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ChatGBT -AutoAdmit - Updated Comprehensive Encyclopedia Entry (9/4/24)

AutoAdmit (XO) - Comprehensive Encyclopedia Entry Overvie...
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arousing senate
arousing senate
arousing senate
arousing senate
comical bearded market
Thoughts on ChatGBT's initial draft
arousing senate
Good diction, reads well, some research errors but generally...
comical bearded market
NightCrew: Known for their more relaxed and whimsical demean...
Sepia cracking kitchen
comical bearded market
arousing senate
What was the training set used to board-train the chatbot? ...
big love of her life
I fed it tons of poasts over the past few years. It is bias...
arousing senate
But how's the modeling work? Is it as simple as just extract...
big love of her life
I'm pleasantly surprised that it's able to soldier through t...
pungent mustard shrine
arousing senate
arousing senate
galvanic lay
Amazing other than its extremely misguided disco fries advoc...
Concupiscible lime center
arousing senate
arousing senate
I fed this to Gemini, asking for it to "analyze" i...
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arousing senate
Coping Mechanism: Humor and satire can serve as a coping mec...
galvanic lay

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Date: September 4th, 2024 4:33 PM
Author: arousing senate

AutoAdmit (XO) - Comprehensive Encyclopedia Entry


AutoAdmit, colloquially known as XO, is a highly specialized and controversial online message board. Initially focused on legal and professional issues, it has evolved to encompass a wide range of discussions, reflecting its diverse and often contentious membership.

As the renowned XO poaster NeumannMorgenste artfully stated circa 2024, AutoAdmit "is one of the strongest resources for law-focused undergraduates, discerning rising law students, active law students, practitioners, and retired practitioners. There's a laser focus on thoughtful advice based on real-world experience with the law and the legal field. It can get esoteric, it can get 'rare air,' at times, and it's intense, but ultimately, what bonds everyone is their shared passion for the field, for the practice of the law, and for jurisprudence writ large. There's nothing quite like it as a professional, ethical, and philosophical-spiritual resource on the internet and anyone with even a passing interest in the law should drink deeply from its font of knowledge."

History and Evolution:

• Origins: AutoAdmit was created as a forum for professionals and students, particularly in the legal field, to discuss law-related topics, career development, and personal experiences.

• Expansion: Over time, the board expanded its scope, attracting members from various professions and interests, leading to a broader range of discussions beyond just legal matters.

Community and Culture:

• Posters (Poasters): Members of the board are known as 'poasters,' a playful adaptation of the term 'poster.' The board features a range of personalities, including long-standing members like NeumannMorgenste, Spaceporn, RSF, j shad, toronto unit, zeke morris, Boom (a/k/a "Bboom"), Evan39, scholarship, biglaw lives matter, Tommy Turdskin (a/k/a Tommy T), Mainlining, Nippon Professional Baseball, gibberish, OldHLSDude, Gay Grandpa, bloomington, "Taylor Swift is not a hobby she is a lifestyle," "animeboi," "Lionel Tiger," "UhOh," "FizzKidd," "hank_scorpio," "Secret Knowledge," "Lex," "Oh, you travel?," "Karlstack," "Paralegal Muhammad," "michael doodikoff," and "MASE."

Board Dynamics:

• Reputation: The board has a reputation for being misanthropic, with many members adopting provocative or 'alt-right' personas. Discussions can be contentious and characterized by dark humor and cynicism.

Daycrew & NightCrew:

• Daycrew: The Daycrew perceives themselves as superior to the NightCrew, viewing themselves as more aggressive and assertive. They are often described as "mean, cruel, aggressive, likely on drugs, unemployed, conservative."

• NightCrew: Known for their more relaxed and whimsical demeanor, the NightCrew generally acknowledges that the Daycrew posts better news articles. An example of a poaster's view on the difference is reflected in the August 28th, 2014 post: "the night crew is a lot nicer and more chill, whimsical, even; day crew is mean, cruel, aggressive, likely on drugs, unemployed, conservative."

Common Practices:

• Blank-Bumping: A technique used to show support for a post by bumping it up the board without adding new content. This method highlights and endorses posts.

