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I don’t think I actually “hate” anyone except boomers

Like I definitely dislike and am repulsed by other groups of...
Mentally impaired unholy mad-dog skullcap whorehouse
That's what you get for hatin' me That's what you get for h...
Electric french chef newt
People like to blame the boomers for things that happened lo...
Bespoke clear property tank
Fuck you, boomer.
Mentally impaired unholy mad-dog skullcap whorehouse
Razzle-dazzle bonkers field
I thought I hated boomers until I realized it was really jus...
frum stead hominid
Cr but I also hate boomers
Mentally impaired unholy mad-dog skullcap whorehouse
Boomers are pretty 180. Boomers took what they wanted, took...
Concupiscible Beta Legend Menage

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Date: January 7th, 2025 3:01 PM
Author: Mentally impaired unholy mad-dog skullcap whorehouse

Like I definitely dislike and am repulsed by other groups of people, but I don’t feel “hatred” toward any of them other than boomers. At least I can’t think of anyone else

I do actually genuinely hate boomers though. What an evil group of people. Jfc

Boomer hate thread go


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Date: January 7th, 2025 3:19 PM
Author: Electric french chef newt

That's what you get for hatin' me

That's what you get for hatin' me

Everything you had is gone

As you can see

That's what you get for hatin' me


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Date: January 7th, 2025 3:22 PM
Author: Bespoke clear property tank

People like to blame the boomers for things that happened long before boomers were running anything.

The oldest boomer on earth was 18 in 1964

The boomers have become a kind of totem for unsatisfied younger generations. A blank canvas that can be painted in any way one wants. Blaming everything in the world on the boomers is almost like a messianic thing. The answer to all the problems lies with this one generation. It's very ahistorical, it's a problem of having too narrow of a lens and thinking in a short timeframe and not being able to see bigger arcs, or unwilling to truly accept the deeper fact (and the meaning of the idea) that we are inextricably products of our time.

Often people's political issues with boomers are just sublimated personal issues they have with their own parents. Notoriously, the people that perpetually seethe 24/7 about boomers also often have bad relationships or problems with their parents.

Whenever I write about the boomers in any kind of neutral way, many people get very very angry. "You have to hate the boomers." That's the default that you are supposed to go with. This obsession shows the totemic aspect of the boomers. They are practically mystical at this point. There is this idea that you hear all the time that "all we need to do is get past the boomers and things can change." Yeah, right. If you subscribe to that, you are going to be very very disappointed.

Many seethers hate to hear this, but believe it or not, you will miss the boomers when they are gone.


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Date: January 7th, 2025 3:22 PM
Author: Mentally impaired unholy mad-dog skullcap whorehouse

Fuck you, boomer.


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Date: January 7th, 2025 3:32 PM
Author: Razzle-dazzle bonkers field


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Date: January 7th, 2025 3:34 PM
Author: frum stead hominid

I thought I hated boomers until I realized it was really just kikes and mystery meats seething about white people existing


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Date: January 7th, 2025 4:15 PM
Author: Mentally impaired unholy mad-dog skullcap whorehouse

Cr but I also hate boomers


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Date: January 7th, 2025 4:23 PM
Author: Concupiscible Beta Legend Menage

Boomers are pretty 180.

Boomers took what they wanted, took some more, looked around, realized they’d forgotten what they were taking for.

And so they took some more.

Out of habit or spite, they saw a green light.

The future be damned.

Let’s have some more.
