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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
RATE my dinner (TSINAH)    09/09/24  (5)
Kamala presents herself as full on Negress, no acknowledgement she's Indian    09/09/24  (29)
RATE Carmen Electra & Jenny McCarthy in sexy swimsuits (2023)    09/09/24  (11)
Male staffer broke his back fucking a female Cal State Senator    09/09/24  (21)
I can't, my human rights he squawked as police put a bag over his head    09/09/24  (1)
Can’t believe I’m saying this but Steph Curry is a Top 5 All Time Player    09/09/24  (1)
Question for board libs: Do you want to be face up or down in your mass graves?    09/09/24  (8)
Seriously though, how are we going to fight the ascendant matriarchy?    09/09/24  (69)
They MKUltra'd Bradley Manning into a woman for having the crime of Conscience    09/09/24  (3)
work wife said she loves me    09/09/24  (143)
The Finders    09/09/24  (1)
I fucking hate this faggot country and can't wait to leave    09/09/24  (3)
Once I hit 5mg Ativan I start saying and doing weird shit I don’t remember    09/09/24  (5)
I have a fuckton of Ativan, Ambien, Ativan - how to best utilize?    09/09/24  (4)
Mainlining I love you friend    09/09/24  (20)
I think I found evan39, mainlining, and boom's YouTube channel (link)    09/09/24  (7)
evan39&mainlining! All force fed fraud&masses are allowing it&bitching    09/09/24  (19)
What is wrong with me?    09/09/24  (29)
btw everyone does know that jag tp is indian right    09/09/24  (33)
Kuwait Is Awash in Oil Money. But It Can’t Keep the Power on.    09/09/24  (33)
Nebraska Ranked #23 in AP    09/09/24  (1)
Dying of liver failure. Anyone have questions before I go?    09/09/24  (57)
"Before you click 'poast' ask yourself: Does this add scholarship to the bort?"    09/09/24  (2)
Live every day as if it were your last day on earth. Fantasize about it.    09/09/24  (1)
Grotius was a good writer because he wrote his shit in prison    09/09/24  (14)
One of the best things about Trump is that he is a FULL RED CON in MFH    09/09/24  (3)
are any poasters not actively dying?    09/09/24  (13)
Trumpmos, why are you such warmongers?    09/08/24  (13)
Red lines of the counter-elite    09/08/24  (92)
Your future hapa son spending all day in his dorm playing League of Legends    09/08/24  (7)
High Ashkenazi IQ: Worst all-time owners in NFL, NBA and MLB are Jews    09/08/24  (12)
Why do Trumpmos insist on pretending Elon Musk is an engineer?    09/08/24  (4)
Let’s a have a music thread: what are you listening to these days?    09/08/24  (1)
Trump will only win WV    09/08/24  (3)
Elisabeth Kübler-Ross wrote a good book on how to cope with death    09/08/24  (2)
You know its an election year when "solace and wallace” poasts again    09/08/24  (4)
"Experts" say u need water to live, but have u ever died from not having water?    09/08/24  (4)
This is probably the most cr political cartoon I’ve seen    09/08/24  (4)
Will KAMALA HARRIS win in 2024?    09/08/24  (119)
Will you have you kids do a gap year at a prep school?    09/08/24  (20)
The last 30 minutes of Mullholand Drive are fucking incredible    09/08/24  (5)
Apparently a Pokemon card I have is worth 50 thousand    09/08/24  (13)
What’s a word for being better than 99 percent of people at doing a thing, but    09/08/24  (43)
Audio tape: Nixon demands Kissinger get him memo on Soviet Jews by next AM    09/08/24  (53)
Math genius Georg Cantor switched back and forth between set theory and    09/08/24  (1)
You can go a lot longer without air than the “experts” would like you to b    09/08/24  (5)
