what percentage of the (((Tucker Max))) stories are true - 0? 50%?
| ...........,.,.,............:::: | 03/19/25 | | VoteRepublican | 03/19/25 | | blow off some steam | 03/19/25 | | butt cheeks | 03/19/25 | | ...........,.,.,............:::: | 03/19/25 | | blow off some steam | 03/19/25 | | The Last Liberal | 03/19/25 | | ...........,.,.,............:::: | 03/19/25 | | tony pizza | 03/19/25 | | filled with the holy spirit | 03/19/25 | | Woah Cr friend! | 03/19/25 | | boiroast tp | 03/19/25 | | cannon | 03/19/25 | | ...........,.,.,............:::: | 03/19/25 | | Fuck XII | 03/19/25 | | Darnell | 03/19/25 | | ...........,.,.,............:::: | 03/19/25 | | Oh, You Travel? | 03/19/25 | | OldHLSDude | 03/19/25 | | ...........,.,.,............:::: | 03/19/25 | | cannon | 03/19/25 | | ...........,.,.,............:::: | 03/19/25 | | ...........,.,.,............:::: | 03/19/25 | | \'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\"\'\'\'\' | 03/19/25 | | ...........,.,.,............:::: | 03/19/25 | | brentrambo | 03/19/25 | | An 8-INT Orc AA'ing their way into mage school | 03/19/25 | | ...........,.,.,............:::: | 03/19/25 | | Slime Wall Climber | 03/19/25 | | ...........,.,.,............:::: | 03/19/25 | | tony pizza | 03/19/25 | | Slime Wall Climber | 03/19/25 | | Oh, You Travel? | 03/19/25 | | Gay Grandpa | 03/19/25 | | ...........,.,.,............:::: | 03/19/25 | | ...........,.,.,............:::: | 03/19/25 |
Poast new message in this thread
Date: March 19th, 2025 1:24 PM
Author: ...........,.,.,............::::
even this one, which is a "mild" story seems fake. like anyone using a bullhorn like him (even around dorks at duke) would get punched the fuck out
(http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=5696599&forum_id=2Elisa#48762475) |
Date: March 19th, 2025 4:34 PM
Author: ...........,.,.,............::::
if he's actually Asian and that's how he actually thinks + speaks, 120
if its a troll, 180
(http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=5696599&forum_id=2Elisa#48763109) |
Date: March 19th, 2025 2:10 PM
Author: ...........,.,.,............::::
his biglaw summer story is also complete horseshit and obviously so. imagine a summer associate doing the following and not immediately getting canned:
The next day I get invited to sit in on a meeting with a prospective client, the managing partner, and a senior associate. The client is a girl who is an aspiring artist, a good one, and is about to graduate from Stanford. A Stanford alumni-VC (venture capitalist) in the area has told her she should incorporate herself, and set up what amounts to a start-up for her artwork. She came to us for legal advice about this venture.
Well, I may have been the junior person in the room, but I’m sorry, she was given some serious horseshit advice, and I proceed to tell her this, point blank. Who’s ever heard of this? Incorporating a new artist? Is this a joke? I’m not even talking about securitizing her future work and selling bonds, like what David Bowie did; he wanted her to literally set up some sort of corporation with herself, and pass out stock options to get people to work for her. I tell her to ignore this VC, he knows nothing about the art world, and for her to get an agent or a manager, or both, and start producing some art to sell and show, that incorporating herself would be against her interests in both the long and short term, and is completely unheard of in the art world, and for good reason–because it’s idiotic. I thought the meeting went well; apparently, the managing partner did not. He was upset that I called the VC’s idea, someone who is apparently very important in Silicon Valley, “idiotic.”
Date: March 19th, 2025 2:12 PM
Author: ...........,.,.,............::::
i'm just finding out about this guy after someone poasted some story about him getting scammed
(ironically, scammed by a Darnell)
(http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=5696599&forum_id=2Elisa#48762603) |
Date: March 19th, 2025 3:30 PM
Author: ...........,.,.,............::::
Another obvious lie:
TheCousin is currently finishing his undergraduate studies at the University of Tennessee because he was kicked out of the Merchant Marine Academy. Why? He was on restriction, and went off campus to get a sandwich. He’d gotten in so much trouble during his four years there, that this was enough to get him kicked out–THREE DAYS BEFORE HIS GRADUATION. Yes, he is obviously related to me.
(http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=5696599&forum_id=2Elisa#48762897) |
Date: March 19th, 2025 4:43 PM
Author: ...........,.,.,............::::
another piddling prestige oriented gem from XO's most famous poaster (egregious UChicago trolling)
Big Tits "Do you want to go somewhere...more private?"
