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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Does this mean the retarded Kamala schtick poaster is coming back?    07/03/24  (6)
It just seems Wrong that the U.S. never annexed Canada    07/03/24  (18)
Feels like the Dems are intentionally trying to lose the election    07/03/24  (5)
Seems like fraud that there is no bridge between Sicily and Italy proper    07/03/24  (4)
Bill Maher: Why I Want an Open Convention (NYT)    07/03/24  (17)
Dems are going to keep trying to meme their way to a girlboss President    07/03/24  (11)
Rush Limbaugh's Death & Lack Of Legacy Is Quite Interesting    07/03/24  (8)
We finally beat Medicare    07/03/24  (15)
Democrats Go Public W Panic About Biden Amid Fears of an Electoral Debacle(NYT)    07/03/24  (9)
Amerikkkan dream is just that..no "life" "society"    07/03/24  (12)
In a Staring Contest With Democratic Voters, Joe Biden Hasn’t Blinked (NYT)    07/03/24  (12)
Biden’s Team Scrambles to Contain First Democratic Defections (NYT)    07/03/24  (4)
The ‘Philly Girl’ Shielding Biden From the Bad News (NYT)    07/03/24  (5)
Big Donors Turn on Biden. Quietly. (NYT)    07/03/24  (7)
Rate Heather Graham, 54, In A String Bikini On A Yacht In Malta (PICS)    07/03/24  (3)
Biden’s Lapses Are Said to Be Increasingly Common and Worrisome (NYT)    07/03/24  (29)
Idris ask me lick his toes...but dey gross as shit...he got warts    07/03/24  (31)
Outside the Campus Cafeteria, It Was Love at First Sight (NYT Wedding)    07/03/24  (6)
🚨🚨🚨KAMALA SWITCHEROO INCOMING🚨🚨🚨    07/03/24  (111)
West Oak Forest Earthlodge Site (circa 1250 and 1400 Iowa)    07/03/24  (3)
It's all outright fraud shit and theft    07/03/24  (16)
Fag fraud 🤥 thugs    07/03/24  (7)
Biden Told an Ally He Was Weighing Options (NYT)    07/03/24  (4)
Social security and Medicare is all America has&both are fraudulent shit    07/03/24  (4)
Biden about to get GAPED in NYT-Sienna Poll    07/03/24  (2)
Amerikkka is completely fraudulently ran..lol    07/03/24  (14)
Most UNDERRATED ancient Native North American structure?    07/03/24  (4)
Kamala/Newsome 2024. Get ready.    07/03/24  (15)
New poster, first day. How long does it take to figure this place out?    07/03/24  (1)
Trump: "And then there's this guy, Dupa--*crowd boos*--folks, folks, hang on--    07/03/24  (164)
Biden back on top of Kamala on PredictIt    07/03/24  (3)
Wimby R2: Tyrolean Doobs v Real Wop Berrettini #tennis    07/03/24  (1)
Biden needs public cognitive test. Trump needs public weight reading.    07/03/24  (1)
NYT: In El Salvador, Crime is Gone and Streets are Safe, but At What Cost?    07/03/24  (107)
Has GJR gotten married and pregnant yet?    07/03/24  (91)
Will go to either Panda Express or Thai food based on Ricky’s recommendation i    07/03/24  (6)
Can't believe a LITERAL TURD is gonna be Nominee for POTUS    07/03/24  (3)
KJP is the perfect press Secretary to help Biden get through this.    07/03/24  (4)
Birdshit cops protecting Canadian Sikhs knifing Indian flags    07/03/24  (3)
Libs would be immensely better off if they'd not pushed the tranny stuff so hard    07/03/24  (51)
Wife called me a “sad and frustrated old man” this am    07/03/24  (78)
Definitive list of dumbest current posters    07/03/24  (35)
New NYT Poll: Biden staying strong    07/03/24  (31)
sim glitch: Biden just tweeted about suffering from Parkinson's    07/03/24  (1)
*42 y/o tubby catlady GJR’s bumble profile: Catholic. Also Cat-Holic.    07/03/24  (14)
KJP: i said cold *and* jetlag from travel two weeks ago    07/03/24  (6)
How to make it in real estate ??    07/03/24  (19)
my mortgage pymnt would be more than double if I bought now instead of 7 yrs ago    07/03/24  (3)
Rate Beckham's Bespoke Suit Today In Royal Box (PIC) #tennis    07/03/24  (5)
