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Rate this view on Mollie Tibbets death

Beta locus immigrant
Hotttt takkkkke. :::sizzle:::
arousing bearded gunner native
Expected liveleak
beady-eyed ebony gas station masturbator
Gaped Sable Giraffe Garrison
this is like that old drinking game '6 Degrees of Separation...
arousing bearded gunner native
Medicated razzle-dazzle antidepressant drug
wonderful onyx theater corn cake
Gaped Sable Giraffe Garrison
Flirting faggotry menage
flesh heady school cafeteria azn
Unhinged stage
Razzle Resort
crystalline marketing idea ceo
I couldn't get past the first comment. These womyn need to b...
Medicated razzle-dazzle antidepressant drug
First comment is pretty good: I dunno I mean I immigrated...
Irate rehab
weird how these 'cultural issues' seem to attach only to non...
arousing bearded gunner native
the self-evident truth of progressive values will of course ...
Fuchsia Tripping Sandwich Alpha
clearly thats what will happen. if you use logic, you are a ...
Unhinged stage
well progressive values are true, so if people fail to see t...
Fuchsia Tripping Sandwich Alpha
fuck libs
Gaped Sable Giraffe Garrison
*flags this comment as "Comrade in need of a through pr...
Fuchsia Tripping Sandwich Alpha

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Date: August 23rd, 2018 1:24 AM
Author: Beta locus immigrant



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Date: August 23rd, 2018 1:24 AM
Author: arousing bearded gunner native

Hotttt takkkkke.



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Date: August 23rd, 2018 1:25 AM
Author: beady-eyed ebony gas station masturbator

Expected liveleak


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Date: August 23rd, 2018 1:44 AM
Author: Gaped Sable Giraffe Garrison


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Date: August 23rd, 2018 1:25 AM
Author: arousing bearded gunner native

this is like that old drinking game '6 Degrees of Separation from Kevin Bacon' -- only it's called '6 Degrees from Blaming White Miles for Any Issue Whatsoever.'

so we go:

degree 1. this is not about immigration

degree 2. it's about male entitlement

degree 3. and when i say 'male entitlement', what i really want to discuss is 'white male entitlement'

degree 4. white males are the problem here


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Date: August 23rd, 2018 1:27 AM
Author: Medicated razzle-dazzle antidepressant drug


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Date: August 23rd, 2018 1:45 AM
Author: wonderful onyx theater corn cake


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Date: August 23rd, 2018 1:46 AM
Author: Gaped Sable Giraffe Garrison


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Date: August 23rd, 2018 1:46 AM
Author: Flirting faggotry menage


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Date: August 23rd, 2018 1:50 AM
Author: flesh heady school cafeteria azn


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Date: August 23rd, 2018 1:54 AM
Author: Unhinged stage


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Date: August 23rd, 2018 9:29 AM
Author: Razzle Resort


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Date: August 23rd, 2018 4:41 PM
Author: crystalline marketing idea ceo


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Date: August 23rd, 2018 1:27 AM
Author: Medicated razzle-dazzle antidepressant drug

I couldn't get past the first comment. These womyn need to be put in their place.


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Date: August 23rd, 2018 1:44 AM
Author: Irate rehab

First comment is pretty good:

I dunno I mean I immigrated from south America and to be honest I feel much safer and way less harassed here. Like I understand why white people in the US want to believe that it makes no difference, but this issue is not of race. It's an issue of culture and sexism in developing countries.

I lived in South America for more than two decades and overall the men were pretty gross and domestic abuse was widely accepted. I would never send my daughter there literally because of the men. Think frat boys multiplied by 10 and with a way shittier public education system.


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Date: August 23rd, 2018 1:48 AM
Author: arousing bearded gunner native

weird how these 'cultural issues' seem to attach only to nonwhite populations.

i wonder what will happen when the population here looks indistinguishable from that of south america? i guess the magic cultural dirt will keep her safe.


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Date: August 23rd, 2018 1:53 AM
Author: Fuchsia Tripping Sandwich Alpha

the self-evident truth of progressive values will of course win over the hearts and minds of the billions of currently undocumented citizens we will bring here after deposing the trump regime


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Date: August 23rd, 2018 1:55 AM
Author: Unhinged stage

clearly thats what will happen. if you use logic, you are a bigot and a racist. just keep the dream alive that minorities arent shit. keep the fantasy going, if it means burning it all to hell.


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Date: August 23rd, 2018 2:00 AM
Author: Fuchsia Tripping Sandwich Alpha

well progressive values are true, so if people fail to see their self-evident truth, it must be due to the violence and oppression of institutional racism blinding them to it.

this will be true even after the last white person is gone, since white corruption is so wicked and thorough that it can pervert and distort our society even without the presence of any actual whites.

what's really necessary is a revolutionary program of education that dispenses with the content of fields like "history" and "economics" etc that haven't been fundamentally rethought from a post-revolutionary and socially just perspective.


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Date: August 23rd, 2018 2:03 AM
Author: Gaped Sable Giraffe Garrison

fuck libs


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Date: August 23rd, 2018 2:04 AM
Author: Fuchsia Tripping Sandwich Alpha

*flags this comment as "Comrade in need of a through program of mental fitness and reeducation"*
