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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Steve Sailer is not very smart lol    06/26/24  (31)
Hi I am a mid-career attorney and I review legal issues for work    06/26/24  (11)
Friends, my obesity has absolutely gotten out of control.    06/26/24  (173)
Not a "Basketball Guy," but is France good at basketball?    06/26/24  (3)
"I just think we should-" "You should learn to code"    06/26/24  (4)
Spurs just won the draft, one more big and they have another future dynasty    06/26/24  (7)
houthis just PWNED filthy kikes in new music video:    06/26/24  (4)
Jews are just BETTER than you. There, I said it.    06/26/24  (6)
Halfway through chemotherapy (4 of 8 treatments done)    06/26/24  (10)
is ohtani already a HOFer?    06/26/24  (18)
you guys are all faggots    06/26/24  (10)
What Is The Credited MATTRESS??    06/26/24  (15)
a 90s childhood was probably the best/safest/most fun in all of human history    06/26/24  (47)
rate this text from my work wife 😑    06/26/24  (32)
RSF would be easy to slap around like a pedo. He's afraid to shoot squit guns at    06/26/24  (1)
David Lynch vs. Alejandro Jodorowsky?    06/26/24  (1)
rate this child pedo sting (video)    06/26/24  (97)
What does "within one year of January 1, 2022" mean to you?    06/26/24  (51)
Read brief summary of Karen Reed case...did she do it or not?    06/26/24  (6)
what, exactly, is dabbing?    06/26/24  (1)
Top 3 David Lynch must see movies?    06/26/24  (15)
Lakers tried to trade up to select Bronny James    06/26/24  (1)
South Korea is literally finished as a nation    06/26/24  (54)
Lakers just picked Bronny James at #17    06/26/24  (1)
bpd work wife    06/26/24  (1)
Post the first recommended video on your youtube home page    06/26/24  (3)
"I was born with prey eyes. It's over." "Have u considered learning to code?"    06/26/24  (1)
Why does Twitter make it annoying to download video/spaces from its site?    06/26/24  (6)
I legit don’t believe Delaware is a place on earth    06/26/24  (20)
"Call me an unchill fat bald jew one more time..." *whips out spyderco*    06/26/24  (4)
Anyone ever worked with former SCOTUS clerks?    06/26/24  (1)
Just fucked some married shrew    06/26/24  (13)
Truly "based" extralegal assassination    06/26/24  (3)
What do you do with a man who has only put heads on pins for 20 years?    06/26/24  (1)
Me and Ricky (39 and 42) at $uicideboy$ concert with 18-22 year olds    06/26/24  (49)
place smells like old unethical lawyers    06/26/24  (4)
RSF what are the odds your ex-wife is getting her brains fucked out tonight?    06/26/24  (1)
The more I play and watch golf, the more I realize power all comes from feet    06/26/24  (2)
Has there ever been another big company that transformed as Netflix did?    06/26/24  (77)
Married white female Rutgers professor fucks nonverbal autistic nigger    06/26/24  (1)
USA loses to Japan in football    06/26/24  (1)
The Legend of ZoZo: Rach’s Awakening 🐳🎶    06/26/24  (23)
JAG, rate this spicy Latina who founds a residency in your specialty of Orthoped    06/26/24  (12)
are ppl actually influenced by xo poasters?    06/26/24  (5)
“The modern world is madder than any satires on it.”    06/26/24  (2)
The suicide rate in Korea is more than double the US.    06/26/24  (13)
Watching Vanilla Sky at Disneyland with LSD, luis, and Ricky    06/26/24  (11)
Are Tempurpedic & Other Memory Foam Mattresses Awful for FUCKING? Or This Flame?    06/26/24  (4)
just bought a golf bag for the range    06/26/24  (66)
are ppl actually influenced by influencers?    06/26/24  (1)
Hot women never have fully charged iPhones    06/26/24  (3)
FUCK GOD FUCK MIG    06/26/24  (11)