Tucker "Yeah...sure...for what...?"
Big Tits "If we get a champagne room, we can do anything we want."
Tucker "Anything?"
Big Tits "Anything."
Tucker "OK."
Big Tits "It's 300 for the room, plus usually about 100 dollars more. Depending...but you're cute."
Tucker "So...400 total?"
Big Tits "Uh huh."
I pause and contemplate. Somewhere milling around my frontal lobes I can vaguely recall a moral dilemma I might have with this situation...provided I were sober enough to recall what exactly the tenets of my ethical system were. Or even what an ethical system was.
This drunk, I could only consider price. Thank you University of Chicago economics classes.
Tucker "I'll give you 20 dollars."
Big Tits laughed. "No. It's 400, baby."
Tucker "Okay...22 dollars."
Big Tits "Well, you're cute and funny; I'll do it for 350."
Tucker "25."
Big Tits "325?"
Tucker "No, just 25."
Big Tits "I have to give the club 100 to get the room for an hour."
Tucker "I can't last an hour...I'll give you 28."
This went on for at least 10 more minutes before we finally settled on a price.
$55. For a half hour.
I could write a book on negotiation. And as drunk as I was, you can believe she earned her $5.
(http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=5696599&forum_id=2Elisa#48763153) |
Date: March 19th, 2025 3:33 PM Author: brentrambo
I dont understand why you care about this
Never heard of this guy, conflated him w Tucker Carlson somehow thought he had a gay website or something
Wtf is this bullshit
(http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=5696599&forum_id=2Elisa#48762911) |
Date: March 19th, 2025 4:36 PM
Author: ...........,.,.,............::::
he typifies the overtalking, neurotic "high verbal IQ" (lol) (((CSLG))) that populates XO. he's more relevant than current events because his lying and conceit is like 95% of XO staring into a mirror
HTH bitch
(http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=5696599&forum_id=2Elisa#48763120) |
Date: March 19th, 2025 3:43 PM Author: Slime Wall Climber
I went to law school with a guy in early 00's who was kind of a degenerate. This was a white guy, maybe 5'10-5'11, 160 pounds of skinny fat. Blonde hair. Face was OK I guess, but not masculine nor pretty boy.
The guy fucked a lot of chicks in general. We used to go out sometimes, and I remember him taking a chick out of the bar and fucking her on the ground against like a drainage ditch. He also had a terrible case of oral herpes and got these huge cold sores, but he had no problem going out and trying to hook up with literal ooze dripping from his crusty lips.
All of this is to say that I could possibly believe some of Tucker Max's sexual escapades if he indeed had a similar personality. Tucker is/was certainly better looking than that guy I knew. Amoral persons that can totally suppress their ID response when needed and with a high verbal IQ can often pull a lot of chicks. I do doubt some of his stories about going slumming with rural or prole chicks and picking up so easily. I have found that educated, manjaw shrews are much easier to fuck if you have a certain background as opposed to some more innocent 18yo at the checkout of the local Albertsons if you are educated Duke Law type.
(http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=5696599&forum_id=2Elisa#48762946) |
Date: March 19th, 2025 4:33 PM
Author: ...........,.,.,............::::
its pretty hilarious in how lame he is. he claims that a stripper at baby dolls in Austin, Texas (not tech Austin but the C class city it was back then) was impressed by him going to Duke Law; as if these types give a shit
Two dancers come over almost immediately after we sit down. The hot one is at least 5'10", blonde bobbed hair, smooth, almost creamy skin, and gorgeous fake breasts. Perfectly round and sitting high on her chest. She sits on PWJ's lap.
Stripper "So what do you do?"
PWJ "I'm a law student."
Stripper "Wow. . .so do you go to SMU?"
PWJ "Not exactly . . .I go to Duke."
She gives him a blank stare. A few seconds later, one can almost see the flicker of candle-light in the thought bubble above her head.
Stripper "You mean Duke, Duke?"
PWJ pauses and chuckles, "Yeah, Duke, Duke."
She gives him a doubtful face, "Oh, like I've never heard this one before. Let me guess, you went to Harvard for college?"
PWJ "Well, no, not exactly . . ."
PWJ went to Princeton for undergrad. I stop paying attention because as much as I love beauty, I hate stupidity, and seeing the two combined pisses me off. Plus, I need to start drinking and her nipples aren't spouting vodka.
(http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=5696599&forum_id=2Elisa#48763107) |