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Do girls (re: under 18) ever apologize?

ive only ever seen women apologize without hedging or excuse...
Full House addressed this
Metal Up Your Ass
presidential cabinet racist group chat
Sometimes my wife apologizes to me and I have to withhold my...
My sister (blonde, blue eyed) began manipulating my father f...
ive heard many parents say that girls begin doing emotional ...
A typical woman will never ever stop doing that. I'm not s...
of course i know they'll never stop. what i was wondering it...
Are birds born with the ability to fly or do they learn it l...
well that's what im wondering. many birds do struggle learni...
https://youtu.be/P5Yz-ce5qpc watch this cookie thief lie....
>"they'd be wiser just to apologize even if they don...
I feel deprived by not growing up w/ a sister and witnessing...
Blonde Bukele
> "It's the only chick you're going to love and ador...
Nippon Professional Baseball
To avoid a proper spanking, maybe
Like above poster said, girls figure this shit out at like 2...
to the extent they are aware of it, they think they are resp...
Apologizing from a position of weakness is a recipe for gett...
Paralegal Mohammad
why should they apologize for being the apple of an older ma...
Brussels Sprout: Brussels,Helsinki,Stockholm,Kyiv
these kinds of poasts need to be blasted with your full name...
This guy needs to be fuckin curb stomped by a guy jumping of...
presidential cabinet racist group chat
u seem dumb, so let me lay it out for u: young beautiful wom...
Brussels Sprout: Brussels,Helsinki,Stockholm,Kyiv
This was never more clearly demonstrated than in your Herro ...
presidential cabinet racist group chat
I didn't realize this until recently but DCPoast was born in...
I'm happily re-married to a Belgian woman, here in Brussels ...
Brussels Sprout: Brussels,Helsinki,Stockholm,Kyiv
(Guy not denying he harassed a teenager 20 years his junior)...
u as a virgin basement dweller lack standing to the affairs ...
Brussels Sprout: Brussels,Helsinki,Stockholm,Kyiv
and I have g-chats to prove u have the tiniest of dicks, sta...
Brussels Sprout: Brussels,Helsinki,Stockholm,Kyiv
To be fair, Lmao Hey remember several years ago when y...
To be fair
dood at this point in my life im almost 40 and i can walk do...
Covid was a Hoax
I don't think most women are that malicious. However, most o...
the stupidity bleeds over into the media brainwashing and da...
Covid was a Hoax
I don't like it either but I'm not nearly as mad about it as...
why the fuck do you care if some asshole has a "fake bu...
Covid was a Hoax
why do you care if a 5 Shrew thinks she's a 10?
the fake business for the man is common sense the 5 female p...
Covid was a Hoax
So far my daughter has NEVER apologized. But since she is 9...
if youre born male, youre not even the same species as a fem...
no, bcs nothing is ever their fault
Mr Right

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: March 23rd, 2025 5:39 PM
Author: Cumbutt (gunneratttt)

ive only ever seen women apologize without hedging or excuse making when the consequences are dire or if their fault is so one-sided they can't make an excuse. and even then it's rare.

poasters with dotters: is this the case their whole lives? and if not, when does it start manifesting?


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Date: March 23rd, 2025 5:44 PM
Author: Metal Up Your Ass

Full House addressed this


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Date: March 23rd, 2025 5:45 PM
Author: presidential cabinet racist group chat



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Date: March 23rd, 2025 5:54 PM
Author: AI_concubine

Sometimes my wife apologizes to me and I have to withhold my shock


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Date: March 23rd, 2025 5:58 PM
Author: bboom@perkinscoiefacts.com (guiding every White associate's decisions in this moment)

My sister (blonde, blue eyed) began manipulating my father from a young age. She figured out that she could curate an image of herself in his eyes. She put a lot of work into this and he basically became a turbo simp, giving her thousands of dollars for absolutely no reason. My mom commented on this after witnessing the dynamic, that father-dotter relationship is like the ultimate platonic adoration of woman from a man's perspective. It's the only chick you're going to love and adore but never smash. So in a sense it's similar to some loser on OF giving Sophie Rain millions of dollars but it's totally acceptable and expected and it's your dotter after all. The treatment between dotter and son is completely different, my parents had an entirely different set of rules for me and were way stricter.

As to when it began, I have no idea, but sister picked up on this at a young age and began to twist the screw into my father's heart and milk him for money and attention. How did she treat men as an adult? She always dates two men at one time, a beta with money and a Chad who won't commit. She's always double dipped going back to high school.


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Date: March 23rd, 2025 6:07 PM
Author: Cumbutt (gunneratttt)

ive heard many parents say that girls begin doing emotional manipulation very early. like toddlers. but i expect that would include things pouting and giving a fake apology to pull at heart strings while they have every intent to continue the behavior they're apologizing for.

but when do they stop doing that? what you're talking about is savvy emotional manipulation. refusing to apologize or accept blame for things is the opposite of that. they'd be wiser just to apologize even if they don't think they did anything wrong just to resolve the conflict.


