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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
The EU is the next superpower that will takeover the world    03/20/25  (25)
The collapse of Austin’s real estate market was obvious    03/20/25  (89)
Ricky snapchatted me his McDs order today, need XO to rate    03/20/25  (18)
Adam: "Eve came, badly bleeding from snake, asked me to eat apple. I said no!"    03/20/25  (1)
Antonin "Zappin" Scalia    03/20/25  (9)
🚨Trump deleting Department of Education    03/20/25  (5)
I’m not into Azn girls but goddamn Mook on White Lotus is hot as fuck    03/20/25  (1)
REMINDER: if TBF collects 10,000 shares of TSLA he gets bar license restored    03/20/25  (1)
TBF already clairified that he is Anthony not some woman    03/20/25  (3)
Hegseth is a retard    03/20/25  (5)
Lib state senator from Minnesota arrested for soliciting a minor    03/20/25  (10)
To be fair, the next dreidel I insert has a 6 inch diameter- coos Claire    03/20/25  (3)
Are you for Trump.shuttering the education department?    03/20/25  (5)
12 minute video of Anthony Zappin bitching.    03/20/25  (105)
lol at this article about anthony zappin    03/20/25  (6)
do you think TBf/Anthony Zappin disbarred atty’s kids even talk to him?    03/20/25  (36)
Dem congresswoman boo’d off the stage at Berkeley town hall (video)    03/20/25  (13)
"To be fair, don't you dare try to pull out" Claire whispers in your ear as she    03/20/25  (105)
Teslas are the best electric car and some of the best American cars made    03/20/25  (15)
India is the next superpower that will takeover the world, bump this in 2030    03/20/25  (1)
Cowgod, what is your "EDC" handheld retro Gaming Console?    03/20/25  (4)
"I need comfort from a different Claire" (leaving TBF for Grimes)    03/20/25  (3)
BREAKING: JD Vance dead of blood loss, botch buccal fat removal procedure    03/20/25  (3)
Free NCAA March Madness protip for 2025: 9 seed CREIGHTON (great white hope)    03/20/25  (19)
im having a hard day    03/20/25  (1)
Creighton won    03/20/25  (6)
Wow    03/20/25  (1)
Pitino edges Calipari 80-79    03/20/25  (5)
Every Morning Americans shld get on hands and knees to APOLOGIZE to CHINA    03/20/25  (1)
Should I buy this Knife    03/20/25  (1)
Clemson is fucking embarrassing themselves rn    03/20/25  (4)
'whispering' is an insane concept    03/20/25  (1)
Remember sealclubber likes shiner bock    03/20/25  (11)
How do I tell Father-In-Law that I'm Creampie-ing his daugther?    03/20/25  (10)
“Which firm did you hire for this matter?” “Cocksucker & Cocksucker”    03/20/25  (5)
When is this DOE EO getting signed    03/20/25  (2)
Cucumbers is getting his asshole pounded in a portable toilet rn    03/20/25  (2)
"Even my financed Burrito?" TBF asked the repo men. "Especially your burrito."    03/20/25  (8)
Musky Anal Suction Equipment (MASE)    03/20/25  (8)
Rate this guy Trump sent to an El Salvador dungeon with no due process - link    03/20/25  (6)
Sort of wild we elected a black guy during generational economic crash    03/20/25  (7)
Trump to posthumously pardon Bin Laden, citing ‘shared values’- OAN    03/20/25  (1)
Corn Log Afloat in the Commode, a new photo essay by Cucumbers tp    03/20/25  (7)
Holy shit no one watches War Room with Owen Shroyer    03/20/25  (1)
Fucking bumb I'm still trying to help says "I know" to everything(Boom)    03/20/25  (2)
Daily Show audience cheer as footage of Tesla bombings is aired (link)    03/20/25  (10)
JFC san diego has Tijuana sewage in its beach now    03/20/25  (12)
Fuck "Gabby Petito" just another dead whore fraud    03/20/25  (19)
Nothings actually changed at all in america and you know this    03/20/25  (3)
