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Women do not understand alchemy and should not come near the alchemy table

Every time this happens it is a catastrophe
ruddy black woman
Too late
Lascivious metal church building coldplay fan
Sad truth is that under Judaism the blood factory seems to e...
ruddy black woman
We probably mean different things when we talk about blood f...
Lascivious metal church building coldplay fan
Hindbrain racisms may be soooo far beneath those valiant Kni...
ruddy black woman
Khazerian thing has been mostly disproven
internet-worthy center people who are hurt
Please alleviate my bloodline curse asap Jewish bloodline re...
ruddy black woman
(Radhanite merchant hiding bottles of Adamic blood under his...
idiotic greedy internal respiration school cafeteria
Exactly what ‘has been disproven’?
Disgusting mad cow disease blood rage
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25079123/ https://www.unz...
internet-worthy center people who are hurt
Calling on all Atlantean Trubonazis to smite this lying heeb...
Lascivious metal church building coldplay fan
Assuming intent so readily is retarded and clearly the work ...
ruddy black woman
Assuming intent =/= being able to see the why behind the wha...
Lascivious metal church building coldplay fan
Re money I just take the extreme pole to push the dialectic ...
ruddy black woman
You are incredibly bitter yourself and you smarmily offload ...
ruddy black woman
You've got some weird Citizen Kane rosebud thing going on in...
ruddy black woman
Maniacal goyim
stay in the chemistry lab there's not enough room in the ...
Arousing crackhouse
Great thread.
obsidian excitant office
I saw this video of a guy getting kidnapped and he had to ta...
ruddy black woman
(Terrence Howard)
Trip Impertinent Round Eye National
You people are insane
dull histrionic shrine

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: May 21st, 2024 9:55 PM
Author: ruddy black woman

Every time this happens it is a catastrophe


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Date: May 21st, 2024 9:56 PM
Author: Lascivious metal church building coldplay fan

Too late


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Date: May 21st, 2024 10:06 PM
Author: ruddy black woman

Sad truth is that under Judaism the blood factory seems to exist largely for the benefit of women

We do not even get to eat what we toss into the grinder as men


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Date: May 21st, 2024 10:15 PM
Author: Lascivious metal church building coldplay fan

We probably mean different things when we talk about blood factory

Blood factory in its current form? I think it's male line of neo-Khazarians that are the benefactors

American "blood factory"? How do you think women benefit? They're miserable. Who can help? What about a man that exists to make woman "happy"? That's not a man--that's at best a homosexual and likely a woman. A man that exists for himself? Too dangerous. And probably secretly still a woman, probably even more than the former case--overcompensation. Everyone is socialized to this.

There's always an excuse for anything at this point--everything goes to some net "good" and is ultimately justifiable

Most of the "discussion" on here anyway is hindbrain racisms and in most cases petty nuthugging jewry

At this point it's too easy to locate the why of what anyone says what they say

Why talk anymore?


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Date: May 21st, 2024 11:11 PM
Author: ruddy black woman

Hindbrain racisms may be soooo far beneath those valiant Knights of Progress upholding the bloody banner of Great Progress and Raceblind World (often Jewish) at your expense but regardless of racial issues existing downstream from class issues they still exist for people forced to live in the world full time. I support the white guy fuming about niggers just as much as I support the black guy fuming about cracker Babylon because more often than not they're both closing in on the same sets of fundamental truths about shared aspects of their worlds and that is both good and indicative of the handiwork of the God that I enjoy and understand

By the blood factory I mean something hard and apparently dangerous to attempt to describe but that needless to say only exists due to a lack of imagination re creative means, which is how the blood factory perpetuates itself as a means for dealing with economic and social conditions. Cattle slaughter basically except the people running the factory farm slaughterhouse pull the organs away from you lest you haruspex-notice that the cows are getting sicker and sicker as time goes on for reasons that have to do with the factory farm slaughterhouse model to begin with

Men can exist just for women, it's fine, the sexes are complementary and social life pretty much everywhere not entirely deracinated is not that different from Chaucerian village life with all of its color and pageantry and interplay between oft drastically different forms of life. Women determine the shape and nature of the social sphere pretty much everywhere that is not under martial law and this is clearly for the best when looking at the historical record. Many women are not miserable despite the cultural and social conditions and this is what women mean when they talk about "girl magic" or whatever. We should appreciate this for what it is and not try to shit all over it just because some can smile despite most of us being in one form of hell or another

Why talk? There are a billion things still left to say, it just happens that many are inconvenient to the caste that runs the joint, even if they would profit long term from allowing and engaging in the discussion. Nobody likes sick flabby beef and wouldn't it be nice if we had a way to cut a T bone away here and there and have it grow back on the cow to be harvested again a couple years later? This is perhaps possible with the latest developments in the social sciences and the liberal arts. People are our greatest investment and yet we treat them with less decorum and seriousness than eg our luxury condos, business parks, and various brothels that many of you attend according to CIR and it is terrible

What is the point of inspecting, reporting, all of these ancillary functions of the good sorts of governance if you will just be killed for your findings? Why be honest with CIR when CIR demands a set result before the assaying and scrying has taken place? There are all sorts of problems with the practice now and I am personally tired of having my bloodline curses activated and my guts wrenching just for articulating or not articulating these things as they come

It is an impossible situation, Kafkaesque, a Catch 22 to end all others, dreadful stuff


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Date: May 21st, 2024 11:12 PM
Author: internet-worthy center people who are hurt

Khazerian thing has been mostly disproven


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Date: May 21st, 2024 11:12 PM
Author: ruddy black woman

Please alleviate my bloodline curse asap Jewish bloodline redeemer


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Date: May 22nd, 2024 5:44 AM
Author: idiotic greedy internal respiration school cafeteria

(Radhanite merchant hiding bottles of Adamic blood under his cloak)


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Date: May 22nd, 2024 8:31 AM
Author: Disgusting mad cow disease blood rage

Exactly what ‘has been disproven’?


