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TMF and Mandy setting up a tesla charging station in their front yard

vigorous sooty set
everyone who buys a tesla apparently needs to do this and ma...
infuriating roast beef
It really is. It's freaking awesome.
green odious stag film hairy legs
glad you guys are happy. sincere congrats on the little one...
infuriating roast beef
Tyty. We got the tesla with the stupid doors so its easier t...
green odious stag film hairy legs
It is a Model X Plaid. And the doors are AWESOME not stupid...
mentally impaired center
there are 14 ports
vigorous sooty set
Slap-happy thirsty public bath ceo
mentally impaired center
It is MUCH more convenient for anyone using their Tesla for ...
mentally impaired center
"Maintain"? I guess I might scrape some leaves off...
Henna Vivacious Sound Barrier Spot
lol at living like that
infuriating roast beef
Oh the horrors! I have to plug my car in when I get home! It...
Henna Vivacious Sound Barrier Spot
use a moniker jewboi
Fear-inspiring sienna striped hyena
Oh I have to replace my shitty electric shaver mobile 3 year...
infuriating roast beef
"broke shitlib reddit dorks because they all have the n...
Naked Chest-beating Pozpig
i never liked tesla and have saved a lot of $/aggravation in...
infuriating roast beef
cr it's also a great way to avoid fantasy make-believe probl...
Naked Chest-beating Pozpig
the problem would be wasting $100K and tens of $1000s on ext...
infuriating roast beef
https://caredge.com/ranks/maintenance/luxury/10-year/best ...
Naked Chest-beating Pozpig
now factor in the cost of having to replace the car every 2 ...
infuriating roast beef
we get it, you got btfo so now you're shifting towards retar...
Naked Chest-beating Pozpig
Can you give an example of someone having to do that?
mentally impaired center
The battery has like a 10 year warranty so no. The softwa...
mentally impaired center
JFC some idiots will believe any anti-EV propaganda that the...
Henna Vivacious Sound Barrier Spot
tcr. Except you only charge the car once a week. I'm not s...
mentally impaired center
For optimal battery life, you should plug it in every time y...
Henna Vivacious Sound Barrier Spot
my shitlib state paid me to install the charger and for the ...
Naked Chest-beating Pozpig
mentally impaired center
the people talking about "the battery is gonna blow!&qu...
Naked Chest-beating Pozpig
it's not going to "blow". it's just going to grad...
infuriating roast beef
cr unlike ICEs, transmissions, etc that require no maintenan...
Naked Chest-beating Pozpig
"EVs" obviously all die in like 3 years and you fa...
infuriating roast beef
you've moved the goalpoasts pretty far from the onerous char...
Naked Chest-beating Pozpig
after 20 years of EVs on the road, we know the modern batter...
Anal theater stage legend
prob several thousand once it breaks or is force obsoleted i...
infuriating roast beef
it's literally a 220v outlet. do you go to the laundromat be...
Naked Chest-beating Pozpig
with a proprietary connecter that they can decide to switch ...
infuriating roast beef
Naked Chest-beating Pozpig
> with a proprietary connecter that they can decide to sw...
Anal theater stage legend
it has to plug into the car
infuriating roast beef
What is the "it" in your sentence? The plug I alre...
Anal theater stage legend
elon is going to shut down your car remotely unless you pay ...
Naked Chest-beating Pozpig
they arbitrarily decide one day your car no longer can be ch...
infuriating roast beef
That would tank their sales, so no.
mentally impaired center
tell that to AAPL
infuriating roast beef
You really don't see why that's different? A phone is ~$1k ...
mentally impaired center
they are going to change it just to fuck with you idiots. t...
infuriating roast beef
Yeah, because cars are exactly like cellphones. Like I said...
mentally impaired center
We have this actually.
green odious stag film hairy legs
lascivious jew
excitant ticket booth
They missed living above the gas station in NJ
talented haunted graveyard library
"Feel free to come in and use one of the holes in our f...
supple kitty cat
Zis affront.

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: February 28th, 2025 9:10 AM
Author: vigorous sooty set


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Date: February 28th, 2025 9:23 AM
Author: infuriating roast beef

everyone who buys a tesla apparently needs to do this and maintain it in perpetuity. this is apparently more economical and more convenient than stopping for 10 minutes every few weeks while you are already running some other errand.


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Date: February 28th, 2025 9:24 AM
Author: green odious stag film hairy legs

It really is. It's freaking awesome.


Reply Favorite

Date: February 28th, 2025 11:13 AM
Author: infuriating roast beef

glad you guys are happy. sincere congrats on the little one.


