How would you fix the K-12 education system in the US?
| ;;;.;,;,;.;.;;;;,,,,.;.;.;...;..; | 12/28/24 | | Ass Sunstein | 12/28/24 | | Adrian Dittman | 12/28/24 | | Metal Up Your Ass | 12/28/24 | | .,.,...,..,.,..:,,:,......,;:.,.:..:.,:,::,. | 12/28/24 | | ChadGPT-5 | 12/28/24 | | snoot | 12/28/24 | | VoteRepublican | 12/28/24 | | cowgod | 12/28/24 | | VoteRepublican | 12/28/24 | | Fucking Fuckface | 12/28/24 | | """'""""'' | 12/28/24 | | Quercus | 12/28/24 | | VoteRepublican | 12/28/24 | | Jizzy Gillespie | 12/28/24 | | that is rape | 12/28/24 | | ........,,,,,,......,.,.,.,,,,,,,,,, | 12/28/24 | | Chingada Madre | 12/28/24 | | ..,,....,,.,..,,..,,...,...,,....,..., | 12/28/24 | | ............,.,.,.,.......,,.,., | 12/28/24 | | Drunkard | 12/28/24 | | cowgod | 12/28/24 | | Drunkard | 12/28/24 | | cowgod | 12/28/24 | | Drunkard | 12/28/24 | | cowgod | 12/28/24 | | beyond the falafel plate | 12/28/24 | | hank_scorpio | 12/28/24 | | Kenneth Play | 12/28/24 | | Drunkard | 12/28/24 | | VoteRepublican | 12/28/24 | | hank_scorpio | 12/28/24 | | ...,;;...,;;...,..,.,;,.,;;,.,;...; | 12/28/24 | | Metal Up Your Ass | 12/28/24 | | .,.,.....,.,.;,.,,,:,.,.,::,...,:,..;,.. | 12/29/24 |
Poast new message in this thread
Date: December 28th, 2024 5:28 PM
Author: ;;;.;,;,;.;.;;;;,,,,.;.;.;...;..;
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Date: December 28th, 2024 5:58 PM
Author: .,.,...,..,.,..:,,:,......,;:.,.:..:.,:,::,.
Strict testing and tracking starting in kindergarten. Deeper investments in gifted education. Put all immigrants and non English speakers in their own schools or just send them back home. These services are quite expensive and remove resources for other children.
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Date: December 28th, 2024 6:00 PM Author: ChadGPT-5
1) American Ninja Warrior Sorting Hat
2) Squid Game Battle Royale for Fuck Ups
3) Mandatory Greek and Latin, STEM
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Date: December 28th, 2024 6:09 PM Author: Quercus
The SATs of Ed majors are basically the lowest of all majors.
Try the Finnish approach. You have to be really smart to be a teacher. Pay them quite well. Tell the teacher to get the students from Point A to Point B by the end of the year. Let the teacher decide how to do that. Rank order the teachers and keep the ones who meet the objective criteria. Repeat.
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Date: December 28th, 2024 6:11 PM Author: VoteRepublican (A true Chad!! where's your gf/wifew?)
#1 sat dont matter. need elemntary school kids and patience with them high scoring autists lose patience because they move too fast
#2 u get bad incentives with stack ranking that may lead to high pressure -> take it out on kids
#3 maybe pay more is true. but going to customized teadching from the teacher is not possible unless ur paying them industry+++
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Date: December 28th, 2024 6:15 PM Author: Jizzy Gillespie
the system would fix itself if we still had pre 1965 demographics
Many "teachers" now are only there to babysit & indoctrinate violent mud children
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Date: December 28th, 2024 9:26 PM
Author: ........,,,,,,......,.,.,.,,,,,,,,,,
You have to the opposite of our current strategy - kids need to get left behind.
Put gifted kids in gifted classes.
But more importantly, there needs to be a place to put the really bad kids. I don't think there'd be anythinig more effective for teachers in bad schools than saying "who are the 2-3 kids in your class disrupting everything? Great, tomorrow they're being put in a special class taught by one of those drill instructor guys from 90s daytime TV."
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Date: December 28th, 2024 9:34 PM
Author: ..,,....,,.,..,,..,,...,...,,....,...,
The country did fine with one room schoolhouses for decades. Something else is wrong
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Date: December 28th, 2024 9:44 PM
Author: ............,.,.,.,.......,,.,.,
1) Set high standards based on real subjects (e.g. not how women can have penises and what gay sex is like).
2) Enforce those high standards and actually hold kids back or demote them if those standards aren't met. Parents should have a stake in this.
3) Severely track kids in high school like Germany. Top quarter of kids -- top quarter of kids nationally, not of each respective school -- take normal high school academic subjects like chemistry and ancient Greek or whatever. Fat middle gets various trade options, often working with local industries to facilitate, in addition to some normal curricular coursework in actually useful stuff like social studies, sex ed, etc. Bottom quarter -- again, nationally -- should basically get a penitentiary experience to instill the importance of FOLLOWING LAWS, RULES, AND SOCIAL DECORUM. Like the shit in that season of The Wire. Top performers get prepped to work respectable service industry jobs, and bottom performers get prepared to go to prison.
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Date: December 28th, 2024 9:49 PM Author: Drunkard
Two hours of outdoor exercise every day.
End mandatory formal education after 8th grade.
Stratify education as much as possible and as early as possible.
1. Rigor for the top 20%
2. Basics for the middle 60%
3. Functionally jail for the bottom 20%
Adjusted for quality of school.
Corporal punishment.
No sugar in schools. Only healthy food.
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Date: December 28th, 2024 9:58 PM Author: beyond the falafel plate
two words
Mr. Rupinder
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Date: December 28th, 2024 10:34 PM
Author: ...,;;...,;;...,..,.,;,.,;;,.,;...;
stop having kids
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Date: December 29th, 2024 5:03 PM
Author: .,.,.....,.,.;,.,,,:,.,.,::,...,:,..;,..
deport mexicans
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