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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
ChatGPT o1 qualifies for USAMO. People continue to act like this is normal    09/22/24  (23)
"Who is John Galt?" the GC sociopath wondered in awe    09/22/24  (5)
Hegemon watchu been reading recently?    09/22/24  (17)
www.trumpcoin.com    09/22/24  (4)
The Great Ascent: Disco Fries, Mainlining, Evan39, and Boom Against Teewinot    09/22/24  (37)
I'm voting VoteRepublican in 2024 Megapoaster Madness. Are you?    09/22/24  (4)
where would 150k/year stretch the furthest in a livable part of the US?    09/22/24  (101)
XO sucks now, here's a compilation of great past threads instead    09/22/24  (47)
Tribute:*****IN THIS THREAD: NUDE PICS OF LENA CHEN*****    09/22/24  (23)
Trump to send Haitians back to Venezuela (link)    09/22/24  (7)
Do indian men talk shit to each other about their fugly fat wives?    09/22/24  (2)
holy shit AOC is 34 years old lmao    09/22/24  (8)
Remember when Barney Frank nipped out in blue shirt    09/22/24  (1)
mo$t powerful U.S. citizen?    09/22/24  (5)
Tip: write a new suicide note every night before bed    09/22/24  (4)
Pajeet to AOC: 'Send Bobs' AOC: 'Okay'    09/22/24  (1)
718-662-5970 is AOC's office phone    09/22/24  (6)
Chronological age is flame u can look great..most look terrible right away    09/22/24  (12)
Rate this CSPAN video of AOC nipping out    09/22/24  (13)
POLL: what does AOC do with her pubic hair?    09/22/24  (19)
If Trump loses in November, what will XO's takeaway from the situation be?    09/22/24  (3)
Climbing Teewinot next summer with mainlining and evan39    09/22/24  (14)
remember when AOC *nipped out* in see-through black shirt?    09/22/24  (9)
“I’m a 3 year law student, this isn't something you want to do”    09/22/24  (5)
Jfc these stable diffusion images make AOC's tits look huge    09/22/24  (3)
Can someone give a final TLDR on whether the US National Debt even matters?    09/22/24  (1)
"Glorp glory glorp" went GJR. "Ungh ungh ungh" went Mike Fart.    09/22/24  (3)
3 year old singing "They're eating the cats, they're eating the dogs" (link)    09/22/24  (2)
Study: Just FOUR Nukes timed right could destroy the ENTIRE USA    09/22/24  (38)
onlybansgame.com/play    09/22/24  (1)
what's Lena Chen doing right now?    09/22/24  (54)
This smoking hot 18-y.o. knows exactly what she’s doing    09/22/24  (16)
Brunet-Gravens Syndrome (BGS) typically manifests as severe mental retardation    09/22/24  (42)
Women giggle with these guys many are fat&have big tits(the guys)    09/22/24  (5)
Rate this text a zoomer girl sent me    09/22/24  (44)
OYT is Bald    09/22/24  (6)
Xbox thread    09/22/24  (5)
Korn - Falling Away From Me plays as Ricky copy pastes code from github in Bangk    09/22/24  (1)
Xbox S Discussion    09/22/24  (2)
She’s not going to win. I’ve accepted it.    09/22/24  (50)
Just realized heliocentrism is the dirtiest jewish trick currently going    09/22/24  (16)
Chance WH/Senate/House are all red?    09/22/24  (1)
Is Amsterdam the best city in world for livability with kids?    09/22/24  (3)
Get "married " so some person at anytime can say they "don't like you anymore?    09/22/24  (3)
Golfmos, should I wear a GPS watch on the course?    09/22/24  (6)
Nightmare scenario: Cowgod impersonating yr moniker and saying retarded things    09/22/24  (10)
*** Hiker Is Injured in Bear Attack at Glacier National Park ***    09/22/24  (1)
Exeunt: What does Blackrock do?    09/22/24  (1)
