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daily reminder that silver is going to $1,000 per troy ounce

Spectacular indian lodge dysfunction
could u repost or link to your full pitch for silver thx
Charismatic black indirect expression coldplay fan
silver has traded in a fairly tight price ratio to gold (~1:...
Spectacular indian lodge dysfunction
wen moon
White pervert
<12 mo
Spectacular indian lodge dysfunction
sinister public bath sandwich
cordovan violent private investor

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Date: April 19th, 2021 2:31 AM
Author: Spectacular indian lodge dysfunction


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Date: April 19th, 2021 2:34 AM
Author: Charismatic black indirect expression coldplay fan

could u repost or link to your full pitch for silver



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Date: April 19th, 2021 2:47 AM
Author: Spectacular indian lodge dysfunction

silver has traded in a fairly tight price ratio to gold (~1:15) for thousands of years, but it's currently way out of whack at ~70x, implying silver is really cheap

annual silver mine supply is shrinking, all the good deposits are largely gone (silver is relatively less dense so it's closer to the earth's surface), and it's difficult to "start up" supply quickly as most silver is a by-product of copper/lithium mining

annual silver industrial use is going up a ton. silver is needed for solar, electric vehicles, all that green new deal bullshit. almost all of the annual silver mining supply is expended in industrial production.

due to the just-in-time bullshit economy we have, huge industrial companies like samsung, apple, tesla, etc aren't sitting on huge silver stockpiles. so if there is any whiff of a run they will FOMO buy to secure production. if the price of silver goes to $1,000, they will be paying $2.80 per cellphone in silver instead of $0.07. so it's still economically viable for them to buy silver at $1,000, which would make all the smart pumos here multi-millionaires if they bought silver / silver miners

silver is the **only** commodity trading below its **nominal** price in 1980. think about how insane that is. a strategic metal (the most conductive and reflective substance known to man - required for all modern electronics) is priced considerably less than it was in NINTEEN FUCKING EIGHTY.

silver (and gold to a lesser extent) has its price rigged to be artificially low via COMEX futures trading. if the price gets too high they just sell thousands of futures contracts to smash the price down again.

the price is partially rigged to keep our tech slave devices cheap, but mainly because central banks have realized that silver/gold has historically been the "fire alarm" that goes off (goes up) when inflation is a problem. they realized they can print as much fiat paper as they want and as long as they rig the gold/silver price it "appears" like there is no or modest inflation

historically gold has been the metal for kings/central banks while silver is for merchants/common folk. nowadays silver has a tiny pink market cap compared to gold, and tends to be ~3x as volatile as gold. so if gold goes up 10% silver goes up 30%. the key is that a lot of junior silver miner stocks would go up 10x if silver hit $100... imagine what would happen at $1,000. these companies would **literally** be creating money for shareholders.

recently non-western central banks have been massively increasing their gold reserves. russia now has enough gold to back their currency in the traditional 1:10 ratio. china hasn't updated its gold reserve figures in like 10 years and is rumored to have 20K tons of gold. they recently lifted a ton of restrictions so banks can start importing it more explicitly. ironically the western fiat manipulation of gold (to hide mass inflation) has allowed these countries to stockpile massive reserves at the lowest real prices in history.

if either russia or china back their currency with gold it would provide a viable alternative to the american petrodollar (whereby we force all countries to buy oil with USD, or else we invade and kill them like Gaddafi). a large portion of existing demand for USD is just to use it to convert it into energy.


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Date: April 19th, 2021 2:46 AM
Author: White pervert

wen moon


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Date: April 19th, 2021 3:02 AM
Author: Spectacular indian lodge dysfunction

<12 mo


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Date: April 12th, 2024 11:08 AM
Author: sinister public bath sandwich


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Date: May 11th, 2024 10:56 AM
Author: cordovan violent private investor