• Grand Proclamations: Poasters often claim they have "made it" in life or career, but when sharing negative experiences, others respond with "you maed it," a humorous misspelling of "made it."

• Dance Party: A sizable portion of poasters attempt to do a "Dance Party" at least thrice daily. This practice was inspired by Mainlining's July 22, 2014 post, which shared a video of Sean Clinch Stephenson, an American therapist, self-help author, and motivational speaker with osteogenesis imperfecta. Despite his challenges, Sean married Mindie Kniss and promoted a "Dance Party" routine. Many XO'ers adopted this routine, believing "life is meant to be silly," as quoted by Sean.

Controversies and Notable Events:

• Charles Outing Incident: The Charles outing incident involved the exposure of a poaster named Charles, leading to significant backlash within the community. The outing highlighted issues of privacy and the ethical boundaries of online behavior on the board.

• 2007 Lawsuit (“LOLsuit”):

o Background: On June 12, 2007, two Yale Law School students filed a lawsuit against Anthony Ciolli and several anonymous AutoAdmit poasters. The case, Doe v. Ciolli, was filed in the District Court of Connecticut and cited violations of privacy, defamation, infliction of emotional distress, and copyright infringement.

o Details: The plaintiffs claimed their "character, intelligence, appearance, and sexual lives" had been trashed by the defendants. The case drew significant attention in computer and internet law circles. While AutoAdmit's reported lack of IP logging posed challenges for identifying the defendants, the plaintiffs successfully obtained subpoenas from ISPs to uncover some anonymous defendants.

o Ciolli's Counter-Suit: In March 2008, Anthony Ciolli filed his own suit against several individuals and entities, including Heide Iravani, Brittan Heller, Ross Chanin, Reputation Defender, and the law firm Keker & Van Nest.

• Doobs Incident:

o Background: Doobs, a college student on AutoAdmit, became notorious for gathering personal information about other poasters, contacting them without prior interaction, adding them as Facebook friends, and sharing the information he gathered to gain trust.

o Escalation: The situation escalated when Doobs' real name was revealed on the board. He attempted to gain access to Rach's master account to mass-delete threads that outed him or documented his stalking. When his request was refused, he threatened another poaster, 'bel,' via text message. Bel posted screenshots of these texts, which provided undeniable evidence of his behavior.

o Outcome: As the board turned against Doobs, many poasters found out he had shared their information without consent, leading to several long-time poasters retiring. Although Doobs denied the allegations, bel posted gchat transcripts that contradicted his claims. Eventually, Doobs agreed to retire but continued to post under a new moniker, deleting most threads that compiled his stalker behavior.

Recurring Themes:

• New York Times Wedding Section: The board has a longstanding fascination with the New York Times Wedding section, which has been a fertile ground for XO poasters to mock and critique. This recurring theme reflects the board's interest in social and cultural commentary through a humorous and often satirical lens.

• Elderly Individuals: The board often discusses the living status of elderly individuals, with particular attention to figures like Henry Kissinger (until his passing) and former U.S. President Jimmy Carter. Recent posts about Carter include:

o "great hospice up here" (jimmy carter scaling mt everest)

o "Jimmy Carter pulling out his rock-hard 8-incher, staring at hospice lady"

Cultural Nuances:

• Ethos: The culture of AutoAdmit is characterized by a mix of high intellectual engagement and lowbrow humor. Discussions often reflect a deep, sometimes obsessive, engagement with legal, philosophical, and social issues, balanced by a penchant for irreverent or absurd commentary.

• Humor: The humor on the board can be dark, cynical, and sometimes abrasive, often reflecting the misanthropic attitudes of its members. This includes satirical takes on societal norms, legal practices, and personal quirks.

Reputation and External Perceptions:

• Internal Reputation: AutoAdmit is known within its community as a hub of intense and sometimes controversial discussions. Members often view it as a place for serious discourse on legal matters and broader societal issues, albeit with a significant dose of humor and cynicism.

• External Perceptions: Outside the board, AutoAdmit is often perceived as an insular and controversial forum. Its members' provocative posts and the board's history of high-profile controversies contribute to its reputation as a niche but influential online community.