Need EPAH’s take on Halle Berry’s rating circa the Flintstones movie, TYIA.    06/26/24  (1)
Golf Bros: won my first round of POTUS cup today    06/26/24  (9)
North Korea is sending troops to Ukraine (link)    06/26/24  (30)
Had no idea who Kyle MacLachlan was when watching Flintstones as a kid 😂    06/26/24  (1)
Ricky tp is a collective personality summoned by David Lynch meditating.    06/26/24  (15)
Deftones 'Back to School' plays as 43yo Ricky returns to finish senior year HS    06/26/24  (11)
remember when they said george floyd protests dont spread the virus    06/26/24  (5)
Rank by prestige for guy in 40s: $100k car, 6 pack, Norwood 0, thin wife, 4 kids    06/26/24  (46)
Remember when TDNW thought North Korea was sending troops to Ukraine?    06/26/24  (3)
“Slob. My. Knob.” Stephen Hawking tells 14 yo Epstein Island whore    06/26/24  (27)
As ugly as anonymice is, she's still better looking than any of nyuug's "harem"    06/26/24  (7)
Isn't the Supreme Court ruling cr?    06/26/24  (59)
South Korea is about to get simultaneously nuked and anally raped by China and    06/26/24  (5)
this is a credited $85 suit    06/26/24  (10)
NYUUG S. KOREA is well and truly fucked, and will likely collapse    06/26/24  (4)
Rate these jacked NYPD officers protecting ordinary New Yorkers    06/26/24  (1)
forgot how 180 billion twin peaks the return is    06/26/24  (16)
Pedo beatdown videos explained ITT    06/26/24  (9)
In the garage right now drinking some beer home from work    06/26/24  (2)
americans getting btfo at nba draft    06/26/24  (2)
peak boomer: ray dalio literally punched his boss, didn't impact his career    06/26/24  (5)
"what are you stacking, karl?" "piles of jewish shoes, brother"    06/26/24  (1)
JD Vance, aka James Donald Bowman, aka James Hamel    06/26/24  (2)
Karlstack trying to change the XO narrative about him - link    06/26/24  (33)
POTUS of Bolivia stares down coup perpetrator    06/26/24  (9)
It’s RUBIO    06/26/24  (1)
Russian bro gives best motivational speech ever    06/26/24  (2)
98% of Korean adults and 55% of Korean children FULLY VAXXED    06/26/24  (2)
Now South Korea is cracking - 245 new cases today    06/26/24  (82)
🚨 Breaking leak: Tucker Carlson is Trump's VP pick 🚨    06/26/24  (1)
"The interests of american citizens must be prioritized over Israel"    06/26/24  (4)
Israel blackmailed Bill with Lewinsky Tapes (link)    06/26/24  (9)
Herd immunity for coronavirus is reached at 30% of population infected    06/26/24  (13)
Remember when they told you only the rapid tests are good for detecting COVID?    06/26/24  (1)
Isn't there someone you forgot to ask?    06/26/24  (2)
chancemeeting wrote an entire article praising Fetterman in National Review    06/26/24  (1)
Lets say your rich: would you move back to your home country?    06/26/24  (23)
whokebe is 6'4, a doctor, doesn't post on xo    06/26/24  (124)
N. Korea condemns Bolivian coup plotters    06/26/24  (1)
what was the last covid variant that libs stopped taking seriously?    06/26/24  (1)
I fucked get ass!    06/26/24  (1)
is it just me or did John Lennon have an abnormally long ass crack    06/26/24  (111)
I would respect NYUUG if he would just admit to being a virgin    06/26/24  (22)
You've never done shit    06/26/24  (2)
That poaster with the imgur link moniker is a real dick    06/26/24  (2)
Do actual combat infantry troops get better perks/pay than support units?    06/26/24  (8)
People are starting to learn that homosexuality really is a disease    06/26/24  (12)
Judge Napolitano    06/26/24  (8)
Supreme Court in 6-3 decision: “ fuck your online free speech”    06/26/24  (38)
the crazy thing is that insane schizo NSAM is one of D.C.'s most normal people    06/26/24  (4)
