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realtalk: EVERYONE is racist

these white virtue signaling libs are racist too, they just ...
Ivory bull headed athletic conference
in my youth i also found it important for people to "sa...
bat-shit-crazy point wagecucks
i'd rather not have a completely fake society so why don'...
Ivory bull headed athletic conference
judges are just thugs in black robes
bat-shit-crazy point wagecucks
Describe what good will happen from that
carmine vengeful lodge
it's going to be a bumpy ride, i'm not denying that but i...
Ivory bull headed athletic conference
let me guess, you're irish
bat-shit-crazy point wagecucks
part. why?
Ivory bull headed athletic conference
because ur MAF, and that comes from being dumb, the 2 primar...
bat-shit-crazy point wagecucks
if you're not MAF about what's going on these days, you are ...
Ivory bull headed athletic conference
yeah this is exactly what an irishman would say
bat-shit-crazy point wagecucks
tan medicated whorehouse
bistre racy principal's office
It's "tacks" and where do you think these honest c...
carmine vengeful lodge
One of the amusing recent trend during BLM rallies is white ...
vivacious lime chapel
some of the leftist types do argue everyone is racist and th...
lilac cracking trailer park
explain the antiracism movement for me a bit? i thought i un...
Ivory bull headed athletic conference
their ideas are that youre either being racist or anti-racis...
fragrant generalized bond marketing idea
You’re fired.
180 jet-lagged queen of the night
All white people are racist you mean. Minorities can't be ra...
Pale address
this is the current woke take, you're well on your way to fu...
fragrant generalized bond marketing idea
Obviously. “Racism” is natural and good and root...
tan medicated whorehouse
good to have you back poasting under your moniker
Razzmatazz stead
Not for long sorry to say
tan medicated whorehouse
why come
filthy death wish
There is little to zero marginal benefit associated with sta...
tan medicated whorehouse
ok, but i'll miss you bro
filthy death wish
bat-shit-crazy point wagecucks
I don’t know who you are so you are doing the same thi...
tan medicated whorehouse
race realism is racism and its frankly pathetic that you won...
anal cruise ship
Facts are facts, idiot. The fact is that “racism&rd...
tan medicated whorehouse
"fact is that “racism” is not the same thin...
anal cruise ship
I am not trying to convince “normal people” of t...
tan medicated whorehouse
im telling you that the distinction you're trying to make is...
anal cruise ship
It isn’t nonsense, it is correct, and this would be th...
tan medicated whorehouse
race realism: not wanting to live around black people becaus...
anal cruise ship
No. Your first definition is correct. You don’t und...
tan medicated whorehouse
where did this definition come from? seems like you just mad...
anal cruise ship
That’s exactly what you are doing to suit your ridicul...
tan medicated whorehouse
no, i got my definition from Webster. you are cherry picking...
anal cruise ship
Webster is no longer reliable and I believe they recently ch...
tan medicated whorehouse
racism is "a belief that race is a fundamental determin...
anal cruise ship
You are using a new definition of racism and I reject it as ...
tan medicated whorehouse
lol using an archaic definition to make a point is clearly s...
anal cruise ship
I agree that the modern term of racism, which is not based i...
tan medicated whorehouse
Black males are 6% of the population and commit 60% of the m...
mind-boggling national security agency
(guy voting for Democrats who hate people like you)
vivacious lime chapel
i dont think the Pope is racist
anal cruise ship
This is 100% true and supported by decades of science. ...
boyish mustard patrolman shitlib

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: September 25th, 2020 2:59 PM
Author: Ivory bull headed athletic conference

these white virtue signaling libs are racist too, they just pretend they're not

this is all nonsense

there needs to be someone who just straight up comes out and says what we all fucking know: EVERYONE is racist to some degree. we can either go on pretending we're not and go further into utter insanity, or we can be real.

my money is on society going down the former direction rather than the latter


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Date: September 25th, 2020 3:00 PM
Author: bat-shit-crazy point wagecucks

in my youth i also found it important for people to "say what everyone is thinking"

as you age you realize the less everyone says the better


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Date: September 25th, 2020 3:03 PM
Author: Ivory bull headed athletic conference

i'd rather not have a completely fake society

so why don't we hash this shit out and talk for real instead of endless nonsense?


