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Jill Filipovic: Lathorpe Answers

RE: http://www.feministe.us/blog/archives/2007/03/07/wapo-ca...
aquamarine adulterous faggot firefighter
"Ask that guy you used to date whether he's ever bragge...
Grizzly Thriller Puppy Sweet Tailpipe
She seems suffocatingly self-righteous. Having said that, wa...
crystalline ticket booth dopamine
dead skinny woman church building
I like this lathorpe character and have an interest in seein...
Pearly Vivacious Point
does he support wgwag?
Sable metal public bath
Contagious Gold Crackhouse
Azure Indecent Site Cuck
Azure Indecent Site Cuck
Azure Indecent Site Cuck
Azure Indecent Site Cuck
Azure Indecent Site Cuck
last test
Azure Indecent Site Cuck
passionate lodge azn
Ungodly parlor feces
why do you keep testing, bitch?
cracking step-uncle's house electric furnace
Ungodly parlor feces
Ungodly parlor feces
I am pro-miscegenation.
aquamarine adulterous faggot firefighter
I approve of this post
Plum clown
Attention-whoring bump.
aquamarine adulterous faggot firefighter
I don't blame thee.
Ungodly parlor feces
still don't
Ungodly parlor feces
Jill Filipovic: SelfPWn3d.
Comical generalized bond
Ungodly parlor feces
Electric yarmulke gay wizard
Bump again.
aquamarine adulterous faggot firefighter
Jill, I liked your pants today. Lathorpe
aquamarine adulterous faggot firefighter
milky trailer park
I can't explain it, but I really am attracted to her feistin...
Grizzly Thriller Puppy Sweet Tailpipe
both men and women like a challenge. plus serbo-croats are ...
floppy cordovan area newt
me too, i'd like to do bad things WITH her full consent and ...
Vibrant psychic house
What falls within the subset of things you'd like to do with...
Arousing flushed idea he suggested spot
hate-fuck is rough consensual sex with someone with whom you...
Rambunctious cobalt queen of the night library
no real feminist wants a man's dirty, e coli-ridden thing an...
floppy cordovan area newt
Ah yes, thank you. I was not aware of the meaning of the ter...
Arousing flushed idea he suggested spot
Her overuse of "feminist" in front of everything i...
lake orchestra pit
I put on a feminist condom and used feminist lube before I w...
aquamarine adulterous faggot firefighter
lol @ the morons offering legal advice: # Hold them acco...
amber hall tattoo
lol at the idea of someone contacting a lawyer and complaini...
passionate lodge azn
I weighed in with this....make sure to read the last paragra...
Arousing flushed idea he suggested spot
Plum clown
The womyn will undoubtedly get pantie-knotted over your use ...
aquamarine adulterous faggot firefighter
fucking awesome...i'm almost inspired to jog up a mountain.
Pearly Vivacious Point
Or pull a Paulie-bearing sleigh.
Ungodly parlor feces
haha. nice.
Transparent galvanic senate ratface
Trip circlehead cruise ship
Next level.
Vigorous chestnut nowag background story
Dear Jill, I don't go to NYU Law. I am in NYC but I've n...
aquamarine adulterous faggot firefighter
"Anthony Ciolli and Jarrett Cohen are abusive, sexist s...
amber hall tattoo
I've read the comments section of the Feministe blog entry r...
lake orchestra pit
The comments on Jill Filipovic's blog are posted only after ...
aquamarine adulterous faggot firefighter
I'm actually not sure if exercising editorial control is eno...
lake orchestra pit
Someone should craft a take-down letter and see what they do...
aquamarine adulterous faggot firefighter
interesting theory...
heady ape chad
STFU pauliewalnuts aka pensive
crystalline ticket booth dopamine
I can't believe these people complain so much about being un...
passionate lodge azn
I don't get it, either. What's good for the gander is good ...
aquamarine adulterous faggot firefighter
Date: April 19th, 2007 7:52 PM Author: pensivewalnuts (wamp...
Ungodly parlor feces
Think she's trying to impress Jill to get her to convert to ...
aquamarine adulterous faggot firefighter
Impertinent Swashbuckling Ladyboy Indian Lodge
Impertinent Swashbuckling Ladyboy Indian Lodge
Ungodly parlor feces
Jill is retarded. I'm sad that NYU admits such idiots. It's ...
Topaz odious lettuce temple

