No one waxes lyrical about the achievements of ancestors like mediocre white men
| Paralegal Mohammad | 03/21/25 | | daniel gay luis | 03/22/25 | | :;::.,,..;.,,;.,.....,, | 03/22/25 | | Covid was a Hoax | 03/21/25 | | Paralegal Mohammad | 03/21/25 | | Covid was a Hoax | 03/21/25 | | Paralegal Mohammad | 03/21/25 | | Covid was a Hoax | 03/21/25 | | Paralegal Mohammad | 03/21/25 | | Covid was a Hoax | 03/21/25 | | Paralegal Mohammad | 03/21/25 | | boiroast tp | 03/21/25 | | Paralegal Mohammad | 03/21/25 | | To be fair | 03/21/25 | | saibaman | 03/21/25 | | Paralegal Mohammad | 03/21/25 | | saibaman | 03/21/25 | | anyway, gotta go | 03/21/25 | | Bob Stinson | 03/21/25 | | Paralegal Mohammad | 03/21/25 | | fuck computer | 03/21/25 | | To be fair | 03/21/25 | | ,...,.,.,.;,.;,.;.,..,.;,...,.,,.,;,.,.;,., | 03/21/25 | | Paralegal Mohammad | 03/21/25 | | Leftism is a mental disease | 03/21/25 | | ,...,.,.,.;,.;,.;.,..,.;,...,.,,.,;,.,.;,., | 03/21/25 | | Paralegal Mohammad | 03/22/25 | | ,.,.,,.,.,.,.,.,.,..,.,,,..,.,. | 03/22/25 | | ,...,.,.,.;,.;,.;.,..,.;,...,.,,.,;,.,.;,., | 03/22/25 | | blow off some steam | 03/21/25 | | Cumbutt | 03/22/25 | | Paralegal Mohammad | 03/22/25 | | blow off some steam | 03/22/25 | | blow off some steam | 03/22/25 | | metaphysical certitude | 03/21/25 | | Paralegal Mohammad | 03/21/25 | | metaphysical certitude | 03/21/25 | | Paralegal Mohammad | 03/21/25 | | lex | 03/21/25 | | metaphysical certitude | 03/21/25 | | UN peacekeeper | 03/21/25 | | unchaste liberal wife | 03/21/25 | | Paralegal Mohammad | 03/21/25 | | Kenneth Play | 03/21/25 | | Candy Ride | 03/21/25 | | UN peacekeeper | 03/21/25 | | Cumbutt | 03/21/25 | | metapoaster | 03/21/25 | | Cumbutt | 03/21/25 | | Paralegal Mohammad | 03/21/25 | | Mr. McBride | 03/21/25 | | Kenneth Play | 03/21/25 | | Cumbutt | 03/22/25 | | .........,,.,.,.,.,,,,,,.,.,.,.,.,. | 03/22/25 | | Leftism is a mental disease | 03/21/25 | | .,..,..,.,,..,..,,,,,,,,..,...,.,.,., | 03/22/25 | | evan39 | 03/22/25 | | Oh, You Travel? | 03/22/25 | | Oh, You Travel? | 03/22/25 | | To be fair | 03/22/25 | | Paralegal Mohammad | 03/22/25 | | To be fair | 03/22/25 |
Poast new message in this thread
Date: March 21st, 2025 6:07 PM Author: To be fair (Semi-Retarded)
To be fair,
"Oh yeah well we built Dubai! From scratch!"
Lmao tyft
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Date: March 21st, 2025 1:01 PM Author: Paralegal Mohammad
A) They did
B) Here's more: Arabs have made significant contributions across numerous fields, including mathematics (algebra and trigonometry), astronomy (maps of the stars, astrolabes), medicine (surgery, hospitals), and more, leaving a lasting impact on civilization.
Here's a more detailed look at some key achievements:
Science and Technology:
Algebra: Developed by Al-Khwarizmi, it was a foundational concept in mathematics.
Trigonometry: Made significant strides in this field.
Decimal System: Improved and popularized the use of the decimal system.
Astrolabe: Developed and refined this instrument for astronomy and navigation.
Maps of the Heavens: Islamic astronomers created accurate maps of the stars, with many stars still known by their Arabic names.
Observatories: Established observatories in major cities like Baghdad, Cairo, and Damascus.
Navigation: Used astronomy for navigation, including the development of the magnetic compass and charting the zodiac.
Surgery: Developed surgical techniques and incorporated surgery into the study of medicine.
Hospitals: Established hospitals and medical centers.
Diagnosis and Treatment: Contributed to the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of diseases.
Other Inventions:
Water Wheel: Perfected the water wheel for irrigation and other purposes.
Irrigation Techniques: Developed ingenious irrigation techniques for arid regions.
Paper Packaging: Early use of paper for packaging goods.