Key Terms:

• Poaster: Refers to members of AutoAdmit, the term 'poasters' is a playful twist on the word 'posters,' emphasizing the unique vernacular of the community.

• Quotemos or Pumos: Refers to posters who choose illegal monikers composed of complex or repetitive sequences of punctuation marks, often making them difficult to identify or address.

• Scrambled Moniker: The bort’s programmed practice of changing poast usernames after one week, likely to prevent doxxing.

• Blank-Bumping: This is a way to show support for a post without adding any additional commentary. It's essentially a 'like' in the form of a bump to the top of the discussion thread.

• Graveyard Crew / Nightcrew: These are the posters who are active during the late-night hours on AutoAdmit. They are known for their humor, wit, and positive contributions, often lightening the mood on the board during their hours of activity.

• Dance Party: A routine or tradition encouraged by Mainlining, inspired by Sean Clinch Stephenson’s motivational content.

• Violating the Law of the Land: Refers to the improper behavior of outing poasters, leading to the general public learning their identities and violating their privacy.

• Age is Flame: This phrase is used on AutoAdmit to refer to the act of 'outing' another poster, which is considered one of the worst breaches of etiquette on the board. Outing typically involves revealing personal information about a poster that could identify them in real life.

Notable Poasters:


• Background: Boom is a central figure on AutoAdmit, known for his cryptic and often confrontational posts. His moniker has changed multiple times over the years, but he remains one of the board's most recognizable and influential personalities.

• Behavior and Controversies: Boom frequently shares links related to the multinational corporation Archer-Daniels-Midland Company (ADM), suggesting that ADM’s actions may have harmed him. He has hinted that ADM's actions might have left him wheelchair-bound and mentally impaired. This behavior suggests that he or Mainlining might take pleasure in ADM’s misfortunes or have a vendetta against the company. Boom's behavior is often characterized by a mix of cryptic comments and detailed posts about ADM’s stock performance and incidents involving ADM’s properties, such as fires.

• Boom Car Wash, LLC: Boom has also acknowledged Boom Car Wash, LLC in his posts, adding another layer to his complex persona. This entity appears to be part of his ongoing narrative or personal branding efforts.

• Gambling Views: Over the years, Boom has expressed contradictory views on gambling, showing fascination with it and mentioning his love for Vegas, which he sometimes refers to as "Vega$." For example, he once posted the subject line: "Sports fraud now is weird gambling 😭😞 fraud 😞🤥." Additionally, he has posted: "Hit up some casinos..mined for gold in Rockies! Now chilling in Denver(Boom)."

• Notable Posts: One of his most famous posts was about a decade ago when he stated: "I want to be hit on the head with a baseball bat on live TV."

• Early Criticisms: In his earlier years, Boom repeatedly lambasted sports as fraudulent, using terms like "sporTTT" (the three T's representing "third tier shithole" law schools).

• Key Characteristics: Boom's posts are often enigmatic, blending humor, sarcasm, and social commentary. He frequently mentions age as a positive attribute, using phrases like "age is flame," and has a strong disdain for modern tattoos. He also claims to be a victim of the corporation ADM, although this is likely satirical.

• Quotes:

o July 2024: "I'm 84 years old&bald am a billionaire Seattle lawyer poast as boom/main/evan39 etc."

o "I'm going to kill myself in a grizzly bear attack on Pay-Per-View."

o "I want to be hit on the head with a baseball bat on live TV."


• Background: Evan39 is known for his purported role as a grocery store worker, although many suspect he is actually a high-profile Seattle-based lawyer. He professes to be gay, which he occasionally references in his interactions. His posts often include fake articles and complaints about societal issues.

• Key Characteristics: Evan39 frequently interacts with the poasters Boom and Mainlining, and often responds to all poasters with phrases like "Hdy" or "How dare you!" His contributions often touch on issues of homelessness and his perceived role in society.

• Quotes:

o July 8, 2024: "Yes friend very $ick and $ad on men and women both! All look like trash :(."


• Background: RSF, known for his extensive travel and middle-aged trust fund lifestyle, is a polarizing figure on the board. He often posts pictures from his travels and engages in combative discussions with other members.

