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Venezuelan lawmaker says Zionists financed Hitler

BUENOS AIRES — A Latin American Jewish group has called for ...
Exciting Whorehouse Candlestick Maker

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Date: November 28th, 2014 4:34 AM
Author: Exciting Whorehouse Candlestick Maker

BUENOS AIRES — A Latin American Jewish group has called for the removal from office of a Venezuelan lawmaker who said during an interview that “Zionists” were the main financiers of Hitler.

Congressman Adel El Zabayar, a member of Venezuela’s National Assembly, told the Hezbollah-sponsored Al Manar TV headquartered in Lebanon that: “In order to understand what is happening today in the Middle East and what happened in the world in the First and Second World Wars we must examine the original Zionist conspiracy If we look into who financed Hitler before WWII we will see that the main financiers were the Zionists”

The Middle East Media Research Institute, or MEMRI, posted on its website www.memritv.org the Nov. 14 interview, with a translation from the Arabic, during which El Zabayar also declared: “If you study the history of the killing of the Jews in Europe, you find that Hitler killed those Jews who belonged to progressive organizations.” He also said: “You will not find in those lists representatives of global Zionism. In 1934 they even issued a coin representing the friendship between Zionism and German Nazism.”

In a letter to Deputy Elias Castillo, president of the Latin American Parliament, known as PARLATINO, Dr. Shimon Samuels, director for International Relations of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, and Sergio Widder, the Center’s director for Latin America, urged the Latin American Parliament “to call on Venezuela’s National Assembly to divest El Zabayar of his immunity and remove him from national politics on grounds of incitement and endangering the safety of Venezuela’s Jewish community”.