I actually ordered poerkan and it does work    09/08/24  (1)
Nobody on their death bed ever wished they had spent less time poasting    09/08/24  (1)
I fear future generations forgetting the horrors of women's suffrage    09/08/24  (1)
Is this map of the Midwest accurate?    09/08/24  (2)
Tim Walz at ur Thanksgiving: 'And then I told Gorbachev, glasnost seems misguide    09/08/24  (1)
Reminder: TO THE HILT    09/08/24  (101)
Tim Walz, as American as a Ural sidecar motorbike on an unpaved urban road    09/08/24  (1)
Walz: like I always say to my players before a game, „Proletarier aller Lände    09/08/24  (1)
Popcorn bucket futures and Pokemon card ETFs    09/08/24  (1)
TSINAH, I smoked a chuck roast today.    09/08/24  (7)
"MAGA is your weird cousin at Thanksgiving" Walz said from Lenin's mausoleum    09/08/24  (3)
You can't "live" in SE Asia as an expat without adopting to local customs    09/08/24  (8)
dammit. found lice in my toupee. that's $1200 down the drain    09/08/24  (21)
unbelievable luck. skunk sprayed my brand new toupee while i was camping    09/08/24  (23)
Small town Hawk Tuah girl launches a podcast, "Talk Tuah."    09/08/24  (39)
ITT some of tsinah's big boy talk reveals something....interesting    09/08/24  (2)
Nate Silver: The mistakes of 2019 could cost Harris the election    09/08/24  (48)
AI video of Dave Matthews band tour bus fecal incident (vid)    09/08/24  (14)
sunday night. tmrw all brewery dads become mere regional reps and sales managers    09/08/24  (6)
Rate this jerb in Indonesia    09/08/24  (1)
🚨 TRUMP +3 IN LATEST POLL!!!! 🚨    09/08/24  (45)
Walz turned poison almost immedidately after being chosen    09/08/24  (67)
Was listening to a faggy indie song that reminded me of college. Wow. I’m gay    09/08/24  (11)
Trump proposes mass importation of Israelis, esepecially "the most jewwy ones"    09/08/24  (1)
Is TBF Sephardic or Ashkenazi? based on phenotype I'd guess Ash    09/08/24  (1)
Shabbos Kestenbaum celebrating Trump’s reelection on November 5th    09/08/24  (6)
Off the top of your head do you know what country exports the most flowers?    09/08/24  (13)
when will autoadmit get a gpt plugin so we can query it for replies    09/08/24  (1)
Crushed up an Ambien and mixed it in with this joint I'm gonna smoke    09/08/24  (1)
MMF threesome basically always means sucking the other guys cock at least once    09/08/24  (2)
donald trump is orange    09/08/24  (4)
Should I move to Fresno    09/08/24  (9)
Harris royally fucking up her campaign    09/08/24  (51)
Karlstack go to Springfield, Ohio now    09/08/24  (26)
Trumpmos spiking the football because polls show election is a toss-up    09/08/24  (10)
Comprehensive Examination of Mainlining (9/8/2024)    09/08/24  (2)
Reminder: .45 is the Lord's caliber.    09/08/24  (11)
closed feedback loop of power:academia->media->pol
   09/08/24  (4)
Please give me show recommendations    09/08/24  (22)
Rate this subjective 9.5 (link)    09/08/24  (3)
meetup at the south raleigh biscuitville    09/08/24  (6)
"what if i wasnt tyreek hill?" lmao    09/08/24  (1)
I just smoked a bunch of 27% thc ganja.    09/08/24  (3)
Disney BENDS THE KNEE, will replace brown Snow White & Dwarves actors w/ CGI.    09/08/24  (9)
indiana is winning the B1G (football)    09/08/24  (1)
Remember when the RIAA was suing college kids for downloading music?    09/08/24  (3)
why is TSINAH so afraid of Black people    09/08/24  (33)
President of Vice Harris    09/08/24  (1)
The average redditor in 2021    09/08/24  (1)
they really turned on Hitler when he killed Freemasons    09/08/24  (3)