Boston Globe calls on Biden to drop out    07/03/24  (1)
Zurich sadly resetting “Days Since Spaceporn’s Last Dormant Cycle” sign to    07/03/24  (17)
Did Mr. Kamala Harris, Douglas Emhoff, White-Flight to Avoid Busing?    07/03/24  (5)
I have started signing emails, Yours in Christ    07/03/24  (8)
"You think this is JOEVER?" JOEMENTUM as Joe SURGES on predictit    07/03/24  (7)
OYT, how do I become a Philosopher-Engineer?    07/03/24  (12)
what's the new jewish forcememe today    07/03/24  (6)
What’s rent like in MFH these days    07/03/24  (26)
Kamala would be the LEAST pro-Israel POTUS in US history    07/03/24  (2)
remember 2020 when newsom blamed CA wildfires on global warming?    07/03/24  (2)
Flynn to be VP    07/03/24  (16)
china should attack taiwan today    07/03/24  (1)
homosexuals should be gassed    07/03/24  (9)
are we gonna get any more blind gf type threads or just banal polishit 24/7    07/03/24  (9)
Rate Maria Sharapova, 37, In The Royal Box (PICS) #tennis    07/03/24  (9)
STUNNING Ella Emhoff goes topless on NYC runway    07/03/24  (3)
Melania = hideous. Ella Emhoff = supermodel.    07/03/24  (8)
Everything to Know About Ella Emhoff, Kamala Harris' Fashion Model Stepdaughter    07/03/24  (8)
Nevertheless, he persisted    07/03/24  (1)
Chet Hanks says Biden should drop out    07/03/24  (2)
"Y-you slept with a porn star." "At least I can still get it up Joe."    07/03/24  (5)
rate this French 5/10 zoomer girl (pic)    07/03/24  (13)
List terrible posters with sub 100 IQs    07/03/24  (147)
Kamala's Secret Weapon: a Fat Kike Jew Zionist husband    07/03/24  (1)
Past 5 Days: Hourly Leaks Biden Can't Remember His Name | 3.5Yrs Prior: Crickets    07/03/24  (2)
How much of "human trafficking" = ungrateful hoes?    07/03/24  (12)
If China wants Taiwan so badly why did they crush Hong Kong?    07/03/24  (2)
Biden explains debate performance: "rawdogged too many flights"    07/03/24  (1)
LMAO at Wagies: Mouse jigglers had a nice run, but it's over (link)    07/03/24  (10)
Crazy how fast typical xo user went from 11% bodyfat to semaglutide scrip    07/03/24  (2)
Watch Biden hold on even after all donors withhold support and convention is can    07/03/24  (2)
Would Kamala be the first potus to fuck her way into the Oval Office?    07/03/24  (10)
WH Press Secretary: Biden is not dropping out, faggots (link)    07/03/24  (1)
Montel Williams on a plane to BWI    07/03/24  (1)
"My phones gotta charge" what a joke all of it is    07/03/24  (5)
Willie Brown looking at events unfold: haha wow holy shit nigga what    07/03/24  (3)
7/3 Update: Biden on campaign call: "Read my lips...I am NOT dropping out"    07/03/24  (11)
I'm CIA    07/03/24  (3)
Diarrhea is funny. But diarrhea on the carpet...that is hilarious    07/03/24  (1)
Dr. Fauci now doing childrens’ birthday party appearances for $295/hr    07/03/24  (2)
People think this makes Kamala look bad    07/03/24  (7)
saying it loud for you people in the back- stare 👐 directly 👐 at 👐 the    07/03/24  (2)
Why do proles at the blackjack table get so angry when you don't play right?    07/03/24  (267)
It's okay to eat wax in fairly large quantities, right?    07/03/24  (8)
Got my first MRI since colorectal cancer diagnosis. Awaiting results    07/03/24  (20)
What's that post about how women will never forgive you for not caring about the    07/03/24  (1)
7/3 Update: CSLG on creditors call: "Read my lips...I am NOT closing down"    07/03/24  (2)
CSLG blaming Karma Sushi closing on a cold, jetlag    07/03/24  (2)
what should i do to make more money    07/03/24  (22)
Woman with a functional penis    07/03/24  (1)
RSF, serious question, anything you could do that would make daddy cut you off    07/03/24  (1)
"Diarrhea" didnt exist before the late 19th C outside of war    07/03/24  (2)