Nick Rowley podcast on the Starbucks Verdict    03/20/25  (2)
I thought astronauts were typically young and healthy?    03/20/25  (16)
hopefully there won't be any black people there    03/20/25  (1)
9th Circuit judge posts *video* dissent on youtube - link    03/20/25  (6)
I have financed a burrito with a 4 month payment plan using the Chipotle app    03/20/25  (113)
Nothings changed..just twisted.. midriffs have been back from 90s/00s    03/20/25  (1)
"Your bracket is perfect so far"    03/20/25  (4)
how much would someone have to pay you to stand outside of madison square garden    03/20/25  (11)
if you get a perfect bracket ill give you a million dollars, warren buffet snick    03/20/25  (1)
ITT describe the Texas pussy/dating scene    03/20/25  (6)
Trump is doing or trying to do stuff XO wanted for years    03/20/25  (1)
Drop-Off Due Diligence -- a short story by Scrivener's Error    03/20/25  (15)
MARCH MADNESS THREAD    03/20/25  (22)
EPAH do you think you make more than Theodore Boutrous?    03/20/25  (19)
NYT: We were gravely mislead about the second Death Star's operationality    03/20/25  (2)
Nick Mullen dodging GJR DMs like Neo dodging bullets    03/20/25  (17)
GJR DMing Felix Biederman: “So sorry about Matt, HMU if you wanna talk    03/20/25  (4)
GJR DMing the anti semitic Mickey Mouse from that Hamas show    03/20/25  (3)
GJR DMing the trolley from the trolley problem    03/20/25  (6)
GJR DMing the sloped roof    03/20/25  (3)
ITT describe the Xoxo pussy/dating scene    03/20/25  (2)
Why did the FBI classify Sandy Hook but not Columbine?    03/20/25  (1)
Texas has doubled in population in my lifetime. It hasn’t been good.    03/20/25  (49)
DoorDash now allows you to take loan to order food from them. 1808000    03/20/25  (41)
Steve Bannon: We are working on electing Trump again in 2028 (link, not flame)    03/20/25  (33)
Have been on one hour telephone conference with birdbrains who can't prioritize    03/20/25  (1)
List your favorite Diaper ITT! NORTHSHORE MEGAMAX are 180 molicare crinklz    03/20/25  (1)
Alex Jones is in Chapter 7 bankruptcy    03/20/25  (45)
vibe coder tp    03/20/25  (20)
Tesla recalls ALL cybertrucks from 2023-Present. LMFAO.    03/20/25  (5)
extreme weed addiction leading to radical self-enlightenment    03/20/25  (4)
black samurai nationalism    03/20/25  (1)
Gay creampie porn for you    03/20/25  (5)
Clicked on gay porn immediately felt violently ill(Boom)    03/20/25  (11)
China tells Trudeau to fuck off; executes (to death) 4 canucks (BBC)    03/20/25  (13)
TT Rank your top 3 favorite Asian dishes    03/20/25  (12)
the financialization of your future wife's cooter    03/20/25  (3)
Musk’s X obtains $44bn valuation in sharp turnaround    03/20/25  (39)
Driving back in scalding agony from the Starbucks    03/20/25  (3)
graham hancock show is hilarious    03/20/25  (21)
Sale of infowars is going back to the show trial state court judge    03/20/25  (1)
Driving back on fire from the Tesla dealership    03/20/25  (2)
Lol at the Omaha basketball team making the tourney&not the huskers    03/20/25  (14)
867-5309 ljl    03/20/25  (9)
I'm the Badboy of the Boardroom    03/20/25  (1)
I feel like being a “millionaire” is nbd these days    03/20/25  (8)
Girl asked if I was "Kalkbrenner" and said "Then don't fucking talk to me"    03/20/25  (1)
Ukraine increasing drone production from 1.5 million to 4.5 million a year -link    03/20/25  (1)
🚨🚨🚨Trump says Biden's pardons are NULL AND VOID 🚨🚨🚨 (link)    03/20/25  (123)
2026: Blacks putting rims on used Teslas they bought at firesale prices    03/20/25  (8)
Report: Tesla resale market has been destroyed    03/20/25  (1)
RSF + Eurofags: Question about an itinerary    03/20/25  (13)
