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History bros: What are your thoughts on Richard Carrier?

Soul-stirring Know-it-all Address
He got lucky beating Stipe the first time. Only got LHW ...
tripping dashing police squad
Splenetic Toilet Seat Stage
Passionate pontificating telephone indirect expression
he is 180 https://bibleinterp.arizona.edu/articles/2014/0...
Shivering Duck-like Lodge Multi-billionaire
Do you understand that the mythicist position has been deebo...
Nofapping startled pistol university
There is no reason to think that this scholarly consensus wa...
Shivering Duck-like Lodge Multi-billionaire
"My understanding is that the mythicist thesis holds th...
Nofapping startled pistol university
From the Caesar article I linked you to above: "Then...
Shivering Duck-like Lodge Multi-billionaire
Look man they are really fucking dumb it’s pearls bef...
Lilac Business Firm Hunting Ground
(actual retard)
bipolar nursing home
copy pasting walls of text is not really reasonable. I too c...
Nofapping startled pistol university
I don't have the necessary background education in these sub...
Shivering Duck-like Lodge Multi-billionaire
Passionate pontificating telephone indirect expression
Let me be clear, I do not think that a strict appeal to auth...
Nofapping startled pistol university
"As someone who self-describes as not an expert (or eve...
Shivering Duck-like Lodge Multi-billionaire
You've posted 50 different arguments. I picked one that is v...
Nofapping startled pistol university
I never suggested that we do a surface debate on 50 differen...
Shivering Duck-like Lodge Multi-billionaire
My issue with all of this stems from the fact that you someh...
Nofapping startled pistol university
I have read a fair amount about all of those issues, yes. Ho...
Shivering Duck-like Lodge Multi-billionaire
"Here is my take: I start out at assuming historicity d...
Nofapping startled pistol university
Nah. I decline your challenge. If you're so desperate to deb...
Shivering Duck-like Lodge Multi-billionaire
Thanks for proving my point. You claim to have reasoned ...
Nofapping startled pistol university
Lol, how are you taking what I wrote about very tentatively ...
Shivering Duck-like Lodge Multi-billionaire
You've been posting Carrier links at me for at least 2 years...
Nofapping startled pistol university
"you don't get to both constantly run to him as an auth...
Shivering Duck-like Lodge Multi-billionaire
Paragraph 2 is highly credited.
Lilac Business Firm Hunting Ground
Great response
Passionate pontificating telephone indirect expression
Probably right about Christianity being TTT but his obsessio...
Dun curious base
Atleast this is a more fair take. You can attack Christianit...
Nofapping startled pistol university
It’s quite possible he didn’t But u fucking ...
Lilac Business Firm Hunting Ground
The extreme certainty he expresses from a “consensus o...
Passionate pontificating telephone indirect expression
Probably better to keep ur beliefs on this subject to urself...
Lilac Business Firm Hunting Ground
Hot odious institution
Here is another academic journal article discussing the deba...
Shivering Duck-like Lodge Multi-billionaire
bipolar nursing home
Are these guys all just "dummies" to you, like Car...
Shivering Duck-like Lodge Multi-billionaire
Surprisingly credited U are a compleat turd 24/7 but seem ...
Lilac Business Firm Hunting Ground
he's the most underrated poaster here
Hot odious institution
The counter to this is that questioning the existence of Jes...
Passionate pontificating telephone indirect expression
Yeah u need the boot on neck to stay in line no question ab...
Lilac Business Firm Hunting Ground
it doesn't matter, ultimately...once humans get into the upp...
cowardly halford resort
For someone who is very sharp normally on spotting leftist m...
Nofapping startled pistol university
See this is what I mean. The legitimacy of secular Jesus sch...
Lilac Business Firm Hunting Ground
Why can't I agree with them about mythicism and attack them ...
Shivering Duck-like Lodge Multi-billionaire
U need to think hard about why this is the case
Lilac Business Firm Hunting Ground
Thanks for the advice, pumo
Shivering Duck-like Lodge Multi-billionaire
U are right. In the end it’s all blue pills here who d...
Lilac Business Firm Hunting Ground
Another thing I forgot to add: it's just not true that major...
Shivering Duck-like Lodge Multi-billionaire
I didn't claim most (all?) mythicists are biased anti Christ...
Nofapping startled pistol university
I’m gay
geriatric stag film alpha
Will be recognized as sincere scholar with sincere and legit...
Lilac Business Firm Hunting Ground
I watched his hour long speech here and thought he made some...
Passionate pontificating telephone indirect expression
Of course. For what it’s worth he doesn’t outrig...
Lilac Business Firm Hunting Ground
Passionate pontificating telephone indirect expression
He is not a sincere scholar. Do a ctrl f for "liar"...
Nofapping startled pistol university
I also want to add here, since Pumo likes to just rely on Ca...
Nofapping startled pistol university
"lied about who published his book" What is thi...
Shivering Duck-like Lodge Multi-billionaire
Publisher: http://web.archive.org/web/20150820110826/http...
Nofapping startled pistol university
Am I missing something here...? So the "lie" is th...
Shivering Duck-like Lodge Multi-billionaire
fraud....he is a gatekeeper for the establishment
cowardly halford resort
I just want to briefly summarize my thoughts on Carrier. I s...
Nofapping startled pistol university
Because I'm a loser, I spent the evening looking at various ...
Nofapping startled pistol university
I disagree with a lot of what you've written here, but I wan...
Shivering Duck-like Lodge Multi-billionaire
Carrier is simply wrong here. His argument effectively b...
Nofapping startled pistol university
You need to look closely at a map of the area in the context...
Lilac Business Firm Hunting Ground
Ok, pick one specific major issue or inconsistency with the ...
Nofapping startled pistol university
I’m speaking from what I recall from study of the subj...
Lilac Business Firm Hunting Ground
It is not impossible at all for him to have travelled to Laz...
Nofapping startled pistol university
U are correct on this. I can’t remember from seminars ...
Lilac Business Firm Hunting Ground
This thread is not about inerrancy. That's a whole other top...
Nofapping startled pistol university
"Where Carrier goes off the deep-end is when he takes t...
Shivering Duck-like Lodge Multi-billionaire
"I see him as a very smart and well prepared flat-earth...
Shivering Duck-like Lodge Multi-billionaire
Autist and fraud.
Hilarious Field Becky
Created a new subthread to discuss Josephus with Pumo. The m...
Nofapping startled pistol university
U need to explore carriers full responses on Josephus, and h...
Lilac Business Firm Hunting Ground
"U need to explore carriers full responses on Josephus,...
Nofapping startled pistol university
I will read ur link. I think carrier deals with Tacitus by p...
Lilac Business Firm Hunting Ground
Please cut and paste the article in ur link. I’m not g...
Lilac Business Firm Hunting Ground
Its 57 pages. I'm not pasting it ITT, it'll ruin the thread....
Nofapping startled pistol university
Okay I’ll mess with it when I’m in the office to...
Lilac Business Firm Hunting Ground
page 15 and 20+ are for me the meat of the issue. But its no...
Nofapping startled pistol university
If you do end up reading that article, note that Carrier has...
Shivering Duck-like Lodge Multi-billionaire
For the people that won't download the link, I'll post one s...
Nofapping startled pistol university
"do a search for Math geeks talking about Carrier's ana...
Shivering Duck-like Lodge Multi-billionaire
Thank you. This is a devastating response.
Lilac Business Firm Hunting Ground
"As to the antiquities, it doesn’t take much to f...
Nofapping startled pistol university
I am a layman to this debate but in the hour video I linked ...
Passionate pontificating telephone indirect expression
"Carrier says the original translation was from Greek a...
Nofapping startled pistol university
Re: the “brothers of the lord” being referred to...
Passionate pontificating telephone indirect expression
"Carrier says that term was used for baptized Christian...
Nofapping startled pistol university
You are not accurately representing Carrier on Tacitus. In h...
Shivering Duck-like Lodge Multi-billionaire
i rike a jeebus. Atheist man bad 😡
Hot odious institution
Impressive really tough guy azn
Paul wrote the earliest Christian texts about Jesus. Perhaps...
Flushed church
It doesn't pass the sniff test. I've said it before ITT: The...
Nofapping startled pistol university
We seem to be agreed on one thing, which is that there is at...
Lilac Business Firm Hunting Ground
In the past I would have agreed with CGM, but after 2016-202...
mahogany charismatic abode goyim
Carrier had a great example of Roswell in his speech I linke...
Passionate pontificating telephone indirect expression
Now imagine the articles in the NYT were written in ancient ...
Shivering Duck-like Lodge Multi-billionaire
Passionate pontificating telephone indirect expression
christianity is real

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: February 2nd, 2014 2:11 PM
Author: Soul-stirring Know-it-all Address


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Date: June 10th, 2022 9:17 PM
Author: tripping dashing police squad

He got lucky beating Stipe the first time.

Only got LHW belt because Jon Jones is a fuckup.



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Date: March 13th, 2018 12:21 AM
Author: Splenetic Toilet Seat Stage


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Date: June 10th, 2022 4:40 PM
Author: Passionate pontificating telephone indirect expression


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Date: June 10th, 2022 5:49 PM
Author: Shivering Duck-like Lodge Multi-billionaire

he is 180



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Date: June 10th, 2022 6:02 PM
Author: Nofapping startled pistol university

Do you understand that the mythicist position has been deeboonked six ways to Sunday at this point? The sweet treats of scholarship have long left Carrier behind on this one. Forget any Christian historians, athiest/agnostic/jewish ones will almost to a man recognize the historical Jesus. Carrier has to scramble for a handful of semi-legitimate people that are only tangentially involved in the subject matter.

The only way to maintain the mythicist position is to have a standard of historical evidence that would pretty much cancel out our presumption about anything that happened prior to like the 1,400s.

You always say I never respond in substance so let me put this out there as one example of the problem with the mythicist position: Erhman gives 15 INDEPDENT sources for the crucifixion of Christ within 100 years. When it comes to historical evidence for someone, there is almost nothing in the ancient world that is as strongly attested to so closely to the event itself.


FYI, drop Carrier. I'm not sure why you cling to him. As an atheist you would be in much better company with the historical Jesus crowd that just disputes the resurrection.