FK: "😤 I am not rearranging my life for a poaster!" *checks MPA txt every 5 s    09/22/24  (4)
Being with a nice smooth twink is more alpha than being with an AZNgirl    09/22/24  (1)
eat the cat, eat eat the cat    09/22/24  (2)
Mohel talks about her poonani smell    09/22/24  (4)
did mandy just nuke TMF?    09/22/24  (2)
Biden HUMILIATES XO GORGEOUS MODI (link)    09/22/24  (18)
Fizz will drive 2 hrs to Colorado for Chad but flight to Boston too far for MPA?    09/22/24  (2)
xo is full of weirdos and losers.    09/22/24  (29)
ITT I post the FB posts of Azn megashrew I've met    09/22/24  (1001)
BMW X3 vs. Audi Q5 vs. Porsche Macan    09/22/24  (18)
12yo you, seeing you now & fighting back tears- "why doesnt he fight back"    09/22/24  (276)
have you ever had gay sex    09/22/24  (13)
Wife doesn’t like me, no spark. Time to move on?    09/22/24  (56)
What is the "Creepiest" U.S. State?    09/22/24  (44)
Who’s excited for the ARIZONA AUDIT RESULTS coming THIS WEEKEND    09/22/24  (77)
Tucker endorses Harris    09/22/24  (3)
ITT: Rate FizzKidd with MPA    09/22/24  (4)
In Canada people still wear flannel like it’s 1993    09/22/24  (2)
Model talks about her poonani smell    09/22/24  (13)
recommend a book stand for handless reading    09/22/24  (19)
I barely get sore when lifting anymore, hegemon explain    09/22/24  (10)
Janet Jackson: “Kamala’s not black. I heard her father was white.”    09/22/24  (9)
MPA I’ll be in Boston in November - will you get dinner with me too?    09/22/24  (4)
This is what all TV network shows are like now (((video)))    09/22/24  (18)
My boyfriend! My husband! Just shut up    09/22/24  (4)
Christiane F @isa2001m on Twitter needs to poast here    09/22/24  (2)
This chick looks like a hot version of The Box tp.    09/22/24  (50)
Eating Zoobooks' ass while Assfaggot fucks me up the rear end    09/22/24  (3)
Repubs should force 25th amendment issue, force Kamala out of the basement    09/22/24  (3)
History of Sega in Canada    09/22/24  (1)
Transgender traffic police get the green light in India’s Telangana state    09/22/24  (7)
Did Idris tp brag about withholding Brady material from defendants?    09/22/24  (4)
Trucking MFEs + proles pls explain benefits of being Teamsters member    09/22/24  (12)
MPA's spooky season ongoing film thread 2024    09/22/24  (23)
I plan to date MPA + fizzkidd to create a love triangle    09/22/24  (8)
FizzKidd tp: rebound azngirl to autistic newly divorced white guy.    09/22/24  (45)
Fun Legal Hypo (From Talmud Law Class) - Order Pickup & Store Didn't Finalize    09/22/24  (31)
I hate everyone here except cucumers & BOM    09/22/24  (6)
XO 2005: DPW Or S&C M&A. XO 2024: UPS Or Non-Teamster Trucking    09/22/24  (2)
BREAKING: Kamala Harris accepts Oct. 23rd debate on CNN    09/22/24  (32)
I'm going to express myself as a ruthless fucker with a kind heart(Boom)    09/22/24  (2)
the purpose of american food is to give u chronic medical conditions    09/22/24  (22)
U needed to me ruthless all along pussified america is a joke    09/22/24  (1)
America has nothing of value to pay these rigged jew "prices"    09/22/24  (1)
It's sick that any retard get paid big bucks now for nothing    09/22/24  (1)
Israel on brink of 'full-scale invasion' of south Lebanon as it warns 'back down    09/22/24  (1)
Rebel News just scrubbed Ian Miles Cheong's author archive, looks like he's out    09/22/24  (2)
bro, twitter is completely off the hook in 2024, beats xo    09/22/24  (50)
FUCK NIGGERS    09/22/24  (3)
Libs are demonic pieces of feces    09/22/24  (5)