Weight-Driven Clock: Invented water clocks driven by gears and weights.
Art, Culture, and Literature:
Flourished during the Islamic Golden Age, with contributions to poetry, prose, and philosophy.
Islamic philosophers, like Ibn Sina (Avicenna) and Al-Farabi, made significant contributions to philosophical thought.
Art and Architecture:
Developed unique styles in architecture and art, evident in mosques, palaces, and other structures.
Contributed to the development of musical instruments and theory.
Other Notable Achievements:
Trade and Commerce:
Established extensive trade routes and developed advanced banking and financial systems.
Established early universities, like the University of Al-Azhar in Cairo.
Forged large empires, such as the Rashidun, Umayyad, and Abbasid Caliphates, which spread Islamic culture and influence across vast territories.
Preservation of Knowledge:
Played a crucial role in preserving and translating ancient Greek and Roman texts, which later influenced European thought.
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Date: March 21st, 2025 6:10 PM
Author: ,...,.,.,.;,.;,.;.,..,.;,...,.,,.,;,.,.;,.,
Almost none of this was actually achieved by Arabs. It was achieved by other cultures that the Arabs conquered, and which went to shit under their rule and have never recovered.
Egypt, Syria, and Iran were once leading centers of human civilizatio, and are now utter shit, why? Maybe it has something to do with believing a mass murdering child rapist is the greatest human to ever live.
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Date: March 21st, 2025 10:06 PM
Author: ,...,.,.,.;,.;,.;.,..,.;,...,.,,.,;,.,.;,.,
If Dubai wasn't on top of a giant pile of money (that they have to pay white people to dig up, lmao) it would look like Gaza. Not too complicated, at least for someone who isn't a cousinfucker.
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Date: March 22nd, 2025 1:57 AM
Author: ,.,.,,.,.,.,.,.,.,..,.,,,..,.,. ( )
Underrated point. Some good things happened in areas that are now conquered by the pedophile fan club. But almost nothing good has ever happened in areas conquered by the pedophile fan club; on those rare occasions when good things happened, it was in opposition to the pedophile fan club rather than caused by it. Islam is easily the worst thing that has ever existed in human history. Hopefully this century is the century where finally exterminate Islam for good.
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Date: March 22nd, 2025 2:26 PM
Author: ,...,.,.,.;,.;,.;.,..,.;,...,.,,.,;,.,.;,.,
CR, friend. The only good Muzshit is a dead Muzshit.
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Date: March 22nd, 2025 11:18 AM Author: blow off some steam
you're so bad at being a menstruating office jew that you had to switch races during COVID
watching you complain about becoming poorer and economically backsliding in real time has been hilarious
definitely keep making threads whining about there being too many spics at costco
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Date: March 22nd, 2025 11:16 AM Author: blow off some steam
your achievements:
-troon chasing
-inescapable amounts of student debt
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Date: March 21st, 2025 1:23 PM Author: unchaste liberal wife (Dork Enlightenment)
When they speak before you, or in the senate, they occupy the greatest part of their orations in extolling their ancestors; for, they suppose that, by recounting the heroic deeds of their forefathers, they render themselves more illustrious. But the reverse of this is the case; for the more glorious were the lives of their ancestors, the more scandalous is their own inaction. The truth, indeed, is plainly this, that the glory of ancestors sheds a light on their posterity, which suffers neither their virtues nor their vices to be concealed. Of this light, my fellow-citizens, I have no share; but I have, what confers much more distinction, the power of relating my own actions. Consider, then, how unreasonable they are; what they claim to themselves for the merit of others, they will not grant to me for my own; alleging, forsooth, that I have no statues, and that my distinction is newly-acquired; but it is surely better to have acquired such distinction myself than to bring disgrace on that received from others.
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Date: March 22nd, 2025 11:25 AM
Author: .........,,.,.,.,.,,,,,,.,.,.,.,.,. ( )
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Date: March 22nd, 2025 1:02 AM
Author: .,..,..,.,,..,..,,,,,,,,..,...,.,.,.,
cr, all the Australian Auborignees I know are notably silent about the achievements of their ancestors and just keep to the grind.
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Date: March 22nd, 2025 4:58 PM Author: To be fair (Semi-Retarded)
To be fair,
OP thinks Adolf Hitler was "too much of a cuck" on the JQ... and also, simultaneously, thinks that Blondalf Drumpfth is "basically an evil racist fascist" on pretty much every other political issue.
It's very jarring and hard to square until you realize that he's literally just an extremely bitter brown man who hates white people.
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Date: March 22nd, 2025 5:25 PM Author: To be fair (Semi-Retarded)
To be fair,
LTM: "Uh, ackkkkshually, I'm NOT a 'liberal,' bud. Hate to break it to you!"
Haha yeah haha
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