Can you still turn life around after 40?
| disco fries | 01/19/25 | | DewarsDude | 01/19/25 | | Young and fresh Bboooooooooom | 01/19/25 | | Mainlining the Secret Truth of the Mahchine | 01/19/25 | | disco fries | 01/19/25 | | hank_scorpio | 01/19/25 | | disco fries | 01/19/25 | | DewarsDude | 01/19/25 | | hank_scorpio | 01/19/25 | | Salivary Stoned | 01/19/25 | | Paralegal Mohammad | 01/19/25 | | lex | 01/19/25 | | hank_scorpio | 01/19/25 | | sealclubber | 01/19/25 | | hank_scorpio | 01/19/25 | | sealclubber | 01/19/25 | | hank_scorpio | 01/19/25 | | sealclubber | 01/19/25 | | hank_scorpio | 01/19/25 | | sealclubber | 01/19/25 | | hank_scorpio | 01/19/25 | | sealclubber | 01/19/25 | | hank_scorpio | 01/19/25 | | sealclubber | 01/19/25 | | hank_scorpio | 01/19/25 | | sealclubber | 01/19/25 | | hank_scorpio | 01/19/25 | | sealclubber | 01/19/25 | | hank_scorpio | 01/19/25 | | sealclubber | 01/20/25 | | hank_scorpio | 01/20/25 | | sealclubber | 01/20/25 | | hank_scorpio | 01/20/25 | | sealclubber | 01/20/25 | | hank_scorpio | 01/20/25 | | Salivary Stoned | 01/19/25 | | honk honkler | 01/19/25 | | neo radek | 01/19/25 | | Salivary Stoned | 01/19/25 | | samoth | 01/19/25 | | AZNgirl at inauguration screaming 'Deport AZNmen' | 01/19/25 | | Young and fresh Bboooooooooom | 01/19/25 | | Mainlining the Secret Truth of the Mahchine | 01/19/25 | | disco fries | 01/19/25 | | Roy Cohn sucking Trump to completion | 01/19/25 | | AZNgirl at inauguration screaming 'Deport AZNmen' | 01/19/25 | | Young and fresh Bboooooooooom | 01/19/25 | | AZNgirl at inauguration screaming 'Deport AZNmen' | 01/19/25 | | neo radek | 01/19/25 | | disco fries | 01/19/25 | | evan39 | 01/19/25 | | Roy Cohn sucking Trump to completion | 01/19/25 | | dont run libs the crystal wardens see you | 01/19/25 | | DewarsDude | 01/19/25 | | Kenneth Play | 01/19/25 | | the place where there is no darkness | 01/20/25 | | Stan Getz | 01/19/25 | | beady-eyed pea-brained alpha | 01/19/25 | | Roy Cohn sucking Trump to completion | 01/19/25 | | ....,,....,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.......,.,.,.,.,..,. | 01/19/25 | | ~~(> ' ' )> | 01/20/25 | | David Lynch's Mistress | 01/19/25 | | Young and fresh Bboooooooooom | 01/19/25 | | David Lynch's Mistress | 01/19/25 | | neo radek | 01/19/25 | | disco fries | 01/19/25 | | neo radek | 01/19/25 | | capeshit watcher | 01/19/25 | | Roy Cohn sucking Trump to completion | 01/19/25 | | central wanker | 01/19/25 | | trumpslide | 01/19/25 | | DewarsDude | 01/19/25 | | .........,,.,.,.,.,,,,,,.,.,.,.,.,. | 01/19/25 | | Jizzy Gillespie | 01/19/25 | | Chads of the Fuck Apps | 01/19/25 | | snk neo geo | 01/19/25 | | David Lynch's Mistress | 01/19/25 | | neo radek | 01/19/25 | | AZNgirl at inauguration screaming 'Deport AZNmen' | 01/19/25 | | snk neo geo | 01/19/25 | | ........,,,,,,......,.,.,.,,,,,,,,,, | 01/19/25 | | samoth | 01/19/25 | | .........\'.........\'\'.......\'\'\' | 01/19/25 | | gibberish (?) | 01/19/25 | | htt | 01/19/25 | | Faggottini | 01/20/25 | | ~~(> ' ' )> | 01/20/25 |
Poast new message in this thread
Date: January 19th, 2025 4:22 AM Author: disco fries (his own flesh as well as all space was still a cage)
I’d like to be able to walk again without pain.