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Date: June 10th, 2022 7:06 PM
Author: Shivering Duck-like Lodge Multi-billionaire

There is no reason to think that this scholarly consensus was formed via every scholar independently arriving at the conclusion rather than simply accepting it as a given starting point. A very large percentage of them probably decided to become biblical scholars because they were interested in the subject due to already being Christians to begin with, so it's not like there isn't a very severe issue of bias here the way there wouldn't be with investigating the historicity of, say, Romulus or King Arthur. As to the non-Christian historians: Very few of them have actually engaged with Carrier's thesis. They aren't any more than, at most, "tangentially involved" (as you put it) in this debate. The same "all scholars agree that this is historical" complaining was used in Old Testament scholarship 50 years ago, and that consensus has since changed (see http://ocabs.org/journal/index.php/jocabs/article/viewFile/80/47


https://bibleinterp.arizona.edu/opeds/dav3680290 ). I don't know how to precisely define a "handful," but a lot of the people on this list look more than "semi-legitimate" and "tangentially involved": https://www.richardcarrier.info/archives/1794#22

Also, if you had actually read the article I linked to, he remarks on one of the many problems with the so-called scholarly consensus: "This has happened to me countless times. A superbly qualified scholar will insist some piece of evidence exists, or does not exist, and I am surprised that I have to show them the contrary. And always this phantom evidence (or an assurance of its absence) is in defense of the historicity of Jesus. This should teach us how important it is to stop repeating the phrase 'the overwhelming consensus says…' Because that consensus is based on false beliefs and assumptions, a lot of them inherited unknowingly from past Christian faith assumptions in reading or discussing the evidence, which even secular scholars failed to check before simply repeating them as certainly the truth."

So, given all of those points, I think I have enough reason to take an interest in this and not simply say to myself, well, historicity is the consensus and that's that.

"The only way to maintain the mythicist position is to have a standard of historical evidence that would pretty much cancel out our presumption about anything that happened prior to like the 1,400s."

Carrier has written about this type of argument extensively. Here he argues that the quantity/quality/type of evidence that we have for Julius Caesar, for example, is totally different from the situation with Jesus in many ways: https://www.richardcarrier.info/archives/7862

On this page he discusses his work comparing the evidence for Jesus to the evidence for Socrates, Alexander the Great, Pontius Pilate, Spartacus, various Roman emperors, etc.: https://www.richardcarrier.info/archives/7924

"Erhman gives 15 INDEPDENT sources for the crucifixion of Christ within 100 years."

My understanding is that the mythicist thesis holds that some Christians had begun to believe in the historical Jesus within the first 100 years (so A.D. 130 or earlier), and that these sources are not actually demonstrably independent in the sense that we have no way of knowing that they aren't just repeating what Christians at the time were saying. This argument from "many different sources" is also discussed in the Caesar article I linked to above. I'm not going to sit here and discuss all 15 alleged sources, but if you are interested, Carrier has responded to Ehrman's various arguments at considerable length here: https://www.richardcarrier.info/archives/1794

and from reading some of it and some of his other responses to critics, I am inclined to think Carrier has a better point, to the extent that I can tell as a layman.

"You always say I never respond in substance"

Well, you definitely do engage at length some of the time, it's more just that you tend to disappear right when we seem to have finally gotten down to the crux of the matter, and also that you make silly and dishonest arguments that barely address what I actually wrote. For an example of both, see this poast that you never responded to:


Also, you seem to have some sort of weird personal hatred for Carrier. You called him a "dummy" in another thread even though he has a PhD from Columbia and has published peer-reviewed journal articles on subjects ranging from New Testament studies to Hitler studies to philosophy of religion, which seems like an impressive breadth even if you disagree with his conclusions.


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Date: June 10th, 2022 7:12 PM
Author: Nofapping startled pistol university

"My understanding is that the mythicist thesis holds that some Christians had begun to believe in the historical Jesus within the first 100 years (so A.D. 130 or earlier), and that these sources are not actually demonstrably independent in the sense that we have no way of knowing that they aren't just repeating what Christians at the time were saying. "

Lets just take this one as a start.

We have amazing documentation of all the heresies in the early Church. From the Judiazers, to the Gnostics, to the Arians. Yet somehow, the biggest heresy to ever exist for Christians (Jesus was a myth) just came and went without a peep?

The Book of Acts explicitly tackles early church issues through this time period. We have ZILCH talking about some debate or split in the Church between the real and mythicist positions. Nor do we see it in any of the writings of Church fathers writing EXACTLY at the same time. First Clement, written by a Pope of all people, was in the 90s (or earlier). We have Ignatius , who was a student of the Apostle John, writing on disagreements in the Church in 100. Does he mention anything about what would have been the biggest disagreement at the time? NOPE. Carrier's claim simply does not pass the sniff test.


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Date: June 10th, 2022 7:22 PM
Author: Shivering Duck-like Lodge Multi-billionaire

From the Caesar article I linked you to above:

"Then Bock falsely claims that in antiquity “no one was arguing that the accounts of Jesus’s actions were fabricated or mythical.” Sorry, but, uh yeah, not only did Celsus claim that, and extensively, writing in the same time as Justin Martyr, but Trypho (the fake Jew Justin invented for his dialogue) argues the same point, too (he says the Gospel stories are just “unfounded rumor” and a Christian “invention,” Dial. 8). So when Bock cites Trypho as not making that argument, we know Bock sucks at basic homework. But that’s not the only example. 2 Peter attacks even a fellow Christian sect that was claiming the Gospels were “cleverly devised myths.” Ignatius also spends several letters attacking fellow Christians who were teaching that at least parts of the Gospels were mythical. And Irenaeus devotes books to the subject of other Christians claiming substantial portions of the Gospels were mythical. Indeed, the genealogies for Jesus are claimed to be mythical even in the New Testament itself! (1 Tim. 1.4; Tit. 3.9.)

A passage from Carrier's book (reproduced with further discussion here: https://www.richardcarrier.info/archives/13425 ):

"The only element of the basic myth theory that is even incredible (at least at first look) is the idea that a transition from a secret cosmic savior to a public historical one happened within two generations, and without a clear record of it occurring. But the unusual circumstances of a major disruption in the church opened the door to rapid developments in its dogmas, and the complete silence of the record in the following period blocks any attempt to argue ‘from silence’ that there was no transition from myth to legend. That this development did not get recorded is because nothing got recorded.

When we consider the prospect of newly evangelized Christians, handed a euhemerized Gospel, but not yet initiated into the full secret, and then being set loose to spread their unfinished beliefs and founding their own churches and developing their own speculations, the idea that a myth could be mistaken as and transformed into ‘history’ in just a few generations is not so implausible as it may seem, particularly given that the geographical distances involved were large, lifespans then were short, and legends often grow with distance in both time and space. There may even have been a ‘transitional’ state of the cult in which the historical narratives were seen as playing out what was simultaneously occurring in the heavens (so one could believe both narratives were true), or in which certain sect leaders chose to downplay or reinterpret the secret doctrines and sell the public ones as the truth instead (as Origen seems to have thought was a good idea). Any number of possibilities present themselves; without any data from that period, we cannot know which happened.

Hence I already dealt with this objection more than adequately in Chapters 6 (§7), 7 (§7), and 8 (§§4 and 12). For comparison, even if we granted historicity, then we do not know how some sects transitioned to a cosmically born Jesus in the Christianities Irenaeus attacks as heresies (Chapter 11, §9) or a cosmically killed Jesus in the Ascension of Isaiah (Chapter 3, §1), or to a Jesus who lived and died a hundred years earlier (Chapter 8, §1). Thus, our ignorance in the matter of how the cult transitioned is not solved by positing historicity. Either way, we’re equally in the dark on how these changes happened."


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Date: June 10th, 2022 7:43 PM
Author: Lilac Business Firm Hunting Ground

Look man they are really fucking dumb it’s pearls before swine with this garbage crowd They don’t actually think they are more like worms or robots in that regard there’s no ability to actually reason present


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Date: June 10th, 2022 10:45 PM
Author: bipolar nursing home

(actual retard)


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Date: June 10th, 2022 7:50 PM
Author: Nofapping startled pistol university

copy pasting walls of text is not really reasonable. I too can do the same and just google "Why is Carrier Wrong" and copypasta whatever pops up too.

Lets take one claim to narrow our focus and demonstrate my point about Carrier playing fast and loose:

"Ignatius also spends several letters attacking fellow Christians who were teaching that at least parts of the Gospels were mythical. And Irenaeus devotes books to the subject of other Christians claiming substantial portions of the Gospels were mythical."

This is simply not true. Carrier takes Ignatius' critique of Docetism and tries to rebrand it as one that targets mythicists. This is a classic example of what he does. I would encourage anyone ITT to go read what he writes in Smyrnaeans and tell me if it sounds more likely he is going after Docetism or Mythicists.

Again we see the same thing with Irenaeus. In Against Heresies he is going after the Gnostics, NOT Mythicists. The mistake (I would guess intentional in Carriers' case) is that when Irenaeus defends Jesus' fleshly self, he is doing so because the Gnostic claim was that the flesh is corrupt and evil, NOT because they claimed there was no flesh in the first place. I would encourage every person ITT to read Against Heresy or any Scholarly summary of it and you will see that nobody thinks Irenaeus was addressing Mythicists.

Think about it: Academics, Christian and non-Christian alike, have had these early church father documents for 2,000 years. Nobody, at any point in the past, interpreted them to be debates with Mythicists, but rather real heresies that existed at the time. Nobody had any reason to be biased or lie in this analysis because to any Christian sitting in the 1500s, it wouldnt matter if Irenaeus was talking to a Gnostic or Mythicist - they would just think both are wrong. So we can trust that the Mythicist argument here was not artificially suppressed. This was a new interpretation that was invented in the modern world by Mythicists who wanted to write themselves into early Christian history when they simply did not exist.

Do me a favour, in your response, confine yourself to the claims re: Ignatius and Irenaeus and write the reply yourself. Your general strategy is to copy paste shit and throw it at someone with unyielding volume till they just get tired. Instead lets have a good dialogue.


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Date: June 10th, 2022 8:21 PM
Author: Shivering Duck-like Lodge Multi-billionaire

I don't have the necessary background education in these subjects to be able to assess all of these intricacies, such as whether some ancient writer was going after Docetists or mythicists. This would take years of study. You are not, as far as I know, any kind of credentialed expert, so I have no reason to think your take would be more accurate than Carrier's. My initial post in this thread and my initial response to you were not a invitation for a protracted debate on such minutiae, which we could literally spend the rest of our lives quibbling over without resolution (and as a layman I am utterly unqualified for such a debate). If you want a real debate, email Carrier or some other mythicist.