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Date: September 25th, 2020 3:04 PM
Author: bat-shit-crazy point wagecucks

judges are just thugs in black robes


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Date: September 25th, 2020 3:05 PM
Author: carmine vengeful lodge

Describe what good will happen from that


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Date: September 25th, 2020 3:07 PM
Author: Ivory bull headed athletic conference

it's going to be a bumpy ride, i'm not denying that

but instead of arguing about all this other bullshit, why don't we get down to brass tax?

we are NEVER going to be able to have a cohesive society until we have actual honest conversations. and those are increasingly impossible to have these days


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Date: September 25th, 2020 3:08 PM
Author: bat-shit-crazy point wagecucks

let me guess, you're irish


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Date: September 25th, 2020 3:12 PM
Author: Ivory bull headed athletic conference

part. why?


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Date: September 25th, 2020 3:13 PM
Author: bat-shit-crazy point wagecucks

because ur MAF, and that comes from being dumb, the 2 primary traits of an irishman next to impotent


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Date: September 25th, 2020 3:16 PM
Author: Ivory bull headed athletic conference

if you're not MAF about what's going on these days, you are a complete fucking mouthbreathing dullard

in case you haven't been looking, there's a lot to be outraged about these days

angry people are the only ones who are ever going to change this fucking place. need i remind you that adolf hitler was one angry motherfucker


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Date: September 25th, 2020 3:16 PM
Author: bat-shit-crazy point wagecucks

yeah this is exactly what an irishman would say


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Date: September 25th, 2020 3:16 PM
Author: tan medicated whorehouse


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Date: September 25th, 2020 3:55 PM
Author: bistre racy principal's office



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Date: September 25th, 2020 3:14 PM
Author: carmine vengeful lodge

It's "tacks" and where do you think these honest conversations will land? Suppose some percentage of the population could voice "uncomfortable" opinions without being crucified - then what?


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Date: September 25th, 2020 3:05 PM
Author: vivacious lime chapel

One of the amusing recent trend during BLM rallies is white antifa/blm rioters screaming racist shit in black, hispanic and asian cops faces.


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Date: September 25th, 2020 3:06 PM
Author: lilac cracking trailer park

some of the leftist types do argue everyone is racist and that's why we have to be ANTI-racist


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Date: September 25th, 2020 3:13 PM
Author: Ivory bull headed athletic conference

explain the antiracism movement for me a bit? i thought i understood it somewhat, but apparently i don't.


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Date: September 25th, 2020 3:16 PM
Author: fragrant generalized bond marketing idea

their ideas are that youre either being racist or anti-racist in any given moment. so saying you are colorblind or don't see race is racist. if you're not actively seeking to stamp out racial disparities in any given moment, you are being racist


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Date: September 25th, 2020 3:06 PM
Author: 180 jet-lagged queen of the night

You’re fired.


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Date: September 25th, 2020 3:07 PM
Author: Pale address

All white people are racist you mean. Minorities can't be racist only racially prejudiced. "Racist" means power + prejudice.


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Date: September 25th, 2020 3:14 PM
Author: fragrant generalized bond marketing idea

this is the current woke take, you're well on your way to full on critical race theory


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Date: September 25th, 2020 3:14 PM
Author: tan medicated whorehouse

Obviously. “Racism” is natural and good and rooted in evolution. The reason is because if one encountered a different race historically, they would be likely to contract a disease and die. Over time a survival instinct emerged which said: “different skin = dangerous, stay away and distrust.”

Now, actual racism is bad. This is treating all members of a different race badly because of the color of their skin, which they obviously cannot control. In 2020, very few people are actually racist.