I’d like to not wake up at night screaming in agony.
I’d like to be a better father, a better husband, and a friend a friend would like to have.
I want to make some money and not be so financially dependent on terrible jobs that break my soul and cause health problems (see above).
I’d like to feel better about myself as a person.
I’d like to take my kids camping.
I’d like to feel like I made a good decision or two.
I’d like to stop dreaming of death all day.
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Date: January 19th, 2025 8:23 PM Author: sealclubber
okay, 20 minute spoiler. it's about jumping off of a cliff.
the point being, don't give the anti-gunners another number to use for "gun violence", if you're going to off yourself, do something more dramatic
but really, pro 2a people don't need to be offing themselves. much rather it be shitlibs.
why are you considering it?
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Date: January 20th, 2025 12:08 AM Author: sealclubber
you beg questions
is it bad to participate in evil or be vain?
hank, this is just wasting time. you have to figure out how to make your life worthwhile
or not
but ending your life is nothing but an end to that question. i doubt you can justify that end anymore than anyone else has to this point which is to say. you can't.
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Date: January 20th, 2025 1:04 AM Author: sealclubber
as the stupidest poster on this shit board, i am not familiar with zapffe
religion is an easy out that you have apparently rejected to justify sticking around
Emilie du Chatelet! Her piece on happiness says there is no point to life other than to feel pleasurable sensations - although not fully hedonist as she says the proper regulation of pleasure is important in allowing for the maximum pleasure possible. She illustrates this through the example of diminishing happiness from buying 100 of something you like, vs more overall happiness from buying less(10) of them.
stole that from reddit as i was trying to remember hedonism
have you tried hedonism? if not, why have you rejected it?
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Date: January 20th, 2025 1:23 AM Author: sealclubber
i don't have a clear answer as the meaningless of everything is a theme of being alive.
if you have enough money to shut down and self indulge, then shut down and self indulge. i don't mean hedonism, but doing whatever you think is worth doing.
is there anything you think is worthwhile? certainly, learning more? shut down and read.
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Date: January 19th, 2025 5:50 AM Author: Salivary Stoned (
Start with taking your kids camping. 2 birds with 1 stone. You can feel good about making that good decision. There's always reasons not to and annoying things will happen - doesn't matter it's about the time and making a memory.
I live with chronic pain as well. It makes you depressed b/c you never get a break from it. Do a hydrotherapy session, stretch and go get a massage. The pain will be there but you need to give yourself a break. Stretch when you wake up, stretch before you go to bed, even for just a few minutes.
You'll make it, and you can start ticking things off your list.
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Date: January 19th, 2025 9:38 AM
Author: ....,,....,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.......,.,.,.,.,..,.
Seems impossible post-kids. Not enough time.
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Date: January 19th, 2025 9:47 AM Author: David Lynch's Mistress
of course you can still maek it after 40. you can turn your life around literally any time you want to. its all about making different choices and shifting your mindset.
will YOU maek it after 40? it seems like you whine about the same shit every day and dont really do much to make permanent changes in your life. if you keep on your current path, you will NOT maek it.
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Date: January 19th, 2025 1:31 PM
Author: .........,,.,.,.,.,,,,,,.,.,.,.,.,. ( )
Of course. You just had to HODL SOL
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Date: January 19th, 2025 5:45 PM
Author: ........,,,,,,......,.,.,.,,,,,,,,,,
You don't need to turn your life around you need to adjust your attitude.
"Oh no I only make more than 90% of people and not 95%. There's no way i can spend $40 a night to take my kids camping!"
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