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Universities gaping the "right" for decades without a peep of protest

University admins and bureaucrats have been tinkering with a...
Trip crusty goal in life genital piercing
The "right" in America basically died after WW2 an...
Elite base dragon
i mean, it has the potential recruits. even with todays demo...
Trip crusty goal in life genital piercing
because the right doesn't exist.
Elite base dragon
You’re a gay jew
bateful volcanic crater main people
thats a direct way of saying what Im getting at. the PEOP...
Trip crusty goal in life genital piercing
Because having a political identity isn't a real identity. ...
Elite base dragon
“The right” on campuses is just jews still shame...
bateful volcanic crater main people
The liberals are the only ones who have a voice because they...
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and then look at what happens when there are protests agains...
Mind-boggling very tactful heaven friendly grandma
sadistic mentally impaired love of her life crackhouse

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Date: April 30th, 2024 11:18 AM
Author: Trip crusty goal in life genital piercing

University admins and bureaucrats have been tinkering with admissions to reject heritage americans, have been mandating leftist curricula, have title nine gaped male sports, have persecuted male students in rape kangaroo courts, have shut right wingers out of all faculty positions, and basically shit on the right in any way possible for decades.

The "right" did nothing at all, instead just memeing about going to trade school. They have no voice on campus and will have no voice in the institutions they built.

Meanwhile, universities offend the left by some portion of their financial investments being tangentially connected to a country unpopular with the left, and campuses get shut the fuck down, classes cancelled, graduations cancelled, donations bottom out, etc.

And a leftist hair was not even touched. This is all for make-believe people on the other side of the world, whom the leftists for some reason "like".

The asymmetry between what the left and right can do by way of social activism is stunning.


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Date: April 30th, 2024 11:21 AM
Author: Elite base dragon

The "right" in America basically died after WW2 and the liberal revolution took place in the 1960s and solidified their power.


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Date: April 30th, 2024 11:25 AM
Author: Trip crusty goal in life genital piercing

i mean, it has the potential recruits. even with todays demographics, even on today's campuses, there is a large plurality of white christian men. There are certainly more of these guys, in terms of sheer numbers, than arabs.

imagine they decided, "lets shut down the fucking admin building until the prof who called whiteness evil is fired". Or "lets occupy some part of campus until western lit is restored as a class", and big donors funding them.

its unimaginable bc the right has zero push, even with enough warm bodies who all agree.


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Date: April 30th, 2024 11:28 AM
Author: Elite base dragon

because the right doesn't exist.


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Date: April 30th, 2024 11:29 AM
Author: bateful volcanic crater main people

You’re a gay jew


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Date: April 30th, 2024 11:30 AM
Author: Trip crusty goal in life genital piercing

thats a direct way of saying what Im getting at.

the PEOPLE exist and the BELIEFS exist and the MONEY exists. they just have no framework to connect those three things.


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Date: April 30th, 2024 12:06 PM
Author: Elite base dragon

Because having a political identity isn't a real identity. Plus, any "right wing" person in college isn't interested in politics


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Date: April 30th, 2024 11:21 AM
Author: bateful volcanic crater main people

“The right” on campuses is just jews still shameless and oblivious enough to still screech about liking israel


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Date: April 30th, 2024 12:09 PM
Author: copper site bbw

The liberals are the only ones who have a voice because they're the only ones pushing things forward. It's sad, but true.


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Date: April 30th, 2024 12:23 PM
Author: Mind-boggling very tactful heaven friendly grandma

and then look at what happens when there are protests against israel all of a sudden


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Date: April 30th, 2024 4:04 PM
Author: sadistic mentally impaired love of her life crackhouse