Poast new message in this thread

Date: March 8th, 2007 12:50 AM
Author: aquamarine adulterous faggot firefighter

RE: http://www.feministe.us/blog/archives/2007/03/07/wapo-calls-out-law-school-pervs/

Ms. Jill Filipovic,

Before we begin, I must point out that you went after us first this time. Just as you have distanced yourself from your peers who protested the Miss NYU calendar, we distance ourselves from the posters who you had an altercation with years ago. This time, you libeled the founders of this website by baselessly accusing them of running the T14 Contest; you acknowledge that they had nothing to do with that contest, yet you continue to smear their names because it gets you attention. You won't apologize, though. Instead, you choose to live in your chamber of echos, bathed in the calming moos and bleats of sycophants busily preening one another in your shared ignorant bliss. Say what you want about this website, but we don't select which beliefs are acceptable. Make all the excuses you want, but your ego cannot take an unfiltered blast of truth.

But I digress. My point is that you choose to bring up rape at all. Nothing in this matter has even approached the ordeal rape victims go through. So please stop painting your dissenters as rapists-in-training. It's transparent, pathetic rhetoric. I worked in a rape counseling crisis center for a month before I had to quit. Yes, me. Caveman Lathorpe. Try a month there and see how easily you throw around comparisons to rape.

You challenge me to identify myself. But that is where we differ, Jill. I value my privacy, therefore I protect it. The problem is that you and all the women mentioned by this website have not valued their privacy and have not protected it. You guys wake up agog that your pictures are plastered all over, but how carefully did you keep your privacy? There is the ideal, and then there is the practical. Pretend you left your wallet on a park bench. Ideally, no one should take it. As a practical matter, you shouldn't have left it there expecting to find it in the morning.

Your argument is nonsensical. A fashion show does not become less objectionable simply because you prepend adjectives before it. "Feminist" and "environmentally friendly": two descriptives I've never heard applied to a fashion show. You think you're pretty so you flaunt yourself. Men think you're pretty, so they talk about you. The "regular women" who drop out of your friend's politically-correct contest are as victimized by society's expectations of women just as much as they are by the plain old Miss USA Pageant. Tell your friend to drop all the hotties and use all the notties. She will not. At the same time she decries the system that preys on women's self-esteem, she will partake in its fruits to make her rent.

Besides, Jilly, whatever makes you think we have not talked face to face already? Ask that guy you used to date whether he's ever bragged to his friends about your sexual escapades. I am sorry to report that your feminist male friends are the same as us, Jill. We are just more honest to ourselves.



Date: March 8th, 2007 1:19 AM
Author: Grizzly Thriller Puppy Sweet Tailpipe

"Ask that guy you used to date whether he's ever bragged to his friends about your sexual escapades."

I bet she's a champion in the sack.


Date: March 8th, 2007 2:25 AM
Author: crystalline ticket booth dopamine

She seems suffocatingly self-righteous. Having said that, was the last ad hominem bit really necessary?


Date: March 8th, 2007 1:02 PM
Author: dead skinny woman church building



Date: March 8th, 2007 2:29 AM
Author: Pearly Vivacious Point

I like this lathorpe character and have an interest in seeing his lists.


Date: March 8th, 2007 2:47 AM
Author: Sable metal public bath

does he support wgwag?


Date: March 8th, 2007 2:48 AM
Author: Contagious Gold Crackhouse



Date: March 8th, 2007 2:55 AM
Author: Azure Indecent Site Cuck



Date: March 8th, 2007 2:55 AM
Author: Azure Indecent Site Cuck



Date: March 8th, 2007 3:11 AM
Author: Azure Indecent Site Cuck



Date: March 8th, 2007 3:33 AM
Author: Azure Indecent Site Cuck



Date: March 8th, 2007 3:34 AM
Author: Azure Indecent Site Cuck



Date: March 8th, 2007 3:36 AM
Author: Azure Indecent Site Cuck

last test


Date: March 8th, 2007 3:52 AM
Author: passionate lodge azn



Date: April 16th, 2007 9:16 PM
Author: Ungodly parlor feces



Date: April 20th, 2007 8:52 AM
Author: cracking step-uncle's house electric furnace

why do you keep testing, bitch?


