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We need a war crimes tribunal for agriculture industry executives past/present

the ones who have been flooding america with illegals for de...
Onyx main people laser beams
They won’t even allow real competition. Look at Florid...
arrogant private investor

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Date: May 11th, 2024 5:27 PM
Author: Onyx main people laser beams

the ones who have been flooding america with illegals for decades. the ones who build filthy slaughterhouses and then help steal social security numbers so that teens from guatemala and haiti can slice off their fingers on the machines with no worker's comp. the ones who turned entire towns in places like eastern washington or western iowa into central american villages. the ones who pioneered factory-farming and the use of massive doses of antibiotics to sustain unsustainable densities of animals per acre. the ones who keep pushing for 'immigration reform' and bribing politicians to prevent actual enforcement of existing laws.

they have done more to ruin america than almost any other group, and yet, they manage to avoid most of the blame. i want them nuremberg'd. i want old retired executives in their late-90's dragged out of their nursing homes to face trial for treason. america needs this, badly.


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Date: May 11th, 2024 5:31 PM
Author: arrogant private investor

They won’t even allow real competition. Look at Florida’s lab grown meat ban. They are trying to lock us all into factory farming hellholes even if a technological solution becomes available
