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ever regret not taking up an offer

It was unethical from what little I understood of it
sharia lawyer
That said nobody cares about ethics so Are Jews going to ma...
sharia lawyer
Give me an alt and I will reply only to my own poasts from t...
sharia lawyer
yeah I was going to say something to this effect but held ba...
It's cool. Someone just had to ask and I would have done it ...
sharia lawyer
Idk I think most education is propagandistic time wasting an...
Not touching the rest re: Clearview, private actors shouldn...
sharia lawyer
idk seems like a meaningless distinction--like most tech its...
Contractors that work with eg intel or milint programs still...
sharia lawyer
In a lot of ways I think these are just the mugs that get st...
Ass Sunstein
i could have had sex with luis but was afraid i couldnt get ...
As far as they will go but even farther

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Date: June 30th, 2024 11:02 PM
Author: correction


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Date: June 30th, 2024 11:18 PM
Author: sharia lawyer

It was unethical from what little I understood of it


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Date: June 30th, 2024 11:18 PM
Author: correction



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Date: June 30th, 2024 11:27 PM
Author: sharia lawyer

That said nobody cares about ethics so

Are Jews going to make their case or do I have to make it for them? I'd switch sides for fun now that I've seen what tedious little weasels some of the opposed are

It's not like consistency in this shit matters anyway. If you aren't moving both hands of the clock yourself it's not turning over


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Date: June 30th, 2024 11:30 PM
Author: sharia lawyer

Give me an alt and I will reply only to my own poasts from the alternative perspective, either negating or completing all my own arguments. Will actually go back to using desk keyboard for that too

It'll be like time travel


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Date: June 30th, 2024 11:32 PM
Author: correction

yeah I was going to say something to this effect but held back

fuck jews lmao


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Date: June 30th, 2024 11:49 PM
Author: sharia lawyer

It's cool. Someone just had to ask and I would have done it tbh

The past is so fucking gross dude I can't fathom why the best ideas the right has are all just winding up as "Hitler 2, but he finishes the job". I think I blame the way history is taught in this country; there's this propagandistic didactic need for some sort of totemic myth for boys to rally their dicks around & drape them in the flag and that happens to be WW2. That vis a vis the environment its taught in, which has completely broken down as far as institutional prestige goes, predictably produces an education that ends up being mainly sentimental and not something that can be used as a framework for determining what the future might look like. Of course you're going to side with the enemy when they look that cool and had such interesting ambitions and "America" at that minute means a bitter cat lady trying to castrate you keeping you stuck in place for 6-8 hours a day at the order of faceless bureaucrats

Also this has revealed to me that people are still really afraid of the dead ideology of Soviet communism and a mixture of inoculation against it + a "stuck" dialectic wrt lessons from the era made what we're seeing now an inevitability. The peanut gallery form of pop moralism of this society ends up being as self-destructive as it is suffocating and this goes for both ends of the political spectrum


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Date: July 1st, 2024 12:38 AM
Author: correction

Idk I think most education is propagandistic time wasting and most educators are hysterical narcissists that want power over people and it doesn't have much of a bearing on whatever's left of younger skewing right wing people calling for turbonaziism. And this is at its best after becoming a husk of what existed even 20 years ago. Below that it seems to be a training program for nonexistent jobs that also makes people dumber. I think this can largely be attributed to jewish capture of institutions, dangerous, carrying capacity altering jewish bioproduction, and the slavish nature of jews that will willingly accept witnessing decay and degeneration as long there's a level of control scaling along with it. Too many adults acting like children and treating their job like a temper tantrum play pen. And it's not like there are good offers being made on any of this by the right--maybe a little bit of enticement with no real solution and a finger wag "bad thought, goy" stapled on the end. But even then the most socially acceptable thing is penismoneymaxxing, shekelchasing, eron muks worship as you see these exact same types become poorer, sadder, and more desperate in real time--jews too. So basically your options are rugpull irony naziism or shekel worship on behalf of people enslaving you. Hard to not just reject both offers and do a hate speech.

