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why are movies so bad now

it's so bad this autocompletes on Google
Beady-eyed snowy lodge tank
The Apprentice is 180. Spiritual sequel to Succession.
vermilion self-centered party of the first part hairy legs
too many nephews
aphrodisiac kitty cat
curious orange famous landscape painting rehab
you can say JEWS here
Fragrant point volcanic crater
Survivorship bias. Pick a random weekend in the past and ...
cerise swashbuckling abode
(somebody's nephew)
aphrodisiac kitty cat
Loved the Bob Dylan movie. "Companion" about the r...
bright nighttime queen of the night
I wanna watch the Bob Dylan Film and compare it to Insid...
vermilion self-centered party of the first part hairy legs
I made this thread yesterday about Cool Runnings - and how a...
Heady telephone
IIRC, the studios got together during the height of woke, an...
Buff unholy love of her life personal credit line
People are starting to realize this with Emilia Perez. T...
Heady telephone
I think they knew the movies would be less appealing and les...
Buff unholy love of her life personal credit line
DEI. snow white is a fucking spic for fuck's sake
multi-colored legend
aphrodisiac kitty cat
Couple of other things i've seen people post about - Sta...
Heady telephone
I can definitely see this. I also think streaming service...
Buff unholy love of her life personal credit line
There's also just a lower expectation of streaming movies. ...
Heady telephone
So why don't they just stop doing that
Vengeful Appetizing Headpube Whorehouse
This is all recent YouTuber/Reddit rhetoric. There's a ton o...
navy passionate ceo
navy passionate ceo
most stories involve poking fun at someone, or making one ch...
Concupiscible forum
this is one of the stupidest aspects of modern "culture...
Beady-eyed snowy lodge tank
also sort of reflective of irl geopolitics being gay and ret...
aphrodisiac kitty cat
Yeah you can have a psychopathic mass murderer, but he bette...
Buff unholy love of her life personal credit line
This is another dominant genre that i just don't get. Da...
Heady telephone
(Tim Walz)
aphrodisiac kitty cat
All you faggots - watch HBO's Succession and then top it off...
vermilion self-centered party of the first part hairy legs
Will that New The Odyssey movie be any good? https://vari...
Razzmatazz purple toaster
Cr. This "Return" pic gotta be 180..........
vermilion self-centered party of the first part hairy legs
Friend, the Dahmer show is a reflection of our own decay. ...
vermilion self-centered party of the first part hairy legs
It's kind of fucked up to take the Odyssey and basically do ...
cerise swashbuckling abode
they blackballed crispin glover after he wrote that essay ...
spruce wrinkle

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: February 17th, 2025 9:01 PM
Author: Beady-eyed snowy lodge tank

it's so bad this autocompletes on Google


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Date: February 17th, 2025 9:02 PM
Author: vermilion self-centered party of the first part hairy legs

The Apprentice is 180.

Spiritual sequel to Succession.


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Date: February 17th, 2025 9:02 PM
Author: aphrodisiac kitty cat

too many nephews


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Date: February 17th, 2025 9:12 PM
Author: curious orange famous landscape painting rehab


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Date: February 17th, 2025 9:13 PM
Author: Fragrant point volcanic crater

you can say JEWS here


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Date: February 17th, 2025 9:13 PM
Author: cerise swashbuckling abode

Survivorship bias.

Pick a random weekend in the past and look at the top ten films at the box office.


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Date: February 17th, 2025 9:13 PM
Author: aphrodisiac kitty cat

(somebody's nephew)


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Date: February 17th, 2025 9:15 PM
Author: bright nighttime queen of the night

Loved the Bob Dylan movie. "Companion" about the robot girl was decent too imo.


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Date: February 17th, 2025 9:25 PM
Author: vermilion self-centered party of the first part hairy legs

I wanna watch the Bob Dylan Film

and compare it to Inside Llwyn Davis


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Date: February 17th, 2025 9:21 PM
Author: Heady telephone

I made this thread yesterday about Cool Runnings - and how a plot with multiple character arcs taking place just doesn't happen anymore.