fauci tapdancing in times square, screaming “look at meeeeeeee!”    07/03/24  (1)
Fantastic investigative reporting by XO Daily Mail today    07/03/24  (3)
Correction tp has destroyed a lot of shitty posters. They are terrified of him    07/03/24  (5)
diarrhea is the funniest thing on earth    07/03/24  (23)
Why does everyone hate correction tp    07/03/24  (46)
DNC: Putting Dr. Jill atop ticket saves $40M in pre-printed yard signs (link)    07/03/24  (1)
Disco Fries: why do you think you've been victimized by so many dogs?    07/03/24  (24)
Biden reaching out and securing the black vote    07/03/24  (1)
*Kamala Harris putting Joe Biden on ice floe and pushing him out to sea*    07/03/24  (1)
Dr. Fauci has informed us that Biden is 100% mentally fine    07/03/24  (14)
correction tp is a closet lib    07/03/24  (26)
Homeless Bum Pushes Lady In Front of Oncoming Train in SF    07/03/24  (9)
NYT: Biden Regains Mental Acuity. In other news, to double aid to Israel    07/03/24  (1)
“Cold hard truth here:” (completely objectively wrong retarded assertion)    07/03/24  (2)
neil the ass tyson    07/03/24  (1)
xo political geniuses: which 1 of you predicted nsam would go all in on kamala?    07/03/24  (4)
Just imagine the xo content with a switcheroo Kamala/Buttigieg Dem ticket    07/03/24  (5)
A Blessed feast of St. Thomas the Apostle to all my Gujarati friends on xo    07/03/24  (1)
"Everyone Poops" (NYT after the next debate)    07/03/24  (1)
Rate This Palos Verdes / UCLA AZNGirl Who Now Plays For Japan (PICS) #tennis    07/03/24  (5)
kamala was picked for vp BECAUSE she was retarded and useless    07/03/24  (1)
Kamala’s stepdaughter agrees to weekend fuckfest with Hunter for POTUS nom    07/03/24  (1)
Breaking: Biden to agree to step down, will meet Kamala in Amtrak.car    07/03/24  (1)
RATE UK's Kate Boulter (BIKINI PICS) #tennis    07/03/24  (7)
‘i am become science, bestower of truth’ fauci intoned, arms outstretched    07/03/24  (22)
102.1 KTRA FM    07/03/24  (9)
The Question President Biden Needs to Ask Himself. Now. (NYT)    07/03/24  (20)
Seems like every UMC child in public school is in Kumon/Mathnasium    07/03/24  (22)
Full video of fighting banker released - link    07/03/24  (26)
Sweet, there's a tranny to root for at the Olympics - link    07/03/24  (8)
Dr. Fauci has informed us that Irish Biden is 100% white    07/03/24  (1)
Playing at Trump National LA in a couple weeks, anyone want to join?    07/03/24  (2)
Imagine it’s 1999 and someone says Montell Williams’ side piece would be POT    07/03/24  (7)
I'm a Ross Douthat/David French Conservative    07/03/24  (3)
LMAO at Women: Ass jigglers had a nice run, but it's over (link)    07/03/24  (4)
irl faggots are turning trumpmo    07/03/24  (2)
Bogota vs Medellin?    07/03/24  (17)
idk maybe we shouldnt be bombarding kids with fringe sexuality    07/03/24  (3)
Trump: Willing to Make Biden His Veep if Dems Dump for Kam (Nyp)    07/03/24  (2)
What do you think the deal with with Donald and Melania?    07/03/24  (6)
Singlemos: What are you doing for the 4th of July    07/03/24  (17)
Look who wants Biden to stay in there and hold on to power as long as possible    07/03/24  (3)
hearing a lot of positive word of mouth buzz on this "cornpop" character    07/03/24  (1)
uncle ted was the greatest american of all time. full stop    07/03/24  (1)
Joe Biden in a wig, tries to convince Chris Wallace (link)    07/03/24  (15)
Big Corporate hosting event on mental health perils of working from home    07/03/24  (5)
JMIA got pretty banged up this week    07/03/24  (8)
Special Counsel: Biden memory is completely shot    07/03/24  (110)
Disco fries..pretty crazy worst homes in worst places are over 300k minimum    07/03/24  (2)

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