These numbers on cheating wives have to be a lie..    09/22/24  (4)
Married doctors can wrote off their dildoes sex toys    09/22/24  (1)
woman with rancid vagina goes on date with man with poopy butthole    09/22/24  (4)
College Hack: Let your child emancipate at the age of 16    09/22/24  (8)
Married doctors can write off all their income    09/22/24  (27)
"40" is nada in "2024" we will be living forever that's like 15/16 in 2000s ljl    09/22/24  (5)
It's all easy everything past high school is much easier flame 🔥 =thoughts?    09/22/24  (3)
RATE Ryle Hale @RyanHaleShorts    09/22/24  (1)
Best whok threads of all time    09/22/24  (4)
violent white apes belong in cages.    09/22/24  (5)
ADVANCED darkness tp    09/22/24  (5)
MPA we need an Official Report on your irl date with FizzKidd    09/22/24  (7)
when is lebanon going to fight back?    09/22/24  (20)
doobs’s water just broke. he’s giving birth in the barn right now.    09/22/24  (1)
What's the point of being cute and pretty without strength, wisdom, power, etc    09/22/24  (7)
Little Caesars doesn’t exist in Canada    09/22/24  (3)
brand new russian ICBM blew up in its silo (link)    09/22/24  (7)
good morning    09/22/24  (2)
*TBF nervously looking at his cell phone*    09/22/24  (5)
Fizzkidd, in industrial strength diapers, driving 125 mph to suburban bost    09/22/24  (4)
Did NATO just nuke Russia?    09/22/24  (35)
lowercase weed moniker tp    09/22/24  (10)
Rate this AZNgirl Mom BERATING her own kids for being ugly 100% AZNS    09/22/24  (36)
Me: Surrounded by Tall and Handsome. FizzKidd: Needs Tall and Handsome. Trade?    09/22/24  (1)
wow!    09/22/24  (4)
There are few things in the world as good as good pussy.    09/22/24  (2)
What was the cause of the 80s epidemic of disappearing dads?    09/22/24  (2)
am i the only one here? where’s the psychiatrist?    09/22/24  (6)
and why is his hot cum dripping out of your butthole..?    09/22/24  (14)
Just took advantage of the $14.88 MyPillow special    09/22/24  (8)
Rate my dinner (hamburger + wine)    09/22/24  (32)
whoa daniel dubois just kod usyk wtf    09/22/24  (17)
Diarrhea    09/22/24  (4)
Video of Russia turtle tank eating mines like Pac-Man dots    09/22/24  (4)
I had a dream MPA did anal to FizzKidd and she said it "didn't count"    09/22/24  (14)
ITT: Predict the outcome of the Israel v. Lebanon conflict    09/22/24  (83)
If Jesus was from Rome they would just call him "Jesus," not "Jesus of Rome"    09/22/24  (2)
going on an apple picking date with a corporate career woman tomorrow (lex)    09/22/24  (57)
evan39: what sort of butt exercises do u do to keep urself in shape for Chad?    09/22/24  (4)
Kamala gave a speech to prison inmates bragging about being a black woman    09/22/24  (11)
the definitive Kamala is an alcoholic thread (link)    09/22/24  (94)
What do we know about Mainlining?    09/22/24  (13)
People of ur ilk are expected to vote Trump, you must do as expected    09/22/24  (1)
Just get the panet fitness black card bros and friends    09/22/24  (1)
My life has went weird..missed out on a lot for no reason    09/22/24  (4)
Trumpmos tears are gonna taste so good Nov 5    09/22/24  (3)
Ohtani is a Hall of Famer    09/22/24  (16)
NYPD shoots and kills african "migrant" for subway fare evasion (video)    09/22/24  (3)
Biden & Modi hugging, holding hands before going into Joe's home to furk    09/22/24  (3)
Seinfeld episode where Jerry's new GF Kamala is a chronic drunk    09/22/24  (1)

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