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PREPARE: There will be efforts to peg criminal liability standards to "privilege

To be fair, Shitlibs are absolutely desperate to use vagu...
french irate range
This effectively already happens with title ix “courts”
Fiercely-loyal School Cafeteria
To be fair, Allow me to clarify: I'm talking about real, ...
french irate range
Luckily this will lead to more sjw women getting raped
Indigo wild theatre famous landscape painting
Isn’t the next step rating districts and even individual jud...
emerald exhilarant toaster
To be fair, There are many bricks that go into paving the...
french irate range

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Date: September 22nd, 2018 2:16 PM
Author: french irate range

To be fair,

Shitlibs are absolutely desperate to use vague and impossible-to-substantiate allegations of "sexual assault" as a cudgel against straight white men--and all the better if these sort of allegations carry with them a credible threat of criminal liability. The problem, of course, is that straight black and brown men actually commit legit sexual assault at far higher rates--so if we were to lower the bar for establishing criminal liability across the board, the result would be more even more black and brown men with criminal felony convictions and permanent political disenfranchisement (i.e., the last thing the Democrats want).

Solution? Recognizing that a *truly* fair and balanced justice system needs to account for and attempt to "unpack" privilege disparities between different classes of criminal defendants, of course! Surely all reasonable people can agree that the poor black urban ghetto youth is not the same as the rich preppy white Georgetown Prep kid--right? Of course we can... and that's why our criminal justice system must also be sensitive to, and in some way seek to account for, these profound differences. #evolution #progress

Will this happen overnight? Of course not. But within the next few years, we will we slowly start seeing "thought pieces" published by "legitimate" news organizations in an effort to normalize this conception of the justice system and thereby pave the way for future legislative efforts? Count on it.

Bump this thread as appropriate.


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Date: September 22nd, 2018 2:17 PM
Author: Fiercely-loyal School Cafeteria

This effectively already happens with title ix “courts”


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Date: September 22nd, 2018 2:19 PM
Author: french irate range

To be fair,

Allow me to clarify: I'm talking about real, genuine American courts of law.


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Date: September 22nd, 2018 2:21 PM
Author: Indigo wild theatre famous landscape painting

Luckily this will lead to more sjw women getting raped


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Date: September 22nd, 2018 2:30 PM
Author: emerald exhilarant toaster

Isn’t the next step rating districts and even individual judges for racial sentencing “disparity” and amounts?

Cause judges to think about hitting whites with more and blacks with less?


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Date: September 22nd, 2018 3:00 PM
Author: french irate range

To be fair,

There are many bricks that go into paving the road to hell, but what you're describing is just more of the "soft" political/social pressure that we already see every day.

I'm postulating that we are going to see legislative efforts to enshrine this sort of bullshit into binding law, which is a very different beast.