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Date: February 28th, 2025 3:31 PM
Author: green odious stag film hairy legs

Tyty. We got the tesla with the stupid doors so its easier to put her into her little car seat. Its actually awesome for that (and annoying in nearly every other way).


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Date: March 2nd, 2025 11:54 PM
Author: mentally impaired center

It is a Model X Plaid. And the doors are AWESOME not stupid. Except when they smack me in the head, then they're stupid.


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Date: February 28th, 2025 9:25 AM
Author: vigorous sooty set

there are 14 ports


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Date: February 28th, 2025 10:58 AM
Author: Slap-happy thirsty public bath ceo


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Date: March 2nd, 2025 10:21 PM
Author: mentally impaired center



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Date: March 2nd, 2025 10:20 PM
Author: mentally impaired center

It is MUCH more convenient for anyone using their Tesla for their daily commute. The charger is in a very convenient place and we only need to charge the car once a week or so. Otherwise, you never find yourself going "oh shit, didn't fuel up" on Sunday evening like you do with an ICE. We also do have a regular ICE car but I don't do a commute.


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Date: March 3rd, 2025 1:17 AM
Author: Henna Vivacious Sound Barrier Spot

"Maintain"? I guess I might scrape some leaves off of it 2-3 times per year. There's no more maintenance involved than maintaining an electric outlet (which is basically what it is). And I paid basically nothing for mine because my electric company gave me a rebate for the installation.

You don't necessarily need a home charger in the first place, especially if your commute is short. You can charge an EV with any 110 volt outlet. It will just charge very slowly. But if your daily commute is less than about 50-60 miles, it will probably be sufficient.


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Date: March 3rd, 2025 9:12 AM
Author: infuriating roast beef

lol at living like that


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Date: March 3rd, 2025 1:40 PM
Author: Henna Vivacious Sound Barrier Spot

Oh the horrors! I have to plug my car in when I get home! It's almost as difficult as plugging my phone in to charge it at night. I guess I will have to get rid of my smartphone as well, because plugging in devices to charge them is just too fucking hard. It's so much easier to drive ten minutes to the gas station and then spend five times as much money to fuel up my car.


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Date: March 3rd, 2025 1:42 PM
Author: Fear-inspiring sienna striped hyena

use a moniker jewboi


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Date: March 3rd, 2025 1:57 PM
Author: infuriating roast beef

Oh I have to replace my shitty electric shaver mobile 3 years after buying brand new because they battery went to shit and it's loaded with pointless software that is preplanned to become obsolete and no mechanic will touch the thing for basic shit like the brakes and suspension going to shit faster than a normal car because it's a compact car that weighs 6000 lbs. and it has absolutely no resale value for all the reasons mentioned above and you can't even pawn them off to broke shitlib reddit dorks because they all have the npc update to hate elon musk and tesla now.


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Date: March 3rd, 2025 2:02 PM
Author: Naked Chest-beating Pozpig

"broke shitlib reddit dorks because they all have the npc update to hate elon musk and tesla now"

(dork running the up-to-date musk derangement patch)


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Date: March 3rd, 2025 2:45 PM
Author: infuriating roast beef

i never liked tesla and have saved a lot of $/aggravation in my life so far by being a slow adopter of new tech in general, particularly when it involves a solving non-existent problems


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Date: March 3rd, 2025 2:50 PM
Author: Naked Chest-beating Pozpig

cr it's also a great way to avoid fantasy make-believe problems like the ones you've invented itt


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Date: March 3rd, 2025 2:52 PM
Author: infuriating roast beef

the problem would be wasting $100K and tens of $1000s on extra maintenance instead of buying a regular car that will last for 15 years with no hassle.


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Date: March 3rd, 2025 2:57 PM
Author: Naked Chest-beating Pozpig


wtf are you talking about? what $100k ICE sports car costs *LESS* to maintain than a 100k tesla?!!


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Date: March 3rd, 2025 3:03 PM
Author: infuriating roast beef

now factor in the cost of having to replace the car every 2 years because the car is no longer compatible to the new software you now need to start the car


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Date: March 3rd, 2025 3:08 PM
Author: Naked Chest-beating Pozpig

we get it, you got btfo so now you're shifting towards retard schtick

i was just pretendin' to be retarded the entire time!


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Date: March 3rd, 2025 3:56 PM
Author: mentally impaired center

Can you give an example of someone having to do that?


