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I feel bad for the good and average Jews just caught in the middle of this

Out-of-control trailer park
if they don't go around yelling jewishly about jewish geopol...
Well-lubricated Primrose Station Sneaky Criminal
middle of what?
khaki becky resort
Palestine-Israel latest round The protesters both here in t...
Out-of-control trailer park
what are you worried about? you seem a bit given in to needl...
khaki becky resort
yeah good points the fact that they can even get a law rush...
Out-of-control trailer park
i will say that the protests i've observed as well as the co...
Out-of-control trailer park
i've also heard the usual bond villain names are bankrolling...
Out-of-control trailer park
this really just raises the question of "which billiona...
khaki becky resort
It struck me last night as I was eating a GMO slopburger lay...
Out-of-control trailer park
*TBF leans into mic*
misanthropic sanctuary
Hey guys, good and average jew here— *briefcase full o...
Sexy Crackhouse Marketing Idea
it is possible to despise both the protestors and netanyahu,...
pink principal's office mad cow disease
yeah my output for the last two years hasn't been all there...
Out-of-control trailer park
Navy set
It only seems to be a recent emerging view to have this idea...
Bronze boyish business firm
the haredi jews seem indifferent to the prospect of being in...
Out-of-control trailer park
it's a good thing that a state called israel exists. it's a ...
Out-of-control trailer park
"It only seems to be a recent emerging view to have thi...
khaki becky resort
christian jews like rsf don't seem so bad
Sapphire old irish cottage

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Date: May 5th, 2024 11:54 PM
Author: Out-of-control trailer park


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Date: May 6th, 2024 1:15 AM
Author: Well-lubricated Primrose Station Sneaky Criminal

if they don't go around yelling jewishly about jewish geopolitical things, are their lives tangibly effected at all?


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Date: May 6th, 2024 1:24 AM
Author: khaki becky resort

middle of what?


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Date: May 6th, 2024 1:33 AM
Author: Out-of-control trailer park

Palestine-Israel latest round

The protesters both here in the States and internationally aren't discerning between Zionists and Jews and the new law cracking down on any sort of criticism of Jews currently going through the legislative process will probably just compound the issue, especially in the long run. It's crazy


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Date: May 6th, 2024 2:07 AM
Author: khaki becky resort

what are you worried about? you seem a bit given in to needless fearmongering

so much of this dialogue and what you see with the campus protests is horribly fake and astroturfed--how many of the people at these protests are actual college students as opposed to "alumni" friends of friends etc.?

and honestly from what I've seen it doesn't seem like any of the events of the past several years or months even really have made most "good and average Jews" scale back on grumbling about Whites or Blacks or whatever group of Amerigoyim that are so troublesome in this shitty country they hate they're trapped in entirely due to the fault of others of course--look no further than the potpourri of pathetically mediocre jews that pollute this dump you're poasting in

what exactly is the fear here? the government is going to make it illegal to to criticize jews or israel...and then what? people will start cutting accountants' heads off? who's going to do it? who or what entity is going to organize whoever is going to do it?


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Date: May 6th, 2024 5:17 AM
Author: Out-of-control trailer park

yeah good points

the fact that they can even get a law rushed through so quickly despite being such a small % of the population is grotesque compared to what every other group went through with the racial turbulence of the last decade

i suppose i don't really care. this world is disgusting and ruled by money and i want less and less to do with any of it each and every day


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Date: May 6th, 2024 7:20 AM
Author: Out-of-control trailer park

i will say that the protests i've observed as well as the coverage i've seen online

the support seems organic and the baseline protester is a student of the college its happening at

what seems to be inorganic are the imams and support staff being shipped in to convert these kids to CIA friendly strains of western influenced liberationist sunni islam (which is not native to palestine. it's the stuff being developed by ivy league-trained CAIR-coached western attaches being sent to palestine by NGOs. from what i understand, palestine used to have its own native islamic traditions but the catch with getting support from other islamic powers was that they let the imams in along with the weaponry and aid, so it's become a polyglot battleground for islamic sects over the decades. with western aid comes CAIRslam)

the state department (progressive, left) aligned league of the CIA seems to have a love affair with this stuff, some kind of frankenstein's monster blend of south american liberation theology sentiments combined with the usual cult-like radicalism politically inclined sunni imams teach


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Date: May 6th, 2024 7:44 AM
Author: Out-of-control trailer park

i've also heard the usual bond villain names are bankrolling this via NGOs & non profits which leads to questions of "why"?

it's possible that this ideological cudgel is being brought home from the "lab" of the middle east and deployed in the domestic culture wars to give the left here some radical backbone now that the causes fashionable amongst millennials and older zoomers (abortion, BLM type stuff) are losing their fanatics. getting students involved in anti-colonial doctrine, something we've seen can easily be aimed at causes involving "climate justice" (formerly reasonable "environmentalism") at a young age and combining that with the fanaticism of certain sunni strains of belief makes for a very effective, radical, and less permeable to argument or appeal type of shock troop for the culture wars here

not good but okay if this is what billionaires want to do with their money then who are we to stop them


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Date: May 6th, 2024 9:19 AM
Author: khaki becky resort

this really just raises the question of "which billionaires" and it's easy to just not care about any of them as this country has been completely hollowed out--who do you pick, really? most of them are foreign to the US anyway and it's a false choice of which already failed multiethnic jew ruled hell you'd rather pick South Africa or an ex-Soviet state? doesn't seem like White people fared well in either of them as they imploded but jews scraped by somehow

there's also just the obvious sentiment of what exactly happens to anyone who isn't jewish that wants to align themselves with either side of this pointless cause--the only thing most White people have to gain from any of this is spite and even then it's been pretty well inculcated that you're innately evil for caring one way or another so why care at all beyond hoping these people tear each other apart.

