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The Hill dogwhistles John Roberts/SCOTUS: "Better not take on any 'controversial

To be fair, cases for at least a few years if Kavanaugh i...
lime brunch
Reasonable compromise
aquamarine aggressive striped hyena double fault
To be fair, I don't think any reasonable person could dis...
lime brunch
I knew The Hill's days of being a non-garbage publication we...
Laughsome chapel community account
Sara Carter and John Solomon report for The Hill too, so its...
aquamarine aggressive striped hyena double fault
Provocative offensive mental disorder
Controversy over Kavanaugh could weigh on Roberts court BY ...
Laughsome chapel community account
marvelous location juggernaut
lime brunch
trump was right--i am getting tired of winning all the time ...
cowardly curious doctorate stead
Yea inventing a pretense to delegitimize the supreme court i...
peach property
What’s the big deal its not like Liberals have relies on the...
Vibrant voyeur
McConnell did wonders for the legitimacy of the Roberts Cour...
Provocative offensive mental disorder
To be fair, See below--please don't refer to it as "...
lime brunch
what does john roberts have to do with what cases scotus hea...
180 area
To be fair, Roberts is the chief justice who effectively ...
lime brunch
you seem dumb. chief justice does not "steer" the ...
180 area
To be fair, Fair enough, now that I think about it, the p...
lime brunch
strike "seem," replace with "are."
180 area
fuck libs. AA scrutiny just got stricter.
vengeful codepig

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: September 20th, 2018 12:51 PM
Author: lime brunch

To be fair,

cases for at least a few years if Kavanaugh is confirmed! You need to reassure The American People(TM) that even if conservatives have a solid majority on the court, they won't actually exercise that majority in any cases that would REALLY upset liberals--just think of the Court's *loss of institutional legitimacy* if it were to reverse Roe, or strike down race-based affirmative action! It would happen on *your* watch, and posterity would judge you! But oh don't worry the Democrats won't try to pack the court as soon as they have the chance hehe."



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Date: September 20th, 2018 12:54 PM
Author: aquamarine aggressive striped hyena double fault

Reasonable compromise


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Date: September 20th, 2018 12:56 PM
Author: lime brunch

To be fair,

I don't think any reasonable person could disagree, in fact. Only Nazis and bigots.


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Date: September 20th, 2018 12:59 PM
Author: Laughsome chapel community account

I knew The Hill's days of being a non-garbage publication were over when they 'reported' hillary's 'delete your account' tweet


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Date: September 20th, 2018 1:04 PM
Author: aquamarine aggressive striped hyena double fault

Sara Carter and John Solomon report for The Hill too, so its not a totally garbage publication yet


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Date: September 22nd, 2018 5:38 PM
Author: Provocative offensive mental disorder



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Date: September 20th, 2018 1:00 PM
Author: Laughsome chapel community account

Controversy over Kavanaugh could weigh on Roberts court

BY LYDIA WHEELER - 09/20/18 06:00 AM EDT 2,324


The political fury surrounding Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation process could prompt the Supreme Court to hold off on tackling high-profile cases on issues like abortion and affirmative action in its upcoming term, according to legal (((experts))) who say Chief Justice John Roberts may want to take steps to depoliticize the court.

“Depending on what happens with the rest of confirmation process, the court might feel kind of battered and like it needs to take things more slowly,” Nicole Saharsky, a partner at the D.C. firm Gibson Dunn, said this week at a Georgetown Law panel discussion.

The perception of the high court as being apolitical is something Roberts, who was nominated by former President George W. Bush, has sought to protect.

Irv Gornstein, executive director of Georgetown’s Supreme Court Institute, said Roberts wants the court to be perceived as an impartial, nonpartisan body whose justices decide legal questions based on their view of the law, not politics.

“I think he would be concerned that a series of 5-4 rulings, in which the five are Republican-appointed justices and the four are Democrat-appointed justices, would threaten to destroy that perception of the court,” he told The Hill in an email.

“I don’t think the Chief Justice wants to be remembered as the Chief Justice who presided over the court at the time that the public lost faith in the court, and began to regard it as just another partisan institution,” Gornstein added.

The way the current confirmation proceedings are playing out has already drawn criticism from some members of the judicial branch.

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who was appointed by former President Clinton, criticized the Senate confirmation process earlier this month, calling it a “highly partisan show.”

She noted the wide margins by which the Senate confirmed her, the late Justice Antonin Scalia, appointed by former President Reagan, and Justice Stephen Breyer, a fellow Clinton appointee.

“The way it was was right,” she said, while speaking at George Washington University last week. “The way it is is wrong.”

Sen. John Kennedy (R-La.), a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said on “Fox News Sunday” that Kavanaugh’s confirmation process so far has been an “intergalactic freak show.”

“I’m fairly confident that our Founding Fathers did not intend the process to work this way,” he said, noting that more than 240 protesters interrupted the proceedings and that Democratic members broke committee rules by releasing confidential documents.

