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ITT: New Lena Chen Scholarship (+ AutoAdmit Shoutout)

arrogant lay death wish
I can't believe they paid $10K to Fertik's scam company to t...
Fighting Hairraiser Toilet Seat
looks like they wasted their $$$ XO is the top hit for &q...
Territorial Gaped Mood
The crazy thing is I had no idea what all the spamming about...
Fighting Hairraiser Toilet Seat
"For a casualty of a half-decade war, Chen is doing pre...
canary bawdyhouse voyeur

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Date: December 14th, 2013 1:13 PM
Author: arrogant lay death wish


This article is completely ridiculous. Just a few choice excerpts:

"Chen . . . a freshman at Harvard . . . started a blog called Sex and the Ivy, where she wrote about her hookups, self-medication with alcohol, recovery from an eating disorder and crushing desire to be liked. All standard stuff for a college student."


"Chen didn’t think it was such a big deal. She didn’t appreciate the fact that she was a teenage girl, talking about sex, while attending Harvard. Her blog set the Ivy League on fire, drawing the attention of national media. Her public journaling took on new gusto. She was majoring in sociology and steeped in gender theory; she thought she was living her politics by offering an uncensored female take on sex."

Oh, well I guess as long as a grown woman who is old enough to legally sign a binding contract and ostensibly intelligent enough to get into Harvard (as an Asian) doesn't "appreciate" the consequences that can foreseeably stem from their voluntary actions, they shouldn't have to ever deal with them. Particularly if she was just doing what she was doing in order to "liv[e] her politics" (Note: remember to invoke this argument next time a Stormfront poster gets outted and fired from his job just for "living his politics.")

"She had a panic attack on her flight back to Boston and another one on the way to see her therapist."

Sounds stable.

"The spelling mistakes and gross language were giveaways that [the individual megaspamming Lena Chen/Patrick Hamm stuff on the internet] likely wasn’t an upstanding, whistle-blowing citizen."

Really? Poor spelling and use of profanity is a dead giveaway that someone isn't an "upstanding, whistle-blowing citizen" now? Sounds delightfully privileged! Thanks media, try to remember this important fact next time you report on an African-American who claims that they have been subjected to some form of racism by the government/a private business and then you discover that they have a borderline unintelligible Twitter account filled with casual cursing. Please tailor your reporting as appropriate to convey the fact that they aren't an "upstanding, whistle-blowing citizen."

"In late 2010, the harasser(s) started diligently dissecting everything Chen did on social media in detailed timelines. ('August 27, 2012: Lena Chen, who’s spent the last 2 years posting about her STDs and lopsided tits, and the 30 cocks she remembers suckingandfucking, whines that people only remember her for skank blogging and nude pix.') 'This person spent as much time on the Internet doing this as I did on the Internet doing legitimate things,' says Chen."

AutoAdmit shout out, holla. And what legitimate things, exactly? Thanks for specifying, Lena/reporter. I'll assume you were referring to your sex blog, which was obviously highly legitimate.

"For a casualty of a half-decade war, Chen is doing pretty darn well. Now 26, she is a Harvard graduate living in Europe with her long-term boyfriend and working on a novel. With a bachelor's degree from Yale and a Ph.D. from Harvard, Hamm isn’t so concerned about his job prospects. But the impact zone of the harassment was much wider than the couple, reaching people they didn't even know. And it would be impossible to tally up all of the private miseries."

Calling this a "war" when we literally have wars going on in the world today that are claiming lives every day? Not very thoughtful choice of words. Almost seems hyperbolic and downright insensitive.

But oh, what a success story!


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Date: December 14th, 2013 1:28 PM
Author: Fighting Hairraiser Toilet Seat

I can't believe they paid $10K to Fertik's scam company to try to clean up their online reputation. Jesus.


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Date: December 16th, 2013 4:45 PM
Author: Territorial Gaped Mood

looks like they wasted their $$$

XO is the top hit for "patrick hamm"


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Date: December 16th, 2013 4:47 PM
Author: Fighting Hairraiser Toilet Seat

The crazy thing is I had no idea what all the spamming about him was until this Al Jazeera article.

I don't think I ever clicked on a thread about him.


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Date: December 16th, 2013 4:59 PM
Author: canary bawdyhouse voyeur

"For a casualty of a half-decade war, Chen is doing pretty darn well. Now 26, she is a Harvard graduate living in Europe with her long-term boyfriend and working on a novel."

Does that mean she's unemployed?
