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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
🚨🚨🚨KAMALA SWITCHEROO INCOMING🚨🚨🚨    07/02/24  (24)
Biden: "I have no desire to lead a country where Karma Sushi cannot succeed"    07/02/24  (3)
Audi behind me tried to overtake when I merged into left turn lane at red light    07/02/24  (6)
Taking XO ST TROPEZ Qs for 15-20m (RSF)    07/02/24  (6)
Nigger chimped out at me on the train today    07/02/24  (1)
do "good people" tend to run scammy PI operations?    07/02/24  (8)
SECOND elected Democrat senator TURNS on Biden, is OK with Trump winning    07/02/24  (3)
Doom 32x commercial features Scumbags    07/02/24  (4)
It is virtually impossible to tell a woman's age past 20.    07/02/24  (1)
Looks like Russia may be making big gains in the Donbas - link    07/02/24  (2)
CNN: "Virginia PI Lawyer Emerges As Dark Horse In Biden Replacement Talks"    07/02/24  (1)
Y'all didn't see when Kamala took a huge shit on John McCain after he was det    07/02/24  (5)
The wave of lawyers born in the 1990s starts next year.    07/02/24  (12)
Neurodivergent TradCath Podcast “Asperger’s Me”    07/02/24  (2)
FDA’s RACIST ban on brominated vegetable oil    07/02/24  (3)
Pic of consuela ITT    07/02/24  (2)
Primus seems like a 180 band    07/02/24  (5)
NYT: The First Amendment is Out of Control (not flame)    07/02/24  (29)
No one else predicted NY would hit dat cancel on the sentencing hearing but me    07/02/24  (9)
Odds there's a Karma Sushi lawsuit if you do PACER search rn?    07/02/24  (23)
Birdshit Birdshit can't you see, sometimes My Pipe just sodomizes thee    07/02/24  (6)
REMINDER: Bill Clinton's blowjob now covered by Presidential Immunity    07/02/24  (1)
KKR, or KKK? Inside the White World of Private Equity (Teen Vogue    07/02/24  (6)
“I’ll have 3 Big Macs and a Global Warming” (Bobby Birdshit at McDonald’    07/02/24  (6)
Bobby Birdshit getting to second base at father-daughter dance    07/02/24  (3)
CNBC article on recession using your hairline as an example    07/02/24  (2)
Biden tells donors: “I was tired from traveling around the world!”    07/02/24  (4)
The collapse of "America" need not be feared AT ALL if you're not gay    07/02/24  (1)
Mobile groomers (gays in vans)    07/02/24  (2)
I am out of the office amplifying nonbinary creatives    07/02/24  (6)
My white gf asked me why so many lawyers date azn girls    07/02/24  (14)
“Highway Star” plays as your redline software struggles to compare PDFs    07/02/24  (4)
Controversial “breastaurant” Holocaust Museum “Holli M’s” to open in 1    07/02/24  (2)
Could you name your horse something like “Saying the Hard R Word”    07/02/24  (2)
uwu, p-pumosan    07/02/24  (2)
NY to add mandatory 2 hr “Holocaust Remembrance” CLE requirement    07/02/24  (2)
Bear getting roped into Cards Against Humanity at gf's friend's apartment    07/02/24  (3)
PE bro “applying leverage” to get it in ur gf’s butt    07/02/24  (2)
ligotti-esque flesh clown nightmare tp    07/02/24  (2)
“Oh, cock in the afternoon!” he gushed rapturously    07/02/24  (2)
what will balding 40yo lawyers do w/ all their spare time when tiktok is banned?    07/02/24  (2)
Louisiana judge earns a [sic] from WaPo - link    07/02/24  (22)
Chester Bennington    07/02/24  (1)
What is this trend of lawyers cutting/slicing other lawyers during deps    07/02/24  (3)
What would the point of replacing Dementia Joe w Bombay Shanequa be?    07/02/24  (9)
my impression is that many lawyers don't acquire valid authorizations to endorse    07/02/24  (3)
what should i do to make more money    07/02/24  (20)
me & twins in historically accurate geisha dress dancing to Look What You Made M    07/02/24  (4)
Biglaw? More like Big180PartyPlaytime    07/02/24  (2)
Elaine Scarry’s Busytown    07/02/24  (2)
"The worm in my brain is horny ads fuck, baby." -- RFK Jr.    07/02/24  (1)
