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LOL, I love how you fuckers don't give a shit about fiscal cliff

It's funny nobody gives a shit about the thing that will mos...
Submissive gaming laptop
You can't avoid this, Pain now or pain later. We aren't g...
Chartreuse frum headpube lay
The ship be sinking
Nubile Blue Personal Credit Line Space
yeah but birth control and gay marriage!!
Free-loading Narrow-minded Boltzmann
*Gets anally raped by GWB for 8 years. * *Assumes Mitt w...
aromatic stage dingle berry
This is not about reptile vs shitlib, you retard. JFC I hat...
Submissive gaming laptop
*MAF reptile pumo gone apolitical after crushing defeat*
aromatic stage dingle berry
Submissive gaming laptop
citrine mad-dog skullcap school
I care, and I don't think the Bush tax cuts do anything to h...
citrine mad-dog skullcap school
So you're mad Obama will continue to extend them?
Chartreuse frum headpube lay
I certainly hope he does not. He was held hostage last time,...
citrine mad-dog skullcap school
*considers lower taxes and years of prosperity to be anal ra...
comical mentally impaired electric furnace
aromatic stage dingle berry
You're missing 8 years
Chartreuse frum headpube lay
You haven't gone pumo... Have you no shame?
aromatic stage dingle berry
Good time to be a civil engineer, heavy-machine operator or ...
Nubile Blue Personal Credit Line Space
*cuts taxes and funds two wars with debt* *lectures you a...
saffron magical milk
See my above post, you retard. Stop politicizing everything...
Submissive gaming laptop
wut? we reelected obama, didn't we?
avocado mind-boggling piazza
sorry your tiny pink party refuses to allow top rates on ric...
Brindle water buffalo
this. dems care about the fiscal crisis and believe reptile ...
citrine mad-dog skullcap school
exactly. they will never raise revenue yet the complain abou...
supple twinkling uncleanness
agreed. but i don't think meaningful cuts are coming anytim...
Fiercely-loyal wrinkle area
raising taxes provides a ton of revenue. we will start to cu...
supple twinkling uncleanness
You live in absolute fantasy land
Chartreuse frum headpube lay
Dems are also amenable to cuts in rates provided loopholes a...
Brindle water buffalo
the fiscal cliff is over. defense contractors are pissed and...
swashbuckling khaki hissy fit
Gary's Economics

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: November 7th, 2012 12:35 PM
Author: Submissive gaming laptop

It's funny nobody gives a shit about the thing that will most affect their lives in just over a month


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Date: November 7th, 2012 12:50 PM
Author: Chartreuse frum headpube lay

You can't avoid this, Pain now or pain later. We aren't going to grow our way out of fiscal problems.


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Date: November 7th, 2012 12:36 PM
Author: Nubile Blue Personal Credit Line Space

The ship be sinking


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Date: November 7th, 2012 12:36 PM
Author: Free-loading Narrow-minded Boltzmann

yeah but birth control and gay marriage!!


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Date: November 7th, 2012 12:37 PM
Author: aromatic stage dingle berry

*Gets anally raped by GWB for 8 years. *

*Assumes Mitt will do a fine job.*


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Date: November 7th, 2012 12:38 PM
Author: Submissive gaming laptop

This is not about reptile vs shitlib, you retard. JFC I hate posters like you that try to politicize everything.

I actually think an incumbent Obama is more likely to get something done regarding the cliff than Romney.

But it's THE biggest issue looming right now and I think it's funny nobody seems to care here


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Date: November 7th, 2012 12:41 PM
Author: aromatic stage dingle berry

*MAF reptile pumo gone apolitical after crushing defeat*


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Date: November 7th, 2012 12:41 PM
Author: Submissive gaming laptop



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Date: November 7th, 2012 12:43 PM
Author: citrine mad-dog skullcap school


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Date: November 7th, 2012 12:44 PM
Author: citrine mad-dog skullcap school

I care, and I don't think the Bush tax cuts do anything to help the fiscal crisis. Romney would've extended them and that would have been a mistake.


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Date: November 7th, 2012 12:50 PM
Author: Chartreuse frum headpube lay

So you're mad Obama will continue to extend them?


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Date: November 7th, 2012 1:25 PM
Author: citrine mad-dog skullcap school

I certainly hope he does not. He was held hostage last time, let's see what happens this time. Aren't they expiring next month?


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Date: November 7th, 2012 12:41 PM
Author: comical mentally impaired electric furnace

*considers lower taxes and years of prosperity to be anal rapage*


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Date: November 7th, 2012 12:42 PM
Author: aromatic stage dingle berry



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Date: November 7th, 2012 12:48 PM
Author: Chartreuse frum headpube lay

You're missing 8 years


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Date: November 7th, 2012 12:54 PM
Author: aromatic stage dingle berry

You haven't gone pumo... Have you no shame?


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Date: November 7th, 2012 12:51 PM
Author: Nubile Blue Personal Credit Line Space

Good time to be a civil engineer, heavy-machine operator or roughneck. Not so good for college graduate millennials.


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Date: November 7th, 2012 12:38 PM
Author: saffron magical milk

*cuts taxes and funds two wars with debt*

*lectures you about fiscal responsibility*


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Date: November 7th, 2012 12:38 PM
Author: Submissive gaming laptop

See my above post, you retard. Stop politicizing everything, jfc


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Date: November 7th, 2012 12:39 PM
Author: avocado mind-boggling piazza

wut? we reelected obama, didn't we?


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Date: November 7th, 2012 12:46 PM
Author: Brindle water buffalo

sorry your tiny pink party refuses to allow top rates on rich fuckers to go up 2%,even as we offer up 3x spending cuts


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Date: November 7th, 2012 12:49 PM
Author: citrine mad-dog skullcap school

this. dems care about the fiscal crisis and believe reptile policies put us in this position. and don't say it's politicizing the issue, because it's relevant that a republican put us in this mess and the republican who lost yesterday would have perpetuated many of the same policies.


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Date: November 7th, 2012 12:52 PM
Author: supple twinkling uncleanness

exactly. they will never raise revenue yet the complain about this debt. they're fucking idiots. both cuts and revenues need to increase.


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Date: November 7th, 2012 12:57 PM
Author: Fiercely-loyal wrinkle area

agreed. but i don't think meaningful cuts are coming anytime soon, and i don't really see the point in raising tax rates just to buy us more time to dig ourselves deeper.


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Date: November 7th, 2012 1:00 PM
Author: supple twinkling uncleanness

raising taxes provides a ton of revenue. we will start to cut military spending as well as hopefully figuring out a way to get healthcare costs down(I have no idea.)


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Date: November 7th, 2012 1:12 PM
Author: Chartreuse frum headpube lay

You live in absolute fantasy land


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Date: November 7th, 2012 1:15 PM
Author: Brindle water buffalo

Dems are also amenable to cuts in rates provided loopholes are closed. Obama favors cutting the corporate tax rate by 10%. There's plenty of room for compromise, if reptiles are willing


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Date: November 7th, 2012 12:54 PM
Author: swashbuckling khaki hissy fit

the fiscal cliff is over. defense contractors are pissed and won't take "but no moar taxes :):):)" for an answer. hint to reptiles: i guess government does create jobs.


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Date: March 25th, 2025 3:04 PM
Author: lfo


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Date: March 25th, 2025 3:06 PM
Author: Gary's Economics