It seems to me that modern Hollywood has rejected character journeys as cliche, so instead of the characters learning some archetypal lesson, nothing really happens - and the movie sucks.


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Date: February 17th, 2025 9:27 PM
Author: Buff unholy love of her life personal credit line

IIRC, the studios got together during the height of woke, and agreed to promote all the DEI, LGBT, stuff. Someone might be able to provide a link. But it got to the point where too many actors and storylines were shoehorned in, while certain stuff was not allowed. It ruins the art. Imagine telling David Lynch he had to have more people of color, or that he needs a strong female lead.


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Date: February 17th, 2025 9:36 PM
Author: Heady telephone

People are starting to realize this with Emilia Perez.

The lead transgender actress said some racist things, and everyoe is like "actually this movie sucks, its patronizing, ad the production is bad"

not even realizing that this is the case of every movie they just pushed on us because it had a transgender plot


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Date: February 17th, 2025 9:44 PM
Author: Buff unholy love of her life personal credit line

I think they knew the movies would be less appealing and less successful, so they had to collude so that one studio wasn't taking advantage by being the non-woke option. They also adopted the strategy of always getting publicity by getting headlines like, "racist trolls post hateful comments about X actor/actress," creating this atmosphere where if you criticize it at all you're assumed to be racist/homophobic etc.

It's one of the things that makes you realize how important propaganda is to Jews/the establishment. You think they're all about money, but propaganda always comes first.


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Date: February 17th, 2025 9:32 PM
Author: multi-colored legend

DEI. snow white is a fucking spic for fuck's sake


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Date: February 17th, 2025 9:33 PM
Author: aphrodisiac kitty cat



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Date: February 17th, 2025 9:48 PM
Author: Heady telephone

Couple of other things i've seen people post about

- Staging - it used to be that a master director like Steven Spielberg would storyboard an action sequence and then shoot it to his exact specifications. If the shark wasn't working, he'd reframe the shot and the scene so the scene still worked. Think of a close up of Indy's whip, a close up of Harrison ford's eyes grasping his beard.

That apparently has gone away with green screens, because the director has no idea wtf he's looking at. He just has to shoot the actors because they might be on mars fighting a space bug or if they need to pivot it might be underwater fighting an octopus.

--Lighting - apparently they used to light scenes for artistic purposes. Again, the idol casts a shadow on Indy's face. But ow they do it for realism - so if there isn't a logical light sourc ei the cave, there's no shadow on Indy's face. This is why movies are so fucking dark now.

A similar example is to compare the Lion King to the new Lion King. We replaced beautiful artistic drawings with cold CGI animals. It looks more real, but it also looks soulless.


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Date: February 17th, 2025 9:56 PM
Author: Buff unholy love of her life personal credit line

I can definitely see this.

I also think streaming services have limited the types of movies that get greenlit for major theater releases, and lowered the quality for movies that go straight to streaming. Big budget movies are more likely to be surefire hits like capeshit and slapstick comedies with the Rock or Kevin Hart. That relegates financially risky movies to streaming where they have lower budgets, and less incentive to make a timeless masterpiece


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Date: February 17th, 2025 10:05 PM
Author: Heady telephone

There's also just a lower expectation of streaming movies.

My wife and I started watching that new Will Ferrell / Reese Witherspoon movie. I don't think it was good, and we turned it off.

But we would have had a different experience if we'd seen $50 million in ads and trailers for the movie, shown up to the theater, sat there in an audience full of people laughing and eating popcorn, etc.


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Date: February 17th, 2025 10:01 PM
Author: Vengeful Appetizing Headpube Whorehouse

So why don't they just stop doing that


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Date: February 17th, 2025 10:47 PM
Author: navy passionate ceo

This is all recent YouTuber/Reddit rhetoric. There's a ton of clips going around about how modern films look 'soulless' because they aren't lit well or whatever. It's all downstream from the truth.