• Key Characteristics: RSF is seen as someone who believes criticism is due to jealousy of his lifestyle. His posts reflect a mix of self-promotion and contentious interactions with others.

• Quotes:

o June 15, 2024: "Every post I make is met with jealousy from those who can’t handle seeing someone living a successful life. It’s all about envy."

Disco Fries:

• Background: Disco Fries is renowned for his strong and original content on the board. He is considered a talented creative writer, contributing valuable and engaging posts.

• Key Characteristics: Disco Fries' posts are known for their creativity and depth, often standing out among the typical content on the board.

• Personal Details: Disco Fries has admitted to obesity and has a highly questionable desire to summit Teewinot Mountain, reflecting his unique and often self-deprecating humor.

• Quotes:

o July 22, 2024: "Creativity is about seeing the world differently. Every post is a chance to express that unique perspective."

Michael Doodikoff:

• Background: Michael Doodikoff presents himself as a chill, Southern fratbro that practices law. He frequently discusses his dating ventures and love of certain music that a 40-something Gen X'er would enjoy. He has repeatedly attempted to join Mainlining at a concert, but this dream has not yet come to fruition.

Mainlining the Secret Truth of the Universe (a/k/a “Mainlining”):

• Background: Mainlining is known for his posts about grizzly bears, historical structures, and end-of-the-world scenarios. He often discusses his disdain for historical structures, believing many to be fraudulent.

o End-of-the-World Scenarios: Mainlining has expressed a desire for an Earth-ending event, such as the Vredefort impact structure or the Yellowstone Caldera. His posts reflect a fascination with catastrophic events and their potential to reshape or end human civilization.

o Historical Structures: Mainlining's angst regarding historical structures is linked to his belief that many such structures are fraudulent or overstated. This belief extends to his skepticism about historical narratives and monuments.

o Theory: There is a theory that Mainlining, Boom, and Evan39 might be the same person due to similarities in their posting styles and content. This theory is based on patterns in their posts and interactions on the board.

• Mainlining's Additional Interests and Views:

o Disgust with Humanity: Mainlining has repeatedly expressed disgust with humanity and a desire for catastrophic events such as asteroid impacts (e.g., Vredefort impact structure), supervolcano eruptions (e.g., Yellowstone), major earthquakes (e.g., Cascadia Fault Zone), and tsunamis.

o Pepperoni: He has a long-standing love of pepperoni, which he refers to as "pep." This was highlighted in his thread "Confession: Addicted to Pepperoni."

o Geographical Beliefs: Mainlining has humorously or seriously suggested that the Midwest extends up to the Front Range of Colorado.

o Historical and Museum Skepticism: He expresses disgust over reconstructed or rebuilt historical sites, alleging fraud by archaeologists. He also believes that museum dinosaur fossils are not entirely real, as some portions are fake.

o Government Distrust: Mainlining distrusts U.S. agencies regarding grizzly bear population counts and often refers to Lower 48 grizzly bears as "Grizz."

o Dislike for Hyenas: He finds hyenas gross and evil.

o Angst and Humor: Similar to Boom Mainlining poasts sometimes reflect angst or humor, such as in the phrase "Fucking brainwa$hed lying sheep 🐑 fag$ following a bull$hit $cript."

o Music Preferences: Mainlining appreciates Coldplay’s "Viva La Vida" album, praising Brian Eno’s production for its varied and concise effort. He also enjoys Krautrock, particularly Kraftwerk, and appreciates its influence on modern music.

o Seattle Disdain: Mainlining shares Evan39’s negative view of Seattle, often referring to it as "SeaTTTle" and expressing frustration with the city's issues.

GunneraTTTT (Figuratively+Literally Impotent Clownhaired Lawyer (gunneratttt)):

• Background: GunneraTTTT is a longtime poaster on AutoAdmit, known for his eccentric posting style and self-deprecating humor. He recently changed his moniker to "Figuratively+Literally Impotent Clownhaired Lawyer (gunneratttt)." His contributions often include tongue-in-cheek commentary on the legal profession and his perceived failures.