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Date: March 3rd, 2025 2:39 PM
Author: mentally impaired center

The battery has like a 10 year warranty so no.

The software is regularly updated so that's a pro, not a con.

Resale on luxury cars is always SPS.


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Date: March 4th, 2025 12:36 AM
Author: Henna Vivacious Sound Barrier Spot

JFC some idiots will believe any anti-EV propaganda that the fossil fuel industry puts out. I don't even know where to start with this:

1) All EV manufacturers warranty the battery for at least 100k miles, and many warranty it for longer than that. EV battery failures haven't been an issue in a very long time. The first generation Leafs were prone to battery failure because they didn't have any kind of climate control system for the battery. But all modern EV's regulate their battery temperatures. I won't say that battery failures never happen any more, but you are significantly more likely to need to replace the engine or transmission on an ICE car.

2) There are plenty of first generation Model S's that are still on the road. There's a guy who blogs about his Model S with 1.5 million miles on it. Good luck with that in an ICE car.

3) Brakes and suspension wear out much more slowly in an EV due to regenerative braking. Most people will never need to replace the brakes or suspension before they replace the car.

4) My mechanic can rotate the tires on my Tesla just fine. And that's literally the only maintenance you need to do an EV. Well, you also replace the cabin air filter every two years and check the brake fluid every four years.

I'm hardly a Musk/Tesla/EV fanboi. Insurance costs are significantly higher, and if you do need to do something more than routine maintenance, getting an appointment or finding the parts can be a pain in the ass. I had a cracked rim that was causing air to leak out of one tire. My shop said that they couldn't order the part and I'd have to contact Tesla directly. Tesla wanted $1,700 for a set of 4 rims, and they told me I couldn't get an appointment for two months unless I drove to a different state. I finally found the part on eBay for like $300 and got my shop to put it on for me. Not a huge deal, but kind of annoying. So there are legitimate drawbacks to EV ownership. But most of your attacks are simply laughably wrong.


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Date: March 3rd, 2025 2:37 PM
Author: mentally impaired center

tcr. Except you only charge the car once a week. I'm not sure what these guys are upset about.


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Date: March 4th, 2025 12:26 AM
Author: Henna Vivacious Sound Barrier Spot

For optimal battery life, you should plug it in every time you use it. In fact, Tesla recommends that whenever possible, you keep the car plugged in whenever you are not driving it. That said, I doubt it makes much difference unless you are letting it run to almost 0 on a regular basis.


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Date: March 3rd, 2025 1:52 PM
Author: Naked Chest-beating Pozpig

my shitlib state paid me to install the charger and for the charger itself.

and lol at "maintaince". what kind of maintenance do you do on an electrical outlet?!


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Date: March 3rd, 2025 2:39 PM
Author: mentally impaired center



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Date: March 3rd, 2025 2:46 PM
Author: Naked Chest-beating Pozpig

the people talking about "the battery is gonna blow!" are stupid and wrong, but at least that's an edge case actual risk.

lol at this "charger maintenance" shit. wtf?


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Date: March 3rd, 2025 2:49 PM
Author: infuriating roast beef

it's not going to "blow". it's just going to gradually go to shit and be a huge pain in the ass and eventually forced into obsolescence like literally every other battery powered device ever made.


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Date: March 3rd, 2025 2:55 PM
Author: Naked Chest-beating Pozpig

cr unlike ICEs, transmissions, etc that require no maintenance and last forever

there's plenty of reasons to dislike EVs but maintenance and risk of catastrophic fault is not one of them as compared to ICEs. idc if anyone hates EVs, it's when it's based on things that are just objectively not true that's annoying. you know you can just google lifetime repair and maintenance averages, right?


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Date: March 3rd, 2025 3:00 PM
Author: infuriating roast beef

"EVs" obviously all die in like 3 years and you fags blather about "warranties" that are worthless because your car literally won't run. all the problems with transmissions and engines etc have been perfected by the japs through 30+ years of shear trial and error and we're supposed to just wipe our asses with all of that work for some unproven shit that is extremely dependent on new technology and no one really knows what the problem is they are even trying to solve? no thank.


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Date: March 3rd, 2025 3:06 PM
Author: Naked Chest-beating Pozpig

you've moved the goalpoasts pretty far from the onerous charger maintenance you were bitching about.

tesla sold 300k model 3s in 2019 which is on par with civic and carolla. that was 5 years ago, where are all the heaps of dead teslas? how come tesla isn't going bankrupt because all of the claims on their 12yr powertrain warranty?