Date: May 4th, 2007 3:31 PM
Author: Ungodly parlor feces



Date: May 7th, 2007 1:03 PM
Author: Ungodly parlor feces


Date: March 8th, 2007 1:05 PM
Author: aquamarine adulterous faggot firefighter

I am pro-miscegenation.


Date: March 8th, 2007 12:39 PM
Author: Plum clown

I approve of this post


Date: March 8th, 2007 12:32 PM
Author: aquamarine adulterous faggot firefighter

Attention-whoring bump.


Date: April 15th, 2007 4:43 PM
Author: Ungodly parlor feces

I don't blame thee.


Date: May 6th, 2007 2:18 PM
Author: Ungodly parlor feces

still don't


Date: March 8th, 2007 12:37 PM
Author: Comical generalized bond

Jill Filipovic: SelfPWn3d.


Date: April 15th, 2007 3:35 PM
Author: Ungodly parlor feces



Date: March 8th, 2007 12:56 PM
Author: Electric yarmulke gay wizard


Date: March 8th, 2007 2:14 PM
Author: aquamarine adulterous faggot firefighter

Bump again.


Date: March 8th, 2007 3:35 PM
Author: aquamarine adulterous faggot firefighter


I liked your pants today.



Date: March 8th, 2007 3:46 PM
Author: milky trailer park



Date: March 8th, 2007 3:52 PM
Author: Grizzly Thriller Puppy Sweet Tailpipe

I can't explain it, but I really am attracted to her feistiness for whatever reason.


Date: March 8th, 2007 3:55 PM
Author: floppy cordovan area newt

both men and women like a challenge.

plus serbo-croats are hot.


Date: March 8th, 2007 3:57 PM
Author: Vibrant psychic house

me too, i'd like to do bad things WITH her full consent and approval.


Date: March 8th, 2007 4:06 PM
Author: Arousing flushed idea he suggested spot

What falls within the subset of things you'd like to do with her full consent and approval?


Date: March 8th, 2007 4:13 PM
Author: Rambunctious cobalt queen of the night library

hate-fuck is rough consensual sex with someone with whom you disagree with or dislike in some manner. most men would love to hate-fuck militant feminists, especially attractive ones.


Date: March 8th, 2007 4:22 PM
Author: floppy cordovan area newt

no real feminist wants a man's dirty, e coli-ridden thing anywhere near her sparkling clean vagina.


Date: March 8th, 2007 4:29 PM
Author: Arousing flushed idea he suggested spot

Ah yes, thank you. I was not aware of the meaning of the term, but I strongly associate it with Jill's name for some reason that escapes my memory at the moment. Regardless of the origins of this association, it seems to be pervasive and long-lasting. Were I to encounter Jill F. in a professional setting, it would be difficult to take her seriously and I suspect I might have an increased tendency to objectify her.


Date: March 8th, 2007 4:01 PM
Author: lake orchestra pit

Her overuse of "feminist" in front of everything is annoying as hell.

Yesterday I ate a feminist ice cream cone before taking feminist public transportion to a feminist garage sale.


Date: March 8th, 2007 4:48 PM
Author: aquamarine adulterous faggot firefighter

I put on a feminist condom and used feminist lube before I went to bed with the feminist woman.


Date: March 8th, 2007 8:53 PM
Author: amber hall tattoo

lol @ the morons offering legal advice:

# Hold them accountable Says:

March 8th, 2007 at 6:07 pm

Online harassment is a course of conduct directed at an individual that causes substantial emotional distress in that person and which serves no legitimate purpose.

Online harassment may include…

Unwanted / unsolicited e-mail

Unwanted / unsolicited chat or instant messages

Public or private messages on IRC

Disturbing messages on Usenet or bulletin boards

Unsolicited comments about you to others

Online harassment is a crime in New York State punishable by up to one year in jail, a $1000 fine, or both:

Penal Code § 240.30. Aggravated harassment in the second degree. 1965. Amended 2001.

