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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (4)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (4)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (4)
Not sure why but I’m starting to think cops = shit    06/09/24  (1)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (4)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (4)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (4)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (4)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (6)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (6)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (6)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (6)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (5)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (3)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (4)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (4)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (5)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (4)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (4)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (4)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (4)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (4)
I completed an epic week of drinking    06/09/24  (6)
POOP = SHIT    06/09/24  (1)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (5)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (4)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (6)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (6)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (6)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (6)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (6)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (6)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (6)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (6)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (6)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (6)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (6)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (6)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (6)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (7)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (6)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (6)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (6)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (6)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (6)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (6)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (6)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (6)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (6)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (6)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (6)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (6)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (6)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (6)
Russian goodwill gesture in Kharkiv?    06/09/24  (1)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (6)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (6)
Old people who don’t work should face higher taxes    06/09/24  (2)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (6)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (6)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (6)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (6)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (6)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (6)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (6)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (6)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (6)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (6)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (6)
The Republican caucus of Congress is ruining my life    06/09/24  (2)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (6)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (6)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (6)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (6)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (6)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (6)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (7)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (6)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (6)
LOL at Magnus Carlsen's body language after realizing he blundered - video    06/09/24  (13)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (3)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (3)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (3)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (3)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (4)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (4)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (3)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (6)
Rank the defining events of our lives: 9/11, ITE, Covid    06/09/24  (23)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (6)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (6)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (6)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (6)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (6)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (6)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (5)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (8)
SHIT = COPS    06/09/24  (4)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (6)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (6)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (6)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (6)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (6)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (6)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (6)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (6)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (6)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (6)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (6)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (6)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (6)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (6)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (6)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (7)
COPS = SHIT    06/09/24  (3)
the republican caucus of congress and its consequences have been a disaster for    06/09/24  (3)
What damage has the Republican caucus of Congress done to you?    06/09/24  (22)
cop shoots a golden retriever who was 'going for a loaded gun'    06/09/24  (2)
The Republican caucus of Congress should be destroyed with HIMARS imho    06/09/24  (3)
ACRES of abandoned Teslas    06/09/24  (2)
I bethought myself how gay they were.    06/09/24  (2)
Why is the lib pumo allowed to post facts I don’t like on the bort?    06/09/24  (5)
Dude wearing a suit decides to fight a feral melanated man (vid)    06/09/24  (8)
Esteemed Law Professor Seduced Students (WSJ)    06/09/24  (21)
What Trump Will Do If Re-Elected (NYT)    06/09/24  (15)
Libs is Ukraine gonna pay for all these Russian ships they keep sinking?    06/09/24  (3)
will there always be an england? FRONTLINE ep from 1986:    06/09/24  (7)
Rep Brian Mast doing the TikTok "jumping jack challenge" (video)    06/09/24  (1)
Russian name with German flag, flame?    06/09/24  (1)
Wait, you can sue people for doing things you don't like?    06/09/24  (7)
Where's that script someone made that blocks threads by keyword?    06/09/24  (3)
Another day, another HIGHLY successful Russian armor attack    06/09/24  (2)
Young Guns megathread    06/09/24  (14)
Ukraine is finished. Eastern front collapsing today:    06/09/24  (43)
russians are getting smoked in their own backyard now (video)    06/09/24  (2)
Birdshit writes article abt how Chinks call Birdshits "White Devil"    06/09/24  (2)
It's all goddamn fucking rigged fucking fraud    06/09/24  (7)
They say a person in crisis will give away all their belongings. Like I am.    06/09/24  (6)
evan39 lol at these dumb poors/proles trying to get "rich" of of online ganes    06/09/24  (5)
Fallout 5 to be based in Seattle due to the mindless zombies everywhere    06/09/24  (3)
Taking Qs on recently completed 20th RTW trip (RSF)    06/09/24  (52)
Pete Maravich’s son dead at 42    06/09/24  (1)
angencyless women w/ full voting rights are being 'seduced' against their will    06/09/24  (1)
Israelis killed DOZENS of Palestinians to rescue ONE azn girl    06/09/24  (48)
Atomic Balding: Get 1% Balder Every Day    06/09/24  (12)
Israel’s Euphoria Over Hostage Rescue May Be Fleeting    06/09/24  (6)
Biden: “I’ve know Putin for over 40 years. He’s concerned me for 40 years.    06/09/24  (2)
"so what, no fucking ziti now?" (scalia)    06/09/24  (37)
russia already lost a Su-57 lmao (link)    06/09/24  (4)

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