I think what you’re talking about is race realism, otherwise known as reality. This is the inescapable truth that, on average, the races have big differences between them which arose over the course of tens or hundreds of thousands of years, evolving in very different countries and climates. The result of this long evolution process is that blacks have the lowest IQs on average and also have the lowest impulse control and highest propensity towards violence, on average of course.

In a proper society, facts and reality like this would be well known and used to form policy. We would not endlessly pour money into “more programs” and then scratch our heads when the blacks continue to trail intellectually. Or worse, blame “systemic racism” for black failure. What we would do instead is teach blacks to acknowledge their limitations, put them in jobs suitable for their abilities, and then perhaps give them some extra subsidies through taxpayer money if they still needed it. But there’s a 0% chance we enter a sane society in our lifetimes


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Date: September 25th, 2020 3:18 PM
Author: Razzmatazz stead

good to have you back poasting under your moniker


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Date: September 25th, 2020 3:18 PM
Author: tan medicated whorehouse

Not for long sorry to say


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Date: September 25th, 2020 3:22 PM
Author: filthy death wish

why come


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Date: September 25th, 2020 3:25 PM
Author: tan medicated whorehouse

There is little to zero marginal benefit associated with staying sudo and only cost


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Date: September 25th, 2020 3:37 PM
Author: filthy death wish

ok, but i'll miss you bro


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Date: September 25th, 2020 3:38 PM
Author: bat-shit-crazy point wagecucks


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Date: September 25th, 2020 3:49 PM
Author: tan medicated whorehouse

I don’t know who you are so you are doing the same thing I’ll shortly be doing


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Date: September 25th, 2020 3:45 PM
Author: anal cruise ship

race realism is racism and its frankly pathetic that you wont just own it. basing discrimination on muh science and trying to use it as a shield is destined to fail because you are buying into how your opponents are framing the issue. ppl should just be allowed to associate with whoever they want, making up a new category is going to look absurd to most people who are not persistently online. classic example of "conservative" cuckery


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Date: September 25th, 2020 3:51 PM
Author: tan medicated whorehouse

Facts are facts, idiot.

The fact is that “racism” is not the same thing as “race realism.” I am not buying into anyone’s framework or being cucky, because the fact is that the two are separate and distinct concepts. What I am doing is resisting the lib/Jew sophistry which tries to redefine racism as race realism

I also agree with the statement that people should be allowed to associate with whoever they want. That is not racism. As I stated, actual racism is treating people badly on the basis of their skin color, it is bad, but there are very very few actual racists today. Wanting to live or associate with your same race or others who you prefer, is not racism because it is not treating others badly


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Date: September 25th, 2020 3:53 PM
Author: anal cruise ship

"fact is that “racism” is not the same thing as “race realism."

thats an opinion actually.

good luck convincing normal people that discrimination based on race is different than discrimination based on racial "science".


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Date: September 25th, 2020 3:55 PM
Author: tan medicated whorehouse

I am not trying to convince “normal people” of this so I don’t understand the point of your poasts ITT at all


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Date: September 25th, 2020 3:57 PM
Author: anal cruise ship

im telling you that the distinction you're trying to make is nonsense and only seems plausible because you are in an echo chamber


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Date: September 25th, 2020 4:03 PM
Author: tan medicated whorehouse

It isn’t nonsense, it is correct, and this would be the case even if there wasn’t a single other person on Earth who agreed with me


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Date: September 25th, 2020 4:11 PM
Author: anal cruise ship

race realism: not wanting to live around black people because you read an article online

racism: not wanting to live around blacks because a black person killed your children

its retarded moralizing appealing to scientism


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Date: September 25th, 2020 4:32 PM
Author: tan medicated whorehouse

No. Your first definition is correct.

You don’t understand actual racism so I will help you. Here are some examples:

1. Refusing to use a water fountain because a black person drank from it.

2. Calling a black person a stupid nigger and berating them after they make a mistake.

3. Related to #1, refusing to share basically anything with a black with the implied premise being that the object is contaminated after the black touched it. Includes not even shaking their hands.