Kavanaugh’s confirmation is now in jeopardy following sexual misconduct allegations stemming from when he was 17 years old. If Trump is forced to find a new nominee to fill the vacancy left by Justice Anthony Kennedy’s retirement in July, the fight could start all over again.

Even before Kavanaugh was nominated, half of the electorate said politics played a decisive role for Supreme Court justices.

A poll from Quinnipiac University conducted in July found that 50 percent of voters said the Supreme Court is motivated primarily by politics, with 42 percent saying justices are motivated by the law.

That’s a viewpoint Roberts pushed back against during his confirmation hearings in 2005, when he compared Supreme Court justices to umpires at baseball games, promising “to call balls and strikes, not pitch or bat,” once he’s on the bench.

“The role of the umpire and judge is critical,” he said. “They make sure everybody plays by the rules, but it is a limited role. Nobody ever went to a ballgame to see the umpire.”

While Roberts can try to slow the number of blockbuster cases that come before the court, experts point out that he’s just one vote on a bench of nine. Only four justices are needed to hear a case.

And with a number of controversial cases rising up through the lower courts, there could be political issues the justices can’t avoid. Challenges to the Affordable Care Act, the Trump administration’s decision to rescind the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program and the constitutionality of special counsel Robert Mueller’s appointment are all in the pipeline.

Some say there’s no rush to take on divisive cases.

“One of the great aspects of having this gig is you can play the long game,” said David A. Kaplan, author of the new book “The Most Dangerous Branch: Inside the Supreme Court’s Assault on the Constitution.”

“Presidents come and go, senators come and go ... justices are there for many, many years,” he said. “They can afford to play the long game. If they decide not to take a case today, some version of that case on abortion, same-sex marriage or freedom of religion will be there tomorrow or somewhere down the road.”

Donald Verrilli Jr., who served as solicitor general under former President Obama, said a slower pace may be the difference between just one or five years before a case reaches the court.

“The question of what’s going to be on the docket isn’t always 100 percent in the control of the justices or even the chief justice,” he said, while speaking at Georgetown Law this week.

“I think, for example, marriage equality — that issue got to the court faster I think than most members of the court would have preferred in the wake of Windsor,” he said, noting the 2013 ruling that recognized same-sex marriages under federal law. “I anticipate that’s going to be true about abortion also.”


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Date: September 20th, 2018 1:02 PM
Author: marvelous location juggernaut


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Date: September 22nd, 2018 5:34 PM
Author: lime brunch


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Date: September 22nd, 2018 5:37 PM
Author: cowardly curious doctorate stead

trump was right--i am getting tired of winning all the time


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Date: September 22nd, 2018 5:38 PM
Author: peach property

Yea inventing a pretense to delegitimize the supreme court is very wise.


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Date: September 22nd, 2018 5:43 PM
Author: Vibrant voyeur

What’s the big deal its not like Liberals have relies on the Court for every single policy victory they’ve had in the last 30 years oh wait


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Date: September 22nd, 2018 5:47 PM
Author: Provocative offensive mental disorder

McConnell did wonders for the legitimacy of the Roberts Court


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Date: September 22nd, 2018 5:48 PM
Author: lime brunch

To be fair,

See below--please don't refer to it as "The Roberts Court," that only reinforces the totally wrongheaded notion that the role of CJ has some practical meaning or importance when we all know it's a totally inconsequential position.


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Date: September 22nd, 2018 5:39 PM
Author: 180 area

what does john roberts have to do with what cases scotus hears? he's just one of nine and you only need four to hear a case. he has no sway over that other than his own vote.


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Date: September 22nd, 2018 5:41 PM
Author: lime brunch

To be fair,

Roberts is the chief justice who effectively steers the court, and as such he holds more practical and institutional power than you're giving him credit for (to name just one example, he decides who gets to write which decisions). Furthermore, assuming Kavanaugh is confirmed, he will also serve as the new swing vote occupying the ideological middleground.

This used to be a law board.


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Date: September 22nd, 2018 5:45 PM
Author: 180 area

you seem dumb. chief justice does not "steer" the court. he just has some administrative duties that the other justices don't have. wrt to granting cert you need four votes out of nine. roberts' vote doesn't count any more than any of the others in that regard.


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Date: September 22nd, 2018 5:47 PM
Author: lime brunch

To be fair,

Fair enough, now that I think about it, the position of "Chief Justice" is a totally meaningless role except for a few purely administrative things that totally don't matter at all to anyone. I guess that's why we don't refer to different eras of SCOTUS jurisprudence by specific reference to the presiding CJ, i.e., the "Warren Court Era," the "Renquist Court Era," the "Roberts Court Era," etc. Because that would be dumb.


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Date: September 22nd, 2018 5:48 PM
Author: 180 area

strike "seem," replace with "are."


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Date: September 22nd, 2018 5:40 PM
Author: vengeful codepig

fuck libs. AA scrutiny just got stricter.