Xo 2024-2054: just a steady parade of middle aged men posting ab getting cancer    06/26/24  (15)
I always had a theory that flight 93 was meant for WTC7, and that's why it seems    06/26/24  (9)
"but call him head of middle market banking and see how he recoils"    06/26/24  (2)
RATE Tucker Carlson's response to Australian reporter's question re: whites (lin    06/26/24  (1)
my childhood dog is on her last legs. She is deaf and blind and slow    06/26/24  (2)
My son's beloved beagle died yesterday.    06/26/24  (42)
My pet dog died today. Had him cremated. Was there watching.    06/26/24  (245)
Scanning the crowd at Monster Jam thru binoculars & u see vonoskar staring at u    06/26/24  (26)
vonoskar with tears in his eyes telling his son he must never, ever use AI    06/26/24  (2)
Trying to mediate disputes between your multiple alts and personalities tp    06/26/24  (8)
Where should I start with David Lynch in my 40s?(luis)    06/26/24  (31)
Watched Richard Jewell (2019)    06/26/24  (6)
Fetterman visits Israel and meets Netanyahu in a hoodie (link)    06/26/24  (4)
vonoskar's IQ is too high, it should be lowered&difference distributed to blacks    06/26/24  (119)
It's amazing the lack of INNOVATION in AIR CONDITIONING industry    06/26/24  (48)
Texted my wife: "how about some of the ol' hawk tua, babe"    06/26/24  (1)
Were the 80s and 90s really 180 or did they just seem 180 because we were kids?    06/26/24  (2)
Hawk tuah is technically a loogie, right?    06/26/24  (1)
WFH is prison    06/26/24  (94)
Benzo have you ever rummaged through another queer's purse for pills?    06/26/24  (3)
You're old: The Situation from Jersey Shore is 41 years old    06/26/24  (11)
"Uhhh, babe? I checked the nanny cam and your friend vonoskar kicked the roomba.    06/26/24  (1)
spaceporn in tears, shoving spaghetti up his son's ass    06/26/24  (60)
October 7 victims buried in situ    06/26/24  (1)
Most Gen Xers died of AIDS    06/26/24  (4)
ironic that trumptards act a lot more kenyan than obama ever did    06/26/24  (1)
Foolio, oh Foolio. Wherefore art thou Foolio?    06/26/24  (3)
Reminder: nyuug isn't a Korean citizen, only has US Passport    06/26/24  (88)
ur childhood friend slamming N64 controller as u run Da Bomb again for 12th TD    06/26/24  (11)
dead childhood dog's hair stands up and he barks: "computer"    06/26/24  (21)
cgi replica of your childhood dog woofing for u to disable adblocker    06/26/24  (26)
JD Vance enraged after Sturgis visit where he is asked to ride an Indian.    06/26/24  (2)
JD Vance disgustingly throwing down The Indian in the Cupboard paperback.    06/26/24  (5)
Need dirte to explain these “Alaskans”    06/26/24  (1)
Wow just got to Canada. Crazy how much nicer it is than El Salvador & Honduras    06/26/24  (1)
Pedo beatdown videos are coming out of all corners of the internet    06/26/24  (1)
What do you bros think about Nate (((Silvers))) POTUS prediction?    06/26/24  (5)
Post ITT if you still think North Korea is sending troops to Ukraine    06/26/24  (1)
ask not for whom the goon cooms 😒    06/26/24  (1)
You're either an indoctrinated brainwashed fool or flame    06/26/24  (4)
What does "give me the money within ten seconds or I shoot" mean to you?    06/26/24  (1)
The way backwards is forward    06/26/24  (1)
medicalmos: they found big cysts on my wife's kidney today    06/26/24  (23)
Me and dirte, both 100% VA disabled, standing 69 in    06/26/24  (8)
Psycho Karen intervenes to save pedo from harassment    06/26/24  (2)
TT named Secretary of Juice under Trump-Vivek Admin    06/26/24  (11)
The Rachel Jeantel & Trayvon Martin Memorial Airport at Ronald Reagan Field    06/26/24  (4)

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