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Date: May 22nd, 2024 1:29 PM
Author: internet-worthy center people who are hurt




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Date: May 22nd, 2024 8:32 AM
Author: Lascivious metal church building coldplay fan

Calling on all Atlantean Trubonazis to smite this lying heeb in front of his extant progenitors


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Date: May 21st, 2024 11:42 PM
Author: ruddy black woman

Assuming intent so readily is retarded and clearly the work of a logarithmic machine-fed existence btw

If vril powered Pleadian superstar Bjork couldn't figure it out there's no reason to believe you could definitively either https://youtu.be/6ml8KDumTO0?si=J8Sm0QIPZiZWdh7z and I say this as someone mad (read: possessed) enough to try at it in my own time under the sun

As an addendum this entire mentality ties into the greater capitalist project of "legibility" in its fraudulent geography of value required to exploit a place's resources to their maximum earning potential, which imo is spiritually profane and surely a sign that this model of economic production has reached its nadir as far as grist production goes. A shame because I personally think capitalism is okay (I am a moderate) when it actually "lets it be" and lets citizens determine market trends and tolerance bands vs the will and expectations of the central planners but okay Jewish/Arab/Spanish/whatever N-N life billionaires must have every single gear everywhere grinding at maximum tension 24/7 apparently even if it kills off the native life in the process


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Date: May 22nd, 2024 9:15 AM
Author: Lascivious metal church building coldplay fan

Assuming intent =/= being able to see the why behind the what and assumes the majority of speech is intentional and not reflexive which isn’t the case most of the time

Tying this to “capitalism” is a misread and I can’t help but just view this as halfassed ideological offloading and intention shielding when the landscape of whoever is capable of saying anything serious is pretty much wholesale racial supremacists/bitter, jealous annihilationists—why compartmentalize everything presented to you here as being derivative of money when you (not saying I disagree) claim to think it’s fake and evil? Probably a mix of laziness and fear


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Date: May 22nd, 2024 1:32 PM
Author: ruddy black woman

Re money I just take the extreme pole to push the dialectic to where I want it to go

"Money is fake and gay and evil" is necessary signaling when Mufugga Corp (a Capital Records subsidiary) is pushing Cash Rules Everything Around Me on the airwaves for two decades straight

There is no balance and all of these people are spending their entire lives chasing Mason Paper and inventing Mason Paper derived lifestyles and completely losing the plot in the process


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Date: May 22nd, 2024 1:50 PM
Author: ruddy black woman

You are incredibly bitter yourself and you smarmily offload this onto "racists" by Jewishly making their ravings about Jews or blacks "stick" in the ledger when in reality the majority of them are complaining about something else entirely through the lens of an intentionally produced poverty of language within the intentionally reductive architecture of concepts that "allowable" political language in 202x MSMworld exists within. It is usually things relating to poorly understood class issues and broaching the topic like this is not Marxist or even necessarily left wing at all; issues relating to wealth distribution and capture have gotten that terrible so as to be front and center to anyone on the left or right looking at the problems that define and shape the structure of a world that serves quality life outcomes to increasingly fewer and fewer people. Billionaires are looting the public sphere while we have these nautilus looking purity spiral arguments about Gaul blood vs Celt blood or quad-trans sheep spirit acceptance not having their own designated bathroom space creating the conditions for a lucrative bellum omnium contra omnes brothers war amongst the public

And there is still barely any "white nationalist" or "white-led racist violence" in America, despite obvious and egregious law enforcement agitation, so clearly there is truth to this. Few, if any, of those blithely calling for TND as existential venting throughout the work day are actually going to engage in TND type activities unless their fed and or Jewish handler successfully brainwashes or coerces them into it, where they will be held up as a "deranged example" "acting alone" as BIGFAG cooks the books on their artificially manufactured violence behind the scenes

Look at the Jewish bullshit that happened to me, egregious, intense, targeted, and I still forgave and attempted to take the high road. This is a typical outcome of the white experience in America, completely thankless, taken for granted, just a "given" that the value of my life can be opportunistically looted by minorities, minorities I generally have few organic issues with IRL because normal people tend to want the same sorts of things regardless of race or culture, without reprisal because I was raised with a particular set of ethics that are not shared by the strangers occupying a in no small part hostile world with me


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Date: May 22nd, 2024 1:52 PM
Author: ruddy black woman

You've got some weird Citizen Kane rosebud thing going on in your psyche and sincerely hope you manage to figure it out before it kills you

I say this as a friend


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Date: May 21st, 2024 10:50 PM
Author: Maniacal goyim


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Date: May 22nd, 2024 2:06 AM
Author: Arousing crackhouse

stay in the chemistry lab

there's not enough room in the alchemy nook


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Date: May 22nd, 2024 3:18 AM
Author: obsidian excitant office

Great thread.


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Date: May 22nd, 2024 10:35 AM
Author: ruddy black woman

I saw this video of a guy getting kidnapped and he had to talk in code to the 911 operators until they found his location


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Date: May 22nd, 2024 8:34 AM
Author: Trip Impertinent Round Eye National

(Terrence Howard)


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Date: May 22nd, 2024 4:38 PM
Author: dull histrionic shrine

You people are insane
