely. Both independent and in-house recruiters (you get a message saying "hey, do you want to come work for us? Here's a job listing you might like").


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Date: August 19th, 2018 4:14 AM
Author: Glittery gunner

Yes. All the time. We always prefer to hire people with existing in-house experience.


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Date: August 19th, 2018 5:53 AM
Author: arrogant institution filthpig

Been inhouse just over a year and in the last 3 months recruiters have begun to reach out to me. I have my second interview with a great company for a better position next week.