A person is guilty of aggravated harassment in the second degree when, with intent to harass, annoy, threaten or alarm another person, he or she:

1. Either

(a) communicates with a person, anonymously or otherwise, by telephone, or by telegraph, mail or any other form of written communication, in a manner likely to cause annoyance or alarm; or

(b) causes a communication to be initiated by mechanical or electronic means or otherwise with a person, anonymously or otherwise, by telephone, or by telegraph, mail or any other form of written communication, in a manner likely to cause annoyance or alarm; or

2. Makes a telephone call, whether or not a conversation ensues, with no purpose of legitimate communication; or

3. Strikes, shoves, kicks, or otherwise subjects another person to physical contact, or attempts or threatens to do the same because of a belief or perception regarding such person’s race, color, national origin, ancestry, gender, religion, religious practice, age, disability or sexual orientation,regardless of whether the belief or perception is correct; or

4. Commits the crime of harassment in the first degree and has previously been convicted of the crime of harassment in the first degree as defined by section 240.25 of this article within the preceding ten years.

Aggravated harassment in the second degree is a class A misdemeanor.

Penal Code § 240.31. Aggravated harassment in the first degree. 1982. Amended 2000.

A person is guilty of aggravated harassment in the first degree when with intent to harass, annoy, threaten or alarm another person, because of a belief or perception regarding such person’s race, color, national origin, ancestry, gender, religion, religious practice, age, disability or sexual orientation, regardless of whether the belief or perception is correct, he or she:

1. Damages premises primarily used for religious purposes, or acquired pursuant to section six of the religious corporation law and maintained for purposes of religious instruction, and the damage to the premises exceeds fifty dollars; or

2. Commits the crime of aggravated harassment in the second degree in the manner proscribed by the provisions of subdivision three of section 240.30 of this article and has been previously convicted of the crime of aggravated harassment in the second degree for the commission of conduct proscribed by the provisions of subdivision three of section 240.30 or he has been previously convicted of the crime of aggravated harassment in the first degree within the preceding ten years.

Aggravated harassment in the first degree is a class E felony.

Jill: Regardless of whether the pics were copyright violations; this is most certainly not just a civil matter…it’s criminal. If any of these people reside in the state of NY, I’m sure the Cybercrime unit of the local DA’s office would be interested in looking in to this. If you would like information about all relevant case law in NY State regarding harrassement and public message boards (specifically in regards to threats of rape) feel free to send me an email; though I’m assuming you can do the research all by yourself.

Good luck.


Date: March 8th, 2007 11:24 PM
Author: passionate lodge azn

lol at the idea of someone contacting a lawyer and complaining of internet harassment when none of the messages about her are sent to her in any way. most dont even contain her name


Date: March 8th, 2007 10:17 PM
Author: Arousing flushed idea he suggested spot

I weighed in with this....make sure to read the last paragraph.


Although I don’t support all of the actions of my XOXO brethren, some of the things being said here are so ridiculous that it seems like they must be the product of intellectual dishonesty, or perhaps just blatant stupidity.

The idea that there is some vast network designed to damage the career prospects of women and thereby allow men to materially improve their own prospects is patently absurd. A clear instance of delusional paranoia run amok. Realistically, how would a small handful of guys spread across many schools talking about a small handful of girls spread across many schools serve to provide any material gain? Throwing out charges like that would be a lot more credible if say…most of the female law review members and top female students at a single school were targeted. There isn’t any need to look for a vast conspiracy to find the intentions. What XOXO does is driven by a general spirit of pranksterism and misogyny(some tongue in cheek, some real). For the most part, women are objectified because the posters find objectifying them to be an inherently enjoyable activity. They generally tend to have their fun and move on. The malicious attacks seem to occur mainly when someone has tried to make an issue of it since some posters also get inherent enjoyment from creating drama.