Rather, my aim ITT was just to respond to your "uh, it's been deboonked already, silly" with some general considerations as to why I don't consider it to have been deboonked, and to point you and other interested readers toward the sorts of things Carrier has argued in response to what you said, not to defend him to the ends of the earth. I also just don't think there is any point in me trying to have a "good dialogue" with you given how absurd I find your arguments in the Christianity-vs-atheism debate, as I mentioned earlier ITT.

And even if we were to debate this at length and you were to be proven correct, so what? It's not like mythicism stands or falls on this one issue. There would still be a hundred other things that we'd have to resolve.

"Academics, Christian and non-Christian alike, have had these early church father documents for 2,000 years. Nobody, at any point in the past, interpreted them to be debates with Mythicists..."

By this logic, we should never read the work of any modern biblical scholar at all, since all the documents have already been around for 2000 years, so how could anyone in the 21st century possibly have an original take that isn't made-up bullshit? As is documented in the OCABS link I posted ITT, academic consensus regarding the Bible can and does change. You seem to think every possible innovation in the field is already done and finished with.


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Date: June 10th, 2022 8:39 PM
Author: Passionate pontificating telephone indirect expression


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Date: June 10th, 2022 9:06 PM
Author: Nofapping startled pistol university

Let me be clear, I do not think that a strict appeal to authority is a sound argument. But it is a good way to raise red flags about a particular thesis.

As someone who self-describes as not an expert (or even really knoweldgeable) in this field, you should be generally cautious of subscribing to fringe beliefs. Its a good rule of thumb.

To the issue at hand: Thank you for proving my point. If I agreed with Carrier's theory, I would be very interested in figuring out if he is right about Ignacius and Ireanious. Its not a small point that mythicism does not come up once in the writings of the Early Church. You would think one would be pretty interested in this. Yet you are not, why?

Methinks its because you are only comfortable with copypasting Carrier and wearing people down with volumes of material you don't even really understand yourself. Your the Emperor without Clothes here. The moment I press you on one keep aspect of Carrier's theory, you throw up your hands and retreat.


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Date: June 10th, 2022 9:26 PM
Author: Shivering Duck-like Lodge Multi-billionaire

"As someone who self-describes as not an expert (or even really knoweldgeable) in this field, you should be generally cautious of subscribing to fringe beliefs. Its a good rule of thumb."

I am certainly cautious of that in general. Refer to my first reply to you ITT for my overview of reasons why I take this fringe theory far more seriously than other fringe theories. For the record, I do not insist on mythicism definitely being correct; I remain agnostic on the question.

"You would think one would be pretty interested in this. Yet you are not, why?"

I have already answered this argument. Whether or not something sufficiently analogous to mythicism comes up in the early church is a complex question beyond the easy reach of laymen (note that I do not, in fact, concede your premise that "mythicism does not come up once in the writings of the Early Church"), and because there are too many topics like this to research and analyze for me to attain sufficient expertise in all of them such that I can assess the overall mythicist thesis with the level of rigor that you demand. If I were to spend countless hours of time I don't have looking into this particular thing, I'd still then have to look into another and another and another.

I think a more useful strategy for researching this question is to follow along with the debates that actual scholars have had on the topic (e.g. the back-and-forth between known scholars in the comments section on that Bible & Interpretation site, Carrier's debates with his critics, etc.). I have no reason to think that this is such a "key" aspect of mythicism or that you are presenting some sort of interesting, novel criticism here that severely undermines Carrier's thesis such that I really need to look deeply into it, as your objection is (as far as I know/recall) not one of the ones most commonly raised by the usual anti-mythicist scholars like Ehrman and McGrath.

"Methinks its because you are only comfortable with copypasting Carrier and wearing people down with volumes of material you don't even really understand yourself. Your the Emperor without Clothes here. The moment I press you on one keep aspect of Carrier's theory, you throw up your hands and retreat."

I was not trying to wear anyone down. Like I said before: "My initial post in this thread and my initial response to you were not a invitation for a protracted debate... Rather... to point you and other interested readers toward the sorts of things Carrier has argued in response to what you said." I sincerely encourage you to find a more knowledgeable mythicist to pick this fight with and poast the results here.

Speaking of retreating, feel free to pick this one up any time: http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=5104277&forum_id=2#44477387

You've also ignored many of my (non-copied-and-pasted) points ITT, so you complaining about me throwing up my hands in retreat is a bit rich.


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Date: June 10th, 2022 9:53 PM
Author: Nofapping startled pistol university

You've posted 50 different arguments. I picked one that is very relevant to the topic at hand and was willing to do a deep dive on it. There is no value on us just having a surface debate on 50 different topics. I picked one that was very important too, regardless of your view, its factually crucial in the mythicist argument that there be some signs of their position present in the early Church.

Its not hard to pickup Ignatius' critique of "X" heresy and figure out if it was likely Docetism or Mythicism.

Do you want to know how you actually formulate a proper conclusion on the issue? You look into individual claims made and assess their reasonableness yourself. Some things are certainly outside of our reach as lay persons, but reading select early Church Fathers is not. Instead, your opinion is driven by who "wins" a few youtube debates.

I'm actually serious. Pick one key topic in the debate and analyze it for yourself. If you didn't like the one I picked, do another. Maybe Carrier's argument about the meeting with Jesus' "brother" and his interpretation of that. Ask yourself if his view is more or less likely than the mainstream view. This is how you actually formulate a grounded conclusion.


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Date: June 10th, 2022 10:32 PM
Author: Shivering Duck-like Lodge Multi-billionaire

I never suggested that we do a surface debate on 50 different topics. Rather, the conversation I initiated with you at the start of the thread was about the "meta-debate" of "Should laymen like us regard mythicism as conclusively deboonked and not worth reading about, as you claimed?" You then essentially tried to change the subject to us instead having a debate over this one specific aspect of mythicism. I simply said I like Carrier's work, and then you responded with a rant about how it's obviously all total crap because of reasons A, B, and C, to which I gave my assessment of the academic debate as it currently stands and why it seems to me that there is room for disagreement/ambiguity over the reasons you gave, as mythicists have engaged with those reasons and the issues seem to me to be far less simple than you suggest, which you apparently interpreted as me challenging you to a long intricate debate over the specific merits of mythicism itself rather than the "meta-debate." I have explained to you over and over why I am not interested in getting into the weeds with you here and now over the specifics.

I never claimed that reading early church fathers is out of our reach. This is yet another one of your lazy and/or dishonest representations of what I have written. What I said was that assessing that aspect of the mythicist case is difficult. Carrier claims that various ancient writers wrote about early analogues of mythicism (it's not only Ignatius whom he refers to, as you can see from reviewing the passages I quoted). You disagree. So clearly it is more complicated than "just read the early church fathers." I would have to read many books and articles analyzing each of these many different ancient writings to really achieve a scholarly understanding of what they are talking about.

"Instead, your opinion is driven by who "wins" a few youtube debates."

I wasn't talking about spoken debates on youtube, I was referring to what Carrier's critics have written in response to his arguments and his many lengthy written replies to his critics (he has written dozens of these: https://www.richardcarrier.info/archives/5730 ) and then, indeed, "assess[ing] their reasonableness [my]self" as you said, to decide who had the better arguments. This seems like a far more productive use of time than engaging in my own debate as a layman against some anonymous Christian apologist. Also, why exactly shouldn't we take into account the youtube debates...? Some of these are against professors of New Testament studies such as Evans, Crook, and MacDonald.


Reply Favorite

Date: June 10th, 2022 10:49 PM
Author: Nofapping startled pistol university

My issue with all of this stems from the fact that you somehow like Carriers work and appear to agree with him, but have not actually given an honest look at the key pillars of the mythecist position.

Be honest with me: Have you analyzed in detail Josephus’ Antiquities (let alone the debated Testimonium Flavianum)? Or the sticky issue of Tacitus? Or the James issue?

In order to have a positive view of the mythecist position, you need to have had done a ton of independent work on these topics at a bare minimum yourself. Individually any one of them being true destroys the mythecist position.

The reason I react so negatively to Carrier is because you try and bring him up all the time as some Grand Poobah, copy pasting walls of text from him, when you personally have never verified or walked through the key issues.

I would say this as a good general rule, but it applies doubly so if you are going to promote a minority view: You better personally have your ducks in a row.


Reply Favorite

Date: June 10th, 2022 11:48 PM
Author: Shivering Duck-like Lodge Multi-billionaire

I have read a fair amount about all of those issues, yes. How can I possibly quantify whether what I have read is sufficient? How to define "analyzed in detail"? You seem to think that unless I sit down with you and debate all of those things I'm not allowed to like Carrier's work.

"you need to have had done a ton of independent work on these topics at a bare minimum yourself"

This is precisely what I am telling you about the early church father thing: it requires a ton of work and is not as simple as you repeatedly insist. Here is my take: I start out at assuming historicity due to it being the consensus. I then read about the issues that you list such as Josephus et al, doing a fair amount of reading but not becoming an expert master scholar or whatever on the subjects, and concluding (*tentatively*) that Carrier *seems* most probably correct on these issues. I also reject your premise that mythicism stands or falls on any one of those things; Carrier's book addresses what he sees as the non-fatal consequences for mythicism if historicists are right about each of those things. This is another example where things seem to me to be far less cut-and-dry than you suggest). I further find fault with the general notion that "the settled scholarly consensus is that Jesus was historical" for the reasons I already outlined: the influence of Christian bias on the formation of the consensus, the mistreatment of Thomas Thompson regarding the historicity of Old Testament patriarchs and the subsequent shifting of the consensus, the fact that reading criticisms of Carrier's work and his replies to those criticisms tends to leave me with the impression that Carrier's take was the more reasonable one, and the fact that Carrier has found at least 20 qualified scholars willing to admit that mythicism is a respectable hypothesis... all collectively leads me from assuming historicity, to moving to an agnostic position where Carrier's work seems plausible to me but I am open to it being wrong.

Contrast this with your unrelenting insistence that he simply MUST be wrong, no room for disagreement or uncertainty, the uncertainty which several non-mythicist scholars have strongly called for, to which you had no response other than that it doesn't matter because they simply must be deranged leftists.

"The reason I react so negatively to Carrier is because you try and bring him up all the time as some Grand Poobah, copy pasting walls of text from him, when you personally have never verified or walked through the key issues."