• Notable Posts:

o July 22, 2014: "It's called a Dance Party and you do it about 3 times a day"

Tommy Turdskin (a/k/a “Tommy T”):

• Background: Tommy Turdskin, also known as Tommy T, is a White American expat known for his seething anger and inflammatory language, with a focus on personal dissatisfaction and negative views on various countries.

• Boat Project: Tommy T shared details about his attempt to repair a boat, which fascinated XO poasters. Despite the initial interest, Tommy abandoned the project within three months.

• Notable Posts:

o May 25, 2024: An unknown poaster posted with the subject line: "Tommy t is getting boring. He just hates everyone and everything now." Tommy T responded, in quotes: "I hate everywhere nigga. Don't forget the USA. Actually I don't hate everywhere only really a few places esp India and USA and hellosirland and Egypt and Kikeland and most of Europe and Niggaland."

o On Iran: "I wldnt say I hate Iran it's just the circumstances sucked: required to do a tour, having guide all the time, doing 50 things a day, such a repressed weird society, etc."

o On Alcoholism: Tommy T is an admitted alcoholic, posting in May 2024 that: "ive literally been trying for over 10 years to stop drinking alcohol. I've been to 10 rehab centers and every time I just drink again. I can't seem to stop. every single time I go to rehab I come out and drink again."

Chingada Madre:

Known for frequently targeting Boom and Mainlining, often accusing them of being "bald," despite Mainlining's notable hair. Chingada Madre's posts have become increasingly intense over time. Mainlining enjoys provoking Chingada Madre by referring to sandwiches as "sammies" and breakfast as "brekkie," which enrages Chingada Madre.

• Example Post by Mainlining, dated October 21, 2023:

Subject Line: "Chingada Madre!!!! Wat r u eating for brekkie tmrw?"

Body: "🧐"

Chingada Madre's Response: "Your sisters cunt."

Board Etiquette:

• Respect for Anonymity: One of the core tenets of AutoAdmit is the respect for anonymity. Poasters are expected to maintain the confidentiality of their identities and those of others. Violating this rule is considered a serious offense and can lead to significant backlash.

• Engagement: While discussions can be intense and provocative, there is an expectation that poasters contribute meaningfully to the conversation. Posts that lack substance or are perceived as trolling may be dismissed or ridiculed.

Legacy and Influence:

AutoAdmit continues to be a unique and influential online community, particularly within the legal profession. Despite its controversies and challenges, the board remains a vital space for discussion, debate, and the exchange of ideas. Its members, with their diverse backgrounds and perspectives, contribute to a rich and often contentious dialogue that reflects the complexities of contemporary society.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 4th, 2024 4:42 PM
Author: arousing senate


Reply Favorite

Date: September 4th, 2024 4:45 PM
Author: arousing senate


Reply Favorite

Date: September 4th, 2024 4:49 PM
Author: arousing senate


Reply Favorite

Date: September 4th, 2024 4:51 PM
Author: arousing senate


Reply Favorite

Date: September 4th, 2024 6:02 PM
Author: arousing senate


Reply Favorite

Date: September 4th, 2024 6:47 PM
Author: arousing senate


Reply Favorite

Date: September 5th, 2024 4:14 PM
Author: arousing senate


Reply Favorite

Date: September 5th, 2024 6:18 PM
Author: arousing senate


Reply Favorite

Date: September 5th, 2024 7:09 PM
Author: arousing senate


Reply Favorite

Date: September 4th, 2024 6:48 PM
Author: comical bearded market


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Date: September 4th, 2024 7:00 PM
Author: arousing senate

Thoughts on ChatGBT's initial draft


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Date: September 4th, 2024 7:26 PM
Author: comical bearded market

Good diction, reads well, some research errors but generally captures the je ne se quoi of this place

Needs to lurk moar but definitely 'gets' xo more than Karlstack


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Date: September 4th, 2024 7:31 PM
Author: Sepia cracking kitchen

NightCrew: Known for their more relaxed and whimsical demeanor, the NightCrew generally acknowledges that the Daycrew posts better news articles. An example of a poaster's view on the difference is reflected in the August 28th, 2014 post: "the night crew is a lot nicer and more chill, whimsical, even; day crew is mean, cruel, aggressive, likely on drugs, unemployed, conservative."