as for "why"? same narrative control per usual--how can we get these new arrivals (which jews practically own and profit off of at every level) to hate White people more effectively over what a bunch of jews have tried to build for the past several decades. I hope it completely runs out of gas.

there is nothing to gain here politically for the majority of people beyond spite and it seems like the only outcome is going to be more psychopathic jewish control

who exactly do you think is going to be on the bad end of the folyd riot sequel this summer? what was the outcome of the last one? nothing particularly serious beyond a handful of jews shooting each other while fedbot drones recorded the whole thing


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Date: May 6th, 2024 12:17 PM
Author: Out-of-control trailer park

It struck me last night as I was eating a GMO slopburger laying face up on the floor that, having experienced what I've experienced, that there may be no point in caring about any of this stuff

I have basically no sentimental investment in the future at all and I don't think that's an uncommon perspective these days


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Date: May 6th, 2024 1:31 AM
Author: misanthropic sanctuary

*TBF leans into mic*


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Date: May 6th, 2024 4:09 AM
Author: Sexy Crackhouse Marketing Idea

Hey guys, good and average jew here— *briefcase full of baby blood falls open*


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Date: May 6th, 2024 5:52 AM
Author: pink principal's office mad cow disease

it is possible to despise both the protestors and netanyahu, as both hate America


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Date: May 6th, 2024 6:04 AM
Author: Out-of-control trailer park


my output for the last two years hasn't been all there

i don't blame any of these kids for stomping on the flag or saying death to america in their 20s or whatever, it's not good as someone who remembers what this country was like before it was what it is now, their best years were

largely lost to a cough and insane government over-reach following it, we've all been sold a false bill of goods on what this country historically was and should be (an innovative, loosely governed place not afraid to experiment with ideas and structures to produce the best outcomes for its citizens) vs what it is (cubicle wage slavery and spiritual humiliation in ba'alite status games in various soulless concrete jungles until an ignominious death approaches you) so i don't condemn them either. it's bizarre that the frustrations come out in some 3rd world proxy fight but okay, the FBI/IRS/billionaire secret police (probably just the FBI again) will wreck your shit here if you try to save old pops (Riverside edition) from the willy loman life of iniquity he took upon himself to pay for your indoctrination business struggle sessions by calling for things that sound very scary but actually aren't at all like worker solidarity and community action


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Date: May 6th, 2024 6:41 AM
Author: Navy set


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Date: May 6th, 2024 5:58 AM
Author: Bronze boyish business firm

It only seems to be a recent emerging view to have this idea that Israel and Jews aren’t essentially synonymous. Where are all the Jews that are anti Israel? There may be a lot that criticize it but at the end of the day they’re pro Israel. The idea that “Zionism” is somehow some extreme subset and that extreme subset just happens to govern the country that Jews founded is a little ridiculous.


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Date: May 6th, 2024 6:09 AM
Author: Out-of-control trailer park

the haredi jews seem indifferent to the prospect of being in their homes in a state called israel vs some sort of UN administered DMZ

lots of left leaning jews in the states also don't support israel at all, and more so after the actions of this recent government

it's worth noting that the whole "birthright" propaganda expedition is effectively designed to turn jews in the diaspora into both patriots for israel as well as zionists, and many yeshivas in the states and europe both trend towards curriculum that supports zionist and more right wing interpretations of what israel should be. complain about "critical theory" or whatever but you really don't see what kind of effect this sort of propaganda has on average people subjected to it without the toolset that these schools of thought provide. a lot of the postmodern work in the humanities coming from the left that is so popular and easy to deride these days, because it is often put towards ridiculous aims, is basically a toolset oriented around removing the verbal and spiritual effluvium inherent to the changes in society brought about by the industrial revolution/the war eras/post-war reconstruction. it asks you to see the cage, and gives you ways to deconstruct it around you.

i would personally support a state called israel administered by a proportional pop % of jews if zionists didn't use the state called israel to coerce the diaspora into running ops for it at the expense of the countries they are citizens of, as well as using it as a false-flag-loving cudgel against its neighbors


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Date: May 6th, 2024 6:48 AM
Author: Out-of-control trailer park

it's a good thing that a state called israel exists. it's a bad thing that the government of a state called israel coerces jews across the globe into supporting their interests over their home countries'. it's a good thing that jews have a voice at the UN. it's a bad thing if that voice, advocating solely for jewish interests, is coming from countries that are not israel.

it's a good thing if jews feel safe in the US. it's a bad thing if that safety comes at the expense of the domestic native population's long standing and natural-born rights and traditionally expected relationship with their government. it's a good thing if jews have a voice in congress. it's a bad thing, and in the long run i'd argue for them as well, if that voice is so wildly disproportionate to their % of the population, even with some adjustment for wealth. personally i find it easy to criticize jews because it makes people take a look at how lobbying and influence buying and peddling in this country actually works under the hood, and jews are usually gracious enough to bear it with the usual level of clownishness, artful speech, and self-aware satire that i historically have thrown in for mirth and textual richness


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Date: May 6th, 2024 8:50 AM
Author: khaki becky resort

"It only seems to be a recent emerging view to have this idea that Israel and Jews aren’t essentially synonymous."

lol come on there is absolutely nothing new here


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Date: May 6th, 2024 7:32 AM
Author: Sapphire old irish cottage

christian jews like rsf don't seem so bad