I just keep getting gayer and gayer    09/08/24  (16)
Hip Mobility is the single most important thing    09/08/24  (1)
Bros, I’m at an Airbnb that would be 180 if it weren’t for this one thing.    09/08/24  (30)
please kill me    09/08/24  (1)
It seems like Zero people want a continuation of neoliberal FFA lootfest    09/08/24  (2)
Karma Breakfast Starting Next Week (CSLG)    09/08/24  (82)
RSF in yarmulke next to Jewish mom in temple: "You are mistaking key details"    09/08/24  (4)
as a teen we had a 45yo maid that I started groping and borderline raping    09/08/24  (228)
Would you accept a free Cyber Truck if you HAD to drive it to work?    09/08/24  (8)
Trump's Height Explained    09/08/24  (2)
Nigga makes beautiful fish pond in Bed-Stuy puddle, Jew steals all the fish    09/08/24  (27)
TBF: Prediction time, will Trump win?    09/08/24  (2)
The covid vaccine liquified my eyeballs    09/08/24  (4)
rate this prole ER nurse who keeps texting me (pic)    09/08/24  (174)
*XO poster tosses and turns as the Kars for Kids theme plays in minor key*    09/08/24  (27)
Where to live in NYC on $90k    09/08/24  (36)
funniest part is that refusing to allow kamala to take qs is the RIGHT CALL    09/08/24  (1)
BIG LOU IS LIKE YOU. HE….    09/08/24  (4)
Gonna be a lib-free day on XO today    09/08/24  (12)
2005: luis types "snow patrol" into LimeWire    09/08/24  (13)
Golf bros: I'm a hack    09/08/24  (67)
Karlstack go to Breezewood, Pennsylvania now    09/08/24  (2)
Anal retentive "tax on life" laws and the war profiteers who require them    09/08/24  (1)
Please give me ammo caliber recommendations    09/08/24  (10)
Karlstack go to Dis, Hell now    09/08/24  (1)
Jesus on the Cross, finally breaking down in agony as He hears KARS4KIDS theme    09/08/24  (1)
movie idea: The Brunchmen: Ancient Rome    09/08/24  (2)
Who would u rather bang: FizzKidd or JizzPigg?    09/08/24  (6)
GaybarBri or They/Themis to prepare for my HIV test? (Peterman)    09/08/24  (1)
AutoAdmit, also known as “XO,” is a complex and enigmatic online community t    09/08/24  (9)
Mike Tirico is a 180 Italian    09/08/24  (16)
Should I open a spa where all I do is moisturize women's breasts?    09/08/24  (1)
Post-Trump American politics is going to be wild    09/08/24  (2)
Just *how* good is Wachtell's work product. Would most of us be blown away?    09/08/24  (161)
Autoadmit is the most prestigious law school discussion board on this page    09/08/24  (1)
DESCRIBE $250K in ancient Rome    09/08/24  (19)
how would a talmudic scholar approach the trolley problem    09/08/24  (9)
AFter 40+ years on this shit Earth just realized I'm a PAJEET    09/08/24  (46)
Kendrick Lamar headlining the Super Bowl seems like a slap in the face to normal    09/08/24  (1)
I am once again asking RSF why he donated the personal max to Biden three times    09/08/24  (20)
TSINAH is a big antisemite but sucks up to RSF. Why? RSF not sharing his JEWGOLD    09/08/24  (1)
does Deshaun Watson’s total collapse vindicate resume gapism?    09/08/24  (1)
*Saul of Tarsus singing 1877CARS4KIDS as he writes up Jesus character*    09/08/24  (119)
Autoadmit is the most prestigious law school discussion board in the world    09/08/24  (1)
"Saint" Paul was a huge fraud.    09/08/24  (5)
Can’t decide to be whitepilled at a Trump win or blackpilled that it’s close    09/08/24  (1)
Anyone else working tomorrow at work    09/08/24  (3)
"speak english or get out!!! zieg heil!"    09/08/24  (3)
Should I buy this fish?    09/08/24  (10)
Can changing thermal paste help the GPU?    09/08/24  (5)

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