I am pretty certain this is the one and only time that I have copied and pasted stuff from Carrier ***about mythicism*** in an exchange with you so I'm not sure what you mean by all the time. In our other exchanges, when I have referred to Carrier, it has been with regard to Christian apologetics about the resurrection etc, and his responses to those apologetics do not assume mythicism; he explicitly states this in many places. There is really only one poast I made ITT where I copied and pasted "walls of text" from Carrier anyway so I don't know what your problem is. I have certainly been through the key issues on the apologetics stuff and I don't recall having copied and pasted much in our other exchanges regardless.


Reply Favorite

Date: June 11th, 2022 10:03 AM
Author: Nofapping startled pistol university

"Here is my take: I start out at assuming historicity due to it being the consensus. I then read about the issues that you list such as Josephus et al, doing a fair amount of reading but not becoming an expert master scholar or whatever on the subjects, and concluding (*tentatively*) that Carrier *seems* most probably correct on these issues."

Perfect. Lets talk about Josephus then, since you are allegedly familiar with the subject matter. I created a new subthread at the bottom so we can hash it out. Obviously you just agreed that you looked into Josephus so you must have no problem talking about him?


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Date: June 11th, 2022 2:09 PM
Author: Shivering Duck-like Lodge Multi-billionaire

Nah. I decline your challenge. If you're so desperate to debate me for some reason, you are welcome to return to the one from a few weeks ago that I've linked to ITT. I prefer that debate to this one for a number of reasons:

1. I am more knowledgeable and confident about the Christianity-vs-atheism debate than I am about Josephus.

2. The debate over Josephus is far less interesting to me than whether belief in the fantastical supernatural claims of Christianity can be rationally justified.

3. We already started that other debate, whereas I never went looking for a fight ITT, and I find your whole approach here bizarre. Imagine if the thread was "Thoughts on William Lane Craig?" and you responded saying that you like Craig and find his case for Christianity worth looking into and provided a link to a summary of his case for anyone who's interested. Then I come charging in here like "hey bucko, you do realize that Christianity has been thoroughly discredited and the only people who seriously defend it are a bunch of dishonest hacks masquerading as objective scholars, and what about arguments 17 and 29 and 45 in my list of the 50 most potent arguments against Christianity, have you read ALL of the academic literature on them? have you? well we're gonna find out. you better clear your weekend, sit your ass down, and start defending your Jesus, cause we've got some debating to do, champ."

Like how exactly is this whole thing supposed to work? Suppose I read along with some of Carrier's exchanges with his critics on Josephus, and come away thinking ***tentatively and with humble agnosticism*** that he got the better of them. It seems that you think that I am not justified in letting the matter rest at that point and moving on to something else. Rather, you seem to want me to achieve as much certainty as possible... and apparently, the way to do that is for me to personally engage as a layman with some random guy on the internet? Suppose you are more well-read than me on Josephus and I am unable to refute your arguments. Should I then consider you to be proven right? No, because I would want to see what Carrier or another qualified mythicist scholar has to say in response. If you have such a great case to make against Carrier's book then write a review of it and get it published somewhere and he will reply to you.


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Date: June 11th, 2022 2:33 PM
Author: Nofapping startled pistol university

Thanks for proving my point.

You claim to have reasoned your way to agreeing with Carrier, specifically mention being convinced of his Josephus take, but are totally unwilling to actually discuss the matter. Any reasonable person is going to look at your dodges of the Ignacius/Iraneous and Josephus subjects and realize that your understanding of this issue is just skin deep.

Just be honest, you know fuck all about this topic, you've superficially read Carrier, were convinced because he talks a lot and sounds like he knows what he is doing, but never actually critically examined the claims yourself.

You've tried repeatedly to side step this core fact by turning the discussion into a subjective discussion about what the trend in academia *really* is, and steer towards a generic athiest/christian debate. Nice try but I'm not biting. I'm going to hammer this point home till the cows come; You have been going around citing Carrier for years, historically criticized me for not addressing him as seriously as you wanted, and then when I do, you run away.


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Date: June 11th, 2022 2:45 PM
Author: Shivering Duck-like Lodge Multi-billionaire

Lol, how are you taking what I wrote about very tentatively siding with Carrier while remaining decidedly agnostic about the question for all sorts of reasons, and concluding that I am CONVINCED?

"turning the discussion into a subjective discussion about what the trend in academia"

No, that was what the discussion in this thread was originally about, and you tried to change it into an endless debate about the particulars.

"steer towards a generic athiest/christian debate"

This is the debate that we already started and you ran away from. Not sure why it's unreasonable for me to want to stick to it rather than opening up a whole new can of worms, particularly when I was very unimpressed with your argumentation in that debate.

"You have been going around citing Carrier for years, historically criticized me for not addressing him as seriously as you wanted, and then when I do, you run away."

I virtually never talk about mythicism on xo and I'm pretty certain I have never talked to you about it. All my other citations of Carrier in exchanges with you have been with regard to Carrier's work in response to Christian apologetics vs atheism, not the historicity of Jesus, and his work on apologetics explicitly grants for the sake of argument that Jesus did exist and proceeds from there. If there is some other thread where I demanded you address Carrier's mythicist arguments, then link to it.


Reply Favorite

Date: June 11th, 2022 2:59 PM
Author: Nofapping startled pistol university

You've been posting Carrier links at me for at least 2 years. The most frequent link you sent me over the years is this one:


This concept of non-existent martyrs is inextricably tied to the mythecist position. So yes, you have been talking about mythescism because the theory you promote on the martyrs is directly tied to mythecism. There is a reason Carrier is the guy promoting it.

As an aside, you don't get to both constantly run to him as an authority source but also claim that your pretty agnostic on his central thesis. Stop playing games.


Reply Favorite

Date: June 11th, 2022 3:24 PM
Author: Shivering Duck-like Lodge Multi-billionaire

"you don't get to both constantly run to him as an authority source but also claim that your pretty agnostic on his central thesis."

Uh, yeah, I do, because Christianity vs atheism and historicism vs mythicism are two totally separate debates, and the case against Christianity very obviously does not rely on mythicism. One could totally concede your point that those Christians were in fact martyred and still argue against the overarching Christian apologetic in other ways, such as making the case that even if they died for their beliefs, there is no reason to think they arrived at those beliefs rationally.

"So yes, you have been talking about mythescism because the theory you promote on the martyrs is directly tied to mythecism."

Did you even read the article? Continuing from what I said above, Carrier's martyr thing is not necessarily tied to mythicism but rather to the claim that the martyrdoms are evidence for Christianity being true. This is a very commonly made argument in Christian apologetics. In the very first part of the main body of that article (the section titled "No One Dies for a Lie?"), Carrier argues that even if we grant the martyrdoms, it doesn't matter because there are many documented cases of people dying for false beliefs. So no, you cannot assume that I must have had mythicism on my mind when I posted that link. The claim that the martyrdoms did not happen is only one part of an overall anti-apologetics case.

Also, you seem to have this weird friend-or-enemy dichotomy going on where I have to agree with Carrier on everything or on nothing, with no middle ground, even as you admit that despite our many disagreements, you still think I am "very sharp normally" on politics.


Reply Favorite

Date: June 11th, 2022 3:42 PM
Author: Lilac Business Firm Hunting Ground

Paragraph 2 is highly credited.


Reply Favorite

Date: June 10th, 2022 7:18 PM
Author: Passionate pontificating telephone indirect expression

Great response


Reply Favorite

Date: June 10th, 2022 7:10 PM
Author: Dun curious base

Probably right about Christianity being TTT but his obsession with Jesus not existing at all is retarded.


Reply Favorite

Date: June 10th, 2022 7:12 PM
Author: Nofapping startled pistol university

Atleast this is a more fair take. You can attack Christianity but don't claim Jesus didnt exist lol.


Reply Favorite

Date: June 10th, 2022 7:20 PM
Author: Lilac Business Firm Hunting Ground

It’s quite possible he didn’t But u fucking animals crave a boot on your neck to act right so


Reply Favorite

Date: June 10th, 2022 7:30 PM
Author: Passionate pontificating telephone indirect expression

The extreme certainty he expresses from a “consensus of experts” position is nauseating


Reply Favorite

Date: June 10th, 2022 7:33 PM
Author: Lilac Business Firm Hunting Ground

Probably better to keep ur beliefs on this subject to urself on here no poaster here is mentally capable of the thought necessary to consider and evaluate ideas they haven’t already bluepilled to their own mental death just fyi this is a shitty retard boart now


Reply Favorite

Date: June 11th, 2022 10:35 AM
Author: Hot odious institution


Reply Favorite

Date: June 10th, 2022 7:41 PM
Author: Shivering Duck-like Lodge Multi-billionaire

Here is another academic journal article discussing the debate on the historicity of Jesus and documenting how the scholarly consensus in the 1970s was that Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob were historical, and how that consensus has since changed to them being mythical, with the same personal attacks and ridicule directed at the first scholars to argue this that are being directed at Carrier today:



Reply Favorite

Date: June 10th, 2022 10:46 PM
Author: bipolar nursing home



Reply Favorite

Date: June 10th, 2022 7:35 PM
Author: Shivering Duck-like Lodge Multi-billionaire

Are these guys all just "dummies" to you, like Carrier?

"I don’t think, however, that in another 20 years there will be a consensus that Jesus did not exist, or even possibly didn’t exist, but a recognition that his existence is not entirely certain would nudge Jesus scholarship towards academic respectability." - Philip Davies, Emeritus Professor of Biblical Studies, University of Sheffield


"The question of the historicity of Jesus is unlikely to go away in the near future, however much some scholars of the New Testament may wish otherwise, and nor should it. This question does not belong to the past and nor is it irrational to raise it. It should not be dismissed with problematic appeals to expertise and authority and nor should it be viewed as unwelcome, as a 'lurking monster present wherever critical studies are recognized and proceed'." - Justin Meggitt, University Senior Lecturer in the Study of Religion, University of Cambridge


(The Meggitt article is behind a paywall, but I have a copy, and anyone with institutional access or $25 to blow is encouraged to check that I am not making that quote up.)

