Theory: the reason the West vaulted past China was the alphabet.
| Citrine famous landscape painting haunted graveyard | 03/31/12 | | Vivacious mad cow disease | 03/31/12 | | Cordovan depressive cruise ship | 03/31/12 | | dun misunderstood telephone stead | 03/31/12 | | Citrine famous landscape painting haunted graveyard | 03/31/12 | | dun misunderstood telephone stead | 03/31/12 | | Avocado Titillating Institution | 03/31/12 | | .,.,,...,...,..,....,...,...,... | 03/04/25 | | Bateful range antidepressant drug | 03/31/12 | | galvanic legend | 03/31/12 | | Confused location crotch | 03/31/12 | | Iridescent Electric Furnace Base | 03/31/12 | | Mustard provocative stage | 03/31/12 | | Vengeful bossy doctorate nibblets | 03/31/12 | | crimson partner | 03/31/12 | | heady territorial casino candlestick maker | 03/31/12 | | Cocky hairraiser area | 03/31/12 | | Drunkard | 03/04/25 | | buck-toothed yapping business firm prole | 03/31/12 | | Cocky hairraiser area | 03/31/12 | | Greedy irradiated stage | 03/31/12 | | Citrine famous landscape painting haunted graveyard | 03/31/12 | | Vengeful bossy doctorate nibblets | 03/31/12 | | Razzmatazz generalized bond state | 03/31/12 | | Citrine famous landscape painting haunted graveyard | 03/31/12 | | buck-toothed yapping business firm prole | 03/31/12 | | Razzmatazz generalized bond state | 03/31/12 | | Curious potus | 03/31/12 | | dun misunderstood telephone stead | 03/31/12 | | Startling aphrodisiac windowlicker temple | 03/31/12 | | exhilarant ebony church mad-dog skullcap | 03/31/12 | | puce masturbator | 03/31/12 | | exhilarant ebony church mad-dog skullcap | 03/31/12 | | buck-toothed yapping business firm prole | 03/31/12 | | exhilarant ebony church mad-dog skullcap | 03/31/12 | | buck-toothed yapping business firm prole | 03/31/12 | | exhilarant ebony church mad-dog skullcap | 03/31/12 | | buck-toothed yapping business firm prole | 03/31/12 | | puce masturbator | 03/31/12 | | buck-toothed yapping business firm prole | 03/31/12 | | puce masturbator | 03/31/12 | | puce masturbator | 03/31/12 | | buck-toothed yapping business firm prole | 03/31/12 | | puce masturbator | 03/31/12 | | buck-toothed yapping business firm prole | 03/31/12 | | puce masturbator | 03/31/12 | | exhilarant ebony church mad-dog skullcap | 03/31/12 | | puce masturbator | 03/31/12 | | Sepia theatre psychic | 03/31/12 | | puce masturbator | 03/31/12 | | exhilarant ebony church mad-dog skullcap | 03/31/12 | | Cordovan depressive cruise ship | 03/31/12 | | Sepia theatre psychic | 03/31/12 | | puce masturbator | 03/31/12 | | maroon appetizing goyim cuckold | 03/31/12 | | nyuug | 02/26/25 | | tentacle rape | 02/26/25 | | nyuug | 02/26/25 | | nyuug | 03/03/25 | | gedood persoon | 03/03/25 | | adrian vermeule uncut | 03/03/25 | | ,...,.,.,.;,.;,.;.,..,.;,...,.,,.,;,.,.;,., | 03/04/25 | | insincere compassion | 03/04/25 |
Poast new message in this thread
Date: March 31st, 2012 5:41 PM Author: Citrine famous landscape painting haunted graveyard
With 24 or so letters, once the technology for the printing press came along, it was much easier to disseminate information that could then be improved upon by anyone who could read. As opposed to a language with a different character for every word. Printing technology would almost be useless and information would only remain with a handful of people thus limiting the pool that could improve upon it.
Just a random thought.
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Date: March 4th, 2025 12:54 AM
Author: .,.,,...,...,..,....,...,...,...
Fun fact: The Chinese actually invented movable type hundreds of years before Gutenberg. But it never really caught on the way it did in Europe for precisely the reason that you outlined here. So you may be on to something.
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Date: March 31st, 2012 6:21 PM Author: Vengeful bossy doctorate nibblets
Ive always wondered this
SLANTEYES - being fluent in both english and your hometown primitive language, is it as easy to be as expressive in your home tongue?
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Date: March 31st, 2012 8:03 PM Author: exhilarant ebony church mad-dog skullcap
that's a circular argument, though. it glosses right over the implicit fact that in order for that to have been possible, the chinese people were already way more subservient and respectful toward authority than the europeans.
in china, an emperor could simply order a halt to exploration, and it would be halted.
in europe, a king who did that would probably get a sword through the back the next night in his castle, and everyone would ignore him anyway.
that's a cultural difference worth exploring, to say the least.
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Date: March 31st, 2012 8:09 PM Author: puce masturbator
Yes and no. There were peasant rebellions in CHinese history.
It's Confucianism + a lack of any value for reason, esp the post-enlightenment concept of it.
The Chinese see a leader as someone who decides. One viewpoint is always better than many, even if many are seen as fine. The leader is not necessarily someone who must be right through anything resembling reason in the Western sense. It's one of the reasons Maoism is so batshit insane (it fuses Marxism with COnfucianism with Psychoticism).
Their culture is different. Really different.
Date: March 31st, 2012 8:11 PM Author: exhilarant ebony church mad-dog skullcap
CHINESE EMPEROR: Burn the fleet!
*fleet is burned*
EUROPEAN KING: Burn the fleet!
KING'S SUBJECTS: Fuck off you fucking cunt!
*smashes in king's skull with a mace*
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Date: March 31st, 2012 8:31 PM Author: puce masturbator
They had peasant rebellions too e.g. Yellow Turban.
It's dramatized in Romance of the 3 Kingdoms, if memory serves.
Han is the nearest analogue to the middle ages.
We're all neglecting the fact that Chinese culture is very old.
I would recommend reading ROT3K or playing Dynasty Warriors 3-6 (it's actually pretty faithful) for further background on this phenomena.
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Date: March 31st, 2012 8:31 PM Author: buck-toothed yapping business firm prole
Nations as opposed to vassalage kingdoms?
The 17th century. The Peace of Westphalia, 1648.
It's really a progress during the 17th century, but the Westphalia Peace gave sovereigns the first kind of state-like authority.
Certainly not at any time before the 1600s, though.
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Date: March 31st, 2012 8:31 PM Author: puce masturbator
Fair. Politically I can't argue with it.
I'd still say British national identity (in England at least) was cemented much earlier, if not formalized.
Kissinger fan?
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Date: March 4th, 2025 1:00 AM
Author: ,...,.,.,.;,.;,.;.,..,.;,...,.,,.,;,.,.;,.,
Were never ever important centers of anything, unlike China which actually was a leading state before becoming TTT and getting pwned by the West.
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Date: March 4th, 2025 1:05 AM Author: insincere compassion
and the alphabet sucks
why not three dimensional ambigramic characters like a real civilization
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