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Date: March 23rd, 2025 6:18 PM
Author: Buses

A typical woman will never ever stop doing that.

I'm not sure what you're talking about?

There are highly evolved women who are capable of not doing this. And there are autistic freaks who can't figure this out. But 90% , of women will continue this til death.

They are emphatically not responsible for their actions or harm.

This is well documented on xo. Hmu of you need some links to work this through


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Date: March 23rd, 2025 9:18 PM
Author: Cumbutt (gunneratttt)

of course i know they'll never stop. what i was wondering itt whether they avoid accountability from the moment they learn to speak or whether it develops later.


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Date: March 23rd, 2025 9:20 PM
Author: bboom@perkinscoiefacts.com (guiding every White associate's decisions in this moment)

Are birds born with the ability to fly or do they learn it later


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Date: March 23rd, 2025 9:33 PM
Author: Cumbutt (gunneratttt)

well that's what im wondering. many birds do struggle learning to fly. and i assume as very young children girls can be compelled to apologize before they develop sufficient emotional manipulation methods to avoid ever having to show contrition.


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Date: March 23rd, 2025 9:36 PM
Author: bboom@perkinscoiefacts.com (guiding every White associate's decisions in this moment)


watch this cookie thief lie. probably comes very naturally to them.


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Date: March 23rd, 2025 6:30 PM
Author: bboom@perkinscoiefacts.com (guiding every White associate's decisions in this moment)



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Date: March 23rd, 2025 6:33 PM
Author: bboom@perkinscoiefacts.com (guiding every White associate's decisions in this moment)

>"they'd be wiser just to apologize even if they don't think they did anything wrong just to resolve the conflict."

(Guy who has never tuned in to Law&Crime Network)


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Date: March 23rd, 2025 9:02 PM
Author: Blonde Bukele

I feel deprived by not growing up w/ a sister and witnessing this shit. Like I can't truly comprehend the cards being played


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Date: March 23rd, 2025 9:21 PM
Author: Nippon Professional Baseball

> "It's the only chick you're going to love and adore but never smash"

Some dads smash


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Date: March 23rd, 2025 6:12 PM
Author: .,..,,.,.,.,.,.,..,.,.,..,..,

To avoid a proper spanking, maybe


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Date: March 23rd, 2025 6:13 PM
Author: Buses

Like above poster said, girls figure this shit out at like 2.

They live their entire lives unconsciously/subconsciously having men handle their problems. I honestly believe they're mostly unaware of their behavior bc the pattern starts so so young


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Date: March 24th, 2025 4:16 PM
Author: UhOh

to the extent they are aware of it, they think they are responsible for solving the problem because they *made* the guy do it.


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Date: March 23rd, 2025 6:14 PM
Author: Paralegal Mohammad

Apologizing from a position of weakness is a recipe for getting taken advantage of so while I don't necessarily condone it I understand it and men should be smart enough to adjust accordingly.


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Date: March 23rd, 2025 6:15 PM
Author: Brussels Sprout: Brussels,Helsinki,Stockholm,Kyiv

why should they apologize for being the apple of an older man's eye? it is both a blessing and a curse to be so adored


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Date: March 23rd, 2025 6:19 PM
Author: .;..,.:::::::::,..:.:.,:.::,.;

these kinds of poasts need to be blasted with your full names and home addresses on times square ticker tape


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Date: March 23rd, 2025 6:24 PM
Author: presidential cabinet racist group chat

This guy needs to be fuckin curb stomped by a guy jumping off a 5 story building down onto his head


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Date: March 23rd, 2025 6:28 PM
Author: Brussels Sprout: Brussels,Helsinki,Stockholm,Kyiv

u seem dumb, so let me lay it out for u: young beautiful women are victimized precisely for who they are--young and beautiful which can't be bought for any price no matter how dear


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Date: March 23rd, 2025 7:01 PM
Author: bboom@perkinscoiefacts.com (guiding every White associate's decisions in this moment)

This was never more clearly demonstrated than in your Herro Kyoot Girl, 'Tis I! messages to The Box.


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Date: March 23rd, 2025 7:03 PM
Author: presidential cabinet racist group chat


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Date: March 23rd, 2025 7:10 PM
Author: bboom@perkinscoiefacts.com (guiding every White associate's decisions in this moment)

I didn't realize this until recently but DCPoast was born in 70s and at the time of his famous emails he was late 30s and she was like 19. Wonder if he's still emailing teenagers unsolicited.


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Date: March 23rd, 2025 7:16 PM
Author: Brussels Sprout: Brussels,Helsinki,Stockholm,Kyiv

I'm happily re-married to a Belgian woman, here in Brussels -- where the Box is always welcome to jam on vocals in my bluegrass and rhythm & blues band


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Date: March 23rd, 2025 7:27 PM
Author: bboom@perkinscoiefacts.com (guiding every White associate's decisions in this moment)

(Guy not denying he harassed a teenager 20 years his junior)


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Date: March 23rd, 2025 7:30 PM
Author: Brussels Sprout: Brussels,Helsinki,Stockholm,Kyiv

u as a virgin basement dweller lack standing to the affairs of the box or me, in legal terminology -- so fuck off!