"...scepticism about historicity is worth thinking about seriously—and, in light of demographic changes, it might even feed into a dominant position in the near future." - James Crossley, Professor of Bible, Society and Politics at St Mary’s University, Twickenham, and Editor of the Journal for the Study of the Historical Jesus



Reply Favorite

Date: June 10th, 2022 7:37 PM
Author: Lilac Business Firm Hunting Ground

Surprisingly credited U are a compleat turd 24/7 but seem to show some ability to think like a human being on this subject alone Htfh


Reply Favorite

Date: June 11th, 2022 10:42 AM
Author: Hot odious institution

he's the most underrated poaster here


Reply Favorite

Date: June 10th, 2022 7:38 PM
Author: Passionate pontificating telephone indirect expression

The counter to this is that questioning the existence of Jesus has a real world effect of sapping religious strength. It’s the same reason more or less why Muslims don’t draw mohammed and the gates of itjihad are closed. It demonstrates a marked lack of respect for the religion. But instead of arguing this in good faith cow goes moo tries to engage on its merits and ends up looking retarded.


Reply Favorite

Date: June 10th, 2022 7:39 PM
Author: Lilac Business Firm Hunting Ground

Yeah u need the boot on neck to stay in line no question about that Regardless of the truth or falsity of the underlying beliefs Which is what u really mean u fucking blue pill shithead


Reply Favorite

Date: June 10th, 2022 9:22 PM
Author: cowardly halford resort

it doesn't matter, ultimately...once humans get into the upper age brackets, they WILL find an afterlife scenario, one way or another...this is inevitable as gravity...it's gonna happen, one way or another...as humans age, they seek religion and its afterlife scenario as a vine seeks the sunlight...


Reply Favorite

Date: June 10th, 2022 8:01 PM
Author: Nofapping startled pistol university

For someone who is very sharp normally on spotting leftist mind rot and post-modern insanity, you seem to have dropped the ball here.

From the same site:


Spend 10 minutes reading up on these people and you will see that they are rabid leftists dead set on going after religion and, worse yet, have adopted a post-modern world view on what "Truth" is. Tell me more about "demographic" change changing our view of historicity Prof. Crossley. Lol

Your tying your wagon to insane ideologues who you would normally attack viciously just because they agree with you on this one topic. Yet you have to understand that the reason they agree with you is because of that ideology.


Reply Favorite

Date: June 10th, 2022 8:13 PM
Author: Lilac Business Firm Hunting Ground

See this is what I mean. The legitimacy of secular Jesus scholars’ ideas is only marginally connected to their ideological beliefs and usually only to the extent of having a broader Overton window to work from than the usual base of *christian* scholars on the subject, or that of alt right morons such as above The poaster immediately above wld do well in another setting as a Maoist thug beating up intelligent people for wrongthink But No one here will understand that point Which is why u are all fucking idiots and shld kill selves and rid the world of ur pernicious cognitive bias in trying to understand where we are situated in the world because u are only holding human happiness back like monkeys with surgical equipment that is, to the extent u have any relevance at all Htfh


Reply Favorite

Date: June 10th, 2022 8:25 PM
Author: Shivering Duck-like Lodge Multi-billionaire

Why can't I agree with them about mythicism and attack them viciously about politics? I agree with you about lib craziness and disagree with you vehemently about Christianity vs atheism, and I find Christianity a thousand times more preposterous than the most far-left political ideology (on which note, I'm not sure why "dead set on going after religion" is supposed to disturb me).


Reply Favorite

Date: June 10th, 2022 8:38 PM
Author: Lilac Business Firm Hunting Ground

U need to think hard about why this is the case


Reply Favorite

Date: June 10th, 2022 8:45 PM
Author: Shivering Duck-like Lodge Multi-billionaire

Thanks for the advice, pumo


Reply Favorite

Date: June 10th, 2022 8:59 PM
Author: Lilac Business Firm Hunting Ground

U are right. In the end it’s all blue pills here who do bad shit when their world view is challenged They just make shit up to harass I truly don’t blame u it’s not a place of first amendment rights except to the extent there’s no mod to keep the morons within the bounds of human discourse


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Date: June 10th, 2022 8:45 PM
Author: Shivering Duck-like Lodge Multi-billionaire

Another thing I forgot to add: it's just not true that major mythicists are all biased, anti-Christian, left-wing ideologues. I can think of at least three prominent counter-examples. Thomas Thompson is mythicism-friendly and considers himself a Catholic (see the OCABS article I linked ITT for his statement). Thomas Brodie, another mythicist scholar, is literally a Catholic priest. And Robert Price is a Trump supporter ( https://friendlyatheist.patheos.com/2016/10/03/high-profile-atheist-explains-why-hes-on-the-trump-train-an-interview-with-robert-m-price/ ).

If you're arguing that MOST mythicists are such biased leftists, I can argue the same re MOST historicist scholars being biased Christians. Regardless of you saying "what about the Jewish, atheist, etc. scholars," surely Christians are the majority of the profession, whose religious beliefs could plausibly have influenced the formation of the consensus (a consensus which would have had influence on the views of even non-Christian scholars) in the same way that you claim mythicists are biased by their left-wing politics.


Reply Favorite

Date: June 10th, 2022 9:09 PM
Author: Nofapping startled pistol university

I didn't claim most (all?) mythicists are biased anti Christians. What I said was that the alleged academics that you cite are. Big difference.

There are 100 million Trump voters, I'm sure some of them are mythicists. That's irrelevant to this conversation since the genesis of this subthread is the number (and legitimacy) of academic mythicists.


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Date: June 10th, 2022 7:13 PM
Author: geriatric stag film alpha

I’m gay


Reply Favorite

Date: June 10th, 2022 7:19 PM
Author: Lilac Business Firm Hunting Ground

Will be recognized as sincere scholar with sincere and legitimate and thoughtful work that follows historical protocols of inquiry by 2100 when all the current heavily biased academics in the field are dead Htfh


Reply Favorite

Date: June 10th, 2022 7:21 PM
Author: Passionate pontificating telephone indirect expression

I watched his hour long speech here and thought he made some very interesting and thoughtful points



Reply Favorite

Date: June 10th, 2022 7:23 PM
Author: Lilac Business Firm Hunting Ground

Of course. For what it’s worth he doesn’t outright say there was no historical Jesus he just questions the mythologizing consequences and from an epistemological perspective we have rational reason to doubt


Reply Favorite

Date: June 10th, 2022 7:26 PM
Author: Passionate pontificating telephone indirect expression


Reply Favorite

Date: June 10th, 2022 10:03 PM
Author: Nofapping startled pistol university

He is not a sincere scholar. Do a ctrl f for "liar" in his work. He calls every single person on the historical side that at one point or another.

One theory he has, using the Ascension of Isaiah, is that Jesus was thought to have been crucified in outer space on the firmament. That is an actual idea he has articulated.


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Date: June 10th, 2022 11:05 PM
Author: Nofapping startled pistol university

I also want to add here, since Pumo likes to just rely on Carrier blindly,

This is a guy who lied about who published his book, screenshots everything anybody says about him online (he's pulled forum posts a decade after they occurred), cheated on his wife and then claimed to by polyamorous, etc.

I don't normally think that the personal life of someone is very relevant to these discussions, but if your just going to blindly follow a guy, his credibility and honesty are of paramount importance.


Reply Favorite

Date: June 10th, 2022 11:14 PM
Author: Shivering Duck-like Lodge Multi-billionaire

"lied about who published his book"

What is this in reference to?

"screenshots everything anybody says about him online (he's pulled forum posts a decade after they occurred)"

Lol, what exactly is wrong with this? Why shouldn't he keep records of things people say about him?

"cheated on his wife and then claimed to by polyamorous, etc."

Not sure what you mean by "claimed to be polyamorous," but as I recall, he was open about not being polyamorous at the time of the affairs and that they did in fact constitute infidelity. I don't think cheating on your wife is the type of "dishonesty" that bears on any of this.


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Date: June 10th, 2022 11:18 PM
Author: Nofapping startled pistol university





Ridiculous crazy person screenshots:


I'm not saying this sidebar would make or break anything Carrier says. Just that when your just reading Carrier as gospel, you better know who your dealing with. You are trusting this man with limited verification. How honest and moral and not-crazy he is matters.


Reply Favorite

Date: June 10th, 2022 11:51 PM
Author: Shivering Duck-like Lodge Multi-billionaire

Am I missing something here...? So the "lie" is this change he acknowledged in the comments section?

"Update: Since Sheffield-Phoenix is independent from the administrative control of the University, but operates as a fully peer reviewed academic press on campus facilities and is run by members of the University faculty, I am revising “the publishing house of” to “a publishing house at” with hyperlink with details for anyone confused by the matter."

This seems... pretty trivial. Could this not simply have been a careless slip-up or misconception on his part rather than deliberate dishonesty?

It's a tad ironic how you criticize him for saving a screenshot of something he says is a lie, when here you've got a saved archive link ready at hand of a blog post from nine years ago that you consider to be a lie. The pdf you linked to is titled O'Neill's Lie, and O'Neill is someone he's actually engaged with many times, so this doesn't exactly support your claim that he "screenshots everything anybody says about him online."

"your just reading Carrier as gospel"

I definitely don't read him as gospel. I consider his books to be works of history, not myth and allegory.


Reply Favorite

Date: June 10th, 2022 9:15 PM
Author: cowardly halford resort

fraud....he is a gatekeeper for the establishment


Reply Favorite

Date: June 10th, 2022 10:20 PM
Author: Nofapping startled pistol university

I just want to briefly summarize my thoughts on Carrier. I see him as a very smart and well prepared flat-earther. If you know nothing about the subject and watch a 2 hour lecture by him, or a debate against ill-prepared opponents, he looks like a genius and you actually start to believe him. The issue is that much of what he says is not so much a lie, but rather very very improbable.

For example, in the subthread at the top, I looked at his claim that Ignatius and Irenaeus were actually talking about mythecists and not gnostics and docetists in their writings. That's simply a titantic stretch that buggers belief. Carrier clings to this position because he has to, but its not at all reasonable and a plain reading of both men will lead to that conclusion.

He also intentionally misleads. For example, you will often here him talk about how thorough Roman records were, and so the absence of an account of Jesus is very strange. Yet he knows, all the records we have are from Egypt, and that none really exist from the Levant. Someone who does not know the source material might be swayed by this tricky argument (whose going to really know that all these good Roman records were geographically limited). Carrier knows this, but chooses to still use this as an argument because his goal is not to actually seek the truth, but convince through deception.