Doobs holding bullhorn at Ex Twink Son Rebellion    07/02/24  (2)
Xo isn’t racist or autistic enough? Sick. Get in the car, we’re going to MPC    07/02/24  (2)
George20 DEMANDING the technical analyst show him the descending tops    07/02/24  (2)
George20 storming out of bankruptcy court after judge approves the cram-down    07/02/24  (2)
What do lawyers do exactly?    07/02/24  (2)
check out this thread with shitlawyers discussing $500 bedbug settlement    07/02/24  (13)
All bonobos clothes have estrogen and finasteride patches woven into the fabric    07/02/24  (3)
SCOTUS just ruled that Biden can order Seal Team 6 to kill conservative justices    07/02/24  (9)
adults' sexuality should not be discussed/celebrated in civic society    07/02/24  (10)
Judge demanding you SHOW CAUSE that he not make you cum in open court    07/02/24  (3)
NSAM coming here to schizo post whenever good news comes out for Trump    07/02/24  (5)
ppl would rather have all lawyers die than coronavirus cured    07/02/24  (4)
SCOTUS and the Federal Register both need to update their fonts    07/02/24  (1)
Emergency ABA meeting called to address whok bump spree    07/02/24  (2)
PREDICTION: Kamala Harris and Andy Beshear    07/02/24  (1)
How long do many male lawyers have hair?    07/02/24  (2)
Any lawyers have a moral code?    07/02/24  (3)
Tom Hanks's Son Spawned "White Boy Summer", a Hateful Meme Online    07/02/24  (3)
I don’t make enough money and I am epically poor and my family is suffering    07/02/24  (15)
"The nation's lawyers have been refusing to comply with traffic laws" (CNN)    07/02/24  (4)
No one remembers what Trump got impeached for    07/02/24  (1)
Slash Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid and LOWER MY TAXES    07/02/24  (1)
Noa speaks    07/02/24  (5)
"see you in the oval orifice" (Buttigieg)    07/02/24  (1)
international lawyers have been humiliated the past 2 days    07/02/24  (6)
haha LAWYERS HAVE YELLOW TEETH, bro! blurted out boner police, slapping ur back    07/02/24  (2)
Ivanka Trump on Lex Fridman podcast    07/02/24  (9)
woman dragging a bear to Bonobos 'so you can look professional'    07/02/24  (2)
Woman waking up screaming from nightmare where bear didn't rape her    07/02/24  (2)
rach need u to put a name tag saying 'donald trump' on server & show it to WaPo    07/02/24  (2)
it's weird how many lawyers have birds.    07/02/24  (8)
It's a top shop that runs a tight ship. Very hungry and eager to grow.    07/02/24  (2)
Wow- Lefties openly pushing Michael Obama as Biden replacement    07/02/24  (7)
Andrew Dice Clay was trying to dogpill America back in the 80s    07/02/24  (15)
Lawyers get out of the way I’m trying to make a DEAL    07/02/24  (5)
*Kamala holding pillow over Biden's face* "Oh, no, you WILL drop out shhhh"    07/02/24  (1)
Holy shit lawyers gas yourselves immediately    07/02/24  (2)
*Rat-faced lib in Trumpschwitz sneering "Gruel AGAIN? On Ashley Babbit Day"?    07/02/24  (5)
Lab President Got 3 Year Rabies Booster, Now Has Presidential Immunity    07/02/24  (2)
Rate my REVISED 180 Gorgeous CHINA Itinerary    07/02/24  (42)
"ISRAEL IS NOT COMMITTING WAR CRIMES" CNN's jewish commentator declared    07/02/24  (3)
Once the autistic lawyers began destroying the cell towers, armed to the hilt    07/02/24  (4)
What kind of professional courtesy do lawyers give each other?    07/02/24  (3)
Why do ppl HATE XO CHINA so much?    07/02/24  (23)
Hearing lawyers go over the cons of stuff makes me want to killself    07/02/24  (2)
GOPoyim, inspired by Trump&Kushner, strive to powerbottom harder for Bibi than    07/02/24  (5)
libs have completely lost their minds    07/02/24  (1)
lol whok is going OFF rn. TTTT lawyers blown the fuck out 180    07/02/24  (8)
Lab President Abusing His Treaty Power    07/02/24  (5)