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Date: March 23rd, 2025 7:33 PM
Author: bboom@perkinscoiefacts.com (guiding every White associate's decisions in this moment)


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Date: March 23rd, 2025 7:34 PM
Author: Brussels Sprout: Brussels,Helsinki,Stockholm,Kyiv

and I have g-chats to prove u have the tiniest of dicks, stay safe, mr. sorry-in-the-sack


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Date: March 23rd, 2025 7:00 PM
Author: lex


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Date: March 24th, 2025 4:20 PM
Author: To be fair (Semi-Retarded)

To be fair,


Hey remember several years ago when you (an extremely creepy fat bald middle aged schlubby kike Washington DC swamp lawyer who at the time was like 40) literally sent thousands of unsolicited and unrequited "good eventide, m'lady!" faggy love notes to The Box (a random ~23 year old girl you only know from an online message board) via Gmail over the span of several years?

IIRC, this was before you moved to Europe to become even more of a gay little simping kike faggot over there, AFAIK.


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Date: March 23rd, 2025 7:14 PM
Author: Covid was a Hoax

dood at this point in my life im almost 40 and i can walk down a sidewalk in some shithole city with three lanes each way and see dumb cunts on the other sidewalk out of the corner of my eye laughing and just being dumb fat sluts generally and these are high school students. you need eyes in the back of your head basically for this shit. theres nothing decent about them just pure skank/slut and daddy pays the bills and they laugh their asses off about it. it sounds fun. will they apologize to you if they trevor-bauer you? maybe.


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Date: March 23rd, 2025 7:18 PM
Author: bboom@perkinscoiefacts.com (guiding every White associate's decisions in this moment)

I don't think most women are that malicious. However, most of them are painfully dumb. There's no evolutionary force that forces them to turn on the brain. So they just waddle around from one fleeting entertainment to the next. The lives of a middle class woman are no different than that of the idle rich. They still get to do all the fun things they want all the time and are doused in comfort and materialism. They're just along for the ride.


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Date: March 23rd, 2025 7:20 PM
Author: Covid was a Hoax

the stupidity bleeds over into the media brainwashing and daddy telling them theyre princesses when theyre really chubby chicks with 3.6k net worths whose dads are of's counsel at bryan cave. it doesnt work for anybody.


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Date: March 23rd, 2025 7:26 PM
Author: bboom@perkinscoiefacts.com (guiding every White associate's decisions in this moment)

I don't like it either but I'm not nearly as mad about it as you are.

What bugs me way more is all the nepo babies with fake businesses. I can't stand anyone who has a fake business and is just posing. The one that made me blow my top the other day was I saw a BTS interview with a famous athlete and his striver perfect looks blonde gf tried to hog the scene and was butting in about her lifestyle brand and this chode was like oh ya she works really hard and her business is super serious. It's like nigga you make 20 mil a year don't tell me blondie is the real bread winner you fuckin chump. But he was blowing so much smoke up her skirt. I was like damn nigga you could kick this bitch out yesterday and get two more ffs.

But ya women with fake businesses, blacks with fake business. Like stfu y'all not all entrepreneurs lmao.


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Date: March 23rd, 2025 7:30 PM
Author: Covid was a Hoax

why the fuck do you care if some asshole has a "fake business" lmao


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Date: March 23rd, 2025 7:32 PM
Author: bboom@perkinscoiefacts.com (guiding every White associate's decisions in this moment)

why do you care if a 5 Shrew thinks she's a 10?


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Date: March 23rd, 2025 7:34 PM
Author: Covid was a Hoax

the fake business for the man is common sense the 5 female pretending to be a 10 is narcisssism and her husband is a huge fag?


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Date: March 24th, 2025 12:34 PM
Author: .,.,...,..,.,.,:,,:,.,.,:::,...,:,...:..:.,:.::,.

So far my daughter has NEVER apologized. But since she is 9 months old idk how unreasonable that is.


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Date: March 24th, 2025 3:48 PM
Author: bigtree

if youre born male, youre not even the same species as a female.

maybe if you define species with some scientific bullshit, sure, youre both homo sapiens.

but ontologically, in every experience of existing in this universe, there is no overlap. death awaits a boy from the moment he is born, and he must fight to survive, and fight harder to procreate. If he gives up effort, for even a time, everything around him comes to a standstill and then the currents start pushing you backwards, rapidly. Your entire life is *making* life happen. Thats just how it is, no one really loves you, and then you die.

If youre female, you have some value just in existing. You find ways to survive and thrive and procreate by incentivizing men to fight for you and work for you. How much power you have in doing this depends on how hot and young you are. It's no crime that girls recognize this immediately. Its their entire reality.

You just cannot compare men and women and lmao that we were twice close to a female "president".


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Date: March 24th, 2025 3:52 PM
Author: Mr Right

no, bcs nothing is ever their fault
