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what happens to biglaw associates that don't make partner?

Generally speaking, if a lawyer has spent 5-10 years as a Bi...
Sinister insane stag film jewess
ill let you know in 3 years
talented milky feces
In-house at a client is the usual exit. Senior Attorney -...
vivacious zombie-like site gunner
they take you out back and fuck your ass
Impertinent Flushed Ape Kitchen

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Date: January 21st, 2015 9:46 AM
Author: Sinister insane stag film jewess

Generally speaking, if a lawyer has spent 5-10 years as a BigLaw associate, they have a ton of career options. BigLaw is not the only game in town, and anyone with 5-10 years of experience in a specific area of law is likely to be an excellent candidate to join (or start) a smaller law practice, focused on the area in which they have the most experience. Corporate law positions also typically look for candidates with this level of experience, so that's actually the time in a person's career when those positions begin to open up - it's not a time when those doors get closed.

All of this assumes that they want to continue to practice law - if not, there are any number of potential lateral moves that they can make, depending on their specific area of expertise and/or entrepreneurial spirit. It's hardly likely that a large number of lawyers with 5-10 years of experience are finding themselves unemployed or unemployable for an extended period of time.


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Date: January 21st, 2015 9:48 AM
Author: talented milky feces

ill let you know in 3 years


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Date: January 21st, 2015 9:53 AM
Author: vivacious zombie-like site gunner

In-house at a client is the usual exit.

Senior Attorney - is usually a 9+ year plus associate. Kept on if they have a particular specialty and is likable. Often have alternate schedules.

Counsel/non Equity Partner - A partner but doesn't share in profits. Has partner sized office.

this could be at your current firm or another firm with the hope of being eventually considered for partner.


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Date: January 21st, 2015 10:16 AM
Author: Impertinent Flushed Ape Kitchen

they take you out back and fuck your ass