Trump negotiates with the Taliban    07/02/24  (8)
CNN: Harris Fails Hillary’s Gom Jabbar Test    07/02/24  (2)
Being Pro-Israel = being Anti-America    07/02/24  (6)
Lawyers seem miserable as fuck! is law a joke?    07/02/24  (4)
You stupid nigger lawyers better go to bed so you can save the world tomorrow    07/02/24  (5)
Lawyers should be curb stomped, shot, burned alive and cannibalized on TV    07/02/24  (14)
When nyuug dies what will the government do with his body?    07/02/24  (3)
Why are lawyers such a sensitive, emotional bunch?    07/02/24  (4)
Why are lawyers so insecure by nature?    07/02/24  (5)
Thoughts on Trump’s plan for America’s 250th anniversary?    07/02/24  (2)
Why are lawyers so ass?    07/02/24  (4)
NOWAG fugitive known as “The Bad Breath Rapist” caught after 19 yrs on the r    07/02/24  (6)
Reminder to libs who seem to forget this often: You will never beat Trump.    07/02/24  (35)
Lawyers basically pretend to be helpful like doctors but they're just scumbags    07/02/24  (8)
who so many divorce lawyers but so few marriage lawyers?    07/02/24  (4)
he shall take care that the lawyers be faithfully executed    07/02/24  (3)
Lifelong CIA ass-et Pete Buttigieg is resurfacing as a viable candidate?    07/02/24  (5)
There's no way Joe Biden isn't shitting his pants daily    07/02/24  (2)
Will KamalaSexyFine tp start posting again when zhe's president?    07/02/24  (3)
Does South Korea have any tourist attractions?    07/02/24  (6)
Are Lawyers better problem solvers than engineers?    07/02/24  (6)
Lawyers are absolute fucking scum.    07/02/24  (12)
Will lawyers be able to cross-invest in firms to get dat pass through rate?    07/02/24  (4)
If you slice a Ukrainian in half    07/02/24  (1)
Whoa, the Gospels are a commentary on lawyers being scum.    07/02/24  (6)
Holy Shit, Biden drops below 50% on PredictIt now....    07/02/24  (7)
Hilarious that there isn't one likable, normal Democratic candidate replacement    07/02/24  (1)
Can we ban whok? There’s more important shit going on than lawyers being scum    07/02/24  (20)
it's pretty grotesque that 40+ year olds poast here tbh    07/02/24  (40)
Crim def bros are lawyers but they care about their clients and the law generall    07/02/24  (2)
Leaked WH Neurologist Report: 'Load-Bearing Slash' in Biden's Brain Has Collapse    07/02/24  (4)
Biden down to 14% on polymarket    07/02/24  (1)
Most of you biglawyers bitching about law have never had a real job before    07/02/24  (3)
Who do defense lawyers blame in Nigeria where all parties are black?    07/02/24  (5)
New Sam Harris episode: Anti-Zionism is Anti-semitism    07/02/24  (7)
Any of you biglawyers been a rainmaker partners' consistent right hand? Describe    07/02/24  (3)
Steve Bannon is a genius    07/02/24  (19)
"Even my wife's pussy?" CSLG asked the repo man. "No, that has no value"    07/02/24  (5)
AutoAdmit: Load-Bearing Slash Shrew GF: Bear Load in Gash    07/02/24  (1)
So XO is 0 for 3 on opening restaurants    07/02/24  (45)
Everyone is surprised at how tight it is, Dana Bash said    07/02/24  (28)
JD Vance driving the Arkansas Chugabug in presidential motorcade    07/02/24  (2)
Biden sounded just as bad in his last sit down interview    07/02/24  (2)
Harris will run for President with Whitmer as VP    07/02/24  (2)
Rare FizzKidd political opinion: Biden will win in 2024 (FizzKidd)    07/02/24  (26)
Can someone help resolve this genetic mystery?    07/02/24  (1)
If CSLG was a good person he would have gotten benzo a job a long time ago    07/02/24  (56)
XO's Actual Hatred Of Other Poasters Is Seriously Mentally Ill & Feminine    07/02/24  (13)
Ackshually, the McDonald's hot coffee lawsuit was fair if you learn the details.    07/02/24  (9)
Owen Benjamin responds to the groypers    07/02/24  (11)

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