Subprime Burrito Backed Securities    03/20/25  (1)
Lifehack for avoiding divorcerape: Keep net worth & income at $0 at all times    03/20/25  (17)
what time of day does Search work    03/20/25  (1)
America is a failed state    03/20/25  (14)
*Graham Hancock looking at Taylor Lorenz* But could it be much older?    03/20/25  (6)
NY Times: Trump has the upper hand in fighting woke universities - link    03/20/25  (3)
Where Does CSLG Rank By Annual Income As A Cali Shit Lawyer?    03/20/25  (36)
ITT: We track vandalized Tesla cars, dealerships, and charging infrastructure    03/20/25  (414)
New poaster here. First day.    03/20/25  (2)
Scientists trapped in Antarctica. Black guy scientist rapes all the women.    03/20/25  (17)
xoxo becomes a boom focused web board after 9pm PT nightly    03/20/25  (27)
Image if joe rogan was 20% smarter    03/20/25  (5)
Rate this skanky kike coed who constantly eye fucks you    03/20/25  (14)
Taylor Lorenz giggling as you share an ice cream cone    03/20/25  (2)
why is joe rogan constantly masticating into his microphone    03/20/25  (1)
Every TBF for past 5 mos: “DON’T BE MEAN TO ELON!!!” 😡    03/20/25  (1)
Has JD Vance ever weighed in on his thoughts on Phenotype?    03/20/25  (24)
Max IQ to think TBF isn’t Jewish?    03/20/25  (1)
let a hundred skull shapes bloom, let a thousand phenotypes contend    03/20/25  (10)
Zuckerberg refused to take meetings before noon, even with heads of state    03/20/25  (28)
Asian. Austinite. Hancock groupie. Cat dad.    03/20/25  (1)
*poasts all day about shareblue poasters poasting all day about Elon*    03/20/25  (5)
*graham hancock stroking chin* "Could this horrible Karlstack writing have come    03/20/25  (3)
Hi, this is Graham Hancock. Have you ever wondered if aliens visited ancient civ    03/20/25  (5)
Graham Hancock is the last implicit stand of white identity    03/20/25  (4)
is anyone into corporate governance as a hobby?    03/20/25  (3)
"Lol Musk is poor now," sneered the Jew who is paid $50/day to poast ShareBlue t    03/20/25  (3)
"I'm not throwing all the judges in jail. That's fake news. Only the worst ones"    03/20/25  (2)
The Aeneid is not canon.. just expanded universe bullshit    03/20/25  (37)
xo rick pitino    03/20/25  (16)
dude weed. pyramids. giant cocks leading to pyramid penis heads    03/20/25  (1)
In Dallas next week tp    03/20/25  (1)
Gal Gadot to the gas chamber    03/20/25  (8)
Dan Richards is a poor man's Graham Hancock    03/20/25  (1)
What are all the asian whores from 10 years ago doing for a living now    03/20/25  (21)
graham handcock smokes so much weed he calls it his mistress    03/20/25  (1)
Since Trump is storming into Gov. agencies with armed guards, hard to feel sympa    03/20/25  (1)
Doordash Executive Team: 1 Gorgeous Chink, 2 Turds, 1 Skinny Blond, 1 Birdshit    03/20/25  (1)
"The problem is that Elon is retarded," smugly intoned the ~107 IQ Jewish man.    03/20/25  (4)
lib pumos are going absolutely insane over "Tesla" and Elon Musk    03/20/25  (12)
this episode of retarded pyramid conspiracies is brought to you by betterhelp    03/20/25  (1)
Forced meme (((Gal Gadot))) just pure (((media))) flame    03/20/25  (75)
Den of blackmailers and pedophiles Auto Admit dot com    03/20/25  (1)
anyone who has ever read graham hancock is infinitely retarded    03/20/25  (7)
Nick Rowley closing argument in STARBUCKS trial    03/20/25  (111)
How many rapes have occurred on this "Naked & Afraid" TV show?    03/20/25  (4)
What's the point of any of this?    03/20/25  (2)
I like it when hot guys spit in my mouth    03/20/25  (4)
TT Rank your top 3 favorite Asian dishes    03/20/25  (1)

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