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Kid threw a snowball at my car, I pulled over and beat the fuck out of him and

Took his shoes and socks. Enjoy walking home barefoot you li...
chrome irradiated feces
PS that kid was einstein
Harsh dopamine brunch
did you give him a wet willie too
tripping heaven love of her life
I used to throw snowballs at cars with my little brother and...
cracking shrine cuckoldry

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Date: January 11th, 2017 6:17 PM
Author: chrome irradiated feces

Took his shoes and socks. Enjoy walking home barefoot you little smartass. He learned a powerful lesson today.


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Date: January 11th, 2017 6:18 PM
Author: Harsh dopamine brunch

PS that kid was einstein


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Date: January 11th, 2017 6:18 PM
Author: tripping heaven love of her life

did you give him a wet willie too


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Date: January 11th, 2017 6:34 PM
Author: cracking shrine cuckoldry

I used to throw snowballs at cars with my little brother and the neighbor kids. We were fast little kids and never thought we would get caught.

These two high school teens chased us down one day, though, and made like they were going to beat the shit out of us. I remember being on my back and this kid twice my size pulled back like he was going to hit me in the face and I started crying. They didn't beat the shit out of us.

They said, "You have to duck quick when you throw those things," laughed and left.

So then we came up with a 180 escape plan. We started throwing them from the other side of the road that was thick forest. We made an elaborate route through the woods that took us back to my house and there was no possible way anyone would be able to catch or track us. Foolproof.

So one Saturday morning we go to our spot and nail this one car. Brakes screech, we take off. We can hear the dude yelling at us at the top of his lungs. We are laughing our asses off as we're running away. Good times.

We get to my house and the dude is in my driveway talking to my dad. He was a cop. He said he had a case of Heineken in his trunk and lost a six pack due to having to stop so suddenly. My dad made us buy him a case of Heineken out of our allowance money even though he only lost a 6-pack.

We got caught because one neighbor kid was late meeting us at the snowball throwing spot. So while we were escaping, this kid was roaming around calling our names and the cop was all, "Hey, you know those kids? Show me where they live."