The pop moralism mostly seems like a means to just excite people. Feels like coming around every summer screenfeed flips a switch and goes all in on doom content + "big changes are coming time to fight or fix something" and then you just see more of the tech enabled slavery and capital death bleed thats been going on for well over a decade continue in real time. Some Russian gets his arm blown off by a Chinese manufactured drone then a bunch of jerkmate token deposit noises coming from middling iq ape brained tech VPs. Red triangle appears over some IDF goober's head and a bunch of brown cartoon troons go nuts in the comment feed. We already had video of Navy SEAL engagements on youtube and ISIS beheadings 10 years ago. Seems like no big changes with nothing to fight for but it's good content if making people whose job is sitting in places at the right time more mentally ill is your thing.

As for soviet communism I don't think its so much fear as disgust. Anyone who succeeded with that is press ganging middle aged men into a fully televized war while anyone who failed with it is helping patch together/siphoning off of accelerated tech slavery while beating off to the footage of it. Soviet communist LARPers make shitty vocal fry podcasts, eat niggerslave delivered doorslop with troons, and sell it as utopian luxury. Disgust. Seems like something Ivan Drago would reduce to ash with a flamethrower, but that guy isn't around to sell Communism to anyone and he was the bad guy anyway.

What was your problem with Clearview? I think we discussed it a few years ago and you didn't seem to have too much of a problem with it. Why the change? Too many of the bodies that made systems of ubranization, containment, etc. work have aged out and are being repatched with shittier and less functional ones (as is the case with literally every other aspect of our society--look at how today's niggerball bodies compare to ones from even the 00s let alone the preceding two decades) so automating a good amount of that legwork/offloading it to some database seems like a workable solution, but that's also what the sales team says. I think it's terrible. Kaczynskite death squads? He's an old man people send letters to so they can take pictures of the response, tweet it, and shill crypto in a reply comment when they collect their $50 from mr muks at the end of the month.


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Date: July 1st, 2024 12:44 AM
Author: sharia lawyer

Not touching the rest

re: Clearview, private actors shouldn't have access to that level of data collection and collation, should be something reserved for nominally accountable to the public government agencies. It's disgusting that what started out as a project for liberation became more freak neoliberal garbage for managing and exploiting human cattle. We discussed it and I had a slightly negative opinion but that's become extremely negative guessing at what's occurred/problems with "the gaze"

Niggerball physiques are some of the only things that seem to have improved, tightening selection/quasi-legal PED regimens/from-birth North Korea style training programs have improved that generally. Afaik its the rules and regs and technologically enabled shot calling that make the games less interesting/dynamic


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Date: July 1st, 2024 12:48 AM
Author: correction

idk seems like a meaningless distinction--like most tech its something that the state makes and gets thrown into private hands so any level of accountability over it can be sorted out by desk people with 401ks instead of pensions

and idk about that I think someone like Bo Jackson or Brian Bosworth could probably crush Travis Kelce's skull with his hands--generation 1 of PEDs yielded some interesting results but rounds 2 and 3 don't look so good, as with most stuff we have walking around now


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Date: July 1st, 2024 12:50 AM
Author: sharia lawyer

Contractors that work with eg intel or milint programs still have regs and accountability measures in place though

This is something that sounds like it can be used by any shithead with enough money and few enough ethical stringencies to go through with it. They offered test pilot accounts to people like Musk and Thiel

Country is ran by fucking warlocks man, it's gross


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Date: July 1st, 2024 12:55 AM
Author: correction

In a lot of ways I think these are just the mugs that get stuck in front of it as all of this is going on you still have the old mechanisms of the state (one two punch of NGOs and debt slavery) backfilling decayed housing infrastructure and noname firms or brand name slave labor such that you just end up with a big enough mass to not notice the warlocks and anyone who stuck around enough and missed the boat on the scam/offer identifying with them


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Date: July 1st, 2024 2:28 AM
Author: Ass Sunstein


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Date: July 1st, 2024 12:03 PM
Author: correction


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Date: July 1st, 2024 12:04 PM
Author: As far as they will go but even farther (🧐)

i could have had sex with luis but was afraid i couldnt get it up 😔