For people who are interested in Carrier and think he might be right, go read strictly non-Carrier answers to these questions:

1. Is Josephus referring to Jesus of Nazareth?

2. When Paul said he met Jesus' brother, what are the chances it was not actually a family member? Who is James?

3. Is there any solid evidence anybody in the early Church was, or debated with a mythecist? Why do we see every other heresy debated and documented, but what would have been the largest and most important was never mentioned?

4. When Tacitus refers to "Christus" Is he talking about an imaginary being, or someone that actually existed?

5. How can the Gospels be interpreted as allegorical or lies when they tell seemingly normal and reasonable stories. Even if you don't believe in the miracles, can you really come away from reading them with the view they are allegorical? How does John's gospel fit in with Mark?

When you explore these questions, I think its important to note, Carrier's hypothesis basically requires ALL of these to be decided in his favour. If even one of them is wrong, his theory is likely also wrong. The mythecist position is untenable for this very reason; it requires a dozen puzzle pieces to all fit precisely and each one of those pieces needs to be interpreted in a way distinct from how they have always been understood as. On the face of it, its a very very low probability proposition.


Reply Favorite

Date: June 10th, 2022 11:16 PM
Author: Nofapping startled pistol university

Because I'm a loser, I spent the evening looking at various historical sources to find the one that does the best job coming at the issue from an athiestic perspective and is also clear and concise. This is the best I've found:


I would encourage anyone to pick one issue, for example Tacitus' reference to "Christus", and analyze it in detail. Spend a few hours on it. Read what each side has to say on just that topic and figure out if you can be very confident that Tacitus is absolutely not talking about Jesus Christ. Remember, if it is even remotely reasonable that he is referring to a real Jesus Christ, the Mythecist argument is DOA.


Reply Favorite

Date: June 11th, 2022 12:46 AM
Author: Shivering Duck-like Lodge Multi-billionaire

I disagree with a lot of what you've written here, but I want to highlight #5 as an example of an opportunity for "meta-debate." To be clear, I am NOT looking for a fight over whether the gospels are allegorical, since obviously that would never end. I would like to discuss how we can assess the general, non-Carrier, academic consensus about these issues. You seem to suggest that scholars other than Carrier would generally agree with you that they are not allegorical or mythical. Do you have some sort of literature review that you can point to in support of this?

Carrier holds that his "the gospels are allegorical/mythical/fictional" point is not something he argues for controversially, but is in fact the mainstream scholarly consensus, even among ordinary non-mythicist scholars. That is, even among mainstream scholars who hold that Jesus existed historically, the gospels are simply not considered to be reliable sources of factual information about him. I am going to simply copy and paste a "wall of text" from him because it seems as good a way as any of surveying the published literature in support of his point:


"...the actual mainstream consensus which has for decades now held that almost everything about Jesus in the Gospels is mythical... ...it consists of pretty much every expert on early Christian history who isn’t a fundamentalist or Christian apologist; the majority, in fact, of bona fide, peer reviewed experts in the matter."

"When we instead start talking about, for example, things simply made-up about Jesus in the Gospels (and thus in the Biblical texts from the beginning, but never true to begin with), we are looking at nearly the entire contents of the Gospels—and I am stating a mainstream statistic here. Just survey The Five Gospels and The Acts of Jesus, and Bart Ehrman’s Jesus Before the Gospels, in which one can quibble here and there for and against various conclusions, but not enough to alter the general point. Look at any modern academic (not apologetic) commentary, such as the Hermeneia series or the New Interpreter’s Bible, and for each Gospel you’ll see sufficiently comparable results."

"In actual fact, Bauckham’s propaganda on this point has been universally rejected by the mainstream consensus and has had no effect on it whatever. To the contrary, the field has continued in the opposite direction. See my discussion of Burridge studies at a recent SBL Conference for a prominent example; and recent reluctant admissions of the actual direction of mainstream scholarship in such surveys as Jesus, Criteria, and the Demise of Authenticity by Chris Keith and Anthony Le Donne, and How the Gospels Became History: Jesus and Mediterranean Myths by M. David Litwa. Even the desperate attempt by Christian apologist Dale Allison to resist this trend in scholarship concedes almost all of it in Constructing Jesus: Memory, Imagination, and History.

Bauckham’s failed attempt to make Christian apologetics the new mainstream consensus (instead of what has actually happened) was already pretty much killed back in 2008 with the publication of volume 6 of the Journal for the Study of the Historical Jesus, which was almost entirely devoted to meticulously refuting his entire case; likewise the critical review of Dean Bechard of the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome in Biblica 90 (2009, pp. 126-29). The failure of Bauckham’s argument to impress anyone outside Christian apologetics is well summarized by Thomas Brodie in the Beyond the Quest for the Historical Jesus: A Memoir of a Discovery (2012, pp. 115-36). Instead, we find mainstream scholars moving in the other direction (e.g. John Crossan’s The Power of Parable: How Fiction by Jesus Became Fiction about Jesus and Richard Miller’s Resurrection and Reception in Early Christianity; and all those surveys cited above). This is especially the case regarding the Gospel of John, which, contrary to Brierley’s gullible reliance on Bauckham wishing it were not so (p. 116), is admitted by pretty much all Johannine specialists today to be a late, multiply-redacted tract that contains even more fiction than any of the other Gospels (see the evidence and scholarship I cite on this point in Chapter 10.7 of On the Historicity of Jesus). Real history is going entirely the other direction from apologetics."



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Date: June 11th, 2022 8:49 AM
Author: Nofapping startled pistol university

Carrier is simply wrong here.

His argument effectively boils down to the claim that because the Gospels record many miracles performed by Jesus, and because *obviously* those miracles are fake, the Gospels themselves must be mythical.

The fatal flaw in this analysis is that even if you remove all the miracle accounts, your still left with most of the material of the Gospels intact. "Jesus went here, and met with this person who lived in this town and spoke about this topic".

There is no way to get around the fact that the bible talks about real people, in real locations, interacting with Jesus. Those are historical claims, not metaphorical or allegorical claims. The academic work on this topic supports this conclusion.

Take this claim:

"Just survey The Five Gospels and The Acts of Jesus, and Bart Ehrman’s Jesus Before the Gospels, in which one can quibble here and there for and against various conclusions, but not enough to alter the general point."

This is typical for Carrier. If you actually read Erhman you can see that while he disputes aspects of the Gospel accounts and perceives certain inconsistencies, he still affirms the historical reality of most of the events that are described. Most academics, obviously secular ones, will hold to the view that the Gospels get things wrong. This is true. Where Carrier goes off the deep-end is when he takes that conclusion, and tries to stretch it to say that "therefore the Gospel accounts are not actually talking about a real person". I hope you can see this is wrong.

As an aside, if you somehow think that biographies/historical writings on someone that include mythical content = the person must not have existed, your going to have a very difficult time with history. Augustus is reported by Suetonius as being concieved by a seperent. Vespasian is described as having healed a blind man. etc.

Its funny because often atheists will use the fact that there are many miracles and extraordinary attributed to normal men in history as proof that the claims made about Jesus are likely wrong. But that argument can also cut in another direction: When the Gospels record these unbelievable (in your view) claims, it says nothing of the actual physical existence of Jesus.

Instead what we see in the Gospels is a recording of Jesus going to meet specific people with specific names, in specific places, and travelling specific distances at specific times.


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Date: June 11th, 2022 9:16 AM
Author: Lilac Business Firm Hunting Ground

You need to look closely at a map of the area in the context of biblical descriptions of Jesus’ travels.


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Date: June 11th, 2022 9:27 AM
Author: Nofapping startled pistol university

Ok, pick one specific major issue or inconsistency with the travels during Jesus' ministry and lets hash it out.

I've seen Erhman and others talk about issues around what Mary and Joseph did prior to Jesus' birth (# of homes owned, travel to Egypt, etc) and I can see some merit from a secular standpoint, but I find the perceived issues with travel and logistics during the ministry itself as very weak.

Edit: Also be honest, when you come up with something that is a perceived inconsistency, its because you googled it, not because you actually knew it beforehand having thought extensively about the issue.


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Date: June 11th, 2022 9:38 AM
Author: Lilac Business Firm Hunting Ground

I’m speaking from what I recall from study of the subject. With books. For example, It wld have been impossible for Jesus to have traveled to his friend Lazarus in the time allotted. I don’t have any interest in “hashing” things out with u because uve shown repeatedly that u can’t think critically.


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Date: June 11th, 2022 9:48 AM
Author: Nofapping startled pistol university

It is not impossible at all for him to have travelled to Lazarus.

He received word that Lazarus was sick. Bethany was 15 - 20 miles away (based on the commentary re: baptismal location). He waited 2 days when he got the news of the sickness, walked one day to Bethany. Lazarus had been dead 4 days at that point, so at the point that Jesus first received the information of the sickness, Lazarus had been dead 1 day.

Lazarus sick: Message sent

Lazarus dead 1 day: Message Received

Day 2/3: Jesus hangs arond

Day 4: Jesus travels to Lazarus who is now dead 4 days.

What's so complicated about that? Besides trying to cop-out of this discussion because I allegedly don't think critically, engage on the merits of the debate. What part of the travel/logistics around the Lazarus account is impossible?

Its funny you raise this one, because we have so much flexibility in the account as "4 days" could mean either 24 x 4 hours, or just 4 calendar days and Jesus could have walked quickly to Bethany in one day or more slowly in 2. Its extremely easy to get the math to work. The message was also sent when Lazarus was sick, so we have tons of flexibility around when he actually died (I assumed when the message was received, but you could assume otherwise).


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Date: June 11th, 2022 10:14 AM
Author: Lilac Business Firm Hunting Ground

U are correct on this. I can’t remember from seminars years and years ago specifically what the issue was. It may have related to burial practices at the time, or it may have simply been a query as to why Jesus would wait upon hearing the news. Yes I understand the theological arguments. To be sure, this time frame alone does not seem problematic. What is ur explanation for driving the pigs 30 miles to the sea. A geographical error based on name confusion? Probably. But it does undercut any claims of biblical inerrancy which is already laughable.


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Date: June 11th, 2022 10:26 AM
Author: Nofapping startled pistol university

This thread is not about inerrancy. That's a whole other topic. As a secularist, you should likely find the fact that demons were cast into the pigs in the first place the more unbelievable part lol.

As to the comment about the distance the pigs ran: It occurred next to the sea of Galilee. I think where someone can have confusion is that when Matthew and Mark relate the story, they are doing so in reference to a major city or center of power. Mark is referring to the big city further inland (where you get your "100 miles") while Matthew is placing it next to the Sea in a smaller town. The reason you see this discrepancy is because of how people refer to locations. For example:

A family is asked where they live. The Wife says "NYC" the husband says "Long Island".