4. Making derogatory racial comments to blacks in situations where race is irrelevant.

These behaviors used to commonly occur, and it is a good thing they no longer do. It probably sounds like an alien world to you, because actual racism has long been eradicated in America. Your only conception of actual racism is race realism because actual racism is completely foreign to you


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Date: September 25th, 2020 4:36 PM
Author: anal cruise ship

where did this definition come from? seems like you just made it up? words have a meaning and you cant just limit their definitions to fit the argument you are currently making. my definition is within the long established use of the term.


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Date: September 25th, 2020 4:40 PM
Author: tan medicated whorehouse

That’s exactly what you are doing to suit your ridiculous argument that the two concepts are the same.

My definition comes from the context of American history and formerly common behaviors that formed the basis for the first anti racism movements. The behaviors were limited and eventually stopped as a result of these anti racism movements


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Date: September 25th, 2020 4:44 PM
Author: anal cruise ship

no, i got my definition from Webster. you are cherry picking extremes to redefine a word, opening up room for a new term to describe what has already been defined.


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Date: September 25th, 2020 4:48 PM
Author: tan medicated whorehouse

Webster is no longer reliable and I believe they recently changed the definition of racism to accommodate lib agitation.

Also, I just checked and the definition of racism you provided ITT is not in the dictionary. Your definition was: “not wanting to live around blacks because a black person killed your children.”

You need to understand that true definitions are formed from reality, not your whims or the preferences of the editor of a particular dictionary.

As I explained, my definition comes from reality. It describes behaviors that formerly were common when the “racist” term and anti racist movements first began. As a result of these movements, the racist behavior limited and eventually stopped. Again, all based in reality. Your definition is fanciful


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Date: September 25th, 2020 4:58 PM
Author: anal cruise ship

racism is "a belief that race is a fundamental determinant of human traits" (a black killed my kids so blacks are dangerous)

this is quite simple. trying to further delineate the types of beliefs, putting muh science above actual experience, is nonsensical. it only works to let you feel better than the low-status "racists" who are primitive and dont read blogs

and no, words do not only mean what you want them to mean. that is what Leftists think. here you define racism as "race-based things ppl used to do but mostly dont do anymore" that is obviously completely self-serving in this context and has no basis in anything but blogs


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Date: September 25th, 2020 5:21 PM
Author: tan medicated whorehouse

You are using a new definition of racism and I reject it as invalid. My definition is not self-serving and is based on history, as I explained. The precise racist behaviors I identified were targeted for correction via an anti-racist message.

I agree with you that, as defined in your most recent poast, “racism” is natural and good


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Date: September 25th, 2020 5:37 PM
Author: anal cruise ship

lol using an archaic definition to make a point is clearly self-serving. obviously you agree that the contemporary term racism (as it is used in reality) would encompass race realism


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Date: September 25th, 2020 5:43 PM
Author: tan medicated whorehouse

I agree that the modern term of racism, which is not based in reality but instead is the result of sophistry, encompasses race realism.

You are missing my entire point, which is that the “archaic” definition of racism is true and correct, and its definition cannot and will never change; despite whatever the dictionary definition written in [insert current year] says.

Part of this point is that a definition must be BASED in reality. You confuse this with “used” in reality, which is a meaningless statement


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Date: September 25th, 2020 3:38 PM
Author: mind-boggling national security agency

Black males are 6% of the population and commit 60% of the murders. So -- yeah, everyone who isnt a retard is a racist.


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Date: September 25th, 2020 4:53 PM
Author: vivacious lime chapel

(guy voting for Democrats who hate people like you)


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Date: September 25th, 2020 3:39 PM
Author: anal cruise ship

i dont think the Pope is racist


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Date: September 25th, 2020 5:03 PM
Author: boyish mustard patrolman shitlib

This is 100% true and supported by decades of science.

Libs get around it by tying 'racism' to perceived political power. So blacks cannot be 'neo-racist' because they do not wield political power. Even in majority black locales where blacks dominate local and/or state level politics they cannot be racist under this paradigm because ... fuck whitey.