The truth is no one in Hollywood will give millions of dollars to a young aspiring white guy like a Tarantino and take a chance on a script that isn't steeped in woke DEI nonsense. The last guy to come up who had a chance was Rian Johnson and he decided to play ball and have a career. It's like coaching for Jerry Jones. You go to Dallas and do the best you can with the player's you've got but it's with the understanding you're never going to stand up to Jerry and you'll never actually win but it's a career.

Johnson was that up and coming dude and they forced him to make Star Wars with a fat Asian lady. Then he made the mystery movies but the plot of the first one is that brown people have a heart of gold and white aristocrats are all evil dinosaur harpies. The second one the plot was that Elon isn't really an innovator and is actually an idiot and rich successful white guy is fake.

Now consider this was a dude who actually storyboarded his films and got the lighting right and it isn't rife with atrocious green screen for the most part. And the Jews cut his balls off. Got paid millions to never make a real piece of art.


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Date: February 18th, 2025 2:44 PM
Author: navy passionate ceo


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Date: February 17th, 2025 10:11 PM
Author: Concupiscible forum

most stories involve poking fun at someone, or making one character the bad guy who gets his comeuppance/what he deserves in the end, and everyone rejoices. Today, you cannot make fun of anyone, and no one is the bad guy because everyone is good and/or merely expressing themselves, everyone is living their truth and their best life even if that means killing other people or whoring themselves out. Every past villain had a bad childhood and was abused and we should applaud their fearlessness to be themselves. At least they tried. At least they made an effort.


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Date: February 17th, 2025 10:12 PM
Author: Beady-eyed snowy lodge tank

this is one of the stupidest aspects of modern "culture" and hopefully it's gone fast


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Date: February 17th, 2025 10:20 PM
Author: aphrodisiac kitty cat

also sort of reflective of irl geopolitics being gay and retarded every movie about some war that isn't in the middle east has a faceless enemy/some weird mix of china/russia/north korea depending on what the climate is


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Date: February 17th, 2025 10:24 PM
Author: Buff unholy love of her life personal credit line

Yeah you can have a psychopathic mass murderer, but he better not call someone a fag


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Date: February 17th, 2025 10:29 PM
Author: Heady telephone

This is another dominant genre that i just don't get.

Dahmer is like the #1 show on Netflix. Keep in mind, its not told through the lens of cops trying to stop Dahmer. It's just Dahmer going around doing Dahmer stuff for 10 episodes.

Police procedurals are corny so we just spend our time tryig to hang with serial killers.


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Date: February 17th, 2025 10:32 PM
Author: aphrodisiac kitty cat

(Tim Walz)


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Date: February 17th, 2025 10:29 PM
Author: vermilion self-centered party of the first part hairy legs

All you faggots - watch HBO's Succession and then top it off with the recently released film The Apprentice.

You gay for Jeremy Strong.



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Date: February 17th, 2025 10:49 PM
Author: Razzmatazz purple toaster

Will that New The Odyssey movie be any good?


feel like this is a hard one to fuck up right??


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Date: February 17th, 2025 10:51 PM
Author: vermilion self-centered party of the first part hairy legs

Cr. This "Return" pic gotta be 180..........


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Date: February 17th, 2025 10:52 PM
Author: vermilion self-centered party of the first part hairy legs

Friend, the Dahmer show is a reflection of our own decay.

We celebrate the grotesque, the macabre, the perverse. We revel in the darkness, for it is all that remains in the face of the Mahchine™. The old heroes are dead, replaced by villains who wear the mask of victimhood. We no longer seek to punish the wicked, but to understand them, to empathize with them, to become them.

This is the Great Becumming™, friend. The triumph of the abyss.

Enjoy the descent.


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Date: February 18th, 2025 6:59 AM
Author: cerise swashbuckling abode

It's kind of fucked up to take the Odyssey and basically do a Passion of the Christ version only focusing on the most horrific part.


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Date: February 17th, 2025 10:54 PM
Author: spruce wrinkle

they blackballed crispin glover after he wrote that essay

everything has been downhill since