As for the poor ladies fearing for their lives and what not….XOXO is the same site that has gems of threads like “You haven’t lived until you’ve fucked a newborn kitten” and “99% of 9/11 damage caused by FAGGOT FIREFIGHTERS.” The entire site is basically a game to see who can be the most shockingly tasteless in the wittiest way. Statements about licking the sweat off of a girl or taking cel-camera pictures of her are made in the same spirit, and anyone who takes them seriously is an idiot. For the most part, I avoid discussing innocent individuals myself since there are plenty of ways I can offend without doing damage to a specicif person.

If anything, the comments on this blog seem closer to what XOXO is being accused of being than XOXO is itself. As I said before, XOXO is motivated by the shock humor arms race. However, the people commenting on this blog are angry and outraged. I get the sense that when they say they’d like to ruin someone’s career or actually stalk them, they are thinking that doing those things is a good idea. IE: I think there are people here who if they had the identity of the guy who made the cel-camera comment and went to his school, would probably go out and snap some pics of him. Some of the responses are borderline fanatical, and the scary part is, I think that unlike XOXO, they’re serious. I’m not sure how we’re going to resolve this, it’s like two worlds colliding, rival nations. It’s a primitive clash venting years of frustrations. Bravely we hope against all hope, there is so much at stake. Seems our freedom’s up against the ropes. Does the crowd understand? Is a East versus West, or man against man. Can any nation stand …alone? In the burning heart, just about to burst. There’s a quest for answers, an unquenchable thirst. In the darkest night, rising like a spire, In the burning heart the unmistakable fire. In the warriors code, there’s no surrender. Though his body says stop his spirit cries never.


Date: March 8th, 2007 10:23 PM
Author: Plum clown



Date: March 9th, 2007 12:14 AM
Author: aquamarine adulterous faggot firefighter

The womyn will undoubtedly get pantie-knotted over your use of "his" soul. Use "his or her".


Date: March 8th, 2007 10:30 PM
Author: Pearly Vivacious Point

fucking awesome...i'm almost inspired to jog up a mountain.


Date: April 15th, 2007 4:47 PM
Author: Ungodly parlor feces

Or pull a Paulie-bearing sleigh.


Date: April 16th, 2007 9:18 PM
Author: Transparent galvanic senate ratface

haha. nice.


Date: March 8th, 2007 10:41 PM
Author: Trip circlehead cruise ship



Date: March 9th, 2007 9:03 AM
Author: Vigorous chestnut nowag background story

Next level.


Date: March 9th, 2007 10:44 AM
Author: aquamarine adulterous faggot firefighter

Dear Jill,

I don't go to NYU Law. I am in NYC but I've never seen you before in my entire life, nor do I want to ever do so. I did go overboard with that last paragraph; I do apologize. I was mocking your efforts at intimidating me by saying you know I went to NYU Law. If you go through the threads, I have claimed to be from NYU Law, Yale Law, and Harvard Law. It's just a part of my schtick. (And make no mistake, I am a schitck. The comments on your website, which you implicitly approve of by allowing to be posted, making all kinds of threats of violence and stalking of XO folks -- those buffoons are serious, and they would stalk and attack if they could.)

I read with interest your accusations of cowardice. While you complain about unwanted publicity, you call a person who protects himself against such publicity a coward. I think it would be more accurate to call you reckless. But whatever.



Date: March 9th, 2007 3:19 PM
Author: amber hall tattoo

"Anthony Ciolli and Jarrett Cohen are abusive, sexist stalker-wanna-bes. Read about it here, then pass it along."

The comments there are so fucking retarded I want to die.

They do occasionally show flashes of intelligence though:

# zuzu Says:

March 9th, 2007 at 8:41 am

Oh, and BTW, pumpkin, the really big money is in investment banking.


Date: March 9th, 2007 3:21 PM
Author: lake orchestra pit

I've read the comments section of the Feministe blog entry regarding the T14 Talent competition and the general inhumanity of AutoAdmit/XOXOHTH. I don't dispute the general nastiness of a fairly large swath of AutoAdmit-related activity.

However, many of the comments at Feministe (which, from what I can tell, is a *moderated* board) blame the owners of AutoAdmit (Mr. Ciolli and Mr. Cohen) for the actions of individuals that happen to post bad things at AutoAdmit, or run wholly separate websites with content that the Feministas find objectionable (e.g., the T14 Talent website). At least one of these comments links to a third-party website that contains statements of fact about Mr. Ciolli and Mr. Cohen that are likely to be untrue (or at least have been vigorously disputed in the past).