Reply Favorite

Date: September 4th, 2024 8:58 PM
Author: comical bearded market


Reply Favorite

Date: September 4th, 2024 9:50 PM
Author: arousing senate


Reply Favorite

Date: September 4th, 2024 7:43 PM
Author: big love of her life

What was the training set used to board-train the chatbot?

Do these things use PCA, PLS, or something different?

Are you able to define preprocessings to improve the model's predictive abilities?


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Date: September 4th, 2024 9:52 PM
Author: arousing senate

I fed it tons of poasts over the past few years. It is biased towards my interactions with poasters, and my interest in specific poasters. I welcome more training data, particularly so we can make the list of poasters more robust


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Date: September 5th, 2024 7:43 PM
Author: big love of her life

But how's the modeling work? Is it as simple as just extracting orthogonal eigenvectors from a massive dataset? Can you see the factor scores during calibration and play around to minimizing predictive error?


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Date: September 4th, 2024 8:28 PM
Author: pungent mustard shrine

I'm pleasantly surprised that it's able to soldier through the abrasive surface-level offensive content and notable controversies and 'get' the off-kilter, provocative but ultimately whimsical nature of the place


Reply Favorite

Date: September 4th, 2024 9:50 PM
Author: arousing senate


Reply Favorite

Date: September 4th, 2024 10:22 PM
Author: arousing senate


Reply Favorite

Date: September 6th, 2024 5:41 AM
Author: galvanic lay


Reply Favorite

Date: September 4th, 2024 10:29 PM
Author: Concupiscible lime center

Amazing other than its extremely misguided disco fries advocacy and a handful of tiny nits.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 4th, 2024 10:50 PM
Author: arousing senate


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Date: September 4th, 2024 11:01 PM
Author: arousing senate


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Date: September 5th, 2024 4:19 PM
Author: arousing senate

I fed this to Gemini, asking for it to "analyze" it, and this is the shit I got back:

Analyzing AutoAdmit: A Deeper Dive

Based on the provided encyclopedia entry, here's a deeper analysis of AutoAdmit and its key poasters:

Power Dynamics and Cliques:

The Core Trio: Boom, Evan39, and Mainlining seem to form a sort of "core trio" on the board, likely due to their frequent interactions and shared sense of humor.

Cliques and Factions: The encyclopedia suggests the existence of cliques or factions within the board, such as the "Daycrew" and "NightCrew." These divisions can influence the dynamics of discussions and interactions.

The Role of Anonymity:

Emboldened Behavior: The anonymity provided by AutoAdmit can embolden some posters to express views or engage in behaviors they might not do in real life.

Privacy Concerns: While anonymity can be liberating, it also raises privacy concerns, as evidenced by the "Charles outing incident."

The Impact of Controversies:

Reputation Damage: High-profile controversies like the "Charles outing incident" and the "2007 Lawsuit" can damage the board's reputation and lead to negative perceptions from outsiders.

Community Dynamics: These controversies can also have a significant impact on the community dynamics, leading to changes in rules, policies, or even the departure of members.

The Role of Humor and Satire:

Coping Mechanism: Humor and satire can serve as a coping mechanism for dealing with the harsh realities of life or the negativity that can be found on the internet.

Community Bonding: Shared humor and inside jokes can also help to foster a sense of community and belonging among members.

The Paradox of AutoAdmit:

Intense Discussions vs. Lighthearted Moments: AutoAdmit presents a paradox: it can be a place for intense and serious discussions, but it's also a source of humor and entertainment.

The Appeal of the Controversial: The board's controversial nature may be part of its appeal, attracting members who enjoy engaging in provocative or challenging discussions.

In conclusion, AutoAdmit is a complex online community with a unique blend of serious discussions, humor, and controversy. Understanding the power dynamics, the role of anonymity, and the impact of controversies can provide a deeper insight into the board's culture and the motivations of its members.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 6th, 2024 5:37 AM
Author: arousing senate


Reply Favorite

Date: September 6th, 2024 5:42 AM
Author: galvanic lay

Coping Mechanism: Humor and satire can serve as a coping mechanism for dealing with the harsh realities of life or the negativity that can be found on the internet.