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Date: March 3rd, 2025 2:59 PM
Author: Anal theater stage legend

after 20 years of EVs on the road, we know the modern battery degradation rate is under 2% a year. Also the oldest EV batteries on the road last over 15 years and had a degradation rate under 2.5% a year.

So IOW you have a 200mi battery

year two it's 196mi

year three it's 192mi

year four it's 188mi

year five it's 184mi

year six it's 181mi

year seven it's 177mi

year eight it's 174mi

year nine it's 170mi

year ten it's 167mi

My luxury ICE car was 10yo instead of getting 25mph it was getting 18mpg.

So the battery degradation doesn't seem bad to me.


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Date: March 3rd, 2025 2:47 PM
Author: infuriating roast beef

prob several thousand once it breaks or is force obsoleted in a few years. kind of like how gas pumps always are breaking except you have to personally pay the bill every time they do.


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Date: March 3rd, 2025 2:49 PM
Author: Naked Chest-beating Pozpig

it's literally a 220v outlet. do you go to the laundromat because you're worried about buying a washer and dryer and they change the plug format?


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Date: March 3rd, 2025 2:56 PM
Author: infuriating roast beef

with a proprietary connecter that they can decide to switch out every time the stock goes down a few points and they're comfortable they have an established customer base they can siphon off (i.e. - now).


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Date: March 3rd, 2025 2:59 PM
Author: Naked Chest-beating Pozpig


wtf are you talking about? there are already adapters between generic and proprietary plugs. how tf is tesla going to "change" the properity connector that goes into my car? the plug is going to reshape itself with a software update?


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Date: March 3rd, 2025 3:03 PM
Author: Anal theater stage legend

> with a proprietary connecter that they can decide to switch out every time the stock goes down a few points

??? How would the outlet installed at your house or physically in your car magically change by manufacturer fiat?


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Date: March 3rd, 2025 3:05 PM
Author: infuriating roast beef

it has to plug into the car


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Date: March 3rd, 2025 3:07 PM
Author: Anal theater stage legend

What is the "it" in your sentence? The plug I already own, the house I already own, the cable I already own, or the car I already own? I'm unsure which of these things I already have in my physical possession you think will magically defy the laws of physics and change shape via push update.


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Date: March 3rd, 2025 3:10 PM
Author: Naked Chest-beating Pozpig

elon is going to shut down your car remotely unless you pay big money to install a new adapter. just wait!


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Date: March 3rd, 2025 4:21 PM
Author: infuriating roast beef

they arbitrarily decide one day your car no longer can be charged via the current charging structure, i.e. - the model that every business selling rechargeable batter powered devices has operated under for the entire history of rechargeable batter powered devices except in this case it's a fucking car


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Date: March 3rd, 2025 3:59 PM
Author: mentally impaired center

That would tank their sales, so no.


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Date: March 3rd, 2025 4:16 PM
Author: infuriating roast beef

tell that to AAPL


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Date: March 3rd, 2025 4:23 PM
Author: mentally impaired center

You really don't see why that's different? A phone is ~$1k and a charger is like $30. My Tesla was ~$100k and installing the charger was about $2.5k. If I was considering another Tesla and I had to get a new charger I'd just buy an electric BMW or Ford or whatever which would work fine with my current Tesla charger instead.

EDIT: Also, their supercharger network would be totally fucked if they changed plugs.


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Date: March 4th, 2025 7:18 AM
Author: infuriating roast beef

they are going to change it just to fuck with you idiots. that's what "tech" companies do.


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Date: March 4th, 2025 10:04 AM
Author: mentally impaired center

Yeah, because cars are exactly like cellphones. Like I said, if they did that I could just keep my Tesla for the 10ish years it'll last and then trade it in for BMW which will still use the same plug. Or there will probably be a $50 adapter like there is for certain cars that use other plugs to connect to Tesla chargers.


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Date: February 28th, 2025 9:16 AM
Author: green odious stag film hairy legs

We have this actually.


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Date: February 28th, 2025 11:03 AM
Author: lascivious jew


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Date: March 3rd, 2025 1:42 AM
Author: excitant ticket booth


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Date: March 3rd, 2025 1:43 PM
Author: talented haunted graveyard library

They missed living above the gas station in NJ


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Date: March 4th, 2025 7:20 AM
Author: supple kitty cat

"Feel free to come in and use one of the holes in our front yard! Also you can charge your EV"


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Date: March 17th, 2025 6:04 PM
Author: .,.,...,..,.,.,:,,:,.,.,:::,...,:,...:..:.,:.::,.

Zis affront.