Obviously they are both right. The wife is referring to the large important and central location. The Husband is referring to a part of that location which is a fair distance away from the center.

If someone said "I live in NYC and jogged to the Hamptons" You might be confused and think they are lying. But if they said "I live in Long Island and jogged to the Hamptons" suddenly the story makes a lot more sense.

This argument becomes even more clear once you zoom out further and talk about states/provinces.

You see this in the same way in the locating of the pigs (Gadara vs. Gerasa)

Hope that clarified things for you.


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Date: June 11th, 2022 3:09 PM
Author: Shivering Duck-like Lodge Multi-billionaire

"Where Carrier goes off the deep-end is when he takes that conclusion, and tries to stretch it to say that "therefore the Gospel accounts are not actually talking about a real person". I hope you can see this is wrong. As an aside, if you somehow think that biographies/historical writings on someone that include mythical content = the person must not have existed, your going to have a very difficult time with history."

This is not the argument Carrier makes at all. Again, this is not to initiate a debate on the specifics on this point (though I have no doubt that you will now insist on us having one) but merely to clarify what is actually being argued, in order to show that you are being lazy or dishonest in your representation of Carrier. I will quote his actual argument from his book:

"The Gospels generally afford us no evidence whatever for discerning a historical Jesus. Because of their extensive use of fabrication and literary invention and their placing of other goals far ahead of what we regard as ‘historical truth’, we cannot know if anything in them has any historical basis—except what we can verify externally, which for Jesus is next to nothing. They are simply myths about Jesus and the gospel. They are not seriously researched biographies or historical accounts—and are certainly not eyewitness testimonies or even collected hearsay. Their literary art and structure are simply too sophisticated for that. This is equally expected on both minimal historicity and minimal mythicism, however, and therefore (apart from what we’ve already accounted for in determining the prior probability in Chapter 6) the Gospels have no effect on the probability that Jesus existed, neither to raise or lower it."

So it is clear, especially from the last sentence, that he is most certainly not arguing that "therefore the Gospel accounts are not actually talking about a real person," as you suggest.


"There is no way to get around the fact that the bible talks about real people, in real locations, interacting with Jesus... what we see in the Gospels is a recording of Jesus going to meet specific people with specific names, in specific places, and travelling specific distances at specific times."

Why should any of this mean it is actually historically true rather than realistic fiction? Carrier provides a bibliography of published works in defense of his assertion that even mainstream scholarship holds that "things an author said or wrote (even fictionally) were often converted into stories about them, and these legends then spread and were collected by biographers and became the ancient pagan equivalent of “Gospels” for such luminaries as Euripides, Homer, or Empedocles":


He further provides several examples of "biographies" written about fictional people: Romulus, Numa, Coriolanus, Hercules, and Aesop. I am sure that at this point you will complain that I am once again quoting/linking to Carrier instead of arguing on my own. But this issue of whether "realistic biographies" were often fictional is just one of the many esoteric sub-sub-sub-debates we would have to have. I suppose you think I should actually read every single tome he lists to find out if he is correct about this. Well, maybe I should, but that's why I am remaining agnostic.


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Date: June 11th, 2022 7:36 PM
Author: Shivering Duck-like Lodge Multi-billionaire

"I see him as a very smart and well prepared flat-earther."


Ah, yes, of course! We've all seen the threads about the fellow with a Princeton PhD in geophysics who recently published a lengthy peer-reviewed academic monograph arguing for the flat-earth theory

And who can forget that one editor of a academic journal of geology who commented that skepticism about sphericity is worth thinking about seriously and may even feed into a dominant position in the field one day

And who among us hasn't read about the debate among astronomers that shifted the field from a consensus in the 1970s that Mars is a flat disc to a new consensus a few decades later that it is *probably* a sphere


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Date: June 11th, 2022 9:55 AM
Author: Hilarious Field Becky

Autist and fraud.


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Date: June 11th, 2022 10:03 AM
Author: Nofapping startled pistol university

Created a new subthread to discuss Josephus with Pumo. The mythecist needs to show:

1. Testimonium Flavianum is entirely fabricated - not just that there are some embellishments or issues with its credibility, but that it is likely entirely false.

2. Josephus does not refer to Jesus of Nazareth in Antiquities XX.200 (which has been fully corroborated as a legitimate work).

Please proceed Pumo. Refrain from posting walls of text. Stick to just the straight facts. Use bullet points if necessary.

I encourage every lurker to read both of those and tell me whether you think its reasonable to assume he is talking about Jesus of Nazareth or someone else. If there is even a reasonable chance that Josephus is talking about Jesus of Nazareth, the Mythecist argument is dead. At that point you have a non-Christian talking about Jesus in very close proximity to his own life. By any ancient historical standards, thats the gold seal for existence.


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Date: June 11th, 2022 10:31 AM
Author: Lilac Business Firm Hunting Ground

U need to explore carriers full responses on Josephus, and his methodology which applies Bayesian probabilities. His conclusion is simply to analyze the probability that Jesus the man existed, and his conclusion using this methodology was that it is unlikely. The thing about Bayesian work is it’s all in the assignment of probability to each component, and that’s where there’s room for discussion.

Much of the Josephus u mention is a known interpolation added years later. There *is* however a colorable argument that Josephus may have included language about a Christos that was *not* forged years later, a passing reference to a Jewish leader or entity. Whether that portion was or was not a later interpolation is up for debate.

Using historical methods of likelihood, carriers point here is that there is high room for doubt.

More interestingly The point I find most problematic about carriers position is the reference by Paul about meeting James the brother of Jesus. This is hard to get around, unless one concludes that the “brother” doesn’t mean brother as in a blood relative. Or that someone was simply lying. Carriers response here does not seem strong.

As an aside What I find interesting are all the later interpolations of epistle passages *not* by Paul that insist clear as day that Jesus was a real man. It is almost as if there was some debate on that subject very early on and the forged epistles and passages were included in the canon to try to resolve that issue from an early stage. As if it were a matter of questioning quite early in the church’s history that was papered over.

I am responding to u only because I feel like u earned a response earlier today.


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Date: June 11th, 2022 10:36 AM
Author: Nofapping startled pistol university

"U need to explore carriers full responses on Josephus, and his methodology which applies Bayesian probabilities."

Oh I've done my homework on that. His Bayesian probabilities approach has been laughed out of room. I don't normally just post links but if your serious about this topic and actually interested:


If you have the time go through this I'd strongly suggest you do. Your view of Carrier's credibility will never be the same.

"Much of the Josephus u mention is a known interpolation added years later. There is a colorable argument that Josephus may have included language about a Christos that was *not* forged years later, a passing reference to a Jewish leader or entity."

This *might* apply to Testimonium Flavianum but not Antiquities XX.200.

"The point I find most problematic about carriers position is the reference by Paul about meeting James the brother of Jesus. This is hard to get around, unless one concludes that the “brother” doesn’t mean brother as in a blood relative. Carriers response here does not seem strong."

I think Tacitus is equally as much a challenge for Carrier that he does not address adequately.


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Date: June 11th, 2022 10:49 AM
Author: Lilac Business Firm Hunting Ground

I will read ur link. I think carrier deals with Tacitus by pointing out that Tacitus was nowhere near contemporaneous, among other things. He wld have gone to early pre canonical gospels in his research assuming minimum later interpolations.

As to the antiquities, it doesn’t take much to find valid argument that the applicable parts were forgeries as well.

In the meantime, as a matter of intellectual honesty why don’t u detail the ways in which “James brother of Jesus” could mean something other than a biological brother. Argue ur contra.


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Date: June 11th, 2022 10:55 AM
Author: Lilac Business Firm Hunting Ground

Please cut and paste the article in ur link. I’m not going to open an account because I’ll get hit with fees if I forget to cancel. Thanks.


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Date: June 11th, 2022 11:41 AM
Author: Nofapping startled pistol university

Its 57 pages. I'm not pasting it ITT, it'll ruin the thread. Just download it lol.


Reply Favorite

Date: June 11th, 2022 11:49 AM
Author: Lilac Business Firm Hunting Ground

Okay I’ll mess with it when I’m in the office tomorrow


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Date: June 11th, 2022 11:54 AM
Author: Nofapping startled pistol university

page 15 and 20+ are for me the meat of the issue. But its not something one can just extract and jump to. The argument is built up over the course of the article.


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Date: June 11th, 2022 2:31 PM
Author: Shivering Duck-like Lodge Multi-billionaire

If you do end up reading that article, note that Carrier has responded to it here:


The comments section in the above link also contains an extended debate between Carrier and the author of the article.


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Date: June 11th, 2022 2:49 PM
Author: Nofapping startled pistol university

For the people that won't download the link, I'll post one strong criticism here on Carrier's ridiculous attempt to mathematicize his view that people with no formal training can understand.

In his analysis, Carrier basically is saying all the pieces of evidence have no effect on each other. Take First Clement as an example for ITT discussion. Carrier is asking you to consider "Assuming Jesus was historical, what is the probability 1 Clement would be written?"

Then, he is implicitly asserting that that previous probability is the exact same as "Assuming Jesus was historical AND Paul wrote his letters AND the gospels were written, what is the probability 1 Clement would be written". Even if you aren't an expert in probability, you can probably see why that's ridiculous. Of course the likelihood Clement would write something is different in a vacuum vs as part of an existing collection of Christian works.

This isn't me saying I disagree with the probabilities that he is assigning to given pieces of evidence. I'm saying the arithmetic he's doing with them is not Bayes theorem.

The BT discussion is important because it shows that Carrier is also out to lunch when it comes to statistics. Again, do a search for Math geeks talking about Carrier's analysis. You will find them all pan him.

Just to recap: Most bible scholars, classics scholars (on Tacitus) and math/stats folk (on his application of BT) all find his analysis severely flawed. These are all people approaching his work from different angles with no common bias. Red flag alert to laypersons.


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Date: June 11th, 2022 3:56 PM
Author: Shivering Duck-like Lodge Multi-billionaire

"do a search for Math geeks talking about Carrier's analysis. You will find them all pan him.

Just to recap: Most bible scholars, classics scholars (on Tacitus) and math/stats folk (on his application of BT) all find his analysis severely flawed."

