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Do substances like TEST and TREN count against your sobriety?

seems like they shouldn't because they don't get you high
Cobalt Shrine
The general consensus is YES, they count against your sobrie...
aquamarine pungent marketing idea stock car
I want to take it specifically because of how powerful it ma...
Cobalt Shrine
There is your answer friend.
aquamarine pungent marketing idea stock car
My former lifting partner went through periods of doing ever...
Chartreuse histrionic scourge upon the earth
I have experience with test and tren and it seems retarded t...
big range philosopher-king

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Date: February 25th, 2018 9:28 PM
Author: Cobalt Shrine

seems like they shouldn't because they don't get you high


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Date: February 25th, 2018 9:38 PM
Author: aquamarine pungent marketing idea stock car

The general consensus is YES, they count against your sobriety for the following reasons:

(1) Use of them is usually secretive. The user hides it from his friends, family, etc, the same as he would hide drinking and drugging.

(2) They are illegal.

(3) Unless you already reached your natty potential (which is unlikely, but if you think you have, post physique), you are taking them as a shortcut means to changing the way you feel by changing the way you look.

(4) Besides changing how you feel about how you look, they also change how you feel in general. I have heard numerous accounts from PED users about how test made them feel like they were powerful and on top of the world. Tren is a whole nother beast too.


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Date: February 25th, 2018 9:40 PM
Author: Cobalt Shrine

I want to take it specifically because of how powerful it makes me feel


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Date: February 25th, 2018 9:41 PM
Author: aquamarine pungent marketing idea stock car

There is your answer friend.


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Date: February 25th, 2018 9:42 PM
Author: Chartreuse histrionic scourge upon the earth

My former lifting partner went through periods of doing every drug on earth. He said Test/steriods were by far the most addictive substance he ever took because they made him feel like God. Granted, when he was on at his peak he was an absolute monster and had a 700lb deadlift.

Interestingly, he's been natty for 10 years and recently pulled 655x5.

Stop being a faggot and just learn to lift and eat and live a healthy lifestyle. Your results will stick with you long term.


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Date: February 25th, 2018 9:53 PM
Author: big range philosopher-king

I have experience with test and tren and it seems retarded to talk about them like they’re psychologically addictive. They’re merely oils of shit your body creates naturally (or derivatives of such hormones). Absent rigorous exercise and a strict diet, they won’t do shit but make you retain more water.

Then again I don’t know how rehab people define addictive or what you’re trying to get at here
