0% apr deal for Teslas this month
| Poaster Emeritus | 03/16/25 | | scrivener's error | 03/16/25 | | ....;;;;;;.;;.;.;.;;.;..;;;......;.;;.;.;.;;;;.. | 03/16/25 | | Poaster Emeritus | 03/16/25 | | Poaster Emeritus | 03/17/25 | | Let\'s dispel with this fiction | 03/17/25 | | Poaster Emeritus | 03/17/25 | | Let\'s dispel with this fiction | 03/17/25 | | Poaster Emeritus | 03/17/25 | | _''__'''_;;__;;;__"_'_;_:_;__:___;;;;;__;:;_ | 03/17/25 | | Dr? Michael Greger | 03/17/25 | | Poaster Emeritus | 03/17/25 | | Paralegal Mohammad | 03/17/25 | | Juan Eighty | 03/17/25 | | """'"'"""'' | 03/17/25 |
Poast new message in this thread
Date: March 16th, 2025 5:16 PM Author: Poaster Emeritus
*just the Model 3, not other models, sorry*
with tax incentive, the base Model 3 is like 35k, 0% apr, 60 months. Only need to but 3k down.
Seems like a good deal. That's cheaper than a Honda Accord or something.
(http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=5695047&forum_id=2Elisa#48753114) |
Date: March 17th, 2025 8:14 PM Author: Poaster Emeritus
I'm outing myself as 80iq here, but what do you mean 0% APR on FSD. So I can either:
1. buy this FSD subscription for as long as I own the car for 8k when I buy the car,
or 2 if not, then my later option is to finance the 8k with interest,
or 3, pay $100/mo if I want the service later and don't want to buy it outright?
Seems better to just pay $100/mo right? 80 months is a long time. Probably will be dead by then.
(http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=5695047&forum_id=2Elisa#48756927) |
Date: March 17th, 2025 8:18 PM Author: """'"'"""''
35k for a shitty car, with shitty features, which catches on fire, which has 100% odds of being vandalized within 6 months.
LMAO. just buy a used Volvo or BMW at that point.
(http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=5695047&forum_id=2Elisa#48756944) |