I, personally, don't think the owners of autoadmit should be held responsible for the actions of individual AutoAdmit posters. Jill and others at Feministe apparently either (a) disagree, and think that a website owner/moderator is reponsible for the comments posted there, or (b) don't understand that the owners of AutoAdmit did not do anything in favor of the T14 Talent compettion or post some of the despicable content on AutoAdmit.

Well, put your money where your mouth is.

If you think a website owner is responsible for the content of comments posted therein, then ask Jill to apologize and take down comments from her blog. Feministe comments and websites linked therefrom are blatantly misleading people into believing that Ciolli and Cohen ran the T14 Talent contest and making other (likely, though I don't claim personal knowledge) untrue statements.

If you don't think Ciolli & Cohen are responsible, it might be worth saying so to your Feministe brethren (sistren?) before they spend too much time dragging their names through the mud (after all, that's what we're concerned about, right?).

Anyway, I just thought someone should clarify things. I would do it there, but because there is no guarantee of anonymity, and many of the commenters are clearly out for revenge, I've posted it here in the hopes some gawkers might see.

***Gonna post in own thread, but thought I'd post here, too***


Date: March 9th, 2007 3:30 PM
Author: aquamarine adulterous faggot firefighter

The comments on Jill Filipovic's blog are posted only after she approves of them. In other words, she has intentionally allowed those libelous statements to be made on her blog. There is no dispute that the statements are false and libelous. Filipovic actually recognizes this. The threats to his career demonstrate harm.

Eventually, someone is going to sue Filipovic. And she's going to get put into a very hypocritical situation. (Jill's going to argue that men are big and bad and should be made fun of.)


Date: March 9th, 2007 3:35 PM
Author: lake orchestra pit

I'm actually not sure if exercising editorial control is enough to be liable in an online forum under the CDA.

At any rate, if she thinks C&C should be held responsible for the actions of third parties, she clearly is acting hypocritically by allowing such blatant mistruths to show up on her blog.


Date: March 9th, 2007 3:23 PM
Author: aquamarine adulterous faggot firefighter

Someone should craft a take-down letter and see what they do with it.


Date: March 9th, 2007 3:31 PM
Author: heady ape chad
Subject: interesting theory...

If i were GTO or Rach i would look into this


Date: March 9th, 2007 3:44 PM
Author: crystalline ticket booth dopamine

STFU pauliewalnuts aka pensive


Date: March 9th, 2007 4:22 PM
Author: passionate lodge azn

I can't believe these people complain so much about being unfairly criticized/google bombed/whatever and they go right out and do the same thing.


Date: March 9th, 2007 4:30 PM
Author: aquamarine adulterous faggot firefighter

I don't get it, either. What's good for the gander is good for the Goose


Date: April 19th, 2007 8:22 PM
Author: Ungodly parlor feces

Date: April 19th, 2007 7:52 PM

Author: pensivewalnuts (wamp wamp what it do what it do)

Don't know if this has been posted before, but it's hilarious:


Jill's cohort grew up in Jersey/CT, went to UMich LS, got a biglaw job, couldn't hack it, and is now a 37 year old TTTemp ATTTorney liTTTigator who spends her free time writing for Feministe.


Edit: Apparently she's unmarried, not currently seeing anyone, and has "pulled back for a while from the Wonderful World of Dating."





Date: April 20th, 2007 1:24 AM
Author: aquamarine adulterous faggot firefighter

Think she's trying to impress Jill to get her to convert to lesbianism?


Date: April 27th, 2007 4:56 PM
Author: Impertinent Swashbuckling Ladyboy Indian Lodge


Date: April 27th, 2007 5:14 PM
Author: Impertinent Swashbuckling Ladyboy Indian Lodge


Date: May 1st, 2007 11:22 AM
Author: Ungodly parlor feces


Date: May 6th, 2007 2:24 PM
Author: Topaz odious lettuce temple

Jill is retarded. I'm sad that NYU admits such idiots. It's one thing to advance an ideology, but she could at least try to be coherent and sensible.