Are any of these anti-Carrier conclusions published under peer review anywhere? Carrier has published a peer-reviewed book defending his arguments on Bayes' Theorem. If they aren't published, then how are we math laymen supposed to assess your claim that "most" math/stats folk find his analysis flawed? Should we just google and count up the opinions of anonymous internet posters claiming to possess mathematical expertise? This is what I was getting at before with regard to literature reviews.

Here is an academic journal review of Carrier on Bayes' Theorem written by a Harvard scholar of historiography who has also written a book on Bayesian historical reasoning himself:


He doesn't seem to think that Carrier is a crank.


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Date: June 11th, 2022 3:40 PM
Author: Lilac Business Firm Hunting Ground

Thank you. This is a devastating response.


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Date: June 11th, 2022 11:51 AM
Author: Nofapping startled pistol university

"As to the antiquities, it doesn’t take much to find valid argument that the applicable parts were forgeries as well."

Post said valid argument? I haven't seen one that is in the least bit convincing.

"In the meantime, as a matter of intellectual honesty why don’t u detail the ways in which “James brother of Jesus” could mean something other than a biological brother. Argue ur contra."

I think there are a couple of possibilities:

1. Paul is lying about meeting James. He wants to brag about "seeing" an important figure and so fabricates it wholesale.

2. The stronger argument is that "brother" really just means "fellow believer". We do see this come up from time to time (e.g. "Brother in Christ" or "Brothers in the Lord"). If a Mythecist could show that with a high degree of certainty they could defeat this argument.

It's worth noting the Carrier himself "assigns" a 2:1 probability that it historically happened. How Carrier can admit this and still cling to the mythecist position? Well it hinges on the flawed Bayesian analysis he does (discussed in the link above).


I also find it funny because Protestants will, with some very plausible reasoning, use references to Jesus' family as proof that Mary did not remain a virgin when going after Catholic dogma. So you have a pretty big camp that is arguing the most extreme position in the opposite camp too.


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Date: June 11th, 2022 11:55 AM
Author: Passionate pontificating telephone indirect expression

I am a layman to this debate but in the hour video I linked above, Carrier says the original translation was from Greek and the original use of the term was “brother” much as we use it here on xo. Ie it was his co-religious bro and the translation of this word/phrase into the English versions have been incorrect

Carrier re Tacitus says there are 2 references to Jesus and at least 1 if not both were forgeries added to the text later, but even for the one that wasnt, it was information repeated thirdhand (if I remember his argument correctly)

I’ll find and paste the timestamps if you really care.


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Date: June 11th, 2022 12:05 PM
Author: Nofapping startled pistol university

"Carrier says the original translation was from Greek and the original use of the term was “brother” much as we use it here on xo. Ie it was his co-religious bro"

Yes, I posted that above as the strongest position. There is no doubt Paul used "brother" in this way as well. For sure.

The problem with Carrier argument here is that in both Galatians 1:18-9 and 1 Cor 9:5 the “brothers of the Lord” are mentioned alongside and separate from other believers.

Go read Galatians yourself, “James, brother of the Lord” is somehow distinct from Cephas (who would have also been a brother if Paul just meant "fellow believer"). Carriers argument would only work if, when Paul was referring to James alongside other believers, he didn't single him out in this manner. As a layperson, I encourage you to read those parts where James is mentioned and ask yourself if they make sense contextually if James was just another believer.

"Carrier re Tacitus says there are 2 references to Jesus and at least 1 if not both were forgeries added to the text later, but even for the one that wasnt, it was information repeated thirdhand (if I remember his argument correctly)"

Carriers argument with Tacitus is that a few scholars have argued some or all of Tacitus’ report is a 4th century (or later) interpolation and not original to Tacitus. The problem is that no scholar today actually holds that view. Again, Carrier argues against the entire body of academics. In this case Roman academics who study Tacitus outside of the context of the bible (so they aren't bible scholars who might have biases).

I encourage you to go read the works of classicists and Roman historians. All the leading figures, who are far removed from bible scholarship, will still affirm the legitimacy of Tacitus. For example, this is what James River wrote on Carriers claim


“I’ve never come across any dispute about the authenticity of Ann. 15.44; as far as I’m aware, it’s always been accepted as genuine, although of course there are plenty of disputes over Tacitus’ precise meaning, the source of his information, and the nature of the historical events that lie behind it. There are some minor textual issues (the spelling ‘Chrestianos’ vs. ‘Christianos’, e.g.), but there’s not much to be done with them since we here, as everywhere in Tacitus’ major works, effectively depend on a single manuscript.”

Again, I don't think appeals to authority are really all that useful. But as a layperson you need to ask yourself if Carrier is right, when he goes against not only the entire establishment of Bible scholarship BUT ALSO Roman historians who have no skin in the Jesus game.

How many separate and distinct academic communities does Carrier have to run completely contra to in order for alarm bells to go off?


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Date: June 11th, 2022 12:09 PM
Author: Passionate pontificating telephone indirect expression

Re: the “brothers of the lord” being referred to differently, Carrier says that term was used for baptized Christians who had higher status in the church than unbaptized Christians .

I do think I somewhat butchered carrier’s argument on Tacitus from the video and will find and post the timestamp later.


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Date: June 11th, 2022 12:14 PM
Author: Nofapping startled pistol university

"Carrier says that term was used for baptized Christians who had higher status in the church than unbaptized Christians ."

Does it really make sense to say Paul spent 15 days with Cephas and the only non ranking Christian he met was James? What about Cephas’ family? It would make sense if Paul was saying the only other apostle he met was James.

The distinction between Cephas and James is not that one is an apostle and the other is just a regular Christian, but that both are apostles and one is Jesus’ brother, while the other is not.

Just think about how many pretty far out assumptions one has to make on just this one topic to get to Carriers position. At some point its too much. At some point a simple reading of the text is in order.

"I do think I somewhat butchered carrier’s argument on Tacitus from the video and will find and post the timestamp later."

I've read him on Tacitus. This is his main work on it behind a paywall. I'm sure he's summarized it in free blogs somewhere as well


He argues the interpolation angle and just tries to chip away at Tacitus (again in stark contrast to all the classicists who study the matter).


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Date: June 11th, 2022 3:48 PM
Author: Shivering Duck-like Lodge Multi-billionaire

You are not accurately representing Carrier on Tacitus. In his book, he explicitly states that he is not relying on the argument made in that article that the Tacitus reference to Jesus is an interpolation. He grants for the sake of argument that it is genuine and proceeds from there. So it is dishonest of you to suggest that if we don't buy Carrier's one particular argument on Tacitus that you claim "goes against... the entire establishment," we can therefore consider him to have been beaten on the entire Tacitus issue.

In case anyone reading this wants to know for a fact that CGM is not bothering to accurately summarize Carrier's full case, I have screenshotted the e-book of Carrier's "On the Historicity of Jesus" to show the entirety of the Tacitus section, as it's not that long:


The journal paper CGM linked to above is what Carrier is referencing when he says in the screenshot that "I elsewhere demonstrate (following the arguments of scholars before me who have argued the same) that this line is probably an interpolation," but as is clear from the remainder of the passage, he is not at all depending on it being an interpolation.


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Date: June 11th, 2022 10:36 AM
Author: Hot odious institution

i rike a jeebus. Atheist man bad 😡


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Date: June 11th, 2022 11:00 AM
Author: Impressive really tough guy azn



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Date: June 11th, 2022 12:19 PM
Author: Flushed church

Paul wrote the earliest Christian texts about Jesus. Perhaps as little as 15 years after the crucifixion. In Galations he mentions meeting Jesus’s brother James and the apostle Peter. This just flame?


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Date: June 11th, 2022 12:25 PM
Author: Nofapping startled pistol university

It doesn't pass the sniff test. I've said it before ITT: There is a world in which Carrier could be correct, its just very very improbable. It requires each bit of evidence, such as your James example, to be interpreted and stretched to the limits of reality.

I honestly don't understand why mainstream atheism hitches its wagon to the mythecists. I'm seeing it more and more and its now entering the academic world via hyper leftist anti-religion post modernists that believe in no objective reality and view history through critical theory

There is simply no need and if anything it just hurts their credibility. Argue against inerrancy and miracles, not whether the dood existed or was just all in Paul's imagination.


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Date: June 11th, 2022 3:50 PM
Author: Lilac Business Firm Hunting Ground

We seem to be agreed on one thing, which is that there is at least a possibility that Carrier’s position is correct. You would give the probability of Jesus existence under his methodology at .999999 and dispute his own conclusion that it is less than .5. The fact that we agree on the methodology more or less is credited to u.

That said, u are conflating atheism with mythicists.


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Date: June 11th, 2022 4:17 PM
Author: mahogany charismatic abode goyim

In the past I would have agreed with CGM, but after 2016-2021 I can’t. Bleating about reliable sources is the same shit libs do to “prove” 1/6 was an insurrection that almost overthrew democracy worldwide. Or that Trump was 100% colluding with Putin. Very fine people. Ingesting bleach to get rid of COVID. Etc. “Just look at the NYT and WaPo!” the libs scream. There is basically no reason to believe anything that any “historian” or “journalist” has ever written.


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Date: June 11th, 2022 4:23 PM
Author: Passionate pontificating telephone indirect expression

Carrier had a great example of Roswell in his speech I linked above. Evidence shows it was a deflated weather balloon, but look how quickly it got blown up into being a wild story about aliens hidden by the government . And that was in an age of mass media and photographs. Imagine reading about Roswell 2,000 years in the future from *only those who pushed the Roswell narrative, not from any of its detractors.* (because the Roswell pushers destroyed all the opposite voices). Christianity is like that, with the primary source being a Jewish Paul who never met Jesus and hallucinated a vision of him 20-30 years after Jesus died, and who had a hardon grudge against the Romans for the destruction of the Temple.

Cow goes moo is an intellectual, a smart guy, but he is really blinded by his faith and relies on readings of extreme minutia from texts that has been altered, fabricated, or pushed forward ideological reasons and he treats it as the literal word of God. Hes a smarter version of lsd tp.


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Date: June 11th, 2022 4:23 PM
Author: Shivering Duck-like Lodge Multi-billionaire

Now imagine the articles in the NYT were written in ancient times, several decades after the events that they discuss supposedly occurred, about a guy who allegedly had fantastical supernatural powers


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Date: June 11th, 2022 4:25 PM
Author: Passionate pontificating telephone indirect expression


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Date: June 28th, 2024 12:17 AM
Author